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Dear God, I come to You in total expectation of the best. I believe in miracles because I believe in You. I cooperate with You by holding in my human mind the very best outcome. I do not come to You in desperation, but in gratitude and excitement of the result given to me ahead of any need. I live my days in prayer and my days bless me. I go to You first each day to prepare my human mind for the blessed life. I live my moments, day by day, in positive expectation and overflowing gratitude as I witness and take part in the miraculous results. I believe that spiritual power is the most important activity that I can take part in. I give myself to it, and it gives its power to me. I am grateful and thankful for every moment spent in sacred prayer. In Jesus Christ's name ... Amen
I never knew a night so black Light failed to follow on its track. I never knew a storm so gray It failed to have its clearing day. I never knew such bleak despair That there was not a rift, somewhere. I never knew an hour so drear Love could not fill it full of cheer! John Kendrick Bangs (found in A Treasury of Joy and Enthusiasm) Don't count how many years you've spent, Just count the good you've done; The times you've lent a helping hand, The friends that you have won. Count your deeds of kindness, The smiles, not the tears; Count all the pleasures that you've had, But never count the years! (from a book dated: 1871)
QUOTES - Christopher Ian Chenoweth
"We may be down, but were not out. We anchor ourselves to positive thinking and soon find and prove in our lives continuously that this is not wasted effort, but quite miraculous in its results." "Whether you remember it or not, you remain that spiritual child of God, that essence, that spirit that has not been touched by the drama of your outside life." "The spiritual journey is like an upward spiral. we all know that our advances do not shoot up straight like a rocket, but rather slowly spirals upward. we may face something again but we will not face it exactly the same way, for we have been lifted up in our perception and are viewing it from a higher vantage point."
Dear God, I turn to You now with my whole mind, and I ask for a total, complete cleansing. I ask that all negative thoughts dissipate like a mist or fog, I pray that negative thoughts will dissipate, under the heat of Your light and be no more. I call forth Your thoughts. I call forth a new reservoir and an investment of Your power within me. In this moment, the action is taking place inside of me. I am created anew in You, God. If an old negative memory should ever come up, dear God, with Your help, I will receive the blessing of light. I will have better dreams at night. I will have a wonderful power during the day that gives me a foundation for my faith-filled life to rest on. My positive thoughts have 1,000 times more power. Every thought in me is a thought of You. May my mind be a reservoir of Your Divine ideas that hold to the truth about me. Thank You God, for Your ever abiding presence in my life. In Jesus Christ's name I pray, Amen
Today, I am walking in the light of God's goodness. In my mind's eye, I see myself as walking along the path of continuous good. I see my life as taking a straight and true course, one blessed by the continuous good of God. I see myself, and all who share my life, as walking together in harmony. I am working in the light of the goodness of God. I see myself as accomplishing with speed and spring of spirit doing the good work that is mine to do this day. Whatever the task, I see it as an opportunity. I see the light of God's good shining in and through me, and within all that I work with, making the time that we spend together a time of wondrous good. I see good in all my co-workers and in my company. I am filled with new understanding and satisfaction. Today I choose to live in the light of God's good. What a wonderfully glorious revelation it is to know that the good of God is an eternal part of me. I am never in darkness; always I am one with good. I am one with good that never diminishes. I decree in the name of Jesus Christ my pronouncement of my life as good. I am walking, working, living in the continuous good of God. Thank You, God! Amen
Dear God, I pray that You will open my eyes. I pray that I will see the beauty. I pray that I will see the silver lining in every cloud. I pray that I will see the good in every appearance. I pray that I will not be blinded by problems and seemingly negative conditions. I pray that my vision will be opened, expanded and broadened. I pray that I see the good - and dwell on it. In Jesus Christ's name ... Amen
Dear God, I pray today that You will help empower my perception so that I no longer focus on the faults and shortcomings in others. Help me, God, to see others the way that You view others -- looking for and finding the best in everyone. I ask for this perspective today, tomorrow, and for the future of my blessed life. In Jesus Christ's name ... Amen
Dear God, help me organize my thinking and maintain a positive optimistic outlook. Thought by thought, action by action, God, establish Divine order in everything that concerns me. As I put things into proper perspective, I realize the importance of my positive thoughts and feelings in bringing Divine order to the forefront of my life. I know that I am in Divine order and that all things are working for good. Thank You, God! Amen
I am patient. I never doubt because I know in partnership with God that my good is on its way. I remain positive. I place my faith in the one true source of all - God. I know that God provides for my every need. In the face of delays, I am patient and trusting. In the face of change, I am poised and serene. I know that all things coming into my life are working together for good. Poised, patient, positive. My life is blessed. I meet each day more convinced than ever that God is with me and with those for whom I pray to guide, heal, and prosper. Through the power of the spoken word I decree: God is bringing only good into my life and circumstances. I am poised, patient, and positive. And so it is. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, I live by faith in myself, in others, and in my life I hold hope in myself, and others, and in my life. I express love to myself, to others, and to my life. I do not just study spirituality, I live it. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Good morning God! I am glad to be alive! I welcome this new day and all the good it holds. I know that You are with me in this day, and that Your love accompanies me wherever I may go. Because You are with me in all things, this will be a day to remember, to enjoy and a day to happily bask in. I place all my plans for this day in Your loving care, knowing that all things will go smoothly and well. I will feel Your loving presence with me. Because You are with me this day, this will be a day of Divine order. You bring happy experiences of blessed fulfillment to all my relationships this day. This will be a day when harmony prevails, when peace is felt by me and by those around me. This will be a day when I know that Your loving protection is with me, and with my family and my friends, guiding us and making our way safe. Thank You, God, for this day. I will make it Your day. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
I believe that nothing is impossible to me. I love life. I appreciate life. I am enthusiastic about life. I am thankful for life. Every phase of my life is fascinating and interesting to me. Every day brings new ideas, new discoveries, new revelations, and new involvements. There is no part of my life without purpose, and without meaning. Occasions for service, for self-expression, for happiness, and for joy are unlimited to me. Everyday is a new opportunity to express more of life in a multitude of ways. I have mountain moving faith in God. I can be active; I can be quiet; I can be effervescent; I can be still. I can work; I can play; I can reflect; and I can contemplate. I can enjoy the beauty around me. I can live in the now. I can express gratitude and know the joy of a grateful heart. I can live life abundantly; I have a mountain moving power that loves life and appreciates life. My mountain moving life is of God; my life is wonderful. Nothing is impossible to God, and therefore NOTHING is impossible to me. IT IS SO! In Jesus Christ's name ... Amen
Helen Steiner Rice There are always two sides, the GOOD and the BAD, The DARK and the LIGHT, the SAD and the GLAD - But in looking back over the GOOD and the BAD We're aware of the number of GOOD THINGS we've had - And in counting our blessings we find when we're through We've no reason at all to complain or be blue - So thank God for GOOD things He has already done; And be grateful to Him For the battles you've won, And know that the same God Who helped you before Is ready and willing To help you once more - Then with faith in your heart reach out for God's Hand And accept what He sends, Though you can't understand - For OUR FATHER in heaven Always knows what is best, And if you trust in His wisdom your life will be blest, For always remember That whatever betides you, You are never alone For God is beside you.
Prayer for a New Personal World
Dear God, I want to welcome a new world into my life. I choose to be a living, breathing participant in life. Each day I pray that I will learn. Even when the lessons may seem hard, I pray that I am growing in the strength of spirit each day, always seeking Your guidance. I allow Divine wisdom to guide me so that I may become wiser. I pray that I am God inspired and divine inspiration encourages me to think thoughts, speak words, and take actions that are in line with the very quality of life You created me to express. In Jesus Christ's name... Amen
Prayer for the Best Day of Your Life
As you view this day, within your mind, you think of it as a mental garden. As you pray, you are infilled with thoughts from God. In your mental garden, you are weeding out those old human thoughts inside of you that would produce worry, fear, or limitation. Deeply, consciously, with feeling, you commune with God. You allow the planting of the eternal ideas of life - intelligence, God's law, and love. This day, you agree to be in the Mind of the eternal God. You decree that this day shall be the best day of your life thus far. In the silence of prayer. . . This is a day when you are not living alone in human mind. This is a day when you allow your thoughts to become the thoughts of God. This is the day when you allow Divine ideas to become yours. This is a day which is filled with ideas of prosperity and success. This is a day filled with thoughts of vitality, health, holiness, and happiness. You rely on God's supply. There is an endless supply available to you. You tap into it right now. God's abundance is everywhere present. As you sit in prayer, all tension and worry are being transmuted. There is a joy of the harvest inside of you. You realize that this moment is the beginning of something you are building in spiritual consciousness; it is the beginning of the greatest day you have ever had. In the silence of prayer. . . You see, right now, that each moment is wonderful. Each moment is filled with well-being. The living, breathing energies of life fill this day with beauty and health. Your human eyes reflect that which you hold in prayer. You see good, richness, and unlimited supply everywhere. You are included in all that God has, and all God has is yours for the asking. Unlimited supply, unlimited health, unlimited love, and unlimited talents are yours every moment of this day. You demonstrate this because you consent with your human mind to the instant and constant overflowing of God's love. Through the power of the spoken word in prayer, I decree for you: "There is no lack or limitation in this day. You refuse to believe in lack or limitation in any area of your life because you are a child of God." Hold to this truth now in the silence of prayer. . . For perhaps the first time, you accept what it means to totally trust in God's supply and rely upon God. You practice this thinking now. It is the Truth about you and the Truth of life. You hold to this, and nothing else, in your thinking. God does not limit you, and you do not limit God. The health, vitality, prosperity and good feelings you are experiencing are perpetual. No longer do you hold the belief that this is temporal. No longer do you accept in mind any sense of human limitation. This is perpetual inside of you. It cannot be taken from you. This is something you hold and have always. You are forever established in God, and God is forever established in you. This day, dear God, we are here in spiritual consciousness to say with our human mind that we forever break the bonds of limitation for all time. We will no longer accept limitation in thinking for any area of our lives. We ask that our cup runneth over, morning, noon, night, awake, asleep, at work, at play, at home, or away from home. We ask that we will always feel that steady, unbroken, perpetual, ceaseless stream of supply. Rest in the silence of prayer and accept this with total belief . . . We bless God by giving ourselves, totally, to God. We praise God by allowing the worship to happen in the true temple of God--our human bodies. We thank God by living our lives after the fashion and manner and likeness of our Creator. In Jesus Christ's name . . . Amen.
"In Christ shall all be made alive." First Corinthians 15:22 If there is one thing that I'm known for it is my enthusiasm. I wasn't always an enthusiastic person. It is a trait that I have worked hard to cultivate. It has brought me more happiness than any other single thing that I have done. No one wants to feel dull or lethargic. Enthusiasm is contagious. If you had to choose a person to join you in your work or leisure time, you would look for a person who is enthusiastic about life and living. Below you will find the enthusiasm prayer. As you affirm it aloud you will feel a new aliveness. Speaking such words is like turning the ignition key of your car and feeling the motor activated. Such words, spoken in faith, provide you with new energy and move you into constructive action. Let the realization of this prayer fill your mind and you will be conscious of the new surge of enthusiasm and energy. You may not be feeling enthusiastic in the present moment. When I do not feel enthusiastic, I generate up. Turn your thoughts to joy and enthusiasm and think of yourself as enthusiastic and as a radiating center of the enthusiasm to your world. Your outlook cannot help but brighten. You have God's joy and enthusiasm in your heart. These qualities are as much a part of your makeup as God's life, light, and peace. As God's beloved child, you can be filled with joy and enthusiasm despite conditions in the outer. You can have both joy and enthusiasm because they go hand in hand; when you have the one, you usually have the other. As you stare up your enthusiasm for life and living, your capacity for joy is also stirred up. Today you decide to bring God's joy and enthusiasm into your every activity, and you know that such an attitude blesses you and everyone that makes up your world. Positive Daily Affirmation (Say aloud): I decree in the name of Jesus Christ that I am alive, alert, awake, joyous and enthusiastic about life. I am enthusiastic about life. I am right now a radiating center of God's joy. My life is blossoming with God's good and I am thrilled to the core of my being with what is happening right now. Positive new energy comes to my body and mind as I focus on my exciting life. Through God's touch and empowerment I generate personal power to appreciate my life and the people in it. I smile because I am smiling within. I laugh because I am laughing within, from the ecstasy of the joyous presence of God. I pray that my enthusiasm about life will be contagious. I pray that I can change a person and his/her sad mood by the energy of my presence. I have an energy that is higher than my own human energy. It uplifts me and it has the power to uplift others. I do not hold my light under a bushel, rather I let it shine, eliminating darkness. Jesus said, "You are the light of the world." I follow Jesus by consenting to become that light consistently in my life through God's empowerment of enthusiasm in me. Today I am enthusiastic about life! In Isaiah 35:10 the Bible states the truth about you, "Everlasting joy shall be upon their heads; they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away."
Let there Be Light
Life is meant to be lived to the fullest. In this present moment, in this present experience of life, God's blessing of good is poured out on to me, in the form of illumination. I am empowered by God to think deeply and to feel intensely, for my mind and heart are filled with a sense of God that opens the door upon the fullness of life. I concentrate, this day, on making every moment of this day a rich, joyous, wonderful moment. I perceive the truth of God's life behind every appearance. I behold God's love within each person. I become aware of God's peace at the center of my being. I feel the love of God being poured out upon me. I know, fully, right now, that I am living in the presence of God. As I receive Divine ideas, light shines in my mind and in my heart. Light shines upon my path, ahead. I have evidence that I'm one with God and all is well. Dear God, I give thanks that I awaken to a realization of Your light forever shining within me and through me. I realize that, as Your offspring, I have Your nature within me. I know that You are light and that in You, I have light, understanding, clear vision, and insight. As I pray: "Let there be light," I am illumined. All I need to know is made clear to me. Thank you, God, for Your light shining through me. AFFIRMATIONS
Only one prayer is shown per page.God fills my mind with positive thoughts. My soul thrills to the glad knowledge that all is well, and I am at peace in mind and body. My eyes are empowered with God-given vision to see the good. Through God's help I am able to focus on and see the good in my life. I place my positive faith in good outcomes, knowing that You bring good to every situation You are in. I am anchored to the positive in life. Something good will happen to me today. With God's help, I can organize my thoughts and keep a positive outlook. I can see things in their true perspective. I say yes to God and to God's good now prepared for me. The positive power of the Christ mind thinks through me. I am a child of God, Who created all life and called it good. Free from yesterday's hindrances I am inspired and uplifted. I welcome change, knowing that it is the groundwork for growth and spiritual development. I take control of every situation by holding tight to positive expectation. Click on the NEXT PRAYER button for another selection To Print - Right-click on your mouse, and select "Print.", press Ctrl-P. Or use your browser's Print function. Presented by the PositiveChristianity.org web site. |
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