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I have faith in You, God, as my omnipresent help in every need. I have faith in You as my almighty resource. I trust You to preserve me in abundance. I trust You, God, in every part of my life. I have faith in You and in Your good. I Thank You for your Divine aid in every endeavor. I know, with a deep inner knowing, that whatever the appearance, whatever the condition, Your immeasurable power for good is at work, and an unlimited potential for good is yet to be brought forth. I have faith in You, God, as my omnipresent help in every need. I have faith in You, God as my almighty resource. I trust You, God to preserve me in abundance. I trust You, God, in every part of my life. I turn to You, God, because I believe You are a rewarder of them who seek after You. I place my faith in Your help readily available in maximum quantity, and I give thanks to You. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, with everything inside of me I say "I believe." My faith is strong as move forward in my life with a total reliance on You. I will not falter and I will not fail for You are with me. I place my total and unconditional trust in You, God. I believe in Your power of absolute good working on my behalf at all times. I trust in You through any change I go through. I trust in You through any seeming loss. I trust that whenever anything is eliminated from my life it is a prelude to better good. I trust that when I create a vacuum in my life by eliminating what I no longer need, I am creating a vacancy for new outstanding good to have room in my life. I stand in faith by letting go of the old and waiting with open arms and mind for my good. And so it is. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, The greatest gifts I can give You are my faith and love, which I do wholeheartedly. You are my life, my everything - my every moment of the day, my every breath. God, I believe that all things are possible through Your power, and I know that You are active in my life. I believe that You are with me, now and always, and I am grateful. I believe in more than my five senses. I believe in miracles. I believe in Your wonder-working power constantly flowing through me. I live beyond my five senses to believe in something bigger than myself, and I live according to my beliefs. God, watching the sunrise fill the vastness of the horizon with light and color, I feel faith in You resonating throughout my entire being. I look at the face of a baby, and I see the wonder of Your creation reflected back at me. I feel faith alive in me. The same power that created the tiny infant is responsible for the rising of the sun and for all life. I have a complete reverence for the sheer magnificence of Your presence. I survey Your kingdom surrounding me and surrender any feelings of doubt or insecurity, for the same power that creates such glory also created me. Your kingdom is all around me and within me. I am filled with the joy and peace of believing in You. I dedicate my heart, my time, and my attention to Your presence, and I am changed into a healthier, stronger, wiser, and more loving person. Thank You, God, I believe! In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, I believe in You totally and completely. I believe in You! My total belief in You supports me during any challenge and inspires me to succeed. As I trust You to guide me, I create an atmosphere around me that nurtures me. You are the giver and sustainer of my life, and I know that You are constantly pouring out pure, unconditional love to me. Whenever I take my awareness away from the confusion around me, Your assurance satisfies the longing of my soul. Dear God, I feel Your steady assurance that You will never leave me to face anything alone. You are my life and my constant companion. I know that, with Your help, no problem is impossible of solution. I ask for Your help now, and for Your light to guide my way to success. I look to You for answers. I promise I will not fear; I promise instead to have total faith in Your perfect outworking of this challenge. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen.
I have faith in You, dear God, and in Your good. Thank You for your Divine aid in every endeavor. I know, with a deep inner knowing, that whatever the appearance, whatever the condition, there is an immeasurable power for good at work. There is an unlimited potential for good yet to be brought forth. Your law of good IS AT WORK. God, RIGHT NOW You establish that which is right and just for all concerned. Dear God, I know that You are always at work to bring forth order, harmony and right conditions. I now have full realization that Your loving good is always at work. In Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
Dear God, I thank You for being with me as I drive, or ride as a passenger in Your car. This car and all of its occupants are protected by You. This car, its mechanics, its electronics, its wheels, and brakes are under Your Divine management and protection. I feel safe, and there is an atmosphere of safety and protection surrounding this vehicle and all who travel within it. If I am the driver, I am well rested, alert, and observant. I pray that You, dear God, will go ahead of my car alerting me of any hazardous condition. My vehicle is a place of peace and well-being for all who ride within it. God, You help us read the maps and guide our way. Our journey is filled with joyous serendipity. I am happy as I ride to my destination, and we arrive well-rested and ready for the joyous events of the destination. The light of God surrounds this car; The love of God enfolds this car; The power of God protects this car; The presence of God watches over our journey. Wherever we are, God is! In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, I am aware that this plane is Your spiritual idea, upheld by Your Omnipotent love. You have given the angels charge over me to keep me in all of my ways. You are the co-pilot of this plane -- this plane is safe. "Underneath are the everlasting arms." Our course is straight and true. Your spiritual radar is always working, and we are always on the beam of living love. No mist, rain, fog, or sleet can confuse our flight. The weather is always Your weather. We can't drift beyond Your care. Everyone who works on this plane is imbued with the wisdom and intelligence of God mind. Their orders are from You, and they are good orders. Every flight is a flight of truth and love. Your intelligence watches over this flight and the people working on it. Dear God, You are the flight master of all things that fly. We are safe in Your care and grateful that our landings are happy ones. The engines express eternal life. They abound with perpetual energy and limitless power Divine. They cannot break down, slow down or fly amiss. In peace and comfort, I fly in safety because You are with me. In Your presence I am protected, and this plane is protected. Your mind is working through the minds of all those in security, helping them to see any potential danger ahead of time. All things are in Divine order in my travel plans. I have Divine timing, arriving ahead of time to do all that I need to do, checking bags and going through security. My bags and their contents are protected by the light of God. I am safe in God's everlasting care. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, bless my vacation, bless my renewal, bless my ability to play and bless my ability to find new joy wherever I am. I pray for serendipity - unexpected positive surprise. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, I thank You for being with me at all times. Hold me close today, this moment, tomorrow, and in the days to come, loving Presence of God. Be with me through the night hours and be with me through the day. Hold Thou my hand. Guide Thou my feet. Comfort Thou my heart. I trust my future in Your care. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, in this moment, I center myself into the heart of Your love. With every beat of my heart I feel my connection and oneness with You. In the awareness of my heart I feel, in a meaningful and exquisite way, my closeness with Your love and all others in my life. I feel oneness with Your powerful energy. I am at peace in the heart of Your love. In Jesus Christ's name and nature, Amen
Dear God, when the road of life seems difficult, I remain centered, calm and poised in Your loving presence. I turn to You, God, and find peace of mind instantly, and the concern over the shadows of challenges fades away. I feel Your very present light and love and the ever-present assurance of Divine help and Divine direction in my life. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, in this moment, I am immersed in You. Your presence lives with me; Your presence is in me as peace; Your presence is in me as wisdom; Your presence is in me as health and abundance. With every breath, I have a renewed sense of oneness with You. And so it is. In the name and through the power of Jesus Christ, Amen
Any Good I Can Do
Dear God, I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing, therefore, that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again. (Stephen Grellet)
Positive Christianity LORD'S PRAYER
Our God, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Almighty Spirit, quickening my whole being, perfect be the revelation of Thy Spirit in me. All my cells are absorbing energy, health, strength and new vitality from the Power that dwells within me. Healing life flows through every cell, cleansing, purifying and making me whole and well. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is heaven. Dear loving God, let the harmonizing power of Divine Love adjust all things perfectly as I move throughout this Divinely ordered day. Let me feel the peace of Thy presence within me and all around me. Give us this day our daily bread. May I, dear God, partake freely this day of the bread of life, the spiritual understanding that nourishes my soul. I give thanks that this day there is ample provision for every need of my body and soul. Forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors. Dear God, let the forgiving love free me, once and for all, this day, of all unhappy memories of the past. I ask to be cleansed. Calm the turbulent thoughts. Enable me to see through the problems of personality. Make me a radiating center of Love that shines forth to bless with understanding and compassion for all others. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Dear God, today I choose to be freed from the temptation of negative error thinking. Let Thy presence with me guide me in controlling my thoughts and words. I fear no evil as I let the Spirit guide and protect me and call to my remembrance all that is spiritually good. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Dear God, I let Your kingdom, Your power, and Your glory be made manifest inside of me during these next 24 spiritual hours. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen.
(From a classic "Positive Daily Inspiration," and full sermon, by video, accessible through clicking on "Positive Church" on our homepage.) 1. Say to yourself, "Worry is just a very bad mental habit, and I can change any habit with God's help. 2. You became a worrier by practicing worry. You can become free of worry by practicing the opposite and stronger habit of faith. With all the strength and perseverance you can command, start practicing faith. 3. How do you practice faith? First thing every morning, before you arise, say aloud, "I believe," three times. 4. Pray, using this formula: "I place this day, my life, my loved ones, my work in the Lord's hands. There is no harm in the Lord's hands, only good. Whatever happens, whatever results, if I am in the Lord's hands, it is the Lord's will, and it is good." 5. Practice saying something positive, concerning everything about which you have been talking negatively. Talk positively. For example, don't say, "This is going to be a terrible day." Instead, affirm, "This is going to be a glorious day." Don't say, "I'll never be able to do that." Instead, affirm, "With God's help, I will do that." 6. Never participate in a worry conversation. Shoot an injection of faith into all your conversations. A group of people talking pessimistically can infect every person in the groups with negativism. But by talking things up rather than down, you can drive off that depressing atmosphere, and make everyone feel helpful and happy. 7. One reason you are a worrier is that your mind is literally saturated with apprehension thoughts, defeat thoughts, and gloomy thoughts. To counteract these thoughts, mark every passage in the Bible that speaks of faith, hope, happiness, glory, and radiance. Commit each to memory. Say them, repeatedly, until these creative thoughts saturate your subconscious mind. Then, the subconscious will return to you what you have given it, namely, optimism, not worry. 8. Cultivate friendships with hopeful people. Surround yourself with friends who think positive, faith-producing thoughts and who contribute to a creative atmosphere. This will keep you energized with faith attitudes. 9. See how many people you can help to cure their worry habit. In helping another to overcome worry, you get greater power over it within yourself. 10. Every day of your life, conceive of yourself as living in partnership and companionship with Jesus Christ. If He actually walked by your side, would you be worried or afraid? Well, then, say to yourself, "He is with me." Affirm aloud, "I am with you, always." Then change it to say, "He is with me now." Repeat that affirmation, three times every day.
COMFORT me God, with Your peace, HELP me to be a blessing, INSPIRE me with the guidance of Your Wisdom, EMPOWER me beyond past limitations; I choose to be fully alive this moment, PREPARE me to move forward, unafraid, knowing that You go ahead of me, I LET God's light shine through me, NOW, assured by God, and positive that I can make a difference, I EXPECT A MIRACLE! AMEN.
I have a firm belief in God. I have a firm belief in good outcomes when following God. I have a firm belief in God's health. I have a firm belief in God's harmony and love. I have a firm belief in God's guidance. I have a firm belief in God's prosperity. I have a firm belief in the power of God at work in my life right now. I will not waiver, I will not weaken, I will not diminish my firm belief in God. In Jesus Christ's name ... Amen
Dear God, I do not limit my faith by doubting. I believe bigger. My faith is solid in You and Your goodness in my life. I remind myself that it is God who is in charge, not me. Dear God, I know that You always prevail. With God, all things are truly possible. I know this. I believe this. I base my life on my faith in God. In Jesus Christ's name ... Amen
Expect a Miracle Prayer
"By the grace of God I am what I am, and God's grace toward me has not been in vain." 1 Corinthians 15:10 Speak this aloud, in prayer: I believe in miracles because I believe in God. God, You are a wonder-working God. Night and day, You are working behind the scenes to bring about the most wondrous perfect result. I give thanks that I am a part of Your plan of miracles. I pray for a miracle, but more importantly, because of my belief in You that never waivers, I expect a miracle. I give You my life for you to transform it and lengthen it with Your miracle-working power. Dear God, I give You my body, from the top of my head, to the bottom of my feet. I pray that You will bring Your miracle working power to every cell and atom, every tissue and every fiber. I give You my heart, my lungs, my kidneys, my liver, my stomach, and all the organs of my body for You to perfect with the miracle working power of Your perfect regeneration. I give You my skeletal system for You to strengthen and empower. I give You my mind for You to transform every thought into a thought that is founded in doubtless faith and grounded in bottomless strength. I give You my eyes so that you can transform them from seeing negative energy-zapping events to witnessing the wonder and majesty of all life. I give You my emotions so that they will no longer be cynical or critical; down or lowly about myself and others. Uplift my emotions with Your miracle-working power. I give You my energy so that You can add to it with miracle-working power so that I sizzle with energy, zeal and enthusiasm. I give You all my relationships for You to transform with a miracle of pure love. I pray that those relationships that are old and worn out are renewed and sustained with Your life-giving power of miracle love. Dear God, I give You my career and I ask that You touch it and bring to it continuous miracles. God, I give You my hopes and dreams, my goals and ambitions, I ask You to bring miracles asked for and dreamed for along with the serendipity of the unexpected miracles that will make my life surprising and sweet. Dear God, I give You my hands. Use them, so that they can produce miracles in other's lives. Dear God, I give You my feet. Use them to walk towards my miracles or to aid in producing miracles for others. I expect a miracle, and I accept my miracle! In Jesus Christ's name....Amen
The 5 Finger Prayer
This is so special, shared originally on Positive Daily Inspiration in 1999. This is beautiful - and it is surely worth making the 5 finger prayer a part of our lives. 1. Your thumb is nearest you. So begin your prayers by praying for those closest to you. They are the easiest to remember. To pray for our loved ones is, as C. S. Lewis once said, a "sweet duty." 2. The next finger is the pointing finger. Pray for those who teach, instruct and heal. This includes teachers, doctors, and ministers. They need support and wisdom in pointing others in the right direction. Keep them in your prayers. 3. The next finger is the tallest finger. It reminds us of our leaders. Pray for the president, leaders in business and industry, and administrators. These people shape our nation and guide public opinion. They need God's guidance. 4. The fourth finger is our ring finger. Surprising to many is the fact that this is our weakest finger, as any piano teacher will testify. It should remind us to pray for those who are weak, in trouble or in pain. They need your prayers day and night. You cannot pray too much for them. 5. And lastly comes our little finger - the smallest finger of all which is where we should place ourselves in relation to God and others. As the Bible says, "The least shall be the greatest among you." Your pinkie should remind you to pray for yourself. By the time you have prayed for the other four groups, your own needs will be put into proper perspective and you will be able to pray for yourself more effectively.
Prayer technique:
If even for a moment you ever feel apart from God, get a piece of paper and write "God." Then next to it I want you to write "me." Now I want you to draw a circle around "God" and "me." You will see with your eyes how the circle of God's love makes you one. I pray dear God that I become more aware of you. I pray that I never feel shut out, but always included in Your circle of love and joy. I pray that I am aware that I am in Your circle - the circle of God's love. I pray that this circle is a protecting presence around me fencing out my fears and frustrations. I pray that within the circle of God's love I am set free as I realize there is nothing to fear. Amen
Rely on God
Dear God, I pray my awareness of You is like a spark plug, and it creates a spark inside of me that accelerates during my day. I pray that I realize completely that You are my supply and my provider. I choose, with Your help, God, the heaven in every individual moment of my day. My mind is Your mind, God. Infill my human brain with Divine ideas that are pregnant in possibilities for me and for my life. Show me Your way. Help me to feel this, today, inside of myself. I know that all true action is occurring in my body temple, now. I give myself to this. I become an active partner with you, God, in this moment. I allow You to be my partner in life, in thinking, and in the reproduction of the cells in my physical body temple. My temple is the temple of the living God. I rejoice and I ask that this be shown this is true by my feelings, opinions, and ideas I hold about this day. Today is the best day I have ever lived, and today is eternally forever. In Jesus Christ's name, I rely on God ... Amen.
God is my Partner
Dear God, with You as my partner, I am guided in all my undertakings, in all my decisions. Thank You for inspiration and light. I find right answers. I make good judgments that bring about perfect order on my journey of life. I am fearless and secure. Whatever needs to be done by me, I do it with a confident spirit. Dear God, you are always with me to protect me and to make successful my way. I look at all things with a positive, optimistic attitude. I face life with enthusiasm. My realization of my oneness with You assures me that nothing can limit my good. I see all situations and all relationships working together for my highest good. In Jesus Christ's name... Amen
I Become Still and Listen
Dear God, in prayer, I quiet myself, I become still and listen. I listen to the silence of eternity and find rest for my soul. I listen and feel the soothing, mighty power of the silence in prayer. All disturbance is absorbed in the still calm of the silence of prayer. I am filled with strength from on high. Peace pervades my whole being. I sense a mighty power welling up in me. I feel restored in mind and body. Jesus said, "Come ye yourselves apart... and rest a while." Rest comes to me as I let go and let God. Here I find sweet communion with God that renews and restores me, strengthening me to take up my work where God has left it to my care. I have the strength of God and the vitality of God to do anything and everything this day. In Jesus Christ's name. . . Amen
I bless my day by praying that it becomes God's day. I pray that this day becomes a day of bliss through God's action in me. I pray today that I receive Divine help. I pray that I enter into this day with a calm peaceful mind and as I proceed I am literally bathed in the tranquility of God's presence. I pray that I find every peace that I need to find. I pray my day becomes an easier task than I ever thought. I pray that through God's mind thinking in my mind that I clearly understand all, to the standard of perfection. I pray that all the math works together in my favor, that all the odds are on my side. I see myself filled with God's confidence. As I go forward, I am assured of accuracy and right judgment. God energizes me and makes me feel good in mind and body. I am filled with the energy that comes from accomplishment. I am glad to bless others in this day, in this way. I pray that there is a shift in me that changes my thinking to Higher Mind. I pray that my life is much easier for me this year than ever before, so much so, that you I never put off doing great things to the last moment. In my following days I will know that God is ready to work with me and my days become fun. In Jesus Christ's name... Amen
"With long life I will satisfy them and show them my salvation." Psalms 91:16 Jesus said, "According to your faith be it done to you." Let us pray to increase our faith. Positive Affirmation Statement for the Day (read aloud if possible): I have faith in God as my instant, constant, and abundant health. I have faith in God as the source of my happiness and well-being. I believe that God created me to enjoy the blessings of a fruitful, happy and creative life. I remember that God is good and that God's good is present with me wherever I am. God sustains me in a healthy, prosperous state now and forever. I open my eyes to the joys and wonders of the new life of faith. I feel needed. I feel wanted. I feel secure. I feel joy in my soul, for I have an awareness of the fullness and completeness of God's presence around me and within me. I welcome the richness that living yields, and I keep my mind filled with bright, shining ideas that produce joy-filled, satisfying days. I am indeed blessed to know the truth that frees, and I now give all my attention to living from the premise of faith in God. I go to God first and I listen for guidance. God is revealing to me the answer for my particular need. God is showing me the way to meet every situation. God is speaking to me in my innermost heart. I take time now to go to God in the silence of this moment. I take time tonight to join in silent prayer reflecting on God's power in my life. God is whispering to me, so softly that I cannot hear unless I give God my complete attention in all humility. God is quickening God's ideas in my mind, telling me the next step to take, urging me to follow God's direction. God is prompting my heart. I am alert to the activity of my guiding Lord. I am ready to act in God's power. God is inspiring me with new insights, arousing in me God's truth, animating me with God's life. Today I choose to hear God. I am blessed with ideas of health, happiness and prosperity right now in this moment. Thought to Take into Prayer - from Psalms 62:1, "For God alone my soul waits in silence."
I look ahead much farther Than my physical eyes can see. I move ahead, With faith and love, and know instinctively That even as I anxiously wait, Solutions start to form; God is working all things out, And I'll get through the storm. I relax into this knowing, And release ALL fear I see; In the unfailing order of God's Great Plan Things will work out for me. Barbara Bergen
Baptized in Faith
I baptize myself spiritually in faith. I immerse myself in God. I am cleansed and purified of any negativity. I am cleansed and purified of any doubt. I am cleansed and purified of any fear. I am washed clean in the pure power of God. I take on added power from the Divine. All fatigue is gone, all disappointment is eliminated. I am renewed, empowered, motivated, driven. Guided by God I move forward with great hope, immersed in great faith. I am a new person in Christ. In Jesus Christ's name... Amen
Take God's Hand in Prayer
God, I am sensitive to Your touch, so I feel guided at every crossroad and in every time of decision. You give me a gentle nudge in the right direction and surround me with protective power. There is no road that I must travel alone, for You are always with me. On the darkest night, You light my way On the stormiest day, You provide me with shelter. Thank You, thank You, dear God for your loving help and support. Amen
"A Day of Decision"
We affirm together in prayer that this is the day of decision for us to bind to us our good from God. This is the day when God is blessing us with a receptive faith, and a trusting heart, an illumined mind, and a quickened understanding. This is the day of victory in Christ when we become uncommon. We are in prayer this day, this wonderful day, as a new opening comes in our eternal treasure of God’s Truth. We realize that we are existing in abundant good that is around us like air. This is the day when the healing power of the Great Physician is working mightily in us. Within the sacred precincts of our hearts, we hear the voice of God questioning, "Would thou be made whole?" The Great Physician knows that the faith in us is strong enough to ask and is great enough to receive. God speaks with an authoritative power. As you enter into this new spiritual opportunity, God says to you, "Arise, take up thy bed and walk." This is our time to be free and whole. We bind the highest and the best to us permanently. We arise and we lift up all old thoughts of neglect, or hopelessness, or helplessness, on which any belief in disease, or weakness may have laid, and we walk with a new power, unbound, into the presence of the Christ. We find the Christ in the temple of our bodies. We are not alone. And the Christ will proclaim, "Behold, thou art made whole." This is the time for us to accept the good that God has prepared for us. "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them who love God." We open our eyes and we look to God for the fulfillment of every conceivable need or good desire. Eyes have not seen the abundance everywhere present that God has prepared and provided. We no longer fix our eyes on the need or the seeming lack. We bind the glories and the riches of the God’s kingdom established here and now, in the midst of our lives. This is the year for us to look to God as complete supply. We have found God, and we have found our all-sufficiency. All eternity is ours in which to prove God's all-providing love. This day is ours to bind to ourselves, God as our complete supply, the time for us, by faith, to bring into manifestation the good that we seek. This is the moment to listen to the voice of love and wisdom within us, binded to us, it directs us momently toward the good that God has prepared, whether tangible or intangible, the good we seek awaits us now. We open our eyes that we may see, and our ears that we may hear the glad tidings, and we open our hearts that we may understand what God has prepared for those who love God. We bind our hearts so filled to overflowing with the love and joy and riches of God that there is no room for any depressing, unhappy, untrue or unworthy feelings to remain in us. This is the very second for us to bind the fullness of God’s good, encompassed only by eternity. This is the good day which has come to us, and it is filled with Divine treasures for us all. We believe this as we walk towards the path of holding the keys to the kingdom permanently bound to us. In Jesus Christ's name we pray . . . Amen.
Read this in the silence:
Heavenly God, I may not understand how everything will work out, but I trust You.e I don’t see a way, but I know You will make a way. I have faith that this very moment You are touching hearts, opening doors, and lining up the right breaks and right opportunities. Things may look dark and bleak now, but I have faith that my dawn is coming. Amen AFFIRMATIONS
Only one prayer is shown per page.I have total, undoubting, unwavering faith in God in whom all things are possible! With faith in God, I open my life to all possible blessings. I am unshakable because I have unshakable faith in God. I am steadfast in my belief that God is present and active at all times and in all situations. Nothing is stronger than my faith in God! I am sustained, upheld, and comforted by the loving presence of God ever with me. The presence of God never leaves me. I am never alone. This moment and every moment, God is with me! Wherever I am, whatever the circumstances, God is here, and I am protected. Right here, right now, God is present. God is real. God is alive. God is with me now. God is by my side every moment of every day. I move forward, with God, in faith. I am filled with the spirit of faith. I meet all challenges with faith. I am as strong as my faith, and my faith is strong. My faith will not be rocked by appearances. I look only to God, the foundation of my life. Nothing is stronger in my life than my faith. I have confidence because I practice faith in God. My faith is strong, praise God! I cultivate seeds of faith in the prospering love of God and reap bountiful good. I trust in God without reservations. Click on the NEXT PRAYER button for another selection To Print - Right-click on your mouse, and select "Print.", press Ctrl-P, or use your browser's Print function. Presented by the PositiveChristianity.org web site. |
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