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I become quiet and focused on the Spirit of God. Alone with the presence of God, I feel a great serenity. I rediscover how refreshing it feels to be calm and at peace. I feel as if waves of peace are washing over me and clearing away any tenseness and anxiety. I know that I am eternally one with God. In Jesus Christ's name - Amen
Dear God, I pray today -Peace Be Still.- God, help me to still any inner turmoil in my mind and body. Give me strength and wisdom to face every event with inner peace and comfort. Help me to recall moment-to-moment that I am not alone and that you are with me as my help in every need. I am comforted in the thought today, God, that nothing can ever separate us. I know that with You I will meet every challenge triumphantly and live my life victoriously. I am ever-comforted by Your sweet love. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved, as to love; for it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen. St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226)
Dear God, I pray that I am motivated and dedicated to manifesting complete harmony in my world. I ask God that you will empower me and gift me with a presence of Divine harmony in and through me, so that I may give it away to others in my world. I know that I am one with you and therefore I know that my request is heard and granted. I pray that within my own mind and body there is harmony so that I may be fully empowered to go forward on this mission of love. I will be a peacemaker and I will be a light for God's harmony every day and every place within this new time of opportunity. I choose to live my life in a higher way. I do not neglect the gift of time that you have given me to better my world and myself. I promise that I will use my time here on earth to create a new environment among peoples of all humanity. In Jesus Christ's name ... Amen
Dear God, in this moment of time, I willingly turn to You, turning away from the turmoil of my life to the inner peace and tranquility that You offer. I willingly let go of my nervousness, telling it to relax in Your presence. I willingly let go of my worries, telling each as they arise to announce themselves, to relax and take the day off as I surrender to You. I breathe deeply, and begin to concentrate on Your power that is working in soothing gentle ways throughout my mind, my body, and my soul. Nothing outside of me can disturb the calm peace of my soul. Dear God, I thank You for the peace that I am feeling and the tranquility that is growing moment by moment. I pray for an expansion of this peaceful quiet thought throughout my day and my night. Thank You, God. In Jesus Christ-s name, Amen
Right now, You are calm. You are serene. You are relaxed as you let God work in and through you. You affirm this quietly in your mind, and a great serenity of stillness and rest happens inside of you. Allow this to happen right now in this holy moment of the silence. . . The Christ rises up, and the human is cast aside for a moment. All tense, worried, anxious thoughts are cast aside for the moment. You feel the serenity of God. God's serenity is infilling you this moment; the peace is calming the storm inside of you; the peace is calming the wind inside of you. God-s calm, sweet knowing fills your heart. God is a real God. God is right where you are. God is with you now. God is a calm God, a peaceful God, a still God. You turn toward God-s calming, peaceful Presence and God infills you. You are a direct focal point of expression for God; the radiating center through which God-s light shines. You feel God-s peace in the silence of prayer. . . In this moment of quiet, God is giving you health, happiness, prosperity, harmony, love, wisdom and success. You are serene, and you have faith that this is so. God is answering your need in just the right way. You are completely receptive to God's action through you. You are serene with a calm, trusting state of mind. You let go and you let God. Instead of thinking tense, worried, anxious thoughts, you quietly affirm: I AM CALM. I AM SERENE. I AM RELAXED AS I LET GOD WORK THROUGH ME. You see that you have stopped straining towards the answer to your problem. The answers that you need flow unobstructed into your mind. A serene mind is a mind filled with power. Right now, your mind is a mind that is filled with power. You are poised. You are filled with God's Spirit of love which attracts happiness to you. God is working in your life. Answers to prayer are coming. You are receptive with an open mind. Serenity is happening in you; a quiet, clear-minded listening to God's voice. This day a way is opened for you. This day you receive help that you need from this quiet inner voice to go forward. This day you are strong In your faith. This day you are poised for right action. This day you are joyous in celebration of expectancy. With a calm serenity in your mind, you feel God's peace, a peace that passes all understanding, a peace that will not leave you. In Jesus Christ's name, you pray and give thanks. Amen
Dear God, The depth of tranquility within me is deeper than my human self, for I am anchoring myself in Your depths. Gentle waves of peace move within me announcing to every cell that this is a day off, a day of relaxation, a day of vacation for overused thoughts and tired emotions. I feel Your tranquility, dear God. I am one with Your tranquility. I feel Your peace, and I am peaceful. I pray that I am renewed deeper than sleep could ever renew me. I pray that I have the touch of Your calm upon any nervous, reluctant area of mind or body. Rivers of calm flow within me from Your wellspring. I know not one discordant thought. I choose to live fully in Your tranquility. My presence is Your peaceful presence, and the wake that I create in my movement is only the gentle wave, gently touching fellow souls who share my path. No activity or outside news can overpower Your quiet power within me and surrounding me. I am protected by Your quiet shield of the peaceful presence. I pray that others sense that I come in peace. I pray that I leave every environment that I enter into in peace. My words today take on the depth of the tone of Your tranquility. I pray that I make people who happen into my space of tranquility feel at peace. I do not have to be alone to feel tranquil, for my tranquility springs from Your wellsprings. There is more than enough to share and to spare. My body is drawing great power from quietness and rest. My mind is renewed and able to focus and reason without needing to draw on the false faces of worry and fear. I rest on the quiet sands of Your restful beach warmed by the light of the rays of Your ever-watchful presence. In my tranquility, I place my trust totally in You and Your power in my own individual life and all its facets. I am deeply moved today by Your presence and quiet power. I feel renewed in ways that my human mind can not comprehend. Tranquility is feeding my soul in ways that will change it as an investment that will last throughout eternity. In Jesus Christ's peaceful name, Amen
Dear God I ask for peace of mind. I pray that I am calm, collected and tranquil at all times today. I rest and relax in Your presence. I let go of all anxious thoughts. I stop rushing and start praying. I let go and I let God. In Jesus Christ-s name, Amen
Slow me down, Lord! Ease the pounding of my heart by the quieting of my mind. Steady my hurried pace, With a vision of the eternal reach of time. Give me, amidst the confusion of my day, The calmness of the everlasting hills. Break the tension of my nerves With the soothing music of the singing streams that live in my memory. Help me to know the magical restoring power of sleep. Teach me the art of taking minute vacations of slowing down. To look at a flower; To chat with an old friend or make a new one; To pat a stray dog; to watch a spider build a web; To smile at a child; or to read from a good book. Remind me each day That the race is not always to the swift; That there is more to life than increasing its speed. Let me look upward into the towering oak And know that it grew great and strong Because it grew slowly and well. Orin L. Crain (from The Treasure Chest)
If you have watched with inarticulate delight, From the free vantage of a country hill, The change from sunset into twilight, dusk, and night, Then you have felt how deep peace is, how still. You see the benediction of the afterglow Accent each detail of the widespread scene, Before the twilight sky, rimmed with pink, rose and mauve. Securely cups our world, safe and serene. Then dark - pricked there - and there - and there by neighbor-s light; Bright stars, and silence stabbed by cricket song. You feel cares slip away. Here on this hill tonight. The tang is clean, the pulse is strong. Emma Glaser (found in The Treasure Chest) -God quiets the heart that rests in God's presence.- Anonymous - from a church bulletin
World Peace Prayer
Dear God, I pray for world peace. Jesus You said, "I, when I am lifted up on the earth, will draw all men to myself." As I lift my thoughts to the high consciousness of peace, I help lift the thoughts of all people throughout the world to peace. God, what a blessing it is to know that I can contribute to the peace of this world through prayer. My prayers reach out to unfold all nations and people of the earth. I know that the same presence of peace that is within me resides in people everywhere - no matter who they are, or where they live. No matter what religion we profess, each person has been created with the peace of God at the center of his or her being. God's peace harmonizes all seeming disagreements and dissolves all differences. God's peace brings great freedom to all. My prayer and my vision of the world is of a peaceful planet. As I hold to this prayer and vision, I remember that peace begins with me. I pray, in Jesus Christ name- Amen
Deep at the center of my being, there is a place of absolute stillness and of infinite calm. No matter how turbulent my thoughts may be, this place remains quiet, serene and undisturbed. When I go within myself, saying to myself "Peace Be Still" I begin to still the clamoring of my thoughts. I pray in peace and then I am given the strength and the healing of God in my mind and in my entire being. Quiet is ever sounding from the core of me. I gather my wandering, restless, disturbed thoughts and take them to this inner place of peace and stillness where, in prayer, I commune with God. "I rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him". I allow God to bless me as I become still in God's presence. I feel God's benediction of peace upon me and upon my loved ones and I pray that we both accept God's peace. "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you." There is nowhere in the world where God is not. It abides with everyone that I love and God's presence abides with me. It is ours for the taking and I accept it and I pray that my dear one accepts God's help that is readily available right now! In Jesus Christ's name...Amen
Dear God, Now, we pray for world peace, knowing in this ministry, we are truly making a difference in the world and in world outcomes. We know that Divine love fills the hearts of all people, establishing peace, understanding, harmony, and trust in the world. There is communication that is opened up that goes beyond any language or any religion. There is communication between peoples. We become one government and one people under God to do the love of God and the bidding of God-which is love. We now hold to the holy peace, knowing that it is established in mind. Then, as thoughts are held in mind, it is established within the earth - on heaven-s realms, on earth-s realms. The light of God surrounds us all and it surrounds our troops. The love of God enfolds us all and it surrounds people everywhere with its perfect love, communication, and understanding. The power of God protects us all. The presence of God watches over us and watches over others. Wherever we are, wherever they are, God is, and all is well. In Jesus Christ-s name, we hold to this Truth. We know the Truth for ourselves, for people that we are praying with, and for our friends and relatives. Thank you God! Amen.
Dear God, I pray for world peace. Jesus You said, "I, when I am lifted up on the earth, will draw all men to myself." As I lift my thoughts to the high consciousness of peace, I help lift the thoughts of all people throughout the world to peace. God, what a blessing it is to know that I can contribute to the peace of this world through prayer. My prayers reach out to unfold all nations and people of the earth. I know that the same presence of peace that is within me resides in people everywhere - no matter who they are, or where they live. No matter what religion we profess, each person has been created with the peace of God at the center of his or her being. God's peace harmonizes all seeming disagreements and dissolves all differences. God's peace brings great freedom to all. My prayer and my vision of the world is of a peaceful planet. As I hold to this prayer and vision, I remember that peace begins with me. I pray, in Jesus Christ name - Amen
Dear God, help me to live in a day tight compartment, in THIS moment of time I let go to God, that that would bother me, or cause me to become anxious. I decide with God's help to enjoy my day. Thank You God! Amen
The positive power of the Christ mind thinks through me. I have loving ideas that empower me to live a life of God-s love. I am centered and harmonized in God. I speak and I act from this center. The love of God ceases all worry, ends all fretting and stewing, and eliminates my slow burn of anger. There is no flashpoint or trigger that causes me to get upset because I am stayed in a Mind that is finding rich expression through me as I think the thoughts of love and peace. God's pure perfect love finds expression through my words, my right actions and my positive motivations. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, I pray that I am motivated and dedicated to manifesting complete harmony in my world. I ask You, God, to empower me and gift me with a presence of Divine harmony in and through me, so that I may give it away to others in my world. I know that I am one with You, God. Therefore I know that my request is heard and granted. I pray that within my own mind and body there is harmony so that I may be fully empowered to go forward on this mission of love. I will be a peacemaker and a light for Your harmony every day and every place this year. I choose to live my life in a higher way. I do not neglect the gift of time that You have given me to better my world and myself. I promise that I will use my time here on earth to create a new environment among peoples of all humanity. In Jesus Christ's name - Amen
Dear God, I am at peace in Your presence. Truly, deeply, I am at peace. I am serene. There may be outer turbulence - winds of change - but deep inside, I am still. Here there is silence, sweetness, and Your peace. I take a slow, deep breath and let it go. I bring it in, again, deeply, and let it go. Even as I resume my normal breathing, I stay with the sense of serenity that deep breathing brings. There is Your great Truth; there is my true identity, in the depth of that breath and that peace. For this time of serenity with You, I am grateful. Thank You, God! In the name of Jesus Christ . . .Amen.
My peace comes from the joyful news - God is my Creator, and the peace and wonderment of God's Spirit is within me. God Spirit is within all people - everywhere. May faith assure us that true serenity is our Divine inheritance. The peace of God within us is more than a state of mind - it is a state of being. I pray that all humans can learn to live with each other in tranquility. Dear God, I pray, I am being the peace of God in my world. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, I take a moment now to spiritually relax. I feel the tension leaving my body. Now I take a deep breath and breathe deeply of the life of God. I allow the breath of God to fill my lungs and spread through my body. I exhale slowly and completely. I clear my mind and allow the Spirit of God to take me into a moment of silence where I can bask in the glory of God. I pray God that you will relax me deeply. I pray this entire day will an ever-increasing spiritual break with You. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Almighty God, help me to understand that peace does not come in rebellion or grieving, but is obtained through the calm of the soul. Grant that if I may be perplexed or worried today, I may have the power to control myself and wait in Thy strength. Amen
"See, I have set before you this day life and good." Deuteronomy 30:15 Let us pray, Dear God, in this moment of time, I willingly turn to you, turning away from the turmoil of my life to the inner peace and tranquility that You offer. I willingly let go of my nervousness, telling it to relax in the presence of God. I willingly let go of my worries, telling each as they arise to announce themselves, to relax and take the day off as we surrender to God. I breathe deeply, and begin to concentrate on God's power that is working in soothing gentle ways throughout my mind, my body, and my soul. Nothing outside of me can disturb the calm peace of my soul. The depth of tranquility within me is deeper than my human self for I am anchoring myself in the depths of God. Gentle waves of peace move within me announcing to every cell that this is a day off, a day of relaxation, of vacation for overused thoughts and tired emotions. I feel the tranquility of God because I am one with the tranquility of God. I feel the peace of God because I am peaceful. I pray today that I am renewed deeper than sleep could ever renew me. I pray that I have the touch of God's calm upon any nervous, reluctant area of mind or body. Rivers of calm flow within me from the wellspring of God. I know not one discordant thought. I choose to live fully in the tranquility of God in the next 24 hours. My presence is the peaceful presence of God, and the wake that I create in my movement is only the gentle wave, gently touching the fellow souls that share my path. No activity today or outside news can overpower the quiet power of God within me and surrounding me. I am protected today by the quiet shield of the peaceful presence of God. I pray that everyone senses that I come in peace, and I pray that I leave every environment that I enter into in peace. My words today take on the depth of the tone of tranquility of God. I pray that I make people who happen into my space of tranquility feel at peace. I do not have to be alone to feel tranquil, for my tranquility springs from the wellsprings of God. There is more than enough to share and to spare. I find that my body is drawing great power from quietness and rest. My mind is renewed and able to focus and reason without needing to draw on the false faces of worry and fear. I rest on the quiet sands of God-s restful beach warmed by the light of the rays of God-s ever-watchful presence. In my tranquility, I place my trust totally in God and God's power in my own individual life and all its facets. I am deeply moved today by the presence of the quiet power of God. I am feeling renewed in this 24 hours in ways that my human mind can not comprehend. The tranquility is feeding my soul in ways that will change it as an investment that will last throughout eternity. Dear God, I thank You for the peace that I am feeling and the tranquility that is growing moment by moment. I pray for an expansion of this peaceful quiet thought throughout my day and my night. In Jesus Christ's peaceful name.... Amen
"The Lord is my shepherd . . . God leads me besides still waters; God restores my soul." Psalms 23 Khalil Gibran spoke these words, "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." There is story of the tourist who came to a country town. That evening, he went down to the General Store and found a number of men who were gathered around, sitting there in silence. This particular gentleman happened to be a person who liked to talk a lot, so he kept trying to strike up a conversation. Nobody would reply. These good old boys were just sitting around the General Store in silence. Nobody said a word. Finally, the tourist said, "Well, really, is there a law against speaking in this town?" One of the men spoke up and said, "No, there's no law against speaking, but we sort of have a general understanding around here that unless one is sure he can improve upon the silence, he does not speak out." The idea of improving upon silence is so important. A. R. Ammons said, "Only silence perfects silence." It is really in the quiet that things are really accomplished. We know there is great power in the silence and the peace of mind that it brings. It was the same idea the poets address in that you could hear the silence. The sound of the silence can be almost deafening. But what a beautiful sound it is, because you feel the power it also brings. So, whatever it takes to enter into a moment of silence, let's do that. Let's take it. Let-s create a drill in the silence which provides certain steps to entering the time of silence which leads to that blessed peace of mind. This then becomes the foundation from which we can go forth and accomplish things in life. There is a lot of worldly racket in our lives. Very often you come to church to services, on Sunday morning, to experience a time of quiet and hopefully, to gain some insight into practical, helpful daily living, and what everybody really wants - to still the racket of the world, once again. It always serves that purpose, and gives a peace beyond (human) understanding. This can be accomplished where you are, not just within the 4 walls of your church. This drill in the silence is a little technique to help us become quiet and to attain that peace of mind, from which we can then go forth and really do wonderful things in life. 1) The first step is relaxation. Take command of your mind and body; speak the words Jesus spoke to the storm, "Peace, be still." It does not take very long to find that your mind and body will respond to that, and there will be a sense of peace. Once you have achieved that state of relaxation; then comes- 2) The concentration. You begin to concentrate on a certain idea, a Divine idea. You do not worry about something or stew about some problem you have, but maybe just concentrate on the words "solution" or "answer;" whatever it might be, without effort or strain. Concentrate on a particular idea. You will know what that idea is because it will be revealed to you, through you, at exactly the right moment and in the right way. After the concentration comes- 3) A time of meditation. We just let the free flow of thought take place; we are one with the presence and power of God. After meditation- 4) Realization. The answer comes; an idea is born in our consciousness which is the solution we have been seeking. I have found that sometimes the realization, or the answer, just does not come right at that moment. It may be after I have left that time of silence and gone out into the world; but at the right time and in the right way, there is the answer. It comes exactly at the right time and in the right way. The fifth step in this whole process of the drill in the silence- 5) Simply an act of gratitude or thanksgiving. We give thanks to God for the process which we have just entered and participated in, and for the answer we know is forthcoming, (if it has not already come at the time of silence). Thanksgiving is not just a wonderful way to end any activity, but to begin the activity as well. So maybe before we begin the drill in the silence, we should begin with a note of thanksgiving, because you know, in God, the answer is already there. All we have to do is let it unfold in our lives at the right time and in the right way. Sometimes, people get the idea that when we enter a time of quiet, or stillness, that it is a "cop-out" from the world; that we are trying to avoid responsibility. We become still and quiet BEFORE we do anything. The moment of stillness is not idleness, but a real period of intensified preparation activity. There is always time in the creative process for you, and me, to become still, and that is the time when God takes over and brings an increase in our future efforts, in both Divine inspiration, and strength.
I Am A Peacemaker
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." Matthew 5:9 Dear God, I pray that there is peace in my world. I pray that I am at peace with all people. Empower me to bless instead of criticizing, or resenting. I pray that all my human relations, from this moment on, are filled with peace in my mind and heart. My responses are Christ directed. I pray that I act as a center of light and love and understanding by letting peace begin with me. I pray that my actions have a marvelous reward for all. In Jesus Christ name- Amen
A Blessing
In Jesus Christ's name, I pray that God gives you ideas today to guide your path. I pray that your mind will be filled with thoughts that give you well-being. I pray that your body is filled with new God life, energy, and vitality. I pray that there is new harmony in your world and a true and lasting Divine Order is created and maintained by God. I pray that everything falls into place for you with perfect placement, and timing. I pray that others see the spirituality in you and value you for it. I pray that your family and friends are blessed directly by God. I pray that there is a God-given joy and happiness that is a daily part of your life. I pray that God will give you more reasons to smile, and even to laugh out loud. I pray that life truly becomes fun. May you have increased happiness as God adjusts everything in your life. I pray that your life becomes easy, and even automatic in the way that it returns good to you. I ask that God-given gifts be given to you so that you can express more of God to those around you. I pray that God's light shines through you illuminating not only you, but all those that come close to you. I pray that you remember to invest your time first in God every day, and in so doing God will expand your own spirituality in countless ways. I pray that every time that you make an appointment to go to God, that you sense and fully realize, that God has kept the appointment. I pray that you receive a true spiritual return on your gifts to God that you have so lovingly given. I also pray that you have a spiritual glimpse of the true difference you can make in the lives of others around you. In Jesus Christ's name...Amen
God's Gift of Peace
Dear God, I accept Your gift of peace. Not from outside myself does this gift come. From the innermost heart of me, Your peace is given. I feel Your peace and all anxiety is cast out. Tranquility permeates my being, soothing my emotions, and filling my mind and heart with joyous serenity. In my world of daily events, in my relations with others, in my plans, goals and strivings, I may at times feel frustrated, I may meet with opposition, and I may have tribulations, challenges and problems. But when I come to You, dear God, the troubles of the outer world lose their power to distress or upset me. I fully accept Your peaceful presence and all anxiety in me is transmuted into calm. This moment is holy, for in this moment, I enter into Your Spirit of peace. Thank you dear God for helping me to live without anxiety. Thank you God for Your priceless gift of peace. I shall cherish it, and I promise to share it with others. In Jesus Christ's name.... Amen
Meet the Coming Day in Peace
Dear God, grant me to meet the coming day in peace. Help me in all things to rely upon Thy holy grace. And every hour of the day reveal Thy good to me. Bless my dealings with all who surround me. Teach me to treat all that comes to me throughout the day with peace of soul, and with firm conviction that Thy love governs all. In all my deeds and words guide my thoughts and feelings. In unforeseen events let me not forget that all our sent by You. Teach me to act firmly and wisely, without embittering and embarrassing others. Give me strength to bear the coming day with all that it shall bring. Direct my will, teach me to pray, love, and accept Your grace. Amen
Peace Be Still
I weave the silence on my lips I weave a silence into my mind I weave a silence within my heart I close my ears to distractions I close my eyes to attractions I close my heart to temptations Calm me O Lord as you stilled the storm Still me O Lord, keep me from harm Let all tumult within me cease Enfold me Lord in Your peace.
Gospel of Peace
"Such as I have give I thee." Acts 3:6 Be Still I speak to you. Be still Know that I am God. I spoke to you when you were born. Be still Know that I am God. I spoke to you at your first sight. Be still Know that I am God. I spoke to you at your first word. Be still Know that I am God. I spoke to you at your first thought. Be still know that I am God. I spoke to you at your first love. Be still know that I am God. I spoke to you at your first song. Be still Know that I am God. I speak to you through the grass of the meadows. Be still Know that I am God. I speak to you through the trees of the forests. Be still Know that I am God. I speak to you through the valleys and hills. Be still Know that I am God. I speak to you through the holy mountains. Be still Know that I am God. I speak to you through the rain and snow. Be still Know that I am God. I speak to you through the waves of the sea. Be still Know that I am God. I speak to you through the dew of the morning. Be still Know that I am God. I speak to you through the peace of the evening. Be still Know that I am God. I speak to you through the splendor of the sun. Be still Know that I am God. I speak to you through the brilliant stars. Be still Know that I am God. I speak to you through the storm and the clouds. Be still Know that I am God. I speak to you through the thunder and lightning. Be still Know that I am God. I speak to you through the mysterious rainbow. Be still Know that I am God. I will speak to you when you are alone. Be still Know that I am God. I will speak to you through the wisdom of the ancients. Be still Know that I am God. I will speak to you at the end of time. Be still Know that I am God. I will speak to you when you have seen my Angels. Be still Know that I am God. I will speak to you throughout eternity. Be still Know that I am God. I speak to you. Be still Know I am God!
"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts...And be thankful." Colossians 3:15 Dear God, You are my peacemaker. Whenever I find it difficult to quiet myself, I know that all I need to do is lift my heart to Your loving nature and feel Your calmness flood my soul. It is sometimes difficult for me to realize that there is enough time for me to accomplish every task assigned to me. Give me Your peaceful truth once again, dear God. Let me know that Your life is a peace-giving, loving life, with time enough for resting my mind, with time enough for resting my busy hands, and with time enough to realize that You are my help in every need. Dear God, you are my peacemaker. I rest my weary body and mind in your tireless presence, and I am bathed with new energy and life. The moment I turn to you, I receive a new outlook on my life. It is planted in my mind and it grows as I go through the living of my life, this day. I pray that you will reward my seeking spirit with the presence of Your Spirit. I wait on You, dear God, to replace my sense of hurry and worry with Your wonderful sense of well-being and quiet. In perfect peace, I rest. I relax. I let go. The Spirit of God blesses me now. In the Holy Oneness and All-ness of God, I feel free. The breath of the Almighty breathes through me with the newness and freshness of peaceful life. My soul is a clean and open house, where the sunshine of God radiates and sparkles in every nook and cranny. Living within the laws of God, I find that my personality and character are defined by my peacefulness. I find that my world responds to me with new order, harmony, peace, and justice. I am free and happy to live, fully, in God's peace. I am peaceful to all others. I live a harmless life. My peace is not rigid or narrow. I allow others to live their own lives, and I am not threatened by differences. It is more blessed to give than to receive; I give peace to all others even when they are not peaceful with me. My peace extends from me; it is broad, deep, and filled with joy. I declare my obedience to the peace of God, realizing that its light can right any wrong situation caused by the darkness of agitation and distress. The Bible says a double-minded human is unstable in all their ways. Instability is a divided sense of loyalty and obedience. I no longer give my loyalty and obedience over to anger, or the lowest human desires of needing to get back at someone. I realize that when I get back at someone else, I am, in truth, only hurting myself. I will no longer surrender my peace of mind. When I concentrate on the peace of God and the expressing of that peace, I am held within the power of the Infinite Harmony of the Divine. With God's help, I say, "Peace" to the winds and waves of emotional excitement and they obey! It is with expectant joy that my heart sings out to You now. I pray with the ever-present knowledge that all is well in my world, in my life, and in the lives of my loved ones. Peace reigns supreme in my life today. I have a quiet, exultant heart. You are my peacemaker, dear God. Thank You God! In Jesus Christ's name...Amen.
Everything Will Work Out
Read this in the silence… Heavenly God, I may not understand how everything will work out, but I trust You. I don't see a way, but I know You will make a way. I have faith at this very moment You are touching hearts, opening doors and lining up the right breaks and right opportunities. Things may look dark and bleak now, but... I have faith that my dawn is coming. Amen AFFIRMATIONS
Only one prayer is shown per page.God-s peace is mine today. I rest in God-s peace. I am a living manifestation of God-s harmony. The fearless courageous power of the Holy Spirit blesses my body with peace, strength, and perfect harmony. Divine love is fulfilled through me. I rejoice in Divine harmony. I abide in serene fellowship. God's Spirit of love is now working in and through me to establish harmony and friendship with everyone I know. I live in harmony and contribute to the great symphony of accord with Creation. The peace of God flows from my heart to bless the world with harmony and love. I give a blessing of peace to all in my world through my consciousness of peace. Today holds moments of restored quietness of peace through knowing my oneness with God. Today holds peace and harmony for me. I am centered in God; nothing can disturb the calm peace of my soul. I rest, at peace, in God-s presence. I relax in the presence of God. The care and keeping of God maintains my serenity. I am calm; I am at peace; I am still. I am centered in the tranquility of God. I say, -Peace, be still,- to my thoughts and emotions and rest in God-s care. In God I find a peace that passes understanding. In God-s stillness, I am at peace. I am a radiating center of Divine harmony. I am centered in the peace of God. I let my thoughts and feelings rest in the inner sanctuary of peace, and I move peacefully through every change. My God-given inner peace is always with me. I feel tranquil. God-s harmonizing love fills my heart and overflows to establish peace in my world. God's love in my heart helps me to see good in all people and share peace with the world. Click on the NEXT PRAYER button for another selection To Print - Right-click on your mouse, and select "Print.", press Ctrl-P. Or use your browser's Print function. Presented by the PositiveChristianity.org web site. |
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