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Psalm 100:1 "Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all you lands." In the silence of prayer, we go to God to experience more joy, daily, in our lives this year. God's Truth is here; love is here; God is here; and joy is here in our life this year.. In the silence of prayer, we have the opportunity to experience the joy of being alive. Dear God, we open ourselves this year to experience the joy of being alive. This wonderful gift You have placed within our hearts, our minds, and our spirits is the joy of being alive. We cannot ask for more than that. We cannot ask for more than joy. And it is a gift You have already given us. Within us is the joy of being alive. In the silence of prayer, accept the joy of the Christ . . . . In the silence of prayer... This year, we are willing to open our hearts and minds, to take off the shackles and the fetters, to free ourselves to experience the joy of being alive. And so, with a sense of expectation, with a feeling of gratitude, perhaps even with awe and wonder, we step into this experience of joy - the joy of being alive. In the silence of prayer we humbly ask for more life this year. . . . (Silence) I am willing to experience the joy of being alive. Dear God, I am willing to accept and embrace the joy of living. I am willing to experience the joy of being alive. That is God's Truth in action, and You have made it so, dear God. We accept it . . . In Jesus Christ's name . . . Amen.
"I keep the Lord always before me; because God is my right hand, I shall not be moved." Psalms 16:8 I would like to share with you the following words which were found in old St. Paul's Church in Baltimore, dated 1692: Desiderata. "Go placidly amid the noise the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. "Speak your truth quietly and clearly, and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they, too, have their story. "Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. "Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career; however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. "Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism. "Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass. "Take kindly to counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. "Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars, ......YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO BE HERE. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding just as it should. "Therefore, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive God to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace with your soul. "With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy." Let us rest, reflect, in the silence of prayer...... In the name of Jesus Christ......Amen
Proverbs 4:12 the Bible says, "Your step will not be hampered." In the silence of prayer, God is here. . . (Silence) Right here, right now, right where you are, God is here. That is the Truth of God's ever-abiding presence. Wherever you are, whatever the circumstances, God is here. There is nowhere you can go, nothing you can do, where God is not there by your side. Rest in the silence of prayer... Relax now, totally and completely. Release everything into God's perfect care and keeping. God is here. Let us begin by saying to God: "Take my life and let it be consecrated Lord, to Thee." Say this aloud with me in prayer, "Take my life and let it be consecrated Lord, to Thee." Rest in the silence of prayer... Let the Spirit of God move freely through you, your thoughts, your feelings, cleansing and purifying your old angers, your old hurts, your old fears, and your old doubts. Let God move freely, taking it all away, and let go and let God be God in your NEW life. Rest in the silence of prayer... Hold nothing back. Be not afraid, for there is NEW LIFE, new light, new peace, new joy, a new heaven and a new earth awaiting you right now in the silence of your prayer this very moment. Rest in the silence of prayer... As you let go, you are free to be that which you are created to be; free to live the unencumbered life that is yours to live. Feel the freedom that spiritually comes from within, that comes from the Christ as you let go and let God be God in and through you, now, and forever more. Rest in the silence of prayer... Dear God, take my life, consecrate it and purify it, to Your will and work. I am ready to live a new life, leaving the old and the past behind, and the old ways that no longer work, or in truth, may not have ever worked. Lead me - I ask that You show me the way. I am ready and willing to follow. And so it is, in the name and nature of Jesus Christ . . . Amen.
"In Thy light do we see the light." Psalm 36:9 This is the time when we experience the presence and the power of God. Meditation is the time when we go in prayer and feel and know that we are one with God, that we always have been and always will be. We have prepared for this time. I would like you to find a comfortable position; maybe put your feet flat on the floor and take anything that might be in your hands and put it aside. Breathe deeply at your own pace, several times. With each inhalation, know that you are drawing in faith, as well as fresh oxygen. With each exhalation, know that you are letting go of tensions, stress, and strain. You breathe in faith and you let go of any thoughts or feelings or frustrations that have made you feel separate from God. Breathe deeply and release slowly and gently. Know with me, silently in prayer: I am relaxed; I am poised; I am at peace; I am one with God; I always have been and always will be. For the next few moments, I stop worrying about what might be and I stop fretting over what has been. In the silence of prayer... I am still, centered in my heart, and there I meet with God. There in the quiet, in the peace and love-filled space of my heart, I remember what my life is about, what my dream is, what my heart-song is. I remember something I may have let go of many years ago, believing it was impractical, or I was incapable of accomplishing it, or that it just would not make any difference to anyone. I surround that dream, that vision, with my belief. In the silence of prayer... God helps you to be capable of accomplishing your dream. Believe that. God is helping me, making me capable of accomplishing my dream. If I give myself over to that dream, totally, if I am clear in what it is that my heart longs to sing, if I am committed, if I cooperate with God and my fellow human beings, it is achievable. This day, dare to believe there is a song in you that will lift you above frustration, feelings of failure, doubt, insecurity, or fear. It will lift you to a new life, greater happiness, fulfillment, peace of mind, prosperity, and health. By going in prayer and finding the song of your heart, giving yourself over to it, and working in partnership with God, you are unstoppable. Dream your dream. Live your life as you have always wanted to, and trust God in the universe to stream into you and provide you with all the resources and energy and wisdom you need to stand tall and to proudly sing your song. You can do it. It is the truth about you. It is the truth about God with you, right now. Now, gently, peacefully, serenely, draw your attention back to this place and time. Take another deep breath and know that you are prepared for the truth that is your truth, this day, from God. In Jesus Christ's name . . . Amen.
"For we walk by faith, not by sight." 2 Corinthians 5:7 (Softly sing The Lord's Prayer to yourself) Follow with silence for 2 minutes. As we continue in this prayer time, established by the singing of The Lord's Prayer and listening to the beautiful sounds of the silence, we begin to relax and let go. We begin to let our thought flow to the deep and quiet within us. Within us and all about us is a deep abiding silence that is beyond the clamor, beyond the busyness, beyond all those things that are taking place in the outer world. We relax, let go, and attune our thoughts, right here and now, to the deep abiding silence within us. As we move our thought spiritually inward, we tap that deep silence, wherein know we are one with the one Presence and one Power, God; the source of all good, the source of all life, the source of all light, the source of all love. The source of everything we may desire is within us in the silence of our being. In the silence of prayer. . . (1 min.) How wonderful, how marvelous to know that we do not have to seek outside of ourselves, but only tap into that reservoir of all we may desire. Whatever we desire to create in the outer is to be found in abundance within us. We have all the power we will ever need to create our world according to a perfect law. As we hold those thoughts in mind that produce good in our lives, we tap into the power and the presence of God. We are renewed, uplifted, and healed by that Presence and that Power. We feel the goodness of God filling our minds and hearts. No matter what the desire of our heart is to create in mind, body, and life experience, we find that Source of renewal, of healing, of all good with God. In the silence of prayer. . . (1 min.) God is life; the very life of life. That life flows through us when we tap into the pure source of life. We allow that life to renew, rebuild and uplift our body temples. Every cell responds to the movement of life. As we seek it in the silence of prayer, new life is ours. . . (1 min.) The silence is the source of all light. The light of the illumination of God guides and directs our ways, and leads us into those paths that are for our highest good and for the highest good of all people concerned. Surely, God is a lamp unto our feet. That light within us illumines our minds, and fills our minds with wisdom. We know what to do and how to do it. We rejoice that the God of light is deep within us and all around us, working through us to bring about new good in our lives. In the silence of prayer. . . (1 min.) God is love. God is the source of all love. As we let that love, which is God, fill our mind and heart to overflowing, we are established in love. Love renews; love reaches out and touches all in our circle of life. Love harmonizes and brings peace. So we let that love, which is God, express through us, as us. God is peace, the peace that passes all understanding. As we fill our mind and heart with that peace which is God, we let it flow out to all of the communities in our area, to all of the states of these United States, to all areas of the world. We see perfect peace being established in the mind and heart of every person, everywhere. We NOW have peace of mind. We rejoice and give thanks that peace is now established in the silence of prayer. . . (1 min.) Whatever good we desire, God is the answer. And in the silence of prayer, we seek to know God more completely and clearly. We seek it now in the silence, in the silence of prayer. . . (1 min.) We feel the wonder of God's presence within us. We feel the joy of God's presence with us. And we feel the goodness of God all about us. Knowing we have established a greater awareness of that God-presence which renews us always, we now bring our time of prayer and meditation to a close. As in heaven, so in earth, the heaven of our mind is surely filled with the goodness of God, and likewise, shall be the earth of our experience. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . (2 minutes) This we do in the name and through the power of the living, loving presence of God, and Jesus Christ. . . Amen.
"But truly it is the Spirit in a mortal, the breath of the Almighty, that makes for understanding." Job 32:8 Take this thought with you in prayer: "I behold myself wondrously made." I'm going to ask you to speak the word of prayer with me now. As you do, I want you to pay attention to how it feels in your body, your mind, and your spirit to say these true words. "I behold myself wondrously made." Speak the word of prayer with me now aloud... "I behold myself wondrously made." These words fall easily like a soothing ointment. Other parts of you may somewhat reject these words, because if there may be parts of you that you do not behold wondrously made. We use this time of prayer and meditation as a time of releasing, as a time of opening ourselves to the healing activity of God's Holy Spirit. We fill our hearts with this thought from the book of Genesis [Genesis1:26], "Then God said, 'Let us make [humankind] in our image, after our likeness." We remember what God created. Yes, behold yourself wondrously made. Over the course of centuries, the creation that is you, has had many adventures, and learned many things, some of which were not true, picked up many beliefs, some of which have served you well, and some of which have not served you well at all. Feel God Truth come forward within yourself, and the error recede into the background. Behold yourself wondrously made. Feel the glory of God that you are. Feel it as deeply as you can. Yes, I behold myself wondrously made. And now, allow those parts of yourself that receded, those elements of your yourself, of your being, that you find it difficult to behold wondrously made, or even to acknowledge, to come forward into the glory of the awareness of God's wonder that you have created in yourself. Allow those less pleasing parts of you to come into the full light of God's love. Look at them. They are not as horrible as they seem when you have them hidden. They are simply facts. And once we acknowledge a fact, we can then transform the fact, release the negative energy, and replace it with God's energy of good. Look steadfastly, look without fear, look without shame, at those parts of yourself that may have come forward in this time; those parts of yourself that you find difficult to love. Open your arms, open your heart, to accept all of you just as God accepts all of you. Behold yourself wondrously made. The Creator is not done creating you. This is a spiritual moment to follow God. Keep the invitation open to come back into the full awareness of God's love. Give yourself the gift of beholding the you, that God created, wondrously made. We take a time of quiet, now. We go into the deep richness of the silence of prayer... Into the silence of prayer we take all that we are, for God would leave none of it out. God sees all of it wondrously made. Into the rich, welcoming silence, where there is only God. In the silence of prayer ... How beautiful, how wonderful it is, to feel the accepting, welcoming love of God, a love deeper than anything that human words can describe, a love that is constantly, instantly available to us if we will accept it, a love that is available to all of us. Knowing that transformation begins in each heart. Knowing that each moves a little bit closer to accepting the image that God created, toward embodying the image that God created, toward the wholeness that is our nature. I behold myself wondrously made. Yes. This is, perhaps, my greatest way of saying thank You, God; simply to see what God created, accept it, enjoy it, live it. Yes, blessed Presence of God, I accept Your love. I accept Your joy in Your creation . . . me, and I accept Your joy in Your creation of all of Your children everywhere. Yes, I behold Your creation wondrously made. Thank You, God. Thank You, God . . . Amen.
1 John 4:8, "He who does not love does not know God, for God is love." This prayer is a celebration of the love of God. Relax now into the presence of God. On this week celebrating love, I consent to become the manifestation of Christ love as I rest into the loving nature of God. Rest in the silence of prayer... Dear God, create in me this day a desire to mend a quarrel, to seek out a forgotten friend, to dismiss suspicion and replace it with loving trust. Inspire in me this day to write a love letter or share some treasure or give a soft answer instead of a hard response. Help me today to encourage youth to manifest loyalty in word and deed, and to keep promises. Help me to find the time to help another and give the gift of forgiving a grudge. Help me, dear God, to forgive an enemy and help me to listen. Dear God, give me the words to apologize if I am wrong so I can try to understand others. Help me to scoff at envy, to examine my demands on others, and to think first of someone else. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . Help me, dear God, to appreciate everything and everyone around me. Help me to be kind, to be gentle, to laugh a little more. Help me to know that I deserve confidence, that I can take up arms against malice, that I can stop complacency and express our gratitude. Help me to remember to go to You, dear God, in prayer every day so I can have Your Divine love and manifest Your Divine love out of the strength I receive during my prayer time. "Divine love, manifest Thyself in me." Rest in the silence of prayer . . . The true church of Christ is inside of me so that wherever I go I will be God's love in manifestation. I will be kind to strangers and I will gladden the hearts of others. I will gladden the heart of a child. Help me, wherever I go, to show my love, to speak it, and to live it. These are simple things, but as I meditate on them in prayer, I realize that their influence has never fully been measured. Love is a celebration of life. There is no celebration that compares with the realization of its true meaning. There is a sudden stirring in my heart. I extend myself now to the core of life, and I grasp the significance of Divine love. I hear the wild, sweet music of the angel choir. I pray as I realize what is going on inside of myself that I can take action to love my world and everyone in it. Rest in the silence of prayer . . . Divine love, manifest Thyself in me. I dedicate myself, all of myself - my emotions, my attitudes, my speech--to the Spirit of God's love. I want to make a difference. I choose to make a difference in the world because of the life that I have lived. I know that my one life can make a difference in the lives of others. So, I dedicate myself to love this morning. In the love of Jesus Christ I pray. I am so thankful because I am in ACTIVE love with God and with humanity. Thank You, God. I love You . . . Amen.
"Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, who alone does wondrous things." Psalm 72:18 I ask you now to relax and give up all the personal, heavy thoughts, and go within yourself, in prayer, on a quest to find God. The same Christ spirit that was in Jesus is with you and within you. Jesus said that you are a child of God. You find the Christ in your life and within yourself. And during this prayer time, perhaps in one of the periods of the silence, you realize that you are one with living presence of Jesus Christ. In the silence of prayer. . . Your soul now takes deep root in God. You are growing and unfolding, drawing upon the invisible and making God manifest in your life. The power of the Divine presence of God is irresistible in you. Your part is to have faith in God, and to make God's good things manifest in your life and affairs. The Christ Spirit in you is a magnet to attract the Christ love. You are a true follower of Christ Jesus. You find that as you discipline yourself and your thinking to bring it in line with God's Truth, your thoughts are formative. They are like seeds that produce after their kind. In this prayer, you are cooperating with your Maker. You are training yourself to think life-giving, health-producing thoughts. You are in communion with God in prayer. You are praying for wisdom and guidance. You are open and receptive to the leading of Spirit, and it is revealed to you just what steps to take in order to do your part to establish Divine order. Psalms 50:23 says, "To him that ordereth his conversation aright will I shew the salvation of God." [KJV] In the silence of prayer. . . There is no limit to spiritual unfoldment in you. The spirit of God's Truth within your soul is giving you a right understanding of every experience that comes to you. You are calling some of your inactive, unused soul powers into expression during this prayer. You are developing your soul. This is an important step. You are exercising your powers, and how much stronger they spiritually grow. The assurance and satisfaction of knowing that your faith and all the rest of your spiritual faculties are being developed towards the Christ degree of unfoldment comforts you. God has created your earth; God has created you. Instead of your own thoughts, you go to Christ Mind and you receive whatever you need; you heed the instruction. In the silence of prayer. . . Dear God, I thank You that the solution to every problem lays within us and within You, dear God, I find what I have been searching for my whole life long. In Jesus Christ's name, on our quest to that degree of unfoldment, we pray. . . Amen.
"God abides in us, and God's love is perfected in us." 1 John 4:12 This is based, in part, on James Dillet Freeman's writing "Because He Is Love." Let us pray...in awareness and in realization that God's love is with us now. Who of us does not have times when he or she thinks they are not good enough to go to God for help? But God does not help us because God approves or disapproves of what we are doing. God helps us because God is God, because God is life, because God is love. God does not help us because we are good. God helps us because God is good. God does not help us because we deserve help or love us because we deserve love. Do you love only those who have no flaws? And would you think that you can love where God cannot? Love sees things perfect in spite of flaws. We do not have to be perfect to lay hold of love's perfection. God does not answer our prayers to reward us because we have been good, or deny our prayers to punish us because we have been bad. God does not strike a bargain. God does not work for pay. God gives. Accept the gift of God's love in the silence of prayer... Our God does not wait until we give ourselves to God to give the Divine to us. God seeks us even when we flee from God. And where can we flee from God - a God who is everywhere present and at hand? God has us in the Divine heart, whether we have God in our hearts our not. We do not have to be the most willing for God to choose us, or the most capable for God to use us. It is not only good people that God has used to do God's good. It is not only brave people that God has used to win God's victory. It is not only righteous people that God has used to establish right. So, today, in prayer, we hold out our hearts and we pray. God, whatever my heart may have felt, love through it. Divine love, manifest thyself through me. In the silence of prayer and ask for God's love to manifest through you. We hold out our minds and we pray: God, whatever my mind may have thought, think through it. We hold out our hands and we pray: God, whatever my hands may have done, act through them. We know that God does not give God-strength only to the strong, or God wisdom only to the wise, or God joy only to the joyful, or God blessing only to the blessed. God does not help us because of what we are. God helps us because of what God is. God is love. I decree through the power of Jesus Christ that you will have a renewal in many phases of your mind. In this time, I decree that you will view yourself anew; you will start to see and recognize the God qualities that are in you, manifesting through you. You will not deny these through false belief in inferiority. Rather you will carry the strength, the banner of God, high in the way you carry yourself and the way you act, speak, and think. Thank You, dear, wonderful God of love In Jesus Christ's name. . . Amen.
"This is the day which the Lord has made." Psalms 118:24 In the silence of prayer, there is a very special place of stillness, peace, and quiet. It is that place where we can enter in prayer and turn away all the outer distractions of the world. For a moment, for as long a moment as we choose, we can be one with the calm peace of God. We enter that quiet place, that secret place, and we listen. We can hear the words of Jesus Christ saying, "Peace, be still." Jesus spoke to still the tempest at sea; these words are ever being spoken to us, through us, from within us. In the silence of prayer. . . As we have come here in prayer, we may have brought some concerns with us having to do with worldly matters. These are legitimate concerns. But now is the time to set them aside and to allow ourselves to be at one with the presence and the power of God, with us now, as our help in every need. When we do this, when we enter that quiet secret place, we are entering the solution to all of our problems. We are finding that which we need to meet these concerns in our lives. It is in that quiet place that God speaks to us, through us. Very much as the prophet Elijah heard the still small voice in the wilderness, so we, too, in the sometimes wilderness of our lives, will hear that same inner voice saying, "Peace, be still." Then, in various ways, we can hear that inner voice conveying the idea that there is truly nothing to fear. The Bible says, "Fear not, for I am with you." In the silence of prayer. . . When Jesus commissioned His disciples at the end of the gospel of Matthew to go forth and make disciples of all nations, He told them also to remember, "Lo, I am with you always." Jesus is here with us, today. In prayer, we go into that inner, quiet place within us. . . At this time, we let go of all concerns. No matter what is going on in our lives, we know that the solution is already in God. Through Christ, we have the answer to any problem. We have the solution that is required that will ultimately bless us and all persons concerned. As scripture tells us, "Fear not, be still and know that I am God." Friends, now, in a time of quiet, let us listen and hear those words: "Be still and know that I am God." In the silence of prayer . . . And now, because we have allowed ourselves to take these few moments to enter that quiet place, we are better prepared in prayer to think of other people. We take our attention off of ourselves for a moment. If we have come here with concerns about someone else, then we know that this same help applies to them. As they go to God, as they enter that quiet place in prayer, so shall they, too, be totally consciously in contact with God. We do not need to offer a direct answer or solution to their problems. All we need to do is hold them in prayer. See them attaining that blessed peace of mind that we have attained through entering into that quiet place as they turn to God and hear those same words, "Be still and know that I am God." In that stillness of prayer, the answer they seek is forthcoming. So, again, let us take another moment in the quiet in prayer. This time send out our loving thoughts to those special ones, to anyone who might come to mind, and to the whole world, in general. Be still and know that God is blessing you, right now, with the answer for the good you seek. In the quiet of prayer . . . And now, having spoken the word of prayer for these special ones, we can bless them and release them from our thoughts, knowing that God's perfect work is being done in and through them, right now. We know that they carry with them an awareness that there is always that quiet place, in prayer, into which they may enter, where the storms of life are stilled, where there is peace, where there is good, where there is love, where there is God. As we prepare to bring this time of prayer to a close, we bring our conscious attention back to this place and time. As we do so, we speak a word of gratitude to God for all the good we have received, the good that is still yet to manifest in our lives that is prepared for us, in God, and for all the good that is God. We affirm all this to be true. . . In the name and through the power of the living, loving presence of Jesus Christ. . . Amen.
"Thanks be to God for God's inexpressible gift!" 2 Corinthians 9:15 Let us now prepare for our prayer time. As we become still, in prayer, let us consider the ageless wisdom of our Lord's Prayer. We set them to music; we recite them; but today, let us spiritually look behind the words. "Our Father who art in heaven" . . . Take a few moments and let your mind absorb this meaning. Receive an individual realization of what this idea means. Let this become very real to you, but so subjective that it would be nearly impossible to put into words. We are ALL children of an ALL-providing God. Let us hold onto the realization of this meaning - our ALL-provider who art in heaven which is God's kingdom - everywhere present. It is so close, so near. All the good of the kingdom is ours. We are included. Reflect, in the silence of prayer... "Hallowed be Thy name" . . . A name means nature - a symbol that denotes the true nature - the true nature of God. Hallowed means wholeness. Wholeness is God's nature, and we as children of God are of like nature - whole in God. In the silence of prayer. . . "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." God's kingdom through our lives is expressed as power, wisdom, life, love, and substance. Thy will be done, for all this power is ready and is waiting to be expressed by each one of us. On earth as it is in heaven means our physical expression may be as perfect as the spiritual Source. In the silence of prayer. . . "Give us this day our daily bread" . . . All potential is ours as we give thanks for our daily bread. Bread represents supply. We live in the world as connected spiritual beings, and we have supply, both materially and spiritually. In the silence of prayer. . . "Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors." Remember, Jesus was telling His disciples and us how to pray when we go apart alone. This points to the great need for us to forgive ourselves as we forgive others. Forgiveness is the key that unlocks the prison that we have placed ourselves in. We have been both the jailer and the prisoner and it is time to let ourselves out. The consciousness-cleanser is to forgive and release the pain within us with God's help. In the silence of prayer. . . "Leave us not in temptation, but deliver us from evil." Dear Lord, let us not be tempted to respond to things in our lives with anger, resentment, impatience, or fear. Let us be saved from negative wrong responses to life. In the silence of prayer. . . As we hold to these ideas, we do affirm this great benediction: "For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever" . . . This is a great benediction that ever-reminds us that God is the source of ALL good. To God belongs the praise, the honor, and the glory. Now let us take these words into that inner closet, shut the door, and bathe in the meaning . . . In the silence of prayer. . . For this time alone, apart from the temptations of our world, we are indeed grateful, as we pray in the name and through the power of Jesus Christ. . . Amen.
"You are in the Spirit, since the Spirit of God dwells in you." Romans 8:9 As you rest in the presence of God, listen to these words of the Psalmist. "Where can I go from your spirit? Or where can I flee from your presence? If I ascend to heaven, you are there; if I make my bed in Sheol, you are there. If I take the wings of the morning and settle at the farthest limits of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me" [Psalms 139:7-10]. Feel, now, a special leading of the Spirit. These words of the Psalmist express his faith in the guiding, protecting presence of God. They inspire us even more when we realize that the author was writing during a time of conflict and great danger. God is your help. God is your inspiration. Place yourself, your loved ones, and your friends in God's loving care. Entrust the day to God's keeping and acknowledge God's protecting Spirit from this attitude of calm, poise and prayer. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . This spiritual minute you are gaining new strength and power. You are having the realization of the assurance, a conviction, and a realization that you, your life, and all you hold dear are safe and secure in God's loving presence. Realize that you live, move, and have your being in God. This spiritual realization brings you to a sense of peace and security. If you have thoughts of fear or pain this day, realize that you abide eternally in the protecting presence of God. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . Dear God, this minute as never before, I am giving myself to You. I am putting my whole trust in You, not only for myself, but for my loved ones and friends. I know that everyone, including myself, is safe and secure. I know, God, that You are watching over us, shielding us, and guiding us. Fill me now with wisdom to know this, and good judgment to always choose this right and higher way. Fill me with the guidance to bring me safely through every experience. "Whither shall I go from Thy Spirit, or whither shall I flee from Thy Presence." God's presence is instantly available to me right now. The presence of God, Divine intelligence within my mind, gives an instant answer to every thought. Your mind is poised in God. It is established in a citadel of strength against which nothing can prevail. God's promise of protection is standing in you. God is answering your prayer. There is faith and trust inside of you. The eternal God is your dwelling place. Underneath are the everlasting arms. Rest, now, for a moment in the silence and feel the presence of God. . . You feel a sense of peace that comes from power, the power of God everywhere present, within you, blessing you, protecting you, radiating from you to bless and protect others. You are in God's loving care. Your family and your friends are in the same care. You are all safe in God's loving care, and you are blessed and secure. The goodness of God is everywhere present in your life. The love of God comes through you touching everyone in your life. The power of God works through you to produce greatness in your world. The presence of God never leaves you. Wherever you are, God is with you! In this moment, we pray. In this moment, we know. Through the power of Jesus Christ . . . Amen.
In Revelation 3:8 our Bible states, "Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut. This open door is a doorway to a new level of life, a new level of expression." It is in the silence of prayer that we truly can begin to find and thus express the freedom that we desire. Move deep, within prayer, to that spiritual place within you, that knows the truth. An open doorway resides, I invite you, in your imagination, to visualize that doorway. Beyond the doorway is a new spiritual power of freedom, a new broad path to a full life. Rest in the silence of prayer... Somewhere deep within, you know the door to new guidance and inspiration has swung open. It is your open spiritual door to answers from God. Your readiness, your willingness to accept the freedom that lies within this prayer time creates a new level of life and awareness in you. What is it that you choose to express as you walk through that doorway? Ask God for help. Rest in the silence of prayer... I invite you now to take that step over that threshold. The door is not locked and God has opened it fully. Any limitation or bondage you may feel resides only in your own mind and can be overcome. God does not hold this idea about you. In God's reality you are free. You have now walked through the spiritual doorway. You now express new life; Divine life is flowing through you. Every cell of your body responds to that life force, for it knows the truth of your Creator. The cells of your body know that you are whole and perfect in the pattern of the Divine. Your doorway to freedom represents prosperity as God gives you ideas to re-create your life. Spiritual prosperity is the abundance of God that underlies everything. As you walk through that doorway, you are one with God, the co-creator of your future. Rest in the silence of prayer... Your doorway to freedom represents peace of mind. Jesus said, "My peace I give to you." You are free from chaos, disharmony or discord in your life. You now revel in our acceptance of this freedom. Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut. You are free in Christ. You are not bound by anything or anyone or any mistakes of the past. You are free. In Christ, you are a new creature, for with you, is the doorway to your spiritual freedom. Gently and easily, you bring your attention back to this time, taking a deep breath, and allowing yourself to know that you bring that freedom to this moment. For this you are grateful. Thank You, God! In the name and through the power of Jesus Christ . . . Amen
"Call to me and I will answer you." Jeremiah 33:3 One of the greatest privileges we have is to enter into prayer. We do so now. At this sacred time, we come together for a single purpose - united prayer. The prayers that we share reach out to touch people in every corner of our world, for prayer is universal. We join our hearts and minds in the stillness. Let us unite now in praying the beautiful prayer given to us by Jesus Christ: Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed by thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our debts, As we also have forgiven our debtors; And leave us not in temptation, But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, for ever. Amen. The Christ Spirit surrounds us as we move into this holy time of tranquillity. We relax our minds and bodies and turn our thoughts inward to the indwelling peace. A calming peace washes over us, and we feel at one with Christ. As we dwell in the silence of prayer, we remember these comforting words of Jesus Christ: "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you." Rest in the silence of prayer... Our prayer for inner peace is as follows: The Christ is risen with me as peace. Accept that now for yourself in the silence of prayer . . . Centered in peace, we now focus our thoughts on Divine direction. We know that we are never alone as we travel the path of life, for Christ is always with us to guide and direct us. In every situation, Christ is the ray of light that shines brightly, illuminating our way. We walk through life serene and secure, knowing that our paths are bright and our way is clear. How grateful we are for Divine guidance. How certain we are that the way to the perfect plan lies before us. "Make me to know thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths." Our prayer for guidance: The Christ is risen within me as light. My path is clear. Hold that thought and accept it in the silence of prayer . . . Centered in the Christ presence, we gently turn our thoughts to healing. Begin to sense that irrepressible desire for perfect health and wholeness. Our nature is to be strong and well, and as we pray and believe, we feel the healing work taking place within us. We know that even the smallest cell reacts to the Christ presence within. As each atom of our bodies attracts the healing love of God, we are bathed in perfect health, which becomes more and more evident. In our Bible it states: "For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, says the Lord." Our prayer for healing is: The Christ is risen within me as life. I am healed. Accept that in the silence of prayer... Now we consciously open ourselves to the good that awaits us. The universe is filled with abundance of every kind, and it is ours to enjoy. We have faith that Christ is providing for all our needs, and as we realize this, any impression in our mind of lack disappears. As we bask in the light of prosperity, we remember that as children of a loving Provider, we are always cared for in generous ways. As we learn to graciously and wondrously receive, we also learn to give, and we are twice blessed. Our Bible states, "And the Lord will make you abound in prosperity." Our prayer for prosperity is: The Christ is risen within me as love. I give and receive bountifully. Hold that truth as true for you now, in the silence of prayer . . . We now return our attention to the present moment, bringing with us a new perspective of the activity of the Christ on this Easter week. We are filled with thoughts of peace, guidance, health, and prosperity. We go forward from this place to discover our good. The light of God surrounds us; The love of God enfolds us; The power of God protects us; The presence of God watches over us. Wherever we are, God is! In Jesus Christ's name and nature. . . Amen.
"I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonders. I will be glad and exalt in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High." Psalms 9:1,2 In this time of prayer, we focus on God, and allow God to be our God that knows how to care for our every need. Find that comfortable position. Take a deep breath in; release and let go. Let go of the past and anything that would stand in the way of knowing God, God's love we share together, and the peace that passes all understanding. Now allow your human mind to be open. Gently open your heart to God's love. Allow the presence of love to be felt. Relax in the presence of God's love. God is in my holy temple right now, and I rest in the heart of God. I let go in the silence of prayer. . . The past limitations begin to fade away now. I let go of any extraneous thoughts which come. I choose not to judge them or wish they weren't there; I just let them be, I let them pass from my sight. I let go of those I have judged or criticized, and those who have hurt me along the way. I release all of these thoughts - all the judgments, all the unforgiveness, all the "I wish it were different" thoughts into God's loving hands. Now I turn the other cheek in the other direction toward the Presence of God. My time is too precious to dwell on the past. I want to know God and to follow in the Jesus Christ's way by expressing God's love. I am God's beloved child, created in the image and after the likeness of goodness, perfection, joy, and harmony. Although I make many mistakes along the way of life, there is something within me, that reaches out in love toward my own humanity. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . Dear God, I am willing to love the unlovable part of myself - the part that makes mistakes, and the part that struggles and forgets the Truth of God. This is an experience of my own spirituality - to unconditionally love the unlovable. Love within me, the healing power of the Divine, express uniquely through me. This is my purpose in life. As I begin with me, I also find that I reach out so much more easily. Now I am filled with compassion instead of judgment, understanding instead of criticism. Dear God truly we are one. As we walk this loving journey together, I am unfolding in the presence of God - the truth of my being. We reach out to one another, each different and yet with an equal blessing of healing, acceptance, beauty, and joy. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . Thank You, God, for reminding me of who I am, and of why I am here. And thank You for the great love that I am feeling expressing through me. Today we walk into another new dawn, alive with expectation of good, feeling blessed. Thank You, God...In Jesus Christ's name. . .Amen.
"The prayer of faith will save the sick." James 5:15 If you are concerned about someone who is greatly in need of healing, turn your concern into a positive prayer of faith. Whenever you think of the one in need of healing, bless him or her in the thought that God's healing power is mighty in the midst of them. Let us keep faith in God and let us keep faith in the healing life of God that created us in the beginning, and has the power to re-create us in perfection. We see on a daily basis God energizing, renewing, healing, and restoring the cells and atoms that make up the body. A healing work is going on constantly; there is never a time when the power of God is not present to heal. The human body has a marvelous capacity to throw off disease, to heal itself. It has this marvelous capacity because it is never separated from the Creator. You, your loved ones, and your friends were created out of God life. This life is the very substance of the body; healing power is present within them. Each person is a carrier of the cure. Our faith added to your faith brings a positive quality of thought and feeling that trusts, absolutely and completely, in God as the healing power and through humans as God directs. Everything in a sick person responds to the power of faith. God's healing misses nothing. Prayer has a powerful and positive effect on the body. The body of the person that you are praying for feels your words; for your words are words of life and healing, said on a complete foundation of faith in God's ability to heal. A sick person, knowing that positive prayers are being said, often has a revived spirit helping them to establish a strong faith that knows that all things are possible and that they can be healed. POSITIVE HEALING AFFIRMATIONS For Others: God's presence within you is radiant wholeness. Your body and all its faculties express Divine perfection. The equalizing, harmonizing, healing power of the Holy Spirit is now active in you. God's will for you is health and harmony, and you are made whole. You are made in the image and likeness of God. Your body expresses God's perfection in every detail. God in full love, it flows freely through every nerve and cell in your body, cleansing, soothing, strengthening and making you whole - in the name of Jesus Christ. The same Spirit that perform miracles through Jesus Christ is now mightily at work in you and you are healed. God in the midst of you is mighty to heal. You are quickened and strengthened, renewed and made whole.
"I will help you." Isaiah 41:13 I trust You, God. I trust You to take care of me. I trust You to take from my life that which does not belong, and to bring to me that which belongs. I trust You. I am dignified, sophisticated, and poised, because I am relaxed. I am not hyper, tense, or frantic. I am an elegant, serene person. I have a dream and I ask You, God, to give me the gift of the power to see that dream through. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . I do not join another's dream, unless guided by You, dear God - I keep my own dreams. I am a leader because I am God-empowered. They may join me or not, but I do not lose my vision of the dream. I am as I am. I like me as I am. I do not defend myself. I exist and I become love, peace, and high self-esteem. I am a child of God. It does not matter what is happening to me. I maintain my joy. It is not what happens that counts; only my reaction counts. I stay positive and happy. Great good always comes. I am an heir to God's good. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . I march through each day victorious. I am persistent. Each hour, I am aware of my thinking and my feeling. My keen mind and my sensitive feelings keep me close to You, dear God, and filled with love. I am free from judgment. I am free from criticism under the guise of helping to fix. I love, inspire, and encourage. Mine is not to change anyone or anything except myself. I love myself because I love the Creator. I am my own best friend. I love the creation and my dreams. I believe in me because I believe in God. I am consistent in my love and self-acceptance. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . There is a positive sameness about me, a core that never changes - a beautiful disposition, happy, loving, and awake. I am anchored to the positive in life. I never point out mistakes. I encourage and uplift. Everyone loves to be with me because I radiate God's goodness. I live my life with a light touch. I take the drama out. I do not get serious. Dear God, You will work through my lightness, my fun, and my serenity. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . Thank You, God, for peace in every area of my life, and for peace on my quest of the realization of my dreams. In Jesus Christ's name, it IS so. . . Amen.
"The tongue of the wise brings healing." Proverbs 12:18 This ministry is for and about prayer. This ministry is for and about God's love. This ministry is for and about personal power, power in the individual, by empowerment from God. This is an appointed time of prayer that we are sharing together. In this moment we begin a spiritual journey that will lead us into new realms of life. This life journey we are on is a sacred voyage. Let us still our thoughts and open the portholes of our minds and hearts. We are here to praise God and praise the good in our lives. In the calming presence of God, we enter into a time of perfect peace. We drift in a sea of tranquility, knowing that nothing can disturb us, for God is here. We relax and let go. We feel God's love enfolding and uplifting us. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . We dwell in this peaceful, secure presence. Our hearts overflow with the peace and love of God. We find we are content knowing that all is well in our world. Before allowing our thoughts to move on, we pause in the end and give thanks for this serene, peaceful feeling. Praise God for the love that sustains me! My heart is filled with peace. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . Proverbs 4:18 states, "The path of the righteous is like the light of dawn." As our journey continues, we thank God for the light that shines in and through us, to illumine our path. The wisdom and guidance of God lead us in ways of goodness. Our path becomes clear. We move forward with confidence in all that we do. Our thoughts are clear, our actions wise, our judgment right in every situation we encounter. We give praise and thanksgiving for the Divine presence of God that leads us and directs us in perfect ways. Praise God for the light that shines in me! I use good judgment. Praise God with me for the light that shines in us. We use good judgment. In our spiritual travels, we come to a place of wholeness - the realization of the human body as God created it to be. We feel an energizing power, rejuvenating every cell of our minds and bodies. A powerful, healing presence envelops us, and we know in our hearts, our minds, and our bodies that nothing can prevent us from experiencing the healing life of God. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . In this attitude of thanksgiving, we give thanks for miracles of God, we will see miracle upon miracle. God is in this place. God is working in this place. God is working in and through you, to heal you now. Praise God for the life that invigorates you! You experience good health. And now, in the silence of prayer, thank God for what is happening within your mind and body . . . Our spiritual journey has blessed us with peaceful, guiding, healing thoughts that remind us of how prosperous we truly are! We hold thoughts of abundance, and we praise God for the answer to all our needs. Our hearts are filled with thanks for the many gifts God has given us, and we pray expecting continuing prosperity: Praise God for the abundance that fills me! My needs are met. Praise God for the abundance that fills me! My needs are met. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . Our journey has been filled with joy, praise, and satisfaction, and we are ready to face our daily activities with renewed strength and enthusiasm. We praise God for this special spiritual time, and looking forward to future times of prayer and fellowship in complete faith we say thank You, dear God. In Jesus Christ's name we pray . . . Amen.
"Be still, and know that I am God." Psalms 46:10 The greatest gift we can ever give to ourselves is to know, in this moment, that God is with us. We are not alone. We are positive about our lives. We are filled with God's strength and security. Our faith, wisely, is in God. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . God is my steady, eternal resource. My soul is one with the Spirit of God, and this Spirit can't want for anything. There is, no longer, anything in me that feels incomplete, inferior, or insecure. My whole being is satisfied and fulfilled. I know what I want to do and to be. God, with Your help, I have the faith to begin. As I begin, I know that I will not be doing this alone; You will begin with me. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . Dear God, with You, I will have the courage to keep on keeping on, because You will empower me every step of the way, and guide my feet as they take the next step. I trust in You completely, and I know as I trust, my courage strengthens, broadens, and increases. I have courage. I now have the faith to begin and the courage to keep on. Dear God, I have the understanding to know what I desire and work toward: I am ready. You are with me; you are a part of my mind and body. You have given me dreams and have not left me alone with my dreams. You are with me, making me equal to every dream and every situation. God, I thank You for being a part of my life and my future. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . Dear God, You are my strength. No matter what today looks like, I will have the strength to go forward because Your strength is empowering me. Your strength is in my feet, my legs, my hips, my back, my arms, and my hands. Within my mind is the wisdom of God. God's strength is in my emotions. I am happy. Right now, a movement of God is working its way through every atom and cell. Today, I am concentrating, in prayer, on that indefinable feeling of being complete and perfect in our own being. This is not only occurring in the future, but is complete now. I am with the Divine perfection, and whole, right where I am. Through the power of Jesus Christ, I decree that I am in God and God is in me. I am complete. I am whole. Accept this now, in the silence of prayer. . . Yes, God, I am positive about my life. I am filled with strength and security. Yes, God, my faith is in You. In Jesus Christ's name we pray . . . Amen
"Beloved, we are God's children now." 1 John 3:2 In this spiritual place of prayer there is love. In this spiritual place of prayer there is a unity of people in peace and harmony. Dear God, I pray that You will help me to fill my own mind with love, peace, and harmony. I declare, right now, my belief in You and in all others that You have created. Help me, dear God, to make secure this belief in my mind. Make it so much a part of me that I begin to live in my trust. I live it in my daily contact with others. Rest in the silence of prayer . . . Grant that there be given to me - tolerance, understanding and forgiveness. I pray that I am able to love, like at no time before, the children of the Divine Presence everywhere - my brothers and my sisters. I pray that I am never stopped in loving because of any failing I perceive with my human brain. And I pray that I am able to love myself, and not be stopped because of my past failings. I am striving every day to overcome my failings. Dear God, I strive to overcome each through Your love which is perfect. Strengthen, therefore, my belief in You. Strengthen, therefore, my belief in others as I give expression to this belief in these words: I believe in God. I believe in one humanity; every man my brother, every woman my sister. I believe in one common freedom of thought and expression established among all races and nations, and one world of unity and cooperation in one purpose of mutual love and understanding. In this, to this end, I believe all may attain the one great goal in life - universal love, peace and happiness. May we rest this moment in the love of God, in the silence. Rest in the silence of prayer . . . You enter into this day with joy, and enthusiasm for you know God is with you. There is good in everything and you are able to find good in this day. You are part of the upward progressive movement of life. You call forth the best in yourself and others as you are a loving, understanding, and compassionate person. You are capable of carrying on your life. You are capable of rising out of sadness into light, life, and joy. You are light; hold these words deep in your being. You let the light of God radiate through you in the silence of prayer. . . Rest in the silence of prayer . . . Dear God, may we each become an expression of Your love in action. May our words become heavenly inspiration in tone and upliftment. In Jesus Christ's name we pray. . . Amen.
"For you shall go out in joy, and be led forth in peace." Isaiah 55:12 Relax now, totally and completely. Release everything into God's care. God is there. Let us begin this day by saying to God: "Take my life and let it be consecrated Lord, to Thee. Take my all." In the silence of prayer, God is there.... (Silence) Right here, right now, right where you are, God is with you. Wherever you are, whatever the circumstances, God is there. There is nowhere you can go, where God is not. Rest in the silence of prayer ... Say this out loud with me in prayer, "Take my life and let it be consecrated Lord, to Thee. Take my all." Let the Spirit of God move freely through you, your thoughts, your feelings, your angers, your hurts, your fears, and your doubts. Let God move freely, taking it all away, and let go and let God be God in your life. Let God heal you. The warmth of God's joy shines in and through you. You radiate happiness and good cheer wherever you are, wherever you go. No situation or person has the power to take away your joy, or hinder its expression. In God, you have a legacy of joy, for it brightens all your days and lightens all your tasks. The joy you feel comes from the Spirit of God within you. Joy wells up from within, filling your heart with good cheer and flooding your soul with perpetual light. Thank You God, for filling me with the joy in this hour. Thank You for the realization that Your spirit within me is unabated and the eternal source of help. Thank You, God, for showing me ways to let your presence overflow into every area of my life. Rest in the silence of prayer ... Hold nothing back. Be not afraid, for there is new life, new light, new peace, new joy, a new heaven and a new earth awaiting you right now in the silence of your heart and mind. As you let go and let God, you are free to be that which you are created to be; free to live the unencumbered life that is yours to live. Feel the freedom that comes from within, that comes from the Christ as you let go and let God be God in and through you now and forever more. Rest in the silence of prayer ... Dear God, You have my life, it is consecrated to you. You have my faith and total commitment. And so it is, in the name and nature of Jesus Christ . . . Amen.
"But the path of righteousness is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until full day." Proverbs 4:18 Right where you are, the presence of God dwells. Inside of our body, the presence of God is alive. In this moment, we are touching the hem of the spiritual garment. In this moment, our faith meets our healing. And in this moment, God is coming through us in a dynamic way bringing a new degree of health. The words of this prayer time are true for every individual person. The power of God is with you now. The power of God is coming through your human brain, giving you the healthful thoughts to think. There is a release of all the thoughts that have held us down, and trapped us in the bondage of sickness. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . We release thoughts of anger. We release thoughts of disharmony inside of us, and we claim God's peace and Divine Order. We call on God. We consent to this positive power of God to think through us. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . Dear God, I open up my human thinking and allow the perfection of Your purified life to come through. I do not limit myself. I open up new boundaries of my thinking simply by saying, in this moment within myself, "God, I give you my thoughts. I give you the space to think inside of me, and I give You a new perception on my behalf to realize that You are right here in my awareness bringing a new vitality to my daily existence." This is a spiritual moment because, silently and in a still small voice way, there is a power of God flowing in you and through you. The power of God is easing through all thoughts, cleansing all thoughts, dissipating those negative thoughts, which are not like God's ideas of perfection. The power of God's perfection is silently moving inside of you NOW. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . God is spiritually quickening your human brain, not with more motion but with less motion. All of a sudden, inside of you, you are having a birth of a peaceful new perception, of a new way to think about yourself and of profound peace. Every cell of your body temple calmly listens to the still small voice of God in peace. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . How alive you are this moment! Being alive has nothing to do with age or even the current health of your physical body. You are alive because you have God's life of the Creator inside of you, and life is responding to Life. A transfusion of thoughts is occurring and moving inside of your body temple - inside your neck, inside your spinal cord, through your nerves, through your bones; every tissue and atom responds to the perfection of God-thought. There is strength inside of you, strength of God. Inside of your chest, your heart is beating with a power that is beyond its own, beating with the power of God life. Your lungs breathe in the life of God. With every breath your blood is cleansed. With every breath you draw more spiritual power to yourself. And with every breath you are alive in the life of perfection. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . Your body responds with increased alertness. Your body responds inside with a new, dynamic life. Your feeling nature is responding too. In a very quiet way, in an effortless and easy way, you are receiving a new lightness to your thoughts. God is moving in you NOW. You are feeling a tingling in your body temple; a tingling that will carry through this day, a tingling of new life, a tingling of healing power. How great God is! Nothing is impossible to God. Nothing inside of you is impossible - inside of your mind, your body, or your life. The power of God healing is NOW in movement. In the stillness, in the quiet, accept this power now . . . Rest in the silence of prayer. . . You are not cut off. You are connected with God. You are connected with God's love. There is a bridge that can never be broken, a bridge between you and new health from your Creator. Every cell of your body temple is surrounded in this loving presence of God. You have crossed the spiritual bridge. You are aglow in the love of God, and that love of God is aglow inside of you. You and God are one. You and perfection are one. You and the power and the dynamic, invigorating spirit of God, are one. We give thanks, today, because this is now true. In the name and through the power of Jesus Christ . . . Amen.
"And as for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bring forth fruit with patience." Luke 8:15 Let us Pray: The word of God is a word that speaks positively to you. It is a word that allows you to be regenerated, made new, in mind and in body. Galatians 3:27 says, "I put on the Christ." With me, now, I put on these thoughts of Christ mind: I accept the fact that I am a child of God. I am the living offspring of the living love of God. I am love. I am wisdom. Your human mind is connected, fused, with Divine mind. You think with crystal clarity. You think with the foundation of Divine ideas. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . I am in Divine order in mind, body, and all the situations in my life. I decree, in Jesus Christ's name, that there is Divine order in my life. There is an order of thoughts in my mind. There is a Divine order of functioning in my body. There is a natural order, a progression of good, in my life, under the direction of God. Knowing my connection to God, I decree: I am one with the life of God. There is new life in my body temple; new dreams and motivations; new things to get up for in the morning and to keep on going. Blessed by God, I am in full life, and full life is in me. I decree that I am one with the health of God. There is perfect health in every organ of my body temple; God health, regenerated, new, ever-cleansing, ever-fresh lives within me. I am one with the grace of God. The grace of God seems to meet me wherever I go. The love of God is infilling my life and affairs. I am in grace. I attract grace to every circumstance in my life. The grace of God is with me. I am one with the harmony of God. I have peace of mind and well-being. Accept these thoughts now. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . I am one with the peace of God. I am one with faith of God. I am one with the spiritual consciousness of God's inexhaustible riches. I am one with the light of God. I am one with the love of God. The love of God is not something for which I have to struggle. It comes to me and through me automatically. I am empowered because I am empowered by the purified love of God. I decree that any person who comes in contact with me comes in contact with God's love. All nervousness, anger, or hostility are cast out. They are not needed. The love of God has no room for these, and I have no room for these in my spiritual consciousness. I consent NOW to the pure love of God. In my body, I am strength. I feel the renewed power of God as I decree: I am strength. I am freedom. I am power. I accept God's blessings. I put on the Christ in every thought and cell of my being. I am success. The Christ is not a failure. The Christ always succeeds in all situations, and I succeed in full partnership with God. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . I am purity. I am pure from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet, and I am pure in mind. The Christ cleanses me through and through. Wholeness is my nature. I am the word of God made manifest in me. I speak to myself and it shall be done unto me. I make these spiritual statements faithfully, and I meditate on each word until the inner meaning unfolds in my consciousness. I am unified with the word of God, and I know that I become part of the very substance of that word. I am joy. My life is filled with the joy of God from the innermost being. I broadcast this out to touch those around me. My life becomes the living joy of the living God. I am satisfaction. There is nothing in me that is not satisfied. In this moment of time, connected with God, connected with all I have ever wanted or all I will ever want, I feel satisfaction. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . Dear God, I have come to this moment in my life prepared to live fully. I am prepared to stop wanting and coming to the point of being. I allow this to happen through me. I consent to these things to be the best I can be by allowing You to be in and through me. Thank You, God. And I thank myself for allowing the ego to step aside and allowing the fullness of life to come through. In Jesus Christ's name we pray . . . Amen.
Genesis 1:1-4 tells us: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and it was void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters. And God said, 'Let there be light;' and there was light. And God saw that the light was good." Rest in the silence of prayer. . . God's Light is intelligence. It is spiritual quality. It is a freeing quality. It corresponds to understanding and it should precede all activity. At the beginning of any of our creating, we should decree for light. Our declarations for Truth are instantly fulfilled in God's Spirit. I pray, today, that as we decree for light, light will dawn inside of your mind. My words, I pray, impart understanding and light. I decree in the name of Jesus Christ that the light of Christ within illumines and inspires you. You think calmly and you act wisely. I ask you to hold that flicker of a flame, that desire that is inside of you, and allow it to illuminate every cell in your body and mind. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . As we think first about God, we are then illumined, and every cell is changed in our physical temple; the temple of the living God. Keeping the attention centered in the Christ Mind, we are able to see beyond appearances to the impulses of the soul which are always urging us in our efforts to make use of what God has given. We know that there is restoring power in this illumination. In 1 Peter 5:10, it says, "God of all grace . . . will directly restore, establish and strengthen you." In this moment, we prepare to pray for our own healing and for the healing of others. And we know that God is a giver of health. God is a restoring God. God is an establishing God, establishing new life in us every moment. And we are being strengthened. Health, real health is from within. It is not to be manufactured in the without. It is the normal condition of a human, a condition true to the reality of his or her being." I decree in Jesus Christ's name for your healing or for the healing of a loved one. The life of Christ restores every cell in your body. You are restored to wholeness. You dwell on that Power of God. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . With God in our mind and in our body, light naturally radiates out into our world and our world becomes more abundant with good. In scripture, it says, "The Lord, your God, will make you abundantly prosperous. For the Lord will again delight in prospering you." It also says, "God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance so that you may always have enough of everything and may provide in abundance for every good work." I decree in Jesus Christ's name, a prayer for prosperity. The power of Christ within reveals abundant good and your life is prospered. You believe that and you accept that now. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . I am one with the peace of God. I am one with faith of God. I am one with the spiritual consciousness of God's inexhaustible riches. I am one with the light of God. I am one with the love of God. The love of God is not something for which I have to struggle. It comes to me and through me automatically. I am empowered because I am empowered by the purified love of God. In this moment, we pray for world peace and for freedom around the world. Divine love fills the hearts of all people, establishing peace, understanding, harmony, and trust in the world. We pray, today, in the nature of Jesus Christ, believing and knowing these words to be true. Amen.
"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life." Psalms 23:6 As you rest, think within yourself about your positive faith. You have faith in God. God is your instant, constant, abundant help in every need. You have faith in God to open ways where to human sense there is no way. You have faith in God to guide, govern, and direct you in Divine directed service. Rising up in you now is a faith in God to raise your human understanding to Divine higher understanding. You have faith in God. And because God is with you, you have faith in yourself as a child of God, eager to do God's bidding. Rest in the silence of prayer... Dear God, I expect a miracle. Understanding that my help comes from You, I will not limit You with preconceived opinions of human mind. I am open and receptive to Your unlimited reservoir of good. The abundance of God's good is mine to use, share and enjoy. I am dwelling in the midst of infinite abundance of good. The abundance of God is my infinite source. The river of life is flowing through me, from God, through my memory, to, and through, my entire body. The river of life never stops flowing. It flows through me into lavish expression of God's good. Good comes to me through unexpected avenues. There is always a higher outworking of God's law. It demonstrates in my life this day. God works in so many ways with so many wonders that I cannot even perceive of them in human mind this moment. Nothing is too good to be true because I dwell in the midst of all good and all love of God. Nothing is too wonderful to happen. With God as my source, nothing amazes me. Rest in the silence of prayer... I now give myself, freely and fearlessly, into this amazing, happy life that I am living today. Life gives back to me with fabulous increase. Blessings come in expected and unexpected ways from God. God provides for me in wondrous ways this very day. I am in grateful gratitude for what God is now doing for me, right now. The river of God life flows through me now. The unlimited reservoir of good and love is outpouring on me, right now. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . May God's good uplift you and fuel you in your daily life. Nothing else will exist but thoughts of God's good. We turn to God now with our whole mind. We call forth the total, complete cleansing of God, as you rest it occurs. We ask that all negative thoughts dissipate like a mist. Like a fog, it will dissipate, under the heat of God's light, and be no more. We call forth the thoughts of God. We call forth a new reservoir and an investment of God power within us. Today, this moment, the action is taking place inside of each of us. We are created anew in God. Rest in the silence of prayer... If an old negative memory should ever coming up, dear God, with Your help, I will receive the blessing of light. I will have better dreams at night. I will have a wonderful power during the day that gives me a foundation for my faith filled life to rest on. My positive thoughts 1,000 times more power. Every thought in me is a thought of God. May my mind be a reservoir of God's Divine ideas that hold to the truth about me. Rest in the silence of prayer... Thank You God, for Your ever abiding presence in my life. In Jesus Christ's name we pray . . . Amen.
"I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14 Let us pray: I invite you to join me in taking this very precious, sacred time to move more deeply toward the center of your being in positive prayer. Let us begin by focusing our awareness on breathing. With each breath you take, feel your body relaxing and your mind becoming more clear and alert. With each breath you take, allow your heart to open, more and more, to God's ever-present love and help. Allow yourself to become aware of the infinite Presence of God. Rest in the silence of prayer ... As thoughts and feelings arise in the mind, simply notice them and let them go. Return your awareness to your breath. Let your breath be the passageway to your awareness of God, during this time of prayer; bathe your awareness in God's whole and perfect abiding presence. Rest in the silence of prayer ... Move closer in awareness toward God. Whatever challenges seem to confront you in your world today, whatever fears you may have, whatever adversaries or difficulties you may have been struggling with, be willing to let it go. Be willing to be open to the possibility of the God's Divine healing of your hurts. Rest in the silence of prayer ... Let go of all beliefs about what should be or could be, and even beliefs about what if. Be willing to let go for a moment, and move more deeply into the possibility, the probability, the actuality of perfection, healing, and oneness willingly given to you, by God. This is who you really are - perfect oneness with God. Let us take a few minutes to rest in that possibility of healing, wholeness, abundance, and oneness. We rest in the silence of prayer. . . As we gently return our awareness to the human world, we stay open to the God's perfect Divine reality - the possibility of healing and transformation. We are willing to let go and trust. We give thanks for the unlimited good, the unlimited perfection that is always available from God, and that is now manifesting in every aspect of our lives. In Jesus Christ's name. . .Amen.
"I pray that the sharing of your faith may promote the knowledge of all the good that is ours in Christ." Philemon 6 Let us pray, Dear God, no matter to what extent some person may seem to be in bondage to habits not conducive to peaceful, satisfying living, there is freedom available NOW from You. Help those that have not yet found an avenue of expression that absorbs their attention and gives them the inner spiritual joy, inner spiritual center that they seek. May we each rediscover the God-given gift and choose to reopen and examine it at spiritual depth. Within all people, within you, there is every power and capacity needed for full and interesting living. We discover this and set about developing and calling forth these God-given powers, we have no further desire for any of the more superficial things of life. Through prayer, we discover this new and satisfying way of life. Through prayer, we find such a way. Prayer reaches to the depth of the mind and heart, and reveals the truth of what fulfillment is. Rest in the silence of prayer... I am free and unlimited, now. Through God's help I am free. Through God's help I am unlimited now. Let's allow this truth of God to activate every aspect of our being - every cell, muscle, organ, and tissue. Let it activate our minds as never before to help us awaken to the truth, to the reality, that we are free and unlimited, now. Think on this Truth of God in the silence of prayer. . . Enjoy this spiritual upliftment. Experience it for yourself, and your dear ones. Softly and gently, we move into that secret place where all healing takes place and where change is activated, that place where only the Christ can dwell. Let's turn over every problem and challenge to the Christ - this freedom we seek - that enables us to rise to a higher level of understanding and activity. With God's help I am free and unlimited, now. Softly and personally, whisper this to yourself. With God's help I am free and unlimited, now. What a testimony! What an acceptance! What a joy it is to be free, so we can do the things that are there for us to do, without any limitations or restraints. Rest in the silence of prayer... As we continue to relax in this spiritual awareness, we have new acceptance of our freedom from old ways that have held us back and down, we know this not only for ourselves but for all those in our lives. In truth through God's help we are ALL free and unlimited now. Rest in the silence of prayer... We go forward, today we each pray, we remain in this open and receptive Spiritual state of mind, freely opening ourselves to spiritual truth, understanding, experiences, healing, and illumination. Thank You, God. And so it is. . . In Jesus Christ's name. . . Amen.
"God HAS MADE KNOWN TO US in all wisdom and insight the mystery of God's will." Ephesians 1:9 The harmony of the beloved hymn that we all recall, resounds the truth - Holy, holy, holy . . . Lord God Almighty. We now go to God in prayer. Feel the chair supporting you. Feel your body sink deeply into the soft cushions. Feel your feet inside your shoes as they touch the floor. Sit up as straight as it is comfortable for you. Raise your head up high. Feel your spine lengthen and straighten as you do so. Feel God is supporting you in the same way uplifting you, and your life. Take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Take another. Breathe it in, deeply and let it out, slowly. Follow your breath, in and out. Peace, be still. Peace, be still. As you breathe in, deeply and let it out, slowly, know your connectedness with God. Say silently to yourself in prayer: God is with me. With the in-breath say "God goes ahead of me preparing my way of good." With the out-breath say "God is with me." Rest in the silence of prayer. . . Let the Presence and experience of God's holiness permeate you from this moment on throughout the day. May the holiness of God come together and touch you, completely, missing nothing. In the silence of prayer you become still and realize that the love of God is flowing throughout your being. You recognize Divine love as the one true source of all that you will ever need. You know that as Divine love works through you, it will bring harmony to every circumstance in your life. Let us sit now in the silence of prayer and meditate in this way, breathing in, deeply, breathing out, slowly, and repeating silently: God is with me. With the in-breath say "God goes ahead of me preparing my way of good," and with the out-breath say "God is with me." Do this now in the silence of prayer. . . We are filled with the whole, complete Spirit of God's help. We give thanks to God for Divine guidance, we are grateful that it is available to us at all times. Wisdom and good judgment are ours to be experienced when we follow the inspiration we've received from God. We know that we are being Divinely directed path that will lead us to the greatest happiness and success. For this experience and for the presence of the Presence, we are grateful. In Jesus Christ's name And so it is . . . Amen.
"Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you." Luke 17:21 I invite you to take a deep breath, relax, and feel the spiritual beauty in the silence of prayer. Surely, the presence of the Lord is in this place. Dear God, we open our minds and hearts to you this day like little children, so eager to step out and see the world. Yet, as we enter into this new day, this new week, this land of opportunity, we are looking in a new direction - to see Your kingdom. Rest in the silence of prayer... Like a little child, we, perhaps for a moment, think of our favorite fairy tales and what we had envisioned a kingdom to be - the knights in shining armor, the perfect, beautiful castle. God, now in our wisdom, we know that God's kingdom is spiritually within us; that perfect pattern, all the strength and all we have need of is right here, within us, within the temple of the living God. We feel the joy and the excitement as we think of our lives at the beginning of this new week the gateway to all possibility and opportunity given by God to us. For a moment, I invite you to pray your deeply held desire. It might be in the area of healing - to be able to fully express the health and wholeness of God. Get in touch with that wonder and joy as you say, "Yes! I am a beloved, perfect, beautiful child of God. The fullness and allness of God expresses now, through me as the kingdom unfolds. Thank You, God." Rest in the silence of prayer... Perhaps there is a dream, a vision that you are holding in prayer - that opportunity to fully express those talents and gifts given to you directly by God. Can you believe? Can you spiritually open the gift? God is here and that perfect pattern is now unfolding. For a moment, hold that vision, that heart's desire. Surely, the presence of the Lord is in this place. Feel that energy. Right now in this moment, the key is unlocking the door to that wonderful possibility. Rest in the silence of prayer... God, how grateful we are as we open our minds and hearts to Your radiant goodness. We are filled with Your perfect love with which we can give and fully express, to share the essence of what You are, with others. We have all the faith we need to shape and mold the lives we are intended to live, the strength we are seeking in this moment, as we are moving in new directions, and the wisdom with which to create goals toward the lives we would express, as Your beautiful children. God, on this beautiful day, how grateful we are! For a moment, again, we rest in the silence of prayer and feel Your presence and power responding to us in a very personal way, in the silence within, as we let go and let God . . . Rest in the silence of prayer... God, how grateful we are, for we know that, as Your beloved children, there is never a time when You are not there guiding and directing us. The keys to the kingdom are at hand, and God, we are ready to open that door today. We are so grateful. We rejoice and say, "Thank You, God!" In Jesus Christ's name...Amen.
"No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:37-39 Together, wherever we are, we move into the prayer awareness consciously thinking about God's love. Spiritually we realize that we are, right now, tapping into that deep resource of God-love within us and around us. Within that deep resource of love, we find all there is to be found, and that is God; God as the only presence and the only power in our lives, the presence and the power and the activity of good, of love. For the truth is, love is all there is. It is the only energy we wish to express, for love is God. Rest in the silence of prayer... The first letter of John tells us that God is love. And it tells us, twice, to stress the very importance of that concept. Because the first chapter of Genesis tells us that we are made in the image and after the likeness of God, we must reason that we are made in the image and after the likeness of love. Rest in the silence of prayer... As we, in Christianity, have long been affirming, "We are radiating centers of God's love, mighty to give our love to others and to attract love back to us." We know that what we give to others will be returned to us, in kind and in overflowing abundance. We are radiating centers of Divine love, because this is our natural state. We were born, we were created to ex-press God, and God is love. We were born to express love in everything we do. We dedicate ourselves to a higher way of living life. May every action we perform, in some way, be an act of love, always expressed according to our awareness of our connection with God. Through the presence and power of God with us, we can express love to the highest degree in everything we do, not only to friends and family, but also to all persons in this world through the united connectedness of prayer - persons whom we will probably never meet on our path of unfoldment. We still have the power and, in a sense, we still have the responsibility to express love to ALL those individuals. Rest in the silence of prayer... Jesus said that if you love those who love you, then what reward have you? He is really implying that, at times, that is the easiest thing to do. But to give love to those whom we often have difficulty loving is the key. And, once again, we can do it because it is natural for us to do. Jesus also said that our true enemies are those of our own household. This does not necessarily mean our family. Of our own household can mean the household of thinking. The true enemies that we face are those negative thoughts and feelings that would restrict our growth and unfoldment. We, too, must apply love to each and every one of those negative thoughts, to the fears, the guilt, the resentments we hold. Once we acknowledge them in some way, we love them. We accept them for what they are, creations of our own mind. Rest in the silence of prayer... God's love will cast out fear. We ask God in prayer to empower and equip us so we can change those thoughts and feelings to positive ones of love and good and righteousness. This is our prayerful spiritual opportunity. This is also our God-given Divine responsibility. We are here in this life simply to love. So, in every-thing we do, let us love. And now, I would invite you to take a few moments in the quiet of prayer, and in whatever way you are led by God, the Spirit of Love within you, pour forth that love to others, to this world, and do not forget to yourself. Rest in the silence of prayer... As we now have taken these few moments to exercise our capacity to love, and in that way, sent out a blessing to the world, and we will be blessed in return. Let us now think of someone special in our lives, maybe one or two or three people, whoever or whatever comes to mind, someone who needs to express more of their own love, who needs to acknowledge the truth that they, too, are radiating centers of Divine love, mighty to express love to others and to attract love in return. For these special ones, we are going to see them in our mind's eye doing exactly that, fulfilling the reason for which they came to this life, and that is, very simply, to love. So, again in the quiet, we bless them as we behold them sending forth the love that they truly are . . . And now that we have taken these few moments to see these special ones exercising their capacity to love, we can know that God's perfect work is being done in and through them. For this we are truly grateful. As we now prepare to bring our attention back to this time and place, we remind ourselves of who and what we truly are, who is this particular personality, this vessel, this channel through which God's love may flow. Each of us is a child of God, a child of love, a radiating center of God's love, mighty to express love to all, and to attract love to ourselves. In this awareness, we simply express love. This we do in the name and through the power of that living, loving presence of God, Jesus Christ. . .Amen.
"Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing." Psalms 34:10 In the silence of prayer...God is here. Let us each one, gently, quietly, move into that secret place Jesus spoke of, into the closet of our minds and hearts, into that place where there is nothing and no one, except yourself, and God. Nothing can disturb the calm peace of your soul here in this secret place. Nothing can distract your attention. Nothing can take your attention away, for here is the place from whence all good of God comes. Here is the place your healing awaits. Here is the place of pure prayer - nothing less - oneness with God, a total and complete spiritual awareness of my oneness with God. And in this secret, silent place of prayer, the deepest desires of your heart and mind are laid on the altar and given to God, in the total realization that it is not I but God who does the work - God who brings you new realization of your God-given good. Rest in the silence of prayer... That which you have been desiring, the gift of God, is wanting to express through you. Acknowledge it and accept it, in faith into the care and keeping of God you place this now. If there is a healing waiting to manifest in your life, acknowledge that healing now and know it is already yours for you are a child of God, a child of the Infinite, an expression of the Creator. Acknowledge this, give thanks for it, and release any care or concern now and forever more. Rest in the silence of prayer... It is God's good pleasure to give you the kingdom, dear one. It is God's good pleasure to give you the gifts of God. Though you may not know how these gifts will manifest in your life, know within your heart of hearts without question that this manifestation IS coming right now. That gift is coming into your life even as we pray, for it is God's good pleasure. Rest in the silence of prayer... We thank God that this is so. We rejoice and know this. In the name and through the power of Jesus Christ. . . Amen.
"Thou dost keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee." Isaiah 26:3 In spiritual celebration we meet - in celebration of God, and in celebration of the spiritual wonder that is working all around us. We close our eyes and allow our awareness to be directed to the secret place of the most High inside of us. We allow God's power to happen in, and through us - not just in our minds, but behind every organ, tissue and cell of our physical body temple. We allow and consent to the power of the Creator, God, to be manifest in our lives. In Psalms 62:5 it says: "For God alone my soul waits in silence, for my hope is from God." Rest for a moment in the silence and wait on God, because God is there waiting for you . . . In the sanctuary of stillness in our own soul, we remember the presence and power of God. This is a place where we can feel and know the Presence. This moment, in this place of stillness and silence, feel the presence of God filling you with strength. The presence of God renews your energy and brings peace to any troubled thoughts you may have. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . Right now in this prayer, you turn your thoughts away from any trouble, and think about God instead. You turn your attention away from outer things and you bring whatever might be troubling you to God. You say, "God, I have this trouble, this feeling, and it's keeping me from feeling Your hope. It's standing between me and You. I ask that You take this challenge I'm facing, lift it up off my shoulders, and take it away from me so that my burden will be light." Now, in this prayer time, with all the power of God with you, I ask that you give your challenge to God. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . Through the power of Jesus Christ, I decree that you are filled with new hope and new vision. I pray that in the silence of prayer, God is reassuring you that you are not alone. You allow this new hope and new vision to fill you. You begin anew to do what is yours to do this glorious week of God. You let the power of God uplift you and sustain you in whatever lies before you. You abide in the stillness of your own being. You feel a new hope inside of your heart. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . Dear God, we pray that today and every day that we will go forth in the assurance of Your presence and we will know that power is ever active in and through us and in our lives. We are nurtured by You. We are protected by You. And we live our lives with a renewed hope. We pray, this day, with great belief in today and hope in the future, In Jesus Christ's name . . . Amen
"Let your gentleness be known to everyone." Philippians 4:5 I make a commitment now to see with God eyes. I will lift up my human eyes to the heights of my soul from whence cometh my help and healing. My sight cometh from the Lord which made heaven and earth. My eyes are filled with this light of living love. This view blessed by the light of Truth displaces darkness, dimness, and doubt. I bless my eyes and my eyes bless me. I am given in this moment of time a perception from on high. Rest in the silence of prayer... Lovingly, gratefully, I make it my practice to see God's good everywhere. The optic nerve is a channel for God to work in, on, and through. Thought focused on God's ideas is neither far-sighted nor near-sighted; it is now-sighted, God-sighted. The essence of the healing Christ impregnates, bathes, and dissolves looking to the negative. There is no seeing bad in the eyes of Christ, and none in me. Rest in the silence of prayer... My sight is one with Thee, O Light of the world. This living light of spiritual discernment includes all human eyesight. The spirit of oneness flows through me, feeding, nourishing the neglected good, the beauty I may have been blind to, before. The searching rays of righteousness uncover and expose the best of every person, place, and thing that I view, be myself within the glass image of the mirror. In the silence of prayer. . . Steadfastly facing thee, O Christ of my being, there is not a single thing I am afraid to look upon. I face life. I face love. I look out from the eyes of the eternal and behold, it is VERY good. There is no impatience or resistance in me caused by what I see. Rest in the silence of prayer... In this moment of time, I let God rule, regulate, and adjust the miraculous membranes of my organs of sight. There is one sight, one universal and eternal vision. This sight is my sight now. My whole body glows with the glory of gratitude and praise. My eye will be single. My body will be filled with light. I give my eyes entirely over to the blessed healing presence. I see with the eyes of God, to perceive beyond appearance forevermore. In Jesus Christ's name. . . Amen.
"For with you is the fountain of life; in Your light we see light." Psalms 36:9 This is the dawn of a new day in your spiritual life. Like birds that sing to celebrate the break of day, we sing a song of praise as we celebrate this new dawn in spiritual consciousness. Our song is one of peace, prosperity, and love. It is a song of harmony, as we unite our hearts in this time of prayer. Rest in the silence of prayer... In Your loving presence, God, every moment is a new beginning. I am filled with Your life and Your love. Before each new dawn, the earth is peaceful and calm. As I begin my prayer time, I, too, am peaceful and calm. This is my quiet time. It is a time to regenerate and reflect. It is my time to relax and to peacefully and joyously experience the dawn of a new day in sprit, a new day in faith. I take a deep breath and I release. I relax, aware of God's sacred presence. I am peaceful, relaxed, and confident. I gently release the questions of my heart, trusting the answers I seek to be there. For God is there. God, You are the true light. I have faith in You, God, to gently guide me and those I care about. Rest in the silence of prayer... Right now, in prayer, I experience a new dawn, a greater understanding of my spirituality and myself. With this understanding comes a more attuned consciousness, a heightened spirituality, and a greater realization of Your direction in my life, dear God. There is a new awakening in my mind and my body to the powerful, healing light of God. I acknowledge God's healing presence and I look forward to the dawning of greater energy, strength, and vitality. The healing light of God is working in every area of my body temple, strengthening the tissues and the organs, and renewing and restoring each one. I ask you to relax in this experience of the healing power of God. Rest in the silence of prayer... As we bring this sacred time to a close, I pray we are beginning to experience a new dawn and a new awareness in our spirituality. As the day dawns, once again in each of our hearts, we celebrate the light that fills us and fills our world. God's complete and perfect illumination surrounds each of us; the umbrella of God's pure love covers us; God's power protects us and leads us from harm; the presence of God watches over us, every moment of the day and the night. We are in God, and God is in us - And ALL is well! In the name, and through the power, of Jesus Christ, we pray... Amen.
"My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." Exodus 33:14 As we begin our time of prayer and meditation, I ask you to simply be spiritually aware of yourself and your body. What is going on in your body now? What does it feel like? Be aware of your mind. What thoughts are walking, floating, racing through in your mind? Be aware of your soul. Be aware, and recognize that right where you are, God is. Right where you are, God help is available. Allow yourself to feel the power of God. Right where I am, God is - the allness of God is your help in every need. You continue in an awareness of God, and you add to it the awareness of constant love, help, and reassurance. You notice a restful change that begins to take place when you take your thought. When you let thoughts of God become dominant and supreme in your consciousness, things begin to spiritually change - not outside of you in the outer world, but within you. Feel that happening in you now. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . Right where you are, God is. Feel the power of this prayer as it goes deep within you. Right where you are, God is. Perhaps you can feel the invitation of God calling you to be more completely, more deeply, aware and alive in that Presence that goes beyond all human understanding and explanation. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . Right where I am, God is. Feel it, rest in the Presence of God. Feel the invitation as it leads you into the silence, into that deep rich quiet where there is no longer any separation or obstacle between you and a complete awareness of God. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . Right where I am, God is. Focus this thought now; let it take you into the silence. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . Out of the silence, your awareness reaches to thoughts of people you love - people who are near and dear to you; people whom you would bless in this time of prayer. Hold with me the highest thought for anyone who comes to mind: Right where you are, God is... Rest in the silence of prayer. . . Watch your thought about that person or situation change. Feel the sense of peace that passes human understanding as we hold the thought: Right where you are, God is . . . Rest in the silence of prayer. . . Now, even as we begin to turn our thoughts back to this moment and the work that is ours to do this day, the awareness of God stays with us. We are, vibrantly and acutely, aware of God with every breath we take and every thought we think. Right where we are, God is. Thank You, God, for all Your gifts, but most especially, for the glorious gift of the awareness of Your presence. Thank You, God! In the name of Jesus Christ. . . Amen.
"By the grace of God I am what I am." 1 Corinthians 15:10 Let us pray, As we rest in the presence of God, let us spiritually continue our inner walk with the Lord. We follow Christ. You fill your soul, as you see yourself walking in the presence of the Christ. It is a beautiful setting - one that calls uniquely to your soul, one of your choosing. As you look out over this setting, a new day is breaking spiritually in your life. With the eye of the mind, you see the sun as it lifts itself over the horizon. You feel its warmth fill your being. In the glory of this moment, you close your eyes and let the light enfold you. Rest in the silence of prayer ... Something begins to stir and rise within your own soul. A small point of light rising out of the darkness of fear and doubt, his growing ever larger, growing ever-more radiant as its rays reach into every part of your soul. Rest in the silence of prayer ... This precious light of the Christ is filled with life. This precious light of the Christ is filled with love. This precious light of the Christ is filled with peace. It now fills your soul, your body, and your being. For a moment of silent gratitude, you meditate on Serenity . . . Serenity . . . Serenity Feel the Serenity of God as you rest. Let go, and let God in the silence of prayer. . . Rest in the silence of prayer ... Take a deep breath. Know that something has awakened in you. A dawn has broken in you that has never been there before. It calls you forth to know who you are. Jesus said you too are a child of the living God. Allow the state to be a day of great celebration. It is right and good to celebrate in prayer for your awareness is on the complete possibilities of God. Rejoice! Feel great joy as you acknowledge an awareness of God. Feel the spirit of life that is always with you, filling you with the promise of new and better things to come. Thank God because we have so much to look forward to, many new joys to experience. Through a new birth in your awareness, like Jesus you know your Divine connection and oneness with God. The Spirit of Christ is reborn in us, and every cell of our being sings with new life and new awareness. Know this truth of God is with you, now and always, as God's light shines through you and as you. In your heart, in that quiet space, say to yourself, "Thank You, God!" Rest in the silence of prayer ... And so it is . . . In Jesus Christ's name... Amen.
"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 2 Corinthians 3:17 Let's join in prayer, and turn to God as the Source of our joy. God touches within our own soul. Let's know God is right here with us during our prayer time, the Creator of our joy. Rest in the silence of prayer... Dear God, here I am in this moment. I come to you humbly and I ask for a God-given gift of new joy in my life. I consent to releasing old ways and habits that block and hinder me. I consent to the dissolving of painful memories that have kept me in a prison of silent gloom far too long. I am ready to rejoice and to worship You in full joy and love as your child. Rest in the silence of prayer... Whatever our need, in prayer we turn to the presence of God and rejoice. We have God, the source of ALL good in our lives right now. God's help is at hand. Joy wells up in us like an endless spring that has been tapped in our soul. We feel it, and sing our song of thanks and joy in response to its endless flow. God wants us to meet in this Divine appointment, to accept our love and joy as a divine and permanent gift. May this give me something we carry daily in our soul and our mind and feel in our body. Rest in the silence of prayer . . . We rejoice in God's love. We feel God's love. Whatever you may pray, you can know that God's will for you is fulfillment, because God is love. God's will is for you unfolding yourself and being all that God made you to be. God made you to experience joy as a child again. God made you in God's infinite wisdom, infinite love, and infinite joy. God is wisdom and light. It shines in the very center of your being, at the very center of your mind as you focus on the Divine in prayer . . You are never done discovering the wonders and the treasures and gifts for you to open as God's child. The light of God brings forth in you, awareness of the talents and abilities you have been given by God. You rejoice anew in God's life. Every thought in your mind, every feeling in your heart, every cell in your body, rings like a beautiful bell, just as the sound of bells is the sound of life. Let us know that life is singing its song as it courses through your body - through your nerves calming with God's tranquility, through your veins bringing new God-given life, and through every cell of your being, shouting aliveness and new vitality. You rejoice in God's life. Rest in the silence of prayer... You rejoice in your good, because God is your ever-present good. You can know that God's will for you is the fulfillment of your every need. God is the source of your prosperity and success. God is the source of your peace and security. God is all around you, and in you. God is love. God is joy. God is light. God is life. And God is ALL good. Music . . . And on this special day, we give thanks for our awareness of our joy in God. In Jesus Christ's name. . . Amen.
"Commit your way to the Lord; trust in God, and God will act." Psalms 37:5 All that God has - life, health, success-is yours today and every day. You rise in the strength of the spiritual truth and you bless yourself with the eternal good. You are the abundant receiver of all that God has. You claim it, you love it, and you share it. The best is yours today, and every day. God is always giving you God's best, and you know it because you are God-centered in the best there is. You are united with the best in the world. The best in the world is united with you. You embody Divine good. You attract it wherever you go. Your good increases all the time. Divine power empowers you to choose and select the very best. With unerring precision God's best comes to you. Your Divine destiny enlarges and expands in this hour. Rest in the silence of prayer... You see and know that happiness and well-being are your inheritance. Infinitely wide, vast is the demand for your skill, talent, and ability that have been God-given to you. The world demands the best of you. God and you are up to the task of doing the best. The better you give, the more you receive. The better you forgive, the more you receive. You give your God-best at all times. Of this rich sowing and rich receiving there can be no end. Your ship comes in, sailing home laden with the rich treasures of the love of God. You pray today to experience joy inside of you. This is an unselfish consecration to the love of God. It brings showers of blessing to you and to all. With a heartfelt appreciation this day, we say thanks be to God who hath enriched you in every good thing, all bountifulness, and for God's grace which is your sufficiency in all things. You shall abound in every good work all of your life. Rest with me in the silence of prayer for a moment and realize this consecration to God, the good. Rest in the silence of prayer... You put God first in everything you do. God's inexhaustible resources are blessing you now. God and God's infinite resources are unlimited, unconditional, and magnificent. There will never be a time when they are not, for it is written, "I am with you always" (Mt. 28:20). It is as true in practice - as we make it. We practice it and demonstrate it with an unrelenting resolution and determination. Every idea, every right project is supported and sustained by the inexhaustible resources of God. You are God-ordained, God-sustained, and God-maintained. All nature responds generously to your acceptance of its use. The warehouses of the eternal are open and supply you always with enough love, compassion, and kindness. This multiplies in and through you. Dear God, may we always be given the perfect way to love, the means, the methods, and the dynamic power to do so. May it multiply through us and grow in this moment. May every atom of our physical body be an atom of love and of God. May we overflow with Your goodness and we pray for this to happen, not only during this hour, but forever. In Jesus Christ's name we pray. Amen.
"Every good endowment and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of Lights." James 1:17 I NOW INVOKE GOD'S HELP. I cast out fear. Peace begins with me. THE LIGHT OF GOD INSPIRES ME. MY WAY IS MADE CLEAR. In Isaiah 26:3 the Bible says: "Thou dost keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee because he trusts in Thee." I want to be a good influence in establishing a world without fear. To do so, I consent to obey Paul's teaching. Let me, therefore, follow after the things which make for peace. I am concerned with improving my own life. I will learn to deny our selfish impulses and be obedient to the impulses of brotherly love. Perfect love casts out fear. Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you. My peace I give unto you; not as the world gives do I give to you." It has been written, "First, keep the peace within yourself. Then you, also, can bring peace to others." In Romans it says, "Live in harmony with one another if possible, so far as it depends upon you. Live peacefully with all." In a moment of silence, prepare for the peace of Spirit, a peace that comes through you. Rest in the silence of prayer... In God there is perfect peace. There is perfect peace now in the spiritual presence of every woman and man in your family. There is no thought of hate or revenge, and certainly there is no thought of war. In this moment, God's spiritual peace has a pathway through my human mind and through my human emotions. It finds its way into my body and mind. Rest now in the silence of prayer... Peace always precedes healing. Now, through the power of God, I pray for healing. THE LIFE OF GOD QUICKENS ME. I AM ENERGETIC. I AM ENTHUSIASTIC AND I AM VITALLY ALIVE. "There is enough in the world for everyone to have plenty to live on happily and to be at peace with his neighbors." (Harry S. Truman) Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God." Martin Luther said, "Peace is more important than all justice. Peace was not made for the sake of justice, but justice for the sake of peace." In Psalms it states: "For my brethren and companions' sake I will say, 'Peace be within you.'" I pray for my prosperity. I bless the world I live in right now with love and harmony and understanding and tolerance. It flows from my mind, connecting with all minds everywhere, creating an abundance of harmony and love and understanding and tolerance. THE LOVE OF GOD PROSPERS ME. NEW AVENUES OF SUPPLY OPEN BEFORE ME. Rest in the silence and know that you are immersed in the abundance of God... Abraham Lincoln said, "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to do all which we may achieve and cherish a just and a lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations." In Mark it states: "And he awoke, and we awoke. He rebuked the wind and we rebuke the wind." And He said to the sea as we say to our life, "Peace, be still. And the wind ceased and there was a great calm." Franklin D. Roosevelt said, "We look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms. The first is freedom of speech and expression everywhere in the world. The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way everywhere in the world. The third is freedom from want everywhere in the world. And the fourth is freedom from fear anywhere in the world." Peace is won in peacetime, not in wartime. pray that because of my consciousness and my willingness to step out front and make a difference for my world that I can work together with others of like mind to make a positive difference for our world. In Mark 9:50 it says, "Be at peace with one another." John F. Kennedy said, "If we can persevere, if we can in every land and office look beyond our own shores and ambitions, then surely the age will dawn in which the strong are just and the weak are secure and the peace preserved." In this moment, I pray for our world leaders now. I know that through the Christ Mind they are unified in thought, purpose and understanding and are inspired to right action for the good of all. I pray now for world peace. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray and decree a permanent peace, uniting all the nations in the world in a league of justice and righteousness in which the life, liberty and love of God shall be paramount. In this moment, I rest in the silence of prayer, in the absolute silence and stillness of my soul. This moment I make an inner-connection with God, the God Who knows no war or strife or toil. Be still. Be still. Rest in the silence of prayer... As I walk towards peace within myself, I will know that the light of God surrounds me. As I walk hand-in-hand down the path of world peace, I know that the love of God enfolds me. As I disarm, I know that the power of God protects me. As I go forward toward a new society and a new world, I know that the presence of God watches over me. In my travels to see peoples of other lands and join them in love, I know that wherever I am, God is. I pray today, believing in a lasting peace within me, and in my world. I decree it so in the name and through the power of Jesus Christ ... Amen.
"Be still, and know that I am God!" Psalms 46:10 Five Steps To Healing In Prayer 1) Relaxation Choose a comfortable place where you can be alone and free from interruption. Choose a comfortable chair. Sit quietly with your eyes closed and relax. Unclench your fists, let go of tension, relax. Sit quietly for a few minutes in the silence of prayer and think about God. Think about how nothing is impossible with God. Realize that you are right now in the presence of God. Realize that God's love enfolds you. Realize that God's peace surrounds you. Relax into the presence of God. Your mind, body, and the emotions will feel the soothing effect of relaxation. 2) Spiritually Saying No The next step to realizing healing is spiritually saying no to the belief in illness, disease, and negativity of any kind living in you. There is no illness, disease, or negativity within God, and you are one with this perfection. This is the step were you look at the effects of illness; it says in the face of disease, you have no power over me because I am one with God. Spiritually saying no is a washing away of your belief in appearances, pain, and disease. It is the housecleaning that makes a ready for newness and healing. It is a positive declaration of your faith in life, in God, in perfection. Spiritually saying no talks to your doubts, your fears, your belief that disease has greater power than God - your Creator - that can, and will re-create you in perfection. Spiritually saying no, is decreeing "I do NOT believe it!" 3) Positive Prayer Affirmation After spiritually saying no and sweeping your mental house clean of belief in negation, you should always follow with strong, bold, affirmations of positive prayer. Positive prayer affirmation carries you forward to a new awareness of life, of power, of a new awareness of the presence of God in whom you live and move and have your being. After spiritually saying no to the reality of disease as a child of God living in God's temple, positively affirm in prayer something like this: "There is only the life of God flowing freely through me from the top of my head to the soles of my feet, cleansing, purifying, healing, vitalizing, renewing, and restoring me!" This lifestream, this life force, is mighty in the midst of you. Everything in you works towards life and wholeness when your mind is free from fear and when you are an unobstructed channel through which God's Spirit can pour. When you affirm God's power, you identify yourself with it; when you affirm in positive prayer God's life you identify yourself with it. When you identify yourself with God, you enter into the healing Christ life; you become one with the very life and creative power of God. The Word becomes flesh (the decreed truth of God regenerates into the very cells of your body) and dwells within you, life of your life, and breath of your breath. 4) Realization Relaxation, spiritually saying no, positive prayer affirmation - these are followed by the fourth step, which is realization. Realization goes beyond thought, beyond words; it is the incorporation into your being of oneness with God life, it is the incorporation into your body of the living perfection of God's Spirit; it is the bread and wine made flesh and blood; it is the inner knowing that comes to you, the glory that shines through you. With realization comes a radiance, and inward glow. You do not wonder if God has heard your prayer. You know! You stand in the light of God's presence. Your eyes are open to God's truth, and new light surges through you. New faith carries you forward. 5) Thankfulness The great amen to every prayer is a welling up of thankfulness in your heart. You are not thanking God for favors requested or favors granted, but you are thanking God over and over for what God is and for what you are in God. Thankfulness is more than saying, "Thank You, God." It is the giving over of your whole self, your whole life to God. It is the joyous abandonment of self-will, the relinquishing of the little self, the petty life and ways, to the larger will and the happier ways of God's Spirit. Your thankful heart praises God with every thought, word, and act.
"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you." Matthew 6:14 "Prayer For Total Forgiveness" Let us pray: Dear God, I come to You today to rise above my human mind. I pray that I am able to go above my past feelings. I pray that I am able to go above my former resentments. I pray that once, and for all, I am able to go above my dislikes and even my hates. I pray that You, dear God, will take away all current hurts from former events, and that I will be totally cleansed within. I ask that I wear the clothing in my spirituality of Your total love. I ask for a higher mind to come through my human mind. I ask that I have the Mind of Jesus Christ. I pray that I no longer confined to the boundaries of my human mind. I pray that I am given the great gift of being able to forgive totally and completely without reservation. I consent in this moment for a Divine intervention in and through my entire life. I realize that I have been holding on too long to poisons within myself. I release these now, in my free-will - I say, "I let go and I let God." The truth of being is love for all, blessing for all, and forgiveness for all. Retaliation and revenge are no part of God's purpose. God's will is God's infinite forgiveness. I pray that every memory within my human mind has at its nucleus, Your infinite love. I give myself so totally and completely to you God that I know as I do that you give of Yourself to me so I am not held prisoner by the poisons that I have chosen to retain within myself. I walk out of the gates of the prison and the poisons contained therein and I experienced new freedom that is without continuous hurt. Love is the fulfilling of the law. Love is power. This is now my power, that restores the years that the locusts eaten. I decree in Jesus Christ's name that with Your help God there is no resentment in me. I decree that I am free from all hate. I have no need for argument or self-justification. In this hour I decree that the touch of God and complete love is cleansing in and through me. A spiritual happening and a spiritual experience is occurring in my mind and body. This hour God's all merciful love wipes out old hurtful memories in me. I know that this can never harm or hurt me again because I have something within me that is more powerful. I realize that the only power that anything has is the good that it does. With joy and with love I loose all vindictiveness into God's great radiance and love. Dear God, eliminate this memory once and for all. I shall never live in the hell of hatred again. The mind of my being has no memory for error and I shall never remember anything about that that is false again. In Jesus Christ's name...Amen
"We have the Mind of Christ." 1 Corinthians 2:16 In all of your human history, this is YOUR moment. This is your lifetime to feel the activity of God. Each of us are traveling a journey. We are not traveling alone. We are with God. But to feel God, we have to quiet our human mind down, and this is what we are here to experience now. Go quietly now. Leave aside all worry, and have confidence. Relax and trust. So quietly, sure of God, safely, and easily, you flow into a relaxation. God is in complete control of every aspect of your life, your mind, and your body. God is with you now. What a joyous realization this is. You listen to the still, small voice, and it says to you, "Peace, be still and know that I am God." It says to you, "Don't worry. I am in charge. Everything is all right. Go quietly now, and I will direct your path, for I know the way." Rest in the silence of prayer... You listen to the silence of prayer, and you trust in the joyous fulfillment of your journey to God. Listen to these words from Psalms: "Then they were glad because they had quiet. And he brought them to their desired haven." You are with God. You have a constant companion which is Christ, your very own Lord. You seek to realize that this Christ knows the way that lies before you. Christ is familiar with every turn in the road of your life. Christ is ever ready to point the way to lead you to your desired haven of peace, wholeness, harmony, abundance, and self-fulfillment. You are walking with God. God is working through you, empowering your physical body, thinking through your mind. You will reach your destination of this heaven, safely, quickly, and joyously. Rest in the quiet place now, in the silence of prayer... You are alert to the still, small voice. The still, small voice within us is telling us the way to go. As we meet the many turns, the many points of change in our life's journey, we travel in peace with a clear-run-through to our destination, a journey where there are no stops, no delay in obstacles, or detours. This day, whether you are starting out on a journey, whether you're writing a letter, seeking employment, seeking to heal a relationship, or seeking the fulfillment of any other legitimate desire, you are granted, by the activity of God, a clear-run-through to joyous satisfaction, a quiet, easy way in record time. Rest in the silence of prayer... Go quietly now. Know that you are not alone. Trust Christ. God will get you through to your destination in the best possible way. You are in an experience of a clear-run-through to each desired heaven. Through the power of the spoken word in prayer, I decree for you: THE CHRIST PRESENCE GUIDES YOU IN THE WAY OF PEACE AND SAFETY. YOU ARE DIVINELY PROTECTED. We thank God for always being here with us, along the road of life that never ends. In Jesus Christ's name . . . Amen.
"We know that all things work together for good to them that love God." Romans 8:28 In this time of prayer, we focus on God, and allow God to be our God that knows how to care for our every need. Find that comfortable position. Take a deep breath in; release and let go. Let go of the past, and anything that would stand in the way of knowing God, God's love we share together, and the peace that passes all understanding. Now allow your human mind to be open. Gently open the heart. Allow the presence of love to be exposed. I relax in the presence of God's love. God is in my holy temple right now, and I rest in the heart of God. I let go in the silence of prayer. The past limitations begin to fade away now. I let go of any extraneous thoughts which come by. I let go of those I have judged, or criticized, and those who have hurt me along the way. I release all of these thoughts - all the judgments, all the unforgivenesses, all the "I wish it were different" thoughts into God's loving hands. Now I turn my cheek in the other direction toward the Presence of God. My time is too precious to dwell on the past. I want to know God, and to follow God, by expressing God's love. Rest in the silence of prayer... I am God's beloved child, created in the image and after the likeness of goodness, perfection, joy, and harmony. Although I made many mistakes along the way of life, there is something within me, that reaches out in love toward my own humanity. Dear God, I am willing to love the unlovable part of myself - the part that makes mistakes, and the part that struggles and forgets the Truth of God. This is an experience of my own spirituality - to unconditionally love the unlovable. As I bathe the unlovable of me in the pure love of God it is transformed. Love within me, the healing power of the Divine, express uniquely through me. This is my purpose in life. As I begin with me, I also find that I reach out so much more easily. Now I am filled with compassion, instead of judgment, understanding, instead of criticism. Rest in the silence of prayer... Dear God, truly we are one. As we walk this journey together, we are unfolding in the presence of God - the truth of our being. We reach out to one another, each different and yet with an equal blessing of healing, acceptance, beauty, and joy. Thank You, God, for reminding me of who I am, and of why I am here. And thank You for the great love that I am feeling expressing through me. Today, we walk together, into another new dawn, alive with expectation of good, feeling blessed. Thank You, God In Jesus Christ's name....Amen.
"Love is the fulfilling of the law." Romans 13:10 In the silence, aligned, and at one with God's helping presence, we rejoice and give thanks that our hearts are open and our minds receptive to an infilling, an expression, and a knowing of the power of God. Our thoughts are stilled so that we may feel God's presence. Rest in the silence of prayer... We draw in a breath, allowing it to clear away the clutter of our minds. We rest now into the depths of meditation and prayer, responsive to new understandings of God's Truth. This holy time guides the personal reflections of our own minds and hearts as we listen. Living, loving God, we affirm our oneness with You and claim our legacy as Your beloved children of light. Like candles, let us spend each day radiating forth light to others. Like embers fanned up to a newly dancing flame, let us brighten and warm a widening circle of light so that others may know that here is a space of holiness and love in which the warm, healing power of God can be felt. Dear God, drench us this moment in the light of Your presence so that we may see ourselves as we really are - sons and daughters of Your infinite longing to express the fullness of life's joys. In this moment of transforming power, friendships will strengthen. The synergy of caring for our children, for ourselves, for our family, for friends we have yet to meet, enfolds us, leads us, guides us onward. Old hurts and scars are now transformed into stars of luminous beauty. Challenges are overcome as we look to You first in all that we do. Truly this is a God blessed time in our lives. Rest into the stillness for a moment. Rest in the silence of prayer ... Make a personal connection with God, living as you, through you. And in the stillness, allow this to begin to unfold itself, as you reaffirm the goals and dreams that are a part of who and what you are. Let your prayers radiate the promise of God's infinite love. Affirm your receptivity to place the texture of good and only good upon each of your days. Rest in the silence of prayer... You stand on the threshold of a new beginning, able to imprint its days with our dreams. And so it is, dear God, that we give thanks for Your love, Your light, Your Power and Your strength flowing through us as we respond to the call to be me, and for God's ever-abiding presence and help. For so it is . . . In Jesus Christ's name... Amen.
"Jesus said to them, 'I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.'" John 6:35 In prayer, I am drifting away from past limitations that I have placed upon myself. Jesus Christ is here in my midst, raising me up. With God, I am going beyond the failures I have had in my lifetime, and I am receiving a course correction from God. In prayer, I receive the illumination and the guidance, along with the gentle comfort of God. Jesus said, "You are a child of the living God." There is a strong connection between God and me. God and I are connected in prayer right now. Rest in the silence of prayer... My life is God-given life and abundant living. My life is strength. My life is courage because I know, without a doubt, that God is with me. I am patient. I rest in God. I am not anxious about anything. I realize that God is working. I let go and I let God. God is magnificent. How great Thou art! There is a peace inside of me that passes human understanding. It is at the core of my being. It is God-given well-being. I decree, in Jesus Christ's name, that this feeling of well-being will stay with me, all the hours and minutes of this week. Rest in the silence of prayer... I have a power inside of me to climb over the hill of past failure, to realize that it is nothing at all for a climber. And I am a climber, because there is that within me that is God-given, that is giving me the power to climb and go higher. Dear God, I wish to go up higher than I have ever gone before. I never realized Your presence, many times, in my life. I consent now to realizing it more. Dear God, I consent this day to realizing God in a new and a profound way. I know, dear God, that You are always fresh, new, and exciting. I pray that You are all those, and more inside of me, this day. I give thanks for Your presence. Rest in the silence of prayer... The grace of God is working in your life right now. The grace of God is alive in every aspect of your life. The grace of God is your assurance of all good things. In Jesus Christ's name, I give thanks. Amen
"Arise, shine; for your light has come." Isaiah 60:1 I invite you to join me in a special prayer time, that all of the world's populations will have the privilege of joining in - a prayer that knows God IS WITH US right now. Join me in a prayer that realizes that God is not far off, but right here, present, with us, and inside of us. Prepare with a moment of silence in prayer... Dear God, You are with me, surrounding me this moment. I come to You, and lay before You, on the altar of my being, the fears that are present in my mind; my beliefs that are in error about myself - about who I am, and about what I can become. I come today to realize, with Your mind, working through mine, that I am more than just flesh and bones. God, today I consent to a spiritual infilling of Your Whole Spirit. I consent to a feeling of well-being. Rest in the silence of prayer... Dear God, I know I have the potential to become more than my present human fears. But in order to do so, I have to empty myself. Therefore, in this moment, I am here to empty myself. I am emptying myself now of all fear and all anger inside of me. I ask that any anger that may have been held for years, stored in compartments of my mind, that I am not even aware of, can be emptied now - spiritually cleaned out, refreshed, renewed, revitalized, and regenerated by You, dear, wonderful God. Rest in the silence of prayer... The presence of God is with me NOW. The presence of God is causing a quickening in my mind and body. The presence of God is working gently, evenly, continuously, effortlessly throughout my being and my life. Dear God, I give you - me, my life, all the little details I am involved in. I have been in a maze, but now I see. Now, in the silence of prayer, I straighten out that maze and make my crooked ways straight. Rest in the silence of prayer... There is a peace inside of me. It's only the beginning, but it is growing; it is inside of me. There is a well-being that is created by God, the Creator, inside of me. There is a harmony that is in perfect balance inside of me and through me, touching my life. It's happening now. Every thought inside of my mind is under the dominion of God's perfect Divine mind. I say, thank You God. In the name and through the power of Jesus Christ... Amen.
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters; He restores my soul. He leads me in right paths for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and your staff - they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long." Psalm 23:1-6 The Lord is the one who leads me at all times. Like a shepherd, dear God, You lead me away from harm. As I think Your thoughts, I am led away from all harm I might do to myself. I am constantly in Your protection. I am surrounded with Your all good. I am infilled with Your love. Dear God, I do not want for anything, for You give it freely to me now in this moment. Rest in the silence in prayer. . . You take me away from the pressures of my own life, and you make me lie down in green pastures. You take me away from the nervousness to the calm. You take me away from that which is turbulent inside of me and You lead me beside the still waters where I relax at the core of my being. You restore my soul. You restore me to full vitality and energy, full capability with creativity, and full, wonderful rejuvenation in my body temple. Rest in the silence in prayer. . . You lead me in the right paths. So many times of myself I have made my ways a tangled mess. But, dear God, once again I turn to You and once again I feel the power and the majesty of going in the right direction. I do everything for Your name's sake. In Your nature I live my life. I live my life to be an example of what it is to have God flowing through me. I am an example to myself first, for the way I think ministers to my entire body. All the cells of my body are my congregation, and my mind a great minister who gives the lesson of truth. No matter what I face with my senses - my eyes, my hearing - even if I walk through the darkest valley I've faced in life; I fear no evil because, dear God, You are with me. Your rod and Your staff, all the power of Your mightiness, all the wonderful power of Your wisdom, You are with me to comfort me. Rest in the silence in prayer. . . Even in the darkness moments, God you are within me to prepare a table for me, a feast of correct, wonderful, soothing thoughts and new life to flow inside of my body. Even in the presence of my enemies of sickness or thoughts that would destroy my life, my career, my relationships, I turn to You and I am infilled, once again, with that love, that power, and that mercy. You anoint my head and everything that is in my head - my mind and my thoughts - with the wonderful oil of a spiritual feeling of tranquility and warmth. The cup of my own spiritual awareness overflows to touch others. Rest in the silence in prayer. . . Surely goodness follows me wherever I go because You are only good and You are with me at all moments. Mercy is part of You, and because You are part of me; it is part of me. It follows me all the days of my life. How grateful I am during this prayer that I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. I shall dwell in the house of the Lord every moment of my life - my whole life long. In Jesus Christ's name... Amen
"As therefore you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so live in Him...Abounding in Thanksgiving." Colossians 2:6,7 Thank You God for everything in my life. Thank You for illumination, and wisdom given to my human mind that guides, and directs me in all my ways this day. I thank You because I am confident that You, my dear God, are leading me to my highest good. Thank You God for Your vital life that flows in and through me. I thank You because I am feeling this wonderful life current filling me with new strength, wholeness, and perfect vitality. Thank You God for the countless times You have made Your presence known to me and for leading me again to the full light of day when I was experiencing a dark night of my soul. Thank You for showing me that there was light at the end of my tunnel. Thank You for giving me the energy in my down times to walk towards a brighter future. Thank You God for Your inexhaustible energy fueling both my mind and body with new power and movement. Thank You God for Your inexhaustible supply and for being the source of my every need. Thank You that I always can rely upon Your presence as my help in every need. Thank You for allowing me to accept Your good, knowing that it does not rob, or take away, from anyone else, because You in your loving nature, dear God, provide for all equally. Thank You God for the God-given sense of well-being that floods my soul as I joyously and gratefully turn to You in prayer. I am filled with overflowing Thanksgiving today in my heart for the good that You continually bring into my life. Open my eyes that I may see all Your blessings in a new and more profound way. May I have the faith of seeing life again like a little child, never blind to Your wonder. May I look at everyday life as a gift, seeing all that is given with a new sense of awe. Thank You God for Your Spirit of Truth that works within my mind. I accept and acknowledge Your inspiration with a deep feeling of praise and thanksgiving in my heart. I am very grateful, dear God, I know that with You by my side I lack for nothing. Thank You God for providing for my every need. Dear God, I thank You for changing my life. I agree and consent to the change I am becoming - a gratitude filled person, 100 times more aware of God's good. Help me, dear God, every day to focus on my blessings, and what is right in my life, instead of what is wrong. Open my eyes so that I may comprehend the beauty, and majesty of life all around me. Create in me an attitude of thankfulness that will bring me even greater good. Through my thankfulness, I pray that I am a magnet to attract wonderful new things in to my life. Cleanse my attitude about the present moment and even bless my past, so that I can give thanks for what is, and what was. Create in me a pure heart. Create in me a mind that is able to perceive through my eyes, the blessings as they come. Create in my memory an ability to remember and recall all that I had to be thankful for, without any regret. I realize today that life will become what I perceive it to be, so I now ask in prayer for a new God-given spiritual vision that will help me focus on what is right, and perfect, not what is wrong. I surrender my complaining, and I welcome a new God-given attitude of constant praise about my life, myself, and others. I accept the idea that God needs me, as I need God, so use me God to be a blessing to others as You will. In Jesus Christ's name...Amen
"I am like an evergreen Cypress, from Me comes your fruit." Hosea 14:8 This moment I invite you to center your prayer into your heart. For ages, the heart has been the place where we have known love; it has been the symbol of love. We are also learning that the heart is where we can access infinite wisdom of God to guide us and show us the way. You might want to place your hand on your chest, and feel your heart beating beneath your hand. Or just sense this wonderful creation of God doing its work in us and through us. Rest in the silence of prayer ... It is in the consciousness of the heart that we can feel, in a meaningful, and exquisite way, our oneness with God; our oneness with this very powerful energy of love and wisdom. As we go through our daily lives, it is not unusual to feel ourselves walking in a mist or a fog. We may feel ourselves groping in a darkness that we might call fear or wondering or confusion. When we feel as if we are in the fog, let us remind ourselves that we can refocus our attention to God, and there find a peace, a presence, a power, and a way through the storm. God has a plan for our lives. Rest in the silence of prayer ... This moment, let our statement of Truth and faith be: "God's love lights my way." We might even include a visual of a beautiful, bright, clear beacon of light that is full of God's love shining upon our path. It is lighting the way just enough that we can walk step by step with strength and safety. It may not always shine way down the path, but will show us just what we need for today, for now. "God's love lights my way." Just quietly say that, within yourself, and feel it in your heart. "God's love lights my way." Rest in the silence of prayer ... We do ask, in the name of Jesus Christ, as the hours and days unfold that we will know more clearly this mighty power of the heart - the mighty power of love lighting our way. Thank You, God, for Your presence in us, through us, and as us. Everywhere we go, and everything we do, has Your presence in it. We sense this, feel this, and know this. We know Your light as love. As so it is...Amen.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight." Proverbs 3:5 (This prayer includes a lot of silence) In this prayer time, we say to our physical minds: Peace, be still. Peace, be still. Quiet thoughts are preparing the way, and a quiet light glows within you. This God light is growing brighter and brighter. The light and love of God is surrounding you and indwelling you. The love of God permeates your being. The quietness and healing power of God flows through you now. Peace be still.... Rest in the silence of prayer... Dear God, I consent to You and Your ways of thinking. I give my mind and body over to You during this prayer time. I feel Your sweet gentleness. I do not strive or want for anything other than You. I simply consent. Rest in the silence of prayer... God, I call forth Your Divine Grace to bypass my human thinking; to overcome any fears and anxieties that may arise. I now call forth Your action in and through my physical body. Rest in the silence of prayer... God's Grace is manifested through you now. It's wonder works in and through you. Rest in the silence, and accept the Grace of God as part of your life . . . Rest in the silence of prayer... How serene and at one with You I feel, dear God. As I close this prayer time, I prepare to open a brand new day and a new awareness inside of me. I am willing; I consent. Rest in the silence of prayer... In Jesus Christ's name . . . Amen.
"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1 As you rest in the presence of God, listen to these words of the Psalmist. "Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend to heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in Sheol, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning and settle at the farthest limits of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me" Psalms 139:7-10. Feel, now, a special leading of the Spirit of God. These words of the Psalmist express his faith in the guiding, protecting presence of God. They inspire us even more when we realize that the author was writing during a time of conflict and great danger. God is your help, right now. Rest in the silence of prayer... God is with you no matter what your facing. You do not face it alone. God's help is ever present. God is your inspiration. Place yourself, your loved ones, and your friends in God's loving care. Entrust the day to God's keeping and acknowledge God's protecting Spirit from this attitude of calm, poise and prayer. Rest in the silence of prayer... This minute you are gaining new strength and power. You are having the realization of the assurance, a conviction, and a realization that you, your life, and all you hold dear are safe and secure in God's loving presence. Realize that you live, move, and have your being in God. This brings you to a sense of peace and security. If you have thoughts of fear or pain this day, realize that you abide eternally in the protecting presence of God. Rest in the silence of prayer... Dear God, this minute as never before, I am giving myself to You. I am putting my whole trust in You, not only for myself, but for my loved ones and friends. I know that everyone, including myself, is safe and secure. I know, God, that You are watching over us, shielding us, and guiding us. Fill me now with wisdom to know this, and good judgment to always choose this way. Fill me with the guidance to bring me safely through every experience. "Whither shall I go from Thy Spirit, or whither shall I flee from Thy Presence." Rest in the silence of prayer... God's presence is instantly available to you right now. The presence of God, Divine intelligence within your mind, gives an instant answer to every thought. Your mind is poised in God. It is established in a citadel of strength against which nothing can prevail. God's promise of protection is standing in you. God is answering your prayer. There is faith and trust inside of you. The eternal God is your dwelling place. Underneath are the everlasting arms. Rest, now, for a moment in the silence and feel the presence of God... You feel a sense of peace that comes from power, the power of God within you blessing you, protecting you, radiating from you to bless and protect others. You are in God's loving care. Your family and your friends are in the same care. You are all safe in God's loving care, and you are blessed and secure. The light of God surrounds you. The love of God enfolds you. The power of God protects you. The presence of God watches over you. Wherever you are, God is! In this moment, we pray. In this moment, we know. Through the power of Jesus Christ . . . Amen.
"Before they call I will answer, while they are yet speaking - I will hear!" Isaiah 65:24 The power of God is here. What a joy we have to experience God in this place. We are poised today as we enter prayer. We are patient and positive. We are here at this time to remind ourselves of God's power that we can accept. "All things are working together for good" Romans 8:28. We know that in everything God works for good for those who love God. Sometimes it takes great poise to recall this, especially when things seem so out of order, or when confusion seems to reign. Rest in the silence of prayer... Even when everyone seems upset and unhappy, you refuse to become negative. You affirm silently with me: I am poised because I know that God is leading me to my highest good. I know that God is here bringing about that which is for the highest good of all. Poise is balance - a combination of peace and power. We are poised. We feel the power of God within us, at work in us and through us. Spiritually know for yourself: I am patient. I am patient because I know that God is leading me to my highest good. I am patient because I know that God is leading others to their highest good also. I am patient because I know that God is at work and God cannot fail. I am positive. I know that God is leading me to my highest good. I align myself with the constructive side of things now during my prayer. Rest in the silence of prayer... Let us think about poise and healing. True healing is balance in the body, balance in the mind, and balance in the emotions. I affirm silently: I am poised. I know that God's healing work is being done in me. Perfect balance is something I'm feeling right now. Perfect balance and patience keep me peaceful in my mind and heart and help to free me from any worry or tension I might have carried into this room this morning. I am positive. I know that God's healing work is being done in me right now. We are poised. We come from a position of strength in God. Therefore we are not fearful. We are patient. We never doubt because we know in partnership with God our good is on its way. We remain positive. We place our faith in the one true source of all - God. We know that God provides for our every need. Rest in the silence of prayer... We have a spiritual outlook now. It is in our mind; it is in our body; it is in our thought. Good gravitates toward us. In the face of limitation, we are positive that supply is available. In the face of delays, we are patient and trusting. In the face of change, we are poised and serene. We know that all things coming into our lives are working together for good. Poised, patient, positive. Our lives are blessed. We meet each day more convinced than ever that God is with us and with those for whom we pray to guide, heal, and prosper. Through the power of the spoken word decree: God is bringing only good into my life and circumstances. I am poised, patient, and positive. Rest for a moment in the silence of prayer. . . God is bringing good into my life and the circumstances of my life. I welcome God. I am poised. I am patient. I am positive. In Jesus Christ's name I so affirm. This is the truth now about me . . .Amen.
"There are many who say, "O that we might see some good!"... Thou hast put more joy in my heart then they have when their grain and wine abound." Psalms 4:6,7 This day, I invite you to center yourself into the heart of God's love. In the human, throughout the ages in literature, the heart has been the place where we have known love; it has been the symbol of love. You might want to place your hand on your chest, and feel your heart beating beneath your hand. Or just sense this wonderful organ doing its perfect work in us and through us. With every beat of your heart feel your connectedness and oneness with its source of life - God. Rest in the silence of prayer... The message of transformation and how we all can live from our heart, not just from our head. It is in the awareness of the heart that we can feel, in a meaningful and exquisite way, our closeness with God's love, and all others in our lives. We feel a new oneness with this God's powerful energy. As we go through our daily lives, the human mind may falsely feel ourselves walking in a mist or a fog. We may falsely feel ourselves groping in a darkness that we might call fear or wondering or anxiety. Let us remind ourselves that God ever-present help is at hand. Let us refocus our attention on God's presence, and there find a peace, an, abiding companionship, power, and a way through any storm the eye and mind may fear. Rest in the silence of prayer... This day, let our statement of God's Truth and faith be: God's love lights my way. We might even include a visual of a beautiful, bright, clear beacon of light that is full of God's love shining upon our path. It is lighting the way just enough that we can walk safely step by step with new strength. Just as our heart is beating, it is evidence that we are held in the heart of God's love. Love lights our way. Just quietly say that within yourself, and feel it in your heart. Love lights my way. Rest in the silence of prayer... How empowering it is to know that God gives us all that we need to meet and overcome every challenge. In prayer we give the outworking of the situation to God. As we do, we let go of any discomfort over the situation and know that God's love will bring about the right outcome for us and everyone else. No matter what is happening in our lives, we know that the help and support of God all will turn out better than we can even expect in human mind. We trust God to bring order, strength and new peace to our lives. In God we are complete and restored. We do ask, in the name of Jesus Christ, as the hours and days unfold, that we will know more clearly this mighty power of the heart - the mighty power of love lighting our way. Thank You, God, for Your presence in us, through us, and as us. Everywhere we go, and everything we do, has Your presence in it. We sense this, feel this, and know this. We know Your light as love. As so it is. . . In Jesus Christ's name. . .Amen.
In Genesis, the book of the beginning, it says, "God created man in his own image, in the image of God, God created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth . . . And God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good ," Genesis 1:27-28, 31 Let us, during this prayer time, cast off the feeling of limitation and frustration that keeps us from being what we were created to be. Our Creator believes in us. Every creator worthy of the name believes in his or her creation. God believes in you! Even in the midst of your sense of separation, when you have a mistaken identity, a false sense of self, your Creator believes in you. Even in the dark night of your soul, (which is a time when all seems lost), God believes in you. Even when you fail to hear or turn away from the call of greatness that urges you to return to your Source, God believes in you. Accept this now as you rest in the silence of prayer... God believes in you. God has faith in you. God believes in me. Think about that for a moment and allow it to empower you: God believes in me . . . God has faith in you. Because God believes in you, you can believe in God's handiwork in you. You can have faith in God's image in you. Take heart. Listen to the following words and allow me to speak that silent voice inside of you. God believes in me. God has faith in me. God created me in God's image and after God's likeness. My Creator believes in me. God put the Divine spirit within me. God knows the stuff of which I am made, and God has faith in me. I will no longer judge with my eyes and my ears. If others lose their faith in me, and even if I lose my faith in myself, God, You never lose your faith in me. You always believed in me. God always trusts the Divine handiwork in me. Accept this now as you rest in the silence of prayer... God, I thank You for believing in me! I am God's creation. I believe in God as my Creator. My heavenly God and I are one - one in faith, one in belief, one in trust. A life energy is released in you as you meditate on these truths about you. The words are the leading edge of a whole new state of faith believing in and trusting in God, and in the image or individualization of God that you are. Accept this now as you rest in the silence of prayer... I am filled and fulfilled by the growing realization that God has faith in me, and I have faith in God. God believes in me. I believe in God. God trusts me. I trust God. What a glorious partnership, in faith, my Creator shares with me. Accept this now as you rest in the silence of prayer... God has never left you. God has never forsaken you. God has loved you with an everlasting love. With a loving kindness, God has drawn us and awakened us. This is the revelation of the One who believes in us. It is God's good pleasure to give us the kingdom, not because we have worked hard to earn it or that we merit it, but because of the grace of our Creator who believes in us. We are to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, all our souls, all our minds, all our strength, and our neighbor as ourselves. This is the natural expectation of the Creator who believes in us, and who knows the stuff we are made of. God expects us to believe in the divine, to believe in ourselves, and to believe in our neighbor as God does. As we close this wonderful time with God, we are to let our light shine in such a way that all who see it will know that its source is the God of light inside us and in them. This is the radiant desire of our Creator who believes in us. In the nature of Jesus Christ we pray . . . Amen.
"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 2 Corinthians 3:17 It is in the Holy moment of prayer that we come into the realization of God's perfect life of each one of us in potential. May we now become fully aware of our true spiritual identity as a child of God. May we be given knowledge from on high about what we are heir to. May we now have our human minds empowered so that we can comprehend the incomprehensible. May we understand who we are and what part we play in God's plan. We rest our minds, our hearts, our bodies, and indeed all our circumstances of our lives in that perfect oneness of the wonderful presence of God. Rest in the silence of prayer... We feel the great sense of God's omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence. In this moment of prayer I am acutely aware of Your presence, and Your power touching my individual life. I release any tiredness within my brain and accept the renewing of God's energy within my physical body. My soul is infilled with Your renewable power. I feel re-created by You my dear Creator. Thank You, God, for the fullness of Thy Being expressing through me now, and for the joy of knowing that You are with me now. Rest in the silence of prayer... Thank You, God, that I may lift up all the cares of my life into the light of Your Presence and release them there. We find all needed adjustments and we find the spirit of Thy spiritual success. You now give over to God any need of healing, any need for peace, any desire for success and lets the joy of fulfillment pour through the soul and out into the world of expression. In the silence of prayer. . . Feel the joy! Feel the love! Feel the deep inner satisfaction that comes by knowing that life itself is adequate to supply all our needs and fulfill all our dreams, because our lives are each connected to our Creator. Thank you God for Your ever-present help in my life and in the lives of my loved ones. Rest in the silence of prayer... I pray now for my loved ones and friends. I ask You dear God to watch over my loved ones and friends. Be with everyone in such a direct way that they cannot miss your guidance and help in their minds. Strengthen and renew their bodies with health. Renew and energize their motivation to do the right thing all the time. Bless their lives with Divine ideas and lasting abundance. Thank you God for again answering my every prayer in most profound way. In Jesus Christ's name...Amen.
"Take hold of life, which is life indeed." 1 Timothy 6:19 As we prepare for this time of coming together, in prayer, let's take a deep breath and know the infilling of God's love, power, and peace. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . As we relax, and become more comfortable in our seat, we know that we are surrounded and infilled with God's love. Whenever we take the time to turn to God in prayer, we experience the presence. This is a labor of love. It makes all of our work much easier, more fluidly, and more understandable. We ask in prayer for God to empower us to make a difference. Together we can make a spiritual difference! We resonate with the idea of working for God in our prayer time. The power of one, multiplied by many - a spiritual combination! What an ingredient to remember always in our everyday lives, when we get caught up in our busyness running here and there, and doing this and that. God we ask that You will direct our ways, guide us in our prayers, empower us in our actions. Rest in the silence of prayer... Let us relax and become still for a few moments. Know that the still, small voice that speaks to us in this spiritual meditative process is always our inner guidance. For just a few minutes, hear what that inner guidance has to say to you this day. Let us get in touch with who and what we are. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . In Christianity, we make an emphasis of going into the silence of prayer because we know that is where ALL the power is found. As we move from center to circumference in our everyday experience of life, we know that all good things are waiting for us in that secret place of the most high (as described in the Old Testament). Rest in the silence of prayer. . . Together we can make a difference! What tremendous words of reassurance. As we are willing to give of ourselves, our time, our energy, our treasure, we do the true labors of Jesus Christ. That is the fulfillment of the law. Regardless of the degree of the service, regardless of how many times it is done and offered in love, it returns to us bountiful blessings. This is often difficult for human mind to comprehend, but heartwarming, nevertheless. So, this day, we send a special blessing to all those who labor in God's love, all those who are seeking God's Truth as they know and understand it, all those who are in service in some way, manner, or form to You, dear God. We are grateful for this, and we are appreciative of this. In the name and through the nature of Jesus Christ. . . Amen.
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation." 2 Corinthians 5:17 This time we have in prayer is sacred. Something is going to happen that is beyond mere human consciousness. We're going to agree and consent to God's good. There is a higher working here than just the human mind. There is an action of the Divine. The Truth we pray is the Truth of God for you individually. Rest in the silence of prayer... During this prayer time you will be quickened by the love of Christ. You will be able to look over your life and bless every experience with God's love that brings forth good. You will know that the Spirit of the Lord is with you. Your God-given good is assured. Rest in the silence of prayer... This moment you are able to dissolve in your mind, and in the minds of all others, any idea that your God-given good can he withheld from you. There is nothing outside of you, person, thing or event, that can keep from you that which the God has for you now. As your mind expands to God good, vast improvement comes quickly in every phase of your life. Every day, and in every way, through God's ever present help, things are getting better for you individually. You are entering the best period of your life. The attracting power of God's love fills your life with satisfying good. As this comes, you are poised, patient and positive. You know that God pours God's good out upon you. Your mind is thinking exclusively about God's possibilities. You know that as you let go of worn out things in your mind, worn out habits and worn out thoughts, there is a new vibrant thinking coming through you, a thinking that pulsates with life, a thinking which is from God's Mind. You accept that thought now for your life, and for every condition you face in life. Rest in the silence of prayer... God blesses you with love and peace. You are assured of help in every need. There is a continuous flow of God's helpful ideas into your human mind. There is a continuous flow of good in your life. God's Divine ideas come through your human mind and you become an irresistible magnet for wondrous experiences and ever-expanding good. Good is drawn to you and you are a good receiver. You are receiving God's good now in every area of your life. You are receiving all the abundance God has for you now. God, in God's love, pours out God's abundant good upon you. Your life and your world show forth perfect order now. Revelations 21:5 says, "Behold, I make all things new." With new zeal and enthusiasm, you accept God's promise of good in your life. In Proverbs 28:20 our Bible says, "A faithful human will abound with blessings." Now you are abounding with God-given blessings. NOW you are receiving all the good of the Christ. Rest in the silence of prayer... You are one with the bounty of Christ. Old walls are torn down, and good flows into your life. You are a spiritual heir to God's ever-present supply. You are blessed. In the name of Jesus Christ, you are able, and ready for the future. You are abundantly prospered. This, NOW, is a turning point of your life because it is the turning point inside of your mind. You are able to fully trust God's power. Instead of looking to appearances, you are able to trust in the power of God in your life. God's good is continually made manifest. God is good. God supplies you now with unlimited opportunities for every need. You are prospered. In a moment, you are going to rest in the silence. In a moment, you will feel the infilling that is a quiet reassurance that God is at work. In the silence of prayer ... ACCEPT The Christ Light assures you of constant good. The Christ light assures you that your needs are supplied. The Christ Spirit is at work in you and in the circumstances of your life to bring continuous blessing and overflowing good. You have direct access to the rich ideas of God. Your spiritual life is connected and your outer life is filled with plenty. In the name, in the character and in the intelligence of Jesus Christ, you call forth God's help. You call forth an ever-expanding help. You decree that you are forever changed by this prayer this year and beyond. You will never live my life in lack or limitation. You name every area of my life as vital, alive and good. Thank you, God . . . In Jesus Christ's name... Amen.
"I like an evergreen Cypress, from me comes your fruit." Hosea 14:8 "There is no difficulty in my life that enough love will not conquer; no disease that enough love will not heal; no door that enough love will not open; no gulf that enough love will not bridge; no wall that enough love will not throw down; no wrong that enough love will not set right; it makes no difference how deeply seated may be the trouble; how helpless the outlook; how muddled the tangle; how great the mistake; a sufficient realization of love will dissolve it all - if only you will love enough, you will be the happiest, most powerful being in the world." God, today, this moment, I agree to let my light shine, my love shine, and to become love on this Valentine week. Thank You, God. In Jesus Christ's name we pray. Amen. God bless you!
God and I are One. This is a truth for you. Looking at others in your life, you sense certain qualities you admire much. Yet, the inward voice reminds you that to sense those qualities in others is to possess the potential within yourself. You honor the qualities of God's Spirit, wherever they may be sensed, and you attend to the potential within yourself. Rest in the silence of prayer... In your deepening sense of unity with the one Presence of God, you are willing to own those qualities that are yours. They live deep within your being like gold, deep in the earth to be brought into the open, refined and given expression. You are enriched by the creation of your being. Rest in the silence of prayer... Where there has been a sense of alienation, there is a potential for love. You attend to that sense of being connected to God in life. You honor that sense and step forward in spirituality into your world. Where you have closed yourself to receive, there is a potential to be open to God's gifts drawn to you. You attend to your capacity to receive and to respond with wisdom and loving appreciation. Rest in the silence of prayer... Where there has been a sense of being deprived and having unmet needs, there is a potential from God to experience the fullness of being wonderfully human. Do you know that you live in the midst of God's infinite love? It is not possible for you to stray outside the boundaries of love - for God's love is boundless. You surrender your heart to infinite love so the love of God may be complete in you. God is the love that you feel now. Rest in the silence of prayer... You let go of fear and confusion. They are illusions and hinder love. Faith and knowledge are supported by God's infinite love. You do not allow the pain of the past to mar the beauty in the present. You do not isolate yourself from the joy of living this day in total love. All creation is an expression of love. You now let love motivate you to create and express love intentionally with words and actions. Rest in the silence of prayer... Love is a dream when it is a feeling, but love is real when it is lived. You give life this day to the dream of love. You express God's love now. In the loving nature of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.
"Beloved, we are God's children now." 1 John 3:2 Let us pray a prayer of healing: With an understanding faith, we know that with God, from a tiny scratch to something perceived to be more serious, You, dear God, are already providing for all the healing that is needed. Through the gift of life You gave within the person for whom we are praying, we claim, in faith, visualizing and believing without doubt, a perfection and wholeness of mind and body through the Christ. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . We boldly claim the gift of the Christ health in this person. As this person heals, may he or she realize the power of the Divine. May this person receive a manifestation in the outer of the perfection of the inner self. May this perfection reach through the mist and create a demonstration of perfect and complete health. We are decreeing, in total faith and in the spiritual battery of belief, the gift of life that continues to show forth perfection. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . We pray that our loved one works in Divine harmony and that the body works in perfect order. We pray our loved one is able to breathe easily and deeply, that the heart is beating in perfect rhythm, that the digestive system is strong and able to take nourishment. We are praying, together in a complete conviction, that through Christ, this loved one is whole and well now. We praise and give thanks for the miracle of God making every disease temporal and bringing healing to all situations. Allow yourself to rest in God. The greatness of God is here. The power of God is active in those for whom we pray. Meditate on these words found in I Corinthians: "Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit that is within you?" You are created in the image and likeness of God. God's life and health flow through every part of your being. God's vital energy is in every cell of your body. God's order blesses every function of your body. God's breath is your breath. You are whole and perfect. You give thanks that appearances are not the truth in God's sight. You give thanks that all things are possible with God. You give thanks that you are created as a spiritual being first, and that your life is filled with Christ. In God you live, move and have your being. This is so true. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . We feel a great surge of healing life through our entire being. We know that omnipresent God life is part of our lives, and that we are immersed in healing. In our minds we think health. Uppermost in mind is the thought of perfect health as our natural physical state. Our God-given heritage becomes the dominant thought of this hour. We are thinking complete health and wholeness of God. We do not rehearse aches and pains; rather, we rehearse God. The healing essence of God within us is doing perfect work right now. Our bodies are temples of the living God - living within every organ, tissue, and atom of our being. In appreciation and thankfulness we rest once more, in the silence of prayer. . . In Jesus Christ's name we pray . . . Amen.
"Look with your eyes, and here with your ears, and set your mind upon all that I shall show you." Ezekiel 40:4 During our time of prayer and meditation, we open ourselves entirely to this spiritual experience. Our experience this day is one of Divinely directed change, the opportunity to change our point of view, change experiences, change what we feel about ourselves and others, through the help of God. "We have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of God's Will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding." Colossians 1:9 Rest in the silence of prayer. . . Change comes to all of us, for growth brings change. Change need never frighten us. Change can be whatever we make it - a blessing or a challenge. It is always made into a blessing through God's power. Is some change shaking the foundation of your world as you have known it? Are the circumstances of your life turning in a different direction, making you unsure of what lies ahead? Listen to the words God put upon the mind of the prophet Isaiah [paraphrased]: "Thus say the Lord, remember not the former things or consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing something new. Now it springs forth. Do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." God's promise to you is that God will be with you through any change. Sometimes we expend great energy in resisting change simply because we feel unaccustomed to it and feel accustomed to the familiar, comfortable patterns are already established in our lives. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . It is during these times that a change in the pattern, whether small or major, can seem to throw us off balance and cause us to feel confused or upset. When such an event occurs, the best course we can take is to center ourselves in God and affirm our oneness with God. As we center ourselves in God, let us realize that change is part of God's Divine plan for us--a plan that will help us achieve what is highest and best for us. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . Do you wish for some circumstance to be changed right now? It can be, with God's help. It will be changed, for nothing remains forever the same. Do you wish that your life could be different? It can be with God's help. Through God this very moment, things are changing for the better. Old limitations are falling away. New and inviting doors are opening before you. Ask for God's help in the silence of prayer. . . Do you wish that you had more strength, more life, more vitality? You can with God's help. You have this help right now, for you have the strengthening, sustaining, and revitalizing life of God, mighty in the midst of you. Right now you can be happy, free, strong, and well. Right now, this very moment, your life can change, and it is changing for the better. Dear God, we are so grateful for life, as it is unfolding in our life and in our experiences. We are grateful for the courage, strength, vision and stability of mind we have to know that all things are actually working together for our highest good, even in the midst of change. (Silence) Not only do we welcome this truth for ourselves, but as we go beyond this sanctuary, we know that for all people everywhere, there is this energy of change and growth. This motivation is stimulating the minds and hearts of all Your creation, dear God. We are so grateful. We know this for our world, and the leaders of the countries of our world. We know that this change is touching each of them, inviting them to study spiritual things and to look for peaceful ways to live together. Change is taking place. We know this for ourselves and for our world. In Jesus Christ's nature, rest in the silence of prayer. . . As we return to full awareness of this experience, this morning, opening ourselves as never before, allowing our fears to become still, our inhibitions and anxieties to quiet themselves, we are directed and we feel the influence of the change that our souls desire, with God's full and active help. We go forth now. And as we do, we remain excited for this Jesus Christ experience of change. For this we are so grateful. And so it is . . . Amen.
"But for Thee, O Lord, do I wait; it is Thou, O Lord my God, who will answer." Psalms 38:15 Let us take this time to relax, and consciously and joyously seek the awareness of God through the silence of prayer - that place where we remember who and what we really are. Think about God. Relax a little more, and become aware that the chair is supporting your body. Be aware of your back being supported. Be aware of your feet on the floor. And, if you will, be aware that the place where you sit is supported with deep foundations into this supportive, wonderful earth. Relax into the presence of God - the ultimate supportive your life. Be aware that God is supporting you, and your life with deep foundations. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . Allow yourself to enjoy remembering that God is very supportive; God loves us, unconditionally, and accepts us just as we are. Remember that God's sun and moon shine on us, no matter how we may feel about ourselves or others. Let us remember that the trees, every year, have a God-given abundant supply of leaves, all joyously celebrating the presence of life on earth. And they are sharing that abundance with us at any time we want to be aware of it. We have this wonderful, mothering aspect that loves us and accepts us just as we are, and showers love, joy, and goodness upon us. As we remember that we live in this wonderful, supportive place, let us be aware of the connection we have with all of God's universe. Remember how wonderfully ordered God's universe really is. The planets move in perfect order. The universe supports the entire oneness of this universe. Just as God supports you, and is with you on your path. In this sense of support, we can truly remember and relax, even more, as we sit here, knowing that we are supported and that we are a part of the wholeness and good of God. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . We are important. We are important enough for God to give all of God's goodness, intelligence, wisdom, life, and truth, in and through us. We remember that we are all children of God. We remember that our connection is never broken unless we choose to feel separate in our temporary awareness of our God-given good. We are children of God. Ours are the hands and feet of God to produce good on humanity's path. Ours is the intelligence through which God expresses to bring wisdom into humanity's thoughts. We remember that our bodies are always renewed, restored, and regenerated in this wonderful order of God life. Truly, it is God's life living us. And we choose to do God's will by fully living this life. We remember that God gives us all gifts of life, intelligence, talent, and ability. God gives the gift of joy and expression through us, and this is a very living and real part of this truth. Rest in the silence of prayer...be even more willing than ever before to be aware of the presence of God life in every cell of your body. Speak words of God's truth to your body, knowing that it is the light, life, and intelligence of God expressing at all times. God's love is the truth of every part of your being. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . We have no need to fear, for surely God is the love that is expressing in, through, and as us. We can breathe a sigh of relief to know that we have enough love to give, and that our love is totally worthwhile, for it is God's love. We have enough love to give, for God's supply of love is endless. We have no doubt. And if we find points of doubt or fear, we can quickly remember the truth that God is with us NOW. We have no need to wonder if we are enough, for surely we are equipped by the all-ness and the is-ness of God. We know that God gives - without any sense of having to earn it - the gift of God's presence, the gift of God's love. God gives to us so that we can give to others. We can know we are the gift and we are free to give. We give, freely, of this love to every man, woman, and child on our path. As we give ourselves permission to love more freely, we can give ourselves permission to live more fully than ever before. We feel this fullness, this light, and this love in every part of our being, as we are, joyously and wondrously, fully aware of our bodies, our presence, as being evidence of the presence of God here and now. In Jesus Christ's name, to this truth we do say . . . Amen.
"I have raised you up for the very purpose of showing my power in you." Romans 9:17 Let us pray. Jesus said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life." (John 8:12) And He said, "You are the light of the world. . ." (Matthew 5:14) It is reassuring to know in prayer that the same light which indwelled Jesus Christ also indwells me. It is my birthright from God. I acknowledge You, God, as the light shining in and through me. I awaken to the truth that I need never walk in darkness. I make my light a radiant, shining one by connecting with You, morning, afternoon, and night. God, I reinforce the awareness of my birthright of light with the certainty that I am a spiritual being, ever growing, ever unfolding, always and forever. Light shines through me, illuminating every path. I walk in that light and I progress in right and perfect ways. As we close our eyes and still our thoughts, we are so very thankful; thankful from the bottom of our hearts for the presence of God in our lives. From the most ancient of times, God's presence has blessed humankind. God is right here and we have a spiritual encounter, right now through prayer. With a growing awareness of God's presence, we allow these words to be the prayer of our hearts. Loving God, thank You for breathing the breath of life into me and for blessing me with wisdom and peace. In the stillness of prayer, we join our hearts with people who are praying with us. We are part of the continuous action of prayer. As we experience the words of this Psalm, let us join with those who have used it in the past and those who will continue use it to celebrate the presence of God. "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters; He restores my soul. He leads me in right paths for His name's sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for You are with me. Your rod and Your staff - they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long." (Psalm 21:1-6) Rest in the silence of prayer... Thank You, God, for all that I am, for all I know, for all I have, and for all I will ever be. You are my light, my life, and my love. You are my all. I fear no evil, for You are with me. Your rod and Your staff - they comfort me. Dear God, Your presence assures me that all is well in my world. You light my path. You smooth the way for me. When I feel afraid, Your presence assures me of Your love for me. Your love assures me that the challenge will pass. I fear no evil. You comfort me. Your presence is the true constant in my life and I am confident as I go about my daily activities. In these moments of silence, I am at peace in Your presence. He leads me in right paths for His name's sake. God, Your light shines so brilliantly within me. You show me the ways that are good for me; ways that lead my soul to new heights and happiness. You lead me in right paths. If I feel unsteady or unsure, I go within and You are there, gently leading me to right answers, bringing me fresh new insights, filling me with Your wisdom, and Your understanding. I rest now in the silence of prayer, and I bask in Your holy light. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. Thank You, God, for the gift of life. Your life force heals me at the very core of my being. I am whole in my soul, in my emotions, in my body. Enthusiasm and energy are mine. Through Your life force within me, I am linked to all life on this beautiful planet. This planet of green pastures and still waters, and I am grateful. I give thanks that the people I hold in prayer are also renewed by Your healing life. I feel Your life within me, now, in the silence of prayer... I shall not want. You prepare a table before me and my cup overflows. Thank You, God, for your love. Your love flows through my household, my community, my world. Through Your loving presence, I find the satisfaction of my soul and my cup overflows. The Lord is my shepherd. Dear God, You are all the world to me. You are all I want. You are all I need, and You are the wellspring of my soul. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . The light of God surrounds each one of us; The love of God enfolds each one of us; The power of God protects each one of us; The presence of God watches over each one of us; Wherever we are, God is with each one of us! In the name and through the power of Jesus Christ . . . Amen.
"It is time to seek the Lord." Hosea 10:12 I invite you to walk with me through a spiritual gateway, a spiritual gateway of prayer that is always open. We enter these sacred gates and open our hearts to God's presence. We still our thoughts, relax our shoulders, and release any feeling of tension. We let this feeling of release infuse our bodies with a gentle calmness. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . We relax and we experience the peace that only the presence of God can bring. I open the gateway of my heart to You, dear God, and I experience such a powerful feeling of peace. Peace that lifts me to the very real awareness of the presence of God. As the peace of God lifts my heart, I am able to let go of whatever is past and enter the gates of prayer, the doorway to the very heart of God. A deep sense of peace fills me and I am serene. I am secure in God's presence. I am being lifted above every concern, right now, in this precious moment of tranquility. I am peaceful. I am serene. I am securely enfolded in the comforting presence of God. In the silence of prayer. . . In these serene moments, I know You, God, as wisdom, as inspiration. This cherished time of silence is the perfect opportunity to let go of human needs, any indecision or uncertainty. My prayers are my gateway to Your mind, God - inspiring me and opening me to Your guiding presence. I know I am Divinely loved. In this reassurance, I quietly wait and I listen for the still small voice in the silence. . . Rest in the silence of prayer. . . The inspiration we receive in the quiet of prayer opens us to Your healing presence, dear God. I feel strengthened, revitalized, and renewed. Every fiber and tissue of my being is energized and touched with wholeness. Here and now, I find the strength and the peace of God to meet any healing challenge. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . I realize the gates of wisdom, peace, and healing for all that are needed are always open as we turn to You, God. So many blessings have already been provided. We know You are available to us throughout all eternity. Your activity opens us to creative ideas and we use those God ideas in constructive ways. We allow your bounty to overflow in every area of our lives. The gateway of prayer has opened our spiritual eyes to Your wondrous blessings. Dear God, we see all who join us in prayer, whatever time of day or night, entering the gateway of prayer with joy-filled and thankful hearts. Thank You, God. The light of God surrounds us; The love of God enfolds us; The power of God protects us; The presence of God watches over us. Wherever we are, God is! In the nature of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1 I invite you to close your eyes and enter into the awareness of the presence of God and have a spiritual experience of wonder and awe. This is a glorious inner-journey of prayer. As you close your eyes, you prepare in prayer. You prepare to think less and receive more, to receive life and vitality, to listen to the small, still voice. The ever-real voice of God is with you at all times, and can be heard whenever you agree to be aware of its presence. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . I pray the life of God is released in me, right now. I pray that every cell in my physical body feels this life of God. May this be such a real spiritual experience that I know what I feel is real - in me now. May the mind of God be fused to my mind. May my thoughts be the thoughts of God. May the words from my mouth be the words of God. May I proceed in my life, this week, with the wisdom of God guiding me and aiding me. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . I pray I have the power of God within my physical body. Every cell is in God's power, every muscle is in God's power; every joint is in God's power, every bone of my skeletal system is in the power of God. When I move, I move with a strength, vitality, and energy of God. (Silence) When I go about my work, I do not work alone. I work with God. It is my personal prayer, this day that I have this awareness of who and what I am and what I have with God. May my objective, this day, be to know God and to increase my faith. May God be my inspiration, my way, and my strength. I ask you to rest in the silence of prayer... In God I live. In God I move and I have my being. In me, God lives and moves and has expression. My mind accepts the genius of God. In God's world, my life is filled with joy and happiness. Everything troubling in my life turns out better than my human mind can conceive. I live in God's world, and in God's world, good is unending. It is my personal prayer for you, individually, that your good is unending; that you experience more good of God than you have ever known before in your lifetime; that it begins this moment; that your life is no longer a roller coaster of up-and-down activity. May your life be filled with friendship, love, and unexpected good approaching you from every direction. (Silence) May we all live in God's world of abundant life and endless good. Each of us, this day, I pray, "Yes, God, I will. I will do Your Will because Your Will is absolute good." In the name and through the power of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.
"Thanks be to God for God's indescribable gift!" This is the most powerful time of this day. It is a time when we go to God without reservation, without holding back. It is a time to release ourselves into the activity of God and to allow the activity of God to work from center to circumference, from the top of our head to the bottom of our feet, and out our fingertips. There is no cell in your physical body that does not feel totally surrounded by God, the total indwelling of God. Know there is no power greater than God. Greater is God that is with you than he that is in the world. Surrounding you, and inside of you, greater than any fear of disease or mistake, is the power of God Almighty. Rest in the silence of prayer... In this moment of time, you are one with God. You exchange your human mind thoughts of the lesser for God's Divine greater ideas. You allow the perfection of the Christ to flood your entire being. You allow it to become you, and God's truth is shattering the illusion of something seemingly impossible. All wrong practices of humankind have never dimmed God's glory and radiance within us. Rest in the silence of prayer... There is no power greater than God. The belief in self-limitation is utterly false. None can stop us from demonstrating our oneness with God. God is all-power, our help in every need. Reflect on God's power in the silence of prayer... Dear God, I pray that through the complete perfection of thought and energy, every foolish fear will be cast out and will be null and void. As children of God, we can never be from the presence of the Christ. May the Christ presence give us our intelligence, here and now. Dear God, in faith, we rise up and we banish away all ignorant belief. We are a tower of strength to ourselves, to the cells in our body, and to others, to all people. Rest in the silence with this thought. There is no power greater than God. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . . I decree - in my own individual life, there is no power greater than God. God is working in my mind. God is working in my physical body. God is working in my entire life. The perfection of God is now fully accepted by me. The Lord, our God, is one God and there is none beside God. You know this is the Truth. God is with you, from everlasting to everlasting. In the nature of Jesus Christ . . . Amen.
"If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you." Matthew 17:20 In God's peace, rest. In God's peace, dwell. (Silence) Let us focus our inner peace, this week, on world peace. We know that God governs the entire world. In Isaiah 9:7, it states, "Of the increase of God's government, peace shall be no end." We see, in prayer, God's government everywhere. This government means harmony, law and order, security and stability in every body, every home, every business, every country. No other government can succeed or flourish, but that God's government happening from within the faith of people to the outer world. It is our business to know that God governs our country and all the nations of the world. No matter how fiercely the conflicts rage, we must know that God governs inevitably, finally, irresistibly in the family, in the courts, in the sickroom, in the homes, and in the nations. At the peace table, in the conference room, or in the midst of a showdown, God governs. From a peanut patch to a vast planetary system, God's government is supreme. It is secure, absolute and we know it. One God, one world, spiritually one government - under God. It is the supremacy of God's government. I ask you to hold that thought for a brief moment. Hold the thought of peace inside of yourself, inside of your town, your city, your nation, and in the world. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . God governs you now. God governs your life and every detail of your life in order, harmony, and joy. God governs all who contact God. God governs you whether you are asleep or awake, seen or unseen. You know that God governs you at all times, in all places, and in every situation. You can never drift beyond God's care. You are a citizen of the universe and you know that God controls, rules, regulates, and governs every person, place, or thing in the universe. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . We are grateful that God governs all of humankind. God governs all of our soldiers, all of our military, all the people that are citizens of this nation, and that are in the government of Iraq. We have a new understanding. It is not "that world" and "our world." We are not of two different worlds. The world is one under one God. Our vision is a vision of world harmony. The vision within us is the great vision of infinite light, infinite love, infinite peace and harmony for all humankind. God fills us with a power and fortitude that knows no variance. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . In this peace we rest. In this peace we dwell. In this peace we have assurance that as we hold in mind thoughts of peace, peace will manifest in our beloved world. In the peace of Jesus Christ, we pray this day. We say, "Thank You, God." Amen.
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God." Romans 12:2 Clothe yourself with Power from on High. Job 32:8 says, "But it is the Spirit in a man, the breath of the Almighty, that makes him understand." There is a Spirit in you; a Spirit that is beyond the human spirit. You are anointed with this spiritual power. There is a breath of the Almighty working inside of your mind, giving you the answers you need. All wisdom and all intelligence have their origin in God. God is wisdom. God as wisdom abides within your soul. God's wisdom is mighty to reveal to your understanding the Truth that is already yours. The wisdom of God within you teaches you all things. Yield yourself to its instruction. Turn to the wisdom of God and the right answer will be revealed to you. Through your oneness with God, you are one with God's wisdom, understanding and discernment. Rest in the silence of prayer... Dear God, I consciously open my mind and heart to You now. I open to Your wisdom. I ask for new ideas to flow into my mind and I pray that right now, this moment, my understanding is increased. Rest in the silence of prayer... Your mind is open to God ideas and your heart is filled with love and compassion for all of humankind. Your spirit is joyous and steadfast in the realization that God never fails you. Joyfully you look to the wisdom of God for instruction. You are grateful for all the facts brought to you by ministers, books, teachers, and outside sources, but you know you are not dependent on these alone for knowledge. You have a teachable spirit and you look to God's wisdom. In the Truth you rest, in the silence of prayer. . . We have turned away from anxiety or worry in the human mind about any situation or condition. We let the light of God enfold that which has caused us concern. This day we allow God's saving power to become instantly revealed to us as light and inspiration. (Silence) The Spirit of God is the light of your life. Your life is luminous with light. Your mind is alight with inspiration of the Almighty. Your heart is aglow with God-love. The inspiration of God is clear logic and intelligence. It has uplifting qualities to every feeling you now hold. God gives you an illumined path of righteousness, peace, and plenty. From acting on the ideas you are given freely by God this day, you will walk an illumined path. You will follow the inspiration and guidance of God within you. All will be given to you in mind. You will be clothed with power from on High. We pray this today with a knowledge that there is a great wisdom flowing within. Rest in the silence of prayer... In Jesus Christ's name we pray . . . Amen.
"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me." Psalms 51:10 In prayer, we join with millions of people the world over who are praying with God. As we join in prayer, we consent to the activity of the Christ working in us, in our daily life We consent to a higher way than our own human way. We consent to the guidance of God. We consent to thoughts that are Divine. We know that it is not I, but the Christ within who does the work. Prayer is an act of giving our attention to God. It is a sacred act. It is a gift from the heart. As we pray for ourselves and others, we are giving the gift of our love and our faith. We join our hearts now and direct our attention, our love, and our faith to the Christ presence that abides with us. The Christ presence lives within our hearts. Each time we open ourselves to a new realization, we experience a new awareness of this wonderful Presence. Let the peace of Christ rule in your heart. As you relax and become still, you feel the peace of the Christ that fills you. In this peace you know that bountiful blessings await you and all for whom you pray. The Christ is reborn in you as joy and peace. You greet with each day with confidence. You accept this now in the silence of prayer. . . You are calm and serene. The peace of the Christ rules in your heart. Christ shall give you light. You are filled with the peace of Christ. You now open your spiritual eyes to inner light. The light of the Christ is your sure guide. You give full attention to this wonderful light. You are directed to your highest good. You make wise choices. The Christ is reborn in you as guiding light. You are directed to right ways. Accept this now in the silence of prayer. . . The Christ light reveals the way to a more vibrant expression of your life. With full courage now, as always, Christ will be honored in our bodies. Every cell of our bodies is energized and is in harmony with Christ life. As we pray, we are assured that healing is taking place. Health, vitality, and perfection are ours through the Christ. The Christ is reborn in you as healing energy. You radiate health and energy. Accept this now in the silence of prayer. . . "We are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ." This is a wonderful realization of our heritage. We are heir to an unending supply through the prospering love of the Christ. Each new awareness of the love of Christ prospers us. We know this. We are filled with prospering ideas and ways to use them. Our lives are blessed with bounty. Through the power of the spoken word I decree: The Christ is reborn in you are prospering love. You enjoy an abundant life. During this precious time of prayer, we lovingly enfold all those we hold in our hearts in thoughts of peace, light, life, and love. We have given the gifts of love and faith, and we know that as we have given, so do we receive. This day, the Christ awareness brings peace to our lives! Our joy in the Christ is overflowing as our hearts echo the calm reassuring faith. The light of Christ fills our minds; The life of Christ fills our bodies; The love of Christ fills our hearts; The substance of Christ fills our affairs; The beauty of Christ shines forth through us as faith and freedom, joy and courage, power and peace. Christ is made manifest in my daily life. In the name of Jesus Christ . . . Amen.
"If I only touch His garment, I shall be made well." Matthew 9:21 This ministry is founded on awareness - the awareness of God in your life of faith no matter what church you belong to. We come here to join in active communion, in oneness with God. As you rest in quiet and begin to empty yourself of worry, you begin to have an infilling - a transfusion in your awareness of the Divine perfection that is God. We say "yes" to You, God, and with Your active help. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . God, You are spirited, enthusiastic, and joyous working in my life. There is nothing dull or vague about You. We ask now for a miraculous way of a Divine intervention, for You to take over, infill our human minds, and our human bodies. Infill our souls with Your life. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . May God now fill you, and thrill you, through and through with joy, power, and vitality. May God's presence with you be free flowing, cleansing you of all the emotional poison. May God-life come to every part of your mind and body, carried with new life moving within your body to your work, your play, and to meet your every need. I decree, in Jesus Christ's name, that the spirit of happiness is infilling you. It is pervading your entire being with deep delight. Everywhere you go there is a Spirit of God, a Spirit of gladness, a Spirit of praise and thanksgiving, and Divine radiation with you. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . God is buoyant in you. There is nothing outside of God that can have power over God's love in you. There is nothing that can come to you outside of you that can harm your peace of mind, because that Power that is within you, living and breathing and having life in you, as you, is all. You have eternal life in every moment of your life. Your life expands and enriches. It is fresh. It is vital with every passing hour. In the name of Jesus Christ, I decree for you that you are charged, recharged, and you are charged again with the current of God. You are merged, blended, and bathed in God. God in you is radiant life and endless energy. There is no more fullness, feebleness, or weakness. There is a perpetual motion of God moving in you, restoring, nurturing, creating, and recreating. A great regeneration of God is causing you to be whole, balanced, and efficient. The life-force of God, the energy-force of God is vibrant within you. It is forever your identity. You are the embodiment of this Spirit of life, of God. And so it has been decreed and accepted here this day. Dear God, I thank You. In Jesus Christ name...Amen.
"That... God may grant you to be strengthened with might through God's Spirit in the inner human." Ephesians 3:16 As we pray today, we join with others around the world who are praying. As we pray, we enter into a private, sacred time of communion. We give thanks first for God and for the blessings that come through knowing God - peace, wisdom, health, understanding, guidance, prosperity. All these are evidence of the presence of God within us. As we quiet our minds and hearts in communion with God, we are at peace. The business of this day, the concerns of our lives, can wait just a little while. God is in charge. We surrender ourselves completely to God in the silence of prayer. (Silence) The presence of God strengthens and nurtures you. We are a community; we sense each other's feelings. We help one another through life's challenges. Just as the presence of other people often give us a sense of comfort and unity, the presence of God assures us that the challenges are temporary and that they will pass. (Silence) In sweet soul communion with God, you allow the cares of the day to slip away. There is only the sacred presence. You are at peace because you know God is working inside of you and working through all those we love. In the fellowship of humanity, we help one another most by relying on our communion with God. We trust God's radiant light to guide, illuminate, and inspire us. We make decisions and we grow in understanding. The light of God leads us along paths that are best for us. We are protected and blessed. We follow the gentle nudging of the most radiant light. (Silence) This day, you are guided by infinite Divine wisdom. You are blessed with intelligence, with intuition, with understanding. You are strengthened by your communion with God. You are comforted by your community with one another. You are tuned to God's healing life in this quiet moment. Rest in the silence of prayer... The healing, invigorating life of God as it moves through the cells of your physical body, strengthening and renewing. You enfold everyone who seeks greater strength and health through God life within. The one life of God, the love of God flows as abundance to fill every need. Blessings, all kinds, some seemingly insignificant and some very great, come to you through God's love. They flow from one person to another, increasing and enhancing all our lives. In communion with God, we give our attention wholly to God. We become more aware of the wonderful blessings of the Divine. We are immersed in God. Our lives are enriched. We are grateful and we say, "Thank You, God." The presence of God lives with you; The presence of God is in you as peace; The presence of God is in you as wisdom; The presence of God is in you as health and abundance. With every breath, you have a renewed sense of oneness with God. The light of God surrounds you; The love of God enfolds you; The power of God protects you; The presence of God watches over you. Wherever you are, God is! We pray this morning, in the name and through the power of Jesus Christ. Amen.
"Therefore been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 5:1 This day, God, I stand firm in my faith. God, what this means is that with my human mind, I believe with 100% certainty in You, for wholeness, and that it is possible in me, because I have it God-given within me. I believe with 100% knowing that I can be healed. I have the ability to command to perfect health every cell and every fiber of my mind and my body. I decree, in the name of Jesus Christ, that my body is responding. Rest in the silence of prayer... God-life at the center of my being is healing and restoring everything that is out of adjustment. Naturally and easily, I relax, I work with prayer, I work with God, and I prove my own research studies. I do not have to go here and there, I simply have to go within and return, as I am doing right now, to my natural state. I know this is true about me and I will know this for the rest of my days. This is an important prayer time for you. Make a covenant with God in awareness of what God can and will do Dear God, Creator of the universe, Lord of my being, I acknowledge Your power as the source of my life, Your intelligence as the director of my cells, Your essence as the fiber of my tissues. I give thanks for Your life within me. God, I apologize for my past mistreatment of Your holy temple - my body. I know now that I must work with Your life force if I am to fully express my potential for perfection. Therefore, on this day, I do, earnestly and joyfully, make this covenant with You, God, for God-life to manifest in and through my cells. I promise to work with You, not against You, by appropriating into my mind only thoughts of health and wholeness, envisioning my cells as the perfection they were created to be - worthy of my most noble attitudes and aspirations. I know now my body, like everything else in life, is a mirror of my inner thoughts and beliefs. Every cell responds to every single thought I think and every word I speak. I promise to appropriate into my body only foods of health and wholeness, knowing God resides in the foods God created. Knowing, too, that what I eat today, I become tomorrow. I promise to appropriate into my life-style only actions of health and wholeness. To this extent, I will seek abundant fresh air and adequate rest, and I will engage in regular, constructive exercises, knowing that as I move every muscle, I improve that muscle, and that which is constantly improving and regenerating cannot perish. I enter into this covenant in the full realization that God's laws are unchangeable. I have unshakable faith in the fact that as long as I honor my commitments to perfection, God will work within me rewarding me with unlimited health and the wholeness I so fervently seek and desire. Manifesting this in the temple of the living God, I say, "thank You, God." In Jesus Christ's name. . . Amen.
"Then shall your light break forth like the., and your healing shall spring up speedily." Isaiah 58:8 In this time of prayer and meditation we focus our faith in God. We believe ALL things are working together for our highest good, especially now. As I begin this day, I think of the challenges and responsibilities that lie before me. I take stock of my strengths and skills, and I ask myself, "Do I believe I am able? Do I believe I can be healed? Do I believe that all things are working together for my good?" I believe that God is able and therefore God will equip and empower me to be able. In the stillness of prayer, I affirm the presence of God with us right now, and the answer comes: "Yes! I believe God's indwelling presence. I believe in my abilities. I believe I can do all things that are mine to do with God's help." Rest in the silence of prayer. . . Through my belief that God is my loving help in every need, I can make my world one of harmony, accomplishment, and love. I believe I can overcome troublesome situations that have bound me in the past. I believe in the strength and might of God in my life; the power that calms every storm. I believe I will continue to progress to the realization of that which is for my highest good. Dear God, I believe in Your power to heal every situation, every condition, of mind, body, and affairs. Heavenly God, I believe in Your presence in every situation that brings about harmony and order. I believe there is no situation beyond Your help, and appearances that seem so real can be changed by You. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . Lord, I believe in Your power to protect me and my loved ones under all circumstances. You are everywhere present. You are with me. You are with my loved ones. Lord, I truly believe that all Your children carry within them the spark of help from the Divine. I see the good in all persons everywhere. I know that Your presence surrounds us and dwells within us all, guiding us into right avenues of good. I am not defeated by apparent loss or failure. I am now downed by circumstances. When I hold to the realization that I am a spiritual being and that I was created in Your image and after Your likeness and through Your spirit which is alive in me, I am able to stand strong and steady. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . I do not give way to fear. I do not give up. I know that there is yet more in me, and there are new paths, new ways, new ideas opening to me. This new life that is opening before me is Divinely ordered by You, dear God, and I am excited and joyous as I watch my life change and blossom. I believe in You, dear God. I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe in myself. Thank You, God, for the ability to see past appearances and have an optimistic attitude. I thank You that we have the courage to do the things that are there for us to do, to rise above any apparent failing situation. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . Thank You, God, that we can make a 180-degree turn in our thinking, and that we can rise from what appears to be a dead-end and go forward in new directions to our good. Thank You, dear God. Dear wonderful God, we believe in the purpose of Christianity and its worldwide mission, and we thank You that it is active in each of our lives right now. As we go forward in this worship service, we remain open, receptive, excited, and tuned into this real experience that we each are having. We are so grateful. I believe in You, God, and so I believe in myself. In Jesus Christ name, And so it is . . . Amen.
"Peace! Be still!" And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. Mark 4:39 Rest in God. Rest in your assurance that everything is going to be okay. We are going now from one plane of awareness to another. We are going from limited human perception, to God. We are going to transform energy. We are going into a realm of absolute power. And we're going into an area of awareness that tells us that we have ability to draw upon God's power. It will allow it to transform us. In surrender of human ways and human thought we go to God. Realize that we are connecting with pure power now. Rest in the silence of prayer... Just as strength is stillness, power is silence. Strength is expended with you convert it into movement and actions. Power is expended when you convert it into vibration, word, or action. There's a pure realm. Silence, thought, word and manifestation are stages of power in action. You are going to enter into that pure realm of thought in a few moments. In the silence there is no vibration. God is sensed and felt as absolute power, awaiting your need and awaiting time to be recognized by you. A thought enters your head as you draw upon the silence, and it registers in your consciousness as a vibration. The lower the frequency of the vibration, the more pure the thought. The rate of vibration is determined by your consciousness and spiritual development. Rest in the silence of prayer... We enter into a time of meditation and relaxation. We enter into a time of spiritual awareness. We throw out the very high pitched vibrations of anger and fear and we allow love to enter into our consciousness. We allow assurance to enter into our minds. We rest ourselves into the safe power of God. Trust in God. Allow yourself to feel the love of God. Allow the love of God to be a harmonizing force that is mighty to heal any adverse situation in your life. Allow the love of God into your awareness and your thinking processes. The love of God - compassionate, positive and strong - is inside of you. It does not resist strife or contention, but dissolves them. Inside of you, it overcomes resentment and dissatisfaction by replacing criticism with love. We consent to a realization of the love of God in our thoughts about every situation in our lives. Rest in the silence of prayer... Consent to having a new awareness. See yourself and your world through God's eyes. No longer do you behold disorder or disharmony. You behold God's Divine love and peace in the minds and hearts of all. Divine love is coming into expression inside of your mind. Your thoughts about your world are transforming. They are no longer insecurities of disharmony, doubt and fear. Your thoughts about your world are changed by the power of God working through you in thoughts of faith, love, happiness and fulfillment. Rest in the silence of prayer... You are a perfect expression of God's love. You are in tune with God's love. Your life is a song of happiness. Your contacts with others are on a new level; a new avenue that is joyous and without friction. The love of God surrounds you. It will go before you to smooth your way. Wherever you go, people will be glad to see you because of your glad countenance. Whatever you do is going to be easy and successful. Whatever you need will come to you through prayer, by seeking first the kingdom of God's love. The love of God will open in you new sources of wisdom and guidance. These sources of wisdom and guidance begin to open now, during this silent prayer time, and will continue to expand. May you receive Divine guidance and inspiration - more helpful and more valuable than any human counsel has ever been to you. Rest in the silence of prayer... There is a new spirit of wisdom and understanding in you. There is a new spirit of counsel and might in you. And there is a new spirit of knowledge in you. The love of God will keep your heart at peace so you can concentrate all the forces of your being on establishing the harmony and happiness you so desire. You are empowered to do that in your life today. The love of God radiating through you blesses all whom you contact. It will draw forth into expression the God's love of each individual. The love of God expressing itself through you will attract its own and draw to you fulfillment of all your needs. Rest in the silence now, and allow this silent all-powerful activity of love to silently flood your being . . . Rest in the silence of prayer... Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful. It is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way. It is not irritable or resentful. It does not rejoice in wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things. I EXPRESS A NEW LEVEL OF DIVINE LOVE IN ALL I SAY AND DO. MY LIFE IS NOW HARMONIOUS AND PEACEFUL. Your mind is at peace. You are allowing the calm thoughts of God to take up residence inside of you. We pray today in the name of Jesus Christ . . . Amen. AFFIRMATIONS
Only one prayer is shown per page.I expect a miracle! I am poised, patient, and positive. I know that God pours out God's good upon me! Through the power and dominion of Christ within me, I stand steadfast in the self-mastery which has been mine from the beginning. I completely believe and accept the truth I have decreed for myself. I now know God's truth. I now live in God's truth. Peace. Be still. God's healing life is now active in me, restoring me to wholeness. God is love, and God loves through me. I have faith in God; God has faith in me to do the right thing. O Christ, Your healing presence is with me now. I feel Your healing touch. I am made whole. I make this day count. Great powers and possibilities are within me. For I have the gift of God's own spirit. God, Your life within me lives out through me as strength and vitality. I am unruffled, serene, loving, and harmonious. God has given me a new day and a new chance for greater success in life - I accept! I know that I never go through anything alone. "You are a healer, when you pray for another's healing." Unknown God is with me - loving and caring for me. I now let go and let God. God's will for me is only good and nothing can withhold my good from me. As a child of God, I see myself moving onward and upward toward greater good. I greet each turning point as an opportunity for new God-given good. I now place myself and my world in the loving heart of God. God harmonizes my life - fulfilling every need! My mind and heart are filled with the love of God. The love of God renews my joy and peace. I enter into the flow of life as I recognize and accept my gifts of God. I enter into the flow of life as I recognize and accept change as a part of life. Today, I eagerly seek divine inspiration. Attentively I listen for spiritual guidance. As I hold to thoughts of Divine order, my life is orderly and peaceful. "I am a radiating center of God's love, mighty to give my love to others and to attract love back to me." I am one with the ONE. The infinite love of God ever enfolds me, bringing harmony, order, and peace into my mind, body, and life. God is love; in that love by safely dwell. Prayer is my open line to God. The Spirit of God permeates my life, richly prospering me with good. Through grace and love, I am blessed with an abundance of God's good. Through the living spirit of Christ, I am set free. My blessings come from God and I trust God to regulate all of my life. God is my very present help in time of need. I call on Divine love to straighten out and adjust disharmony in my life. The Spirit of the Lord goes before me to make safe, smooth, and successful my way. I have the Mind of Christ. I think clearly, I think easily, and I have a retentive memory. The love of God surrounds me, and infills me. I feel at home in the love and security of God. My life is work of God. Today, I stand up to be counted - because I make a difference. Thank You God, for blessing me with Your many gifts. I live my life in God's grace, and I show to God my daily gratitude. The prospering power of God enriches my life. I live abundantly. The peace giving power of God blesses me. My life is harmonious and orderly. The intense light of God is within me now. All darkness disappears and I easily surmount all obstacles. My heart's desire is to know and follow the will of God. God is with me and all walls of limitation are broken down now. God goes ahead of me this day to guide, to govern, to protect, and to prosper me. Every area of my life is filled with the presence of God. The guiding light of God shines before me and makes plain my way. I have complete faith in God and I trust God. God's peace fills my mind and heart. I know that God is present in all persons and situations, and I trust God to establish that which is right, loving, good and orderly. God sustains me in this moment, and always! Today is a God-given gift - an opportunity. God shows me my purpose and gives me my wholeness to accomplish what is given to me to do. I have been created with a Divine design and for a Divine purpose! God is with me now to comfort and bless me. I let go of all the lies I tell myself. I am free from thoughts of fear. I am enfolded in God's love and I experience God's good continuously. I choose open doors, joy and freedom, I open my mind and allow wonderful new ideas to flow into my life. With God's help, step-by-step, I accomplish the goals I desire in my life. I am alive, alight, awake, alert, joyous, and enthusiastic about life! God is my strength. I am knowing it now. I have radiant health that is spiritually complete. My great life is built one thought at a time, I think about God and positive outcomes ONLY. I am one with the all-knowing Mind of Christ. I think clearly. I learn easily and I remember what I learn. Click on the NEXT PRAYER button for another selection To Print - Right-click on your mouse, and select "Print.", press Ctrl-P, or use your browser's Print function. Presented by the PositiveChristianity.org web site. |
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