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Only one prayer is shown per page.INTRO, 1
Are you in need of financial abundance? If you have this need, call forth your prosperity by knowing and believing that God will provide. INTRO, 2
The law of prosperity is the law of circulation. Give and you will receive is the law. Ask God, "How can I give?" God will communicate. If you ask God how you can give, the answer will come. INTRO, 3
Prosperity is much more than money. It is Divine ideas, a healthful body, peace of mind, and an orderly and harmonious way of life. For some, prosperity is the ability to live the simple life free of the cares and burdens of debt and excess possessions. Success is yours through God. No matter how you define your prosperity, it will come to you as you choose to co-create it with God.
Dear God, I am Your child, and I am inspired by You today. I place all my affairs in Your keeping, and I ask You to prosper me in all ways. I pray that Your light guides my way, and that You bountifully supply my every need. Dear God, I believe that as Your child I have the right to be prosperous. God, I know You are my source and that every good thing that comes to me comes directly from You. I pray that You will open Your hand today and supply every good thing needed in my life. Supply my life, dear God, with courage, strength, wisdom and guiding knowledge. Fill my mind with a wealth of guiding ideas. Empower me, God, so that I can use these Your thoughts to change my life and prosper. I connect to Your good now by committing to the good You want me to have. I commit, in mind, and agree to all the good You have for me. I commit to make my abundant life one of giving and to bless all who are around me, all who walk with me, and all I will meet in the future. I will make my life a life of giving. Every day I will give. I will live my life to bless at least one other person each day. And so it is. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Thank You, God, for abundance that is making my life richer, for blessings filling my life now. Thank You for loving me and being with me right where I am, and for Divine ideas that are helping me prosper in a continuous way in every area of my life, now, and in the future. Dear God, You have blessed me with peaceful, guiding, healing thoughts that remind me of how prosperous I truly am! I hold thoughts of abundance, and I praise You for answering all my needs. My heart is filled with thanks for the many gifts You have given me, and I praise You for continuing prosperity: I praise You for the abundance that fills me! My needs are met. I praise You for the abundance that fills me! My needs are met. My journey has been filled with joy, praise, and satisfaction, and I am ready to face daily activities with renewed strength and enthusiasm. I praise You for this special spiritual time together and look forward to future times of prayer. Thank You, God, for blessing me and for creating abundant living in my life. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, I pray for a greater realization of the abundance and bountiful good that is always available to me. I sweep out thoughts of lack or limitation, and I sweep in wonderful feelings of peace and the knowledge that greater good awaits me. In an awareness of You, God, I am confident that good is now becoming evident. I recognize that I am a capable, creative individual, filled with prospering power. This power leads me to my highest good and provides for me in whatever way is needed. Your presence is active through me as creative, useful ideas. These ideas flow freely and easily as I become attuned to the inspiration of the Christ. As I use these ideas, I demonstrate greater prosperity and success. You abide within me now, sweeping in grace, order, and prosperity. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, In this sacred moment, I am filled with peace. I place You first, God, in my life, and I release all doubt and fear about supply. I am open to Divine abundance in whatever way is best for me and those I care about. I am an open channel for Your ideas and know that they will lead me to greater blessings. I pray for prosperity and abundance in all my ways, dear God. I decree that the fullness and richness of God's overflowing plenty and good shall bless me in all my activities. I declare that I am God-directed, God-protected, and God-perfected this day and forevermore. You provide me with endless supply and sufficiency, God, I know this and accept this. Thank You, God, for always enfolding me in your prayers and for always being available to me. I rest now in an awareness of You, certain of greater good in my life. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, I decree, in Jesus Christ's name, that vast improvement is coming quickly in every phase of my life. Every day, in every way, things are getting better and better for me. I now let go of worn-out conditions and ways of living life. Abundance is flowing. It is on the move. Abundance is flowing to me in increasing amounts. The money I now hold is blessed with Your energy. The money I spend circulates, doing every kind of good. The money I give returns to me greatly multiplied. I now consent, with my human mind, to Your Divine Mind and ask to be programmed exclusively for prosperity. I desire abundant living. I know that I deserve abundance, and, as Your child, I claim it. Dear God, I do not think it is a virtue to be poor, and I know I am worthy of ever-increasing abundance. More and more abundance is manifesting easily and effortlessly. I visualize all my bills paid. I visualize having enough, with money to spare. Dear God, in my human mind, I accept that abundance is good, especially in its rightful place. I am beautifully and appropriately supplied, clothed, housed, and transported with the rich substance of the Divine now. God, as Your beloved child, I consent to a good life, well and happy in every phase of my life. From this moment forward, I decree, in Jesus Christ's name, that You, dear God, will attract a continuous flow of good into my life. This is the hour when the change occurs and I become an irresistible magnet for prosperous people and experiences. With all my heart, I believe. I dissolve from my mind any idea that prosperity can be withheld from me. Dear God, I am Your child, and I consent to receive. I am receiving all the wealth the universe has for me now. In Jesus Christ's name I pray, Amen
Dear God, With You as my continual support, I shall not want. You bring to pass my continuous good, my ever-expanding prosperity. I have faith in You as my omnipresent abundance and know You will always provide for me. You are my almighty resource. I trust You to preserve me in my prosperity. I trust in You, God, in all the affairs of my life. I do not depend upon persons or conditions for my prosperity. I realize that persons and conditions are channels of my prosperity, but You are the source of my supply. I am the rich child of a loving God. I cleanse my mind of any idea that my good can be withheld from me. No person, situation or event can keep from me that which You have for me. My success and my future cannot be limited. You surround me and infill me with Divine ideas that free me from all limitation. With Your help, God, I am now and forever freed from all financial limitation. I focus on prosperity so that prosperity can focus on me. Through my free-will, I say yes to You and to the good You have prepared for me. Your speed increases the velocity of my life. I am moving towards prosperity, and prosperity is moving towards me. I am a magnet for its activity of good in my life. Vast improvement comes immediately in every phase of my life now. Every day, in every way, You are making things better and better for me. I eagerly invite Your wealth to manifest in my life now. I release any idea held in mind that I cannot do this. I maintain ever-expanding financial prosperity for the rest of my life. I am provided for, and I eagerly provide for others by sharing my good. I am beautifully and appropriately supplied, clothed, housed and transported. You provide supply for my every need. I give thanks to You, God, for a quick and substantial increase in my prosperity income now. I am Your child, rich, well and happy in every aspect of my life. My life is in Divine order now. I give first to my spiritual sources knowing that I cannot out-give You, God. Giving is the first step in receiving. My giving makes me rich. I freely give my 10th to You, and I reap a 100-fold increase. My life is expanded, rich and full. I feel fulfilled as I actively move forward into my expanded good. I am Divinely directed and lavishly prospered. I am guided by You to my perfect place to serve. I am guided into my true place with true people and with lasting prosperity quickly, easily and in peace. There is no lack in God. The only lack is the fear of lack itself. I am surrounded by Your abundance, God. I live, move and have my being in Your abundance. I think only abundant thoughts. Your love flows easily within my life as abundance. Your good fills my every need. Blessings -- all kinds, some seemingly insignificant, some very great -- come to me through Your love. They flow from one person to another, increasing and enhancing my life and the lives of others. I give my attention wholly to You and become more aware of Your blessings. My heart breathes a quiet "Thank You, God" as I express my love to You and to others. Immersed in the flow of Your good, I see how my life has been enriched. I am grateful and give thanks to You, God. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, I am Your child, and in this moment, I claim my birthright of health, happiness, and all the good that You have for me. No longer do I depend on persons, property, or situations to supply my needs. I depend solely on Your love because I am Your beloved child in whom You are well-pleased. You are pleased with me just as I am. I become more and more successful as I continue to let Your goodness express through me to others. I open every avenue of my being to permit the richness of Your love to enter. I open my mind to a greater understanding of my relationship to You. I open my life to greater use in Your service. I open my hands to receive the showers of blessings You are always holding out to me. I open my pocketbook and my bank account to the inflowing stream of Your rich essence. Abundance flows to me from every direction, and out from me as You direct it for use in service to You. I place You FIRST in my life. I am an open channel for the inflow and outflow of Your love. I owe no person anything but love, for love is the fulfillment of the law. The law of love has fulfilled my treasury to overflowing and has enabled me to pay my debts. I have forgiven all debts of others to me. I do not believe in loss, for I live, move, and have my being in Spirit which can suffer no loss. Spirit continues to supply for me an ever-increasing stream of living substance. There is no lack in my life, for I lift my vision above the material realm to the spiritual realm. I abide in the glory of Your presence in a richness beyond comprehension until my human mind has become submerged in the Divine. Through this oneness with You, my every desire is satisfied. My every need is fulfilled. I am truly grateful. Gratitude wells up within as I allow myself to experience Your abundance. I am filled with a consciousness of gratitude. What a wonderful feeling it is to know that all my needs are met and to know that needs are met for others, for You bless all of creation. I return to full awareness now to experience Your loving presence, bounty, love, and joy. Thank You, God, for this rich experience, for prosperity, and this rich moment in my unfoldment. And so it is. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen.
Abundance fills your life. God is supply. The spirit of God within you is your source of abundance. You give thanks for every expression of God's loving, providing spirit--for friends and family, for flowers and birds, for sunshine and rain, for the busyness of each day, and the quiet of each night. Pray now for a greater awareness of the bountiful goodness of God for yourself and for others as you take this Truth into your heart: The Spirit of God urges me to succeed. All that I need is provided. You are open to the Mind of God, open to the fulfillment of every need--peace, joy, health, prosperity, guidance, freedom. You accept all that is yours through the precious spirit of God within you. With your heart overflowing, you say, "Thank You, God!" From this place and this time of stillness, you have a new power to go forth, knowing that you are bountifully cared for because the spirit of God abides within you. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen.
Through the power of God, I rest. My human mind quiets, and God's Divine help comes through me, through my mind and body, and radiates out from me into my life. I now consent to dissolve any idea in my own mind that my prosperity can be withheld from me. I also ask in prayer this to be dissolved in the minds of all others. No person, thing, or event can keep that from me what God has for me now. I decree, in Jesus Christ's name, that vast improvement comes quickly in every phase of my life. Every day, in every way, things are getting better and better for me. I now let go of worn-out conditions and ways of living life. Abundance is flowing; it is on the move. Abundance is flowing to me in increasing amounts. The money I now hold is blessed with God's energy. The money I spend circulates, doing every kind of good. The money I give returns to me greatly multiplied. I now consent with my human mind to Your Divine Mind, and ask to be programmed exclusively for prosperity. I desire abundant living. I know that I deserve abundance, and, as God's child, I claim it. Dear God, I no longer think it is a virtue to be poor. I am worthy of ever-increasing abundance. More and more abundance is manifesting easily and effortlessly. In my prayer time, I visualize all my bills paid. I visualize having enough, with money to spare. Dear God, in my human mind, I accept that abundance is good, especially in its rightful place. I am beautifully and appropriately supplied, clothed, housed, and transported with the rich substance of the Divine now. God, as your beloved child, I consent to a good life, well and happy in every phase of my life now. From this moment forward, I decree, in Jesus Christ's name, that You, dear God will attract a continuous flow of good into my life. This is the hour when the change occurs. I am an irresistible magnet for prosperous people and experiences. I dissolve from my mind any idea that prosperity can be withheld from me. Dear God, I am Your child. I consent to receive. I am receiving now. I am receiving all the wealth the universe has for me now. In Jesus Christ's name I pray, Amen
My finances are God's finances, and every activity expresses new life, energy, circulation, and fluency. I bless my money, and my money blesses me. There is always plenty of it. Nothing is wasted; everything is stretched and brilliantly, divinely managed. I am the center for its teeming circulation. Freely, bounteously, finances pour into my life from every direction, work, deal, contract, investment, and transaction. God does not limit my good, and neither do I. No past experience or belief hinders me. God's Divine ideas are given to me, establishing in me, an unerring instinct for financial success and lasting prosperity. Liberally I receive, liberally I share, liberally and wisely I spend my money for the good of all. I shall always have plenty of cash or money to meet every need ahead of time. God has perfect credit, is trustworthy, and so am I in every detail large and small. I am not afraid to give more than I am paid for. No one ever hesitates to pay me. I am an invaluable help to those I serve and continually bless all. Divine wisdom and intelligence shows me how to manage and handle every cent of my money. It never handles me. My finances are God's blessed finances. My finances make me calmer every day and can never cause me fear, dread, worry, or anxiety. Money can never make me or break me -- for I am spiritually more. God manages my checking account, my savings accounts, my investments and every detail with perfection. I know that God is always the source, substance, and reality of my supply. God is my employer, and source of work, and new open door opportunities to serve. My finances are not based on gambling, speculation, greed, or graft. My finances are not hindered by local confusion or international controversies. My finances are governed by the clear flowing streams of God in my financial income and outgo. My collateral in God's bank account is always good! The bank of universal abundance is always overflowing with inexhaustible opulence and overflowing good for me, and mine, and all! I use the Divine dollars of God's giving for constructing good works, and I always have plenty of money. With joy and gratitude I say: God blesses my finances, God blesses my money, and causes it to increase, multiply and expand richly, abundantly and profitably. God blesses the giver and the receiver and causes their good to be enriched, fruitfully, joyously, and endlessly. Thank You, God. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, I accept my financial good, knowing that I am Your worthy child. I am ready for a miracle and refuse to put off streams of money coming into my life now. I choose to be at the right place in the perfect time for unexpected blessings. I believe, completely, in You and in Your ability to bring serendipity in my finances. I am open to Your full good flowing to me now. Abundance is mine, in expected and unexpected ways. With every blessing, I remember You in thanksgiving and give back, so that I may do Your work and be a channel of blessings for others. I trust You fully to bring lasting, unexpected income through career advances, opportunities, and open doors. I consent to unexpected paths that will bring unexpected, financial good for me and for others that I bless. I agree not to become a success, selfishly, but to use my success as a springboard for others to become successful and prosperous. I consent, in my free-will, to positive surprise. I pray from an attitude of total expectation. I accept my good in advance, and I am ready for unexpected opportunity. I agree to say yes, surrendering all fears of success to You, dear God. I pray that there is a wellspring of good ideas flowing into my mind. I accept these ideas and the understanding of them so that they may be implemented into my life and affairs. Financial supply, ever-increasing, is the order of every day. I accept this truth because You are my partner, God, in every aspect of my life. I consent to You working through me. You bring me guidance, wisdom, and genius ability. With You working through me, I am a success beyond my wildest human dreams. In prayer, like Jesus, I give thanks in advance, knowing with certainty, that the good claimed in prayer IS NOW on its way. The appearance of the good may be different than I expect in human mind, but that is the joy of the surprise and discovery. I know, dear God, that it is always better than I could comprehend ahead of time. In prayer, I bless every day and the unexpected income that it contains. I have enough to spare and to share. "Prove me now," You say concerning tithing. I prove You, continuously, and I discover that I cannot out-give You. I freely give a tenth to Your work where I attend church or receive my spiritual nourishment. I have full faith that this prayer is activated in me now, expanding and eliminating the limitations in my life, making me open and receptive to total prosperity. God, You are touching my life, right now, and new income is coming to me with Godspeed! It is so, right now. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, I ask for Your help with my finances. I ask for an immediate Divine intervention aiding in the management of my day-to-day finances and paying my obligations. Dear God, I pray for the gift of money management skills and that I obtain and retain this knowledge all the days of my life. Help me to see any small thing that I may have overlooked. Help me to see a larger picture than I have been capable of seeing thus far and give me the vision to see into the future for tomorrow's needs. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
The executive leadership of God directs me now. The executive power of God is the executive power in my life. This executive power is with me now and works within me to make me a lasting success. I make a difference because God is making a difference through me. The same executive power that runs the earth runs my business, my home, and my body. Under the executive leadership of God's Divine intelligence I experience progress in every aspect of my life. I tap the resources of God's limitless reservoir. There is no limit to the productive power of what God can do by blessing my business. God and I are joined together in one executive power of co-coordinated right action. This right action is taking place right now in every detail and department of my business and in my life. Dynamic action for success sweeps away all obstacles in my path. I am filled with spiritual optimism that knows no wavering or indecision. This prayer has spiritual power to go to the bottom of my mind and soul and awaken every dormant skill, talent and ability for executive success. God is doing work wonderfully well within my business to bless everyone that it touches continuously. I receive Divine ideas from God with every in-breath, and with every out-breath the energy to go into positive action. The Divine power of enthusiasm fills my business. Tremendous focus and power towards achievement takes place at every facet of my being. The majesty of God's presence breathes through everything I do. God is the chairman of my board of spiritual directors. God's directives are sure and right. Glorious waves of fulfillment permeate my entire life and work. God says to me, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant." And so it is! In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Read ALOUD three times per day, morning, noon, and night - for a full 30 days I am the source of all wealth. I am rich with creative ideas. My mind abounds with new, original, inspired thoughts. What I have to offer is unique, and the world desires it. My value is beyond reckoning. What the world needs and desires, I am ready to produce and to give. What the world needs and desires, I recognize and fulfill. The bounty of my mind is without hindrance or limit. Nothing can stand in the way of my inspired creativeness. The overflowing power of God life energy overcomes every obstacle, and pours out into the world, blessing and prospering everyone, and everything through me. I radiate blessings. I radiate creativity. I radiate prosperity. I radiate loving service. I radiate Joy, Beauty, Peace, Wisdom and Power. Humanity seeks me and rewards me. I am beloved of the world. I am wanted wherever I go. I am appreciated. What I have to offer is greatly desired. What I have to offer brings a rich reward. Through my vision the world is blessed. Through my clear thinking and steadfast purpose, wonderful new values come into expression. My vision is as the vision of the mighty ones. My faith is as the faith of the undefeated. My power to accomplish is unlimited. I, in my uttermost God Source, am all wealth, all power, all productivity. I hereby declare my financial freedom, NOW and henceforth forever! This Declaration of Financial Freedom is a power statement of spiritual truth about you. When it is read with deep feeling - morning, noon, night - three times a day, it sinks into the subconscious, where it works a silent miracle. It will transform negative attitudes into positive affirmations of faith, and mightily stir up the spiritual forces which lie dormant within every human mind until they are called into action. Give this unique declaration a serious trial for the next 30 days and watch miracles come into your life!
Prayer for Every Good Thing
Dear God, I pray that you will open Your hand today and supply every good thing needed in my life. Supply my life with courage, strength, wisdom and guiding knowledge. I ask You, God, to fill my mind with a wealth of guiding ideas. Empower me, God, so that I can use these God-given thoughts to change my life. I accept your riches and honor realizing that You are bigger than any problems. I thank You, God, for your rich blessings filling my life now with abundance. In Jesus Christ's name...Amen
Aware of God's Good
Dear God, With You as my continual support I shall not want. You bring to pass my continuous good and ever-expanding prosperity. I am always provided for because I have faith in You as my omnipresent abundance. I have faith in You as my almighty resource, and I trust You to preserve me in my prosperity. I trust in You in all the affairs of my life. I do not depend upon persons or conditions for my prosperity. I fully realize that persons and conditions are channels of my prosperity but You are the source of my supply. I am the rich child of a loving God. I cleanse my mind of any idea that my good can be withheld from me. No person, situation or event can keep from me that which You have for me right now. My success and my future cannot be limited. You surround me and infill me with Divine ideas that free me from all limitation. With Your help, God, I am now and forever freed from all financial limitation. I turn on the great energy of my thinking in prayer and focus on prosperity so that Your prosperity can focus on me. Through my free-will, I say yes to You and to Your good now prepared for me. Your speed now increases the velocity of my life. I am moving towards prosperity, and prosperity is moving towards me. I am a magnet for its activity of good in my life. Vast improvement comes immediately in every phase of my life now. Every day, in every way, Your are making things better and better for me now. I eagerly invite Your wealth to manifest in my life now. I release any idea held in mind that I cannot do this. I maintain ever-expanding financial prosperity for the rest of my life. I am provided for, and I eagerly provide for others by sharing my good. I am beautifully and appropriately supplied, clothed, housed and transported. You provide supply for my every need. I give thanks to You, God, for a quick and substantial increase in my prosperity income now. I am Your rich child! I am rich, well and happy in every aspect of my life. My life is in Divine order now. My life is filled abundantly with loving friends and family. I give first of God's love given to me and to all those around me. I give first to my spiritual sources knowing that I cannot out give God. Giving is the first step in receiving and my giving makes me rich. I freely give my 10th to God and I reap a 100 fold increase. My life is expanded, rich and full. I feel fulfilled as I actively move forward into my expanded good Divinely directed and lavishly prospered. I am guided by You into my perfect place to serve. I am now guided into my true place with the true people and with lasting prosperity quickly, easily and in peace. There is no lack in God. The only lack is the fear of lack itself. I am surrounded by Your abundance, God. I live, move and have my being in Your abundance. I think only abundant thoughts. Your love flows easily within my life as abundance. Your good fills my every need. Blessings -- all kinds, some seemingly insignificant, some very great -- come to me through Your love. They flow from one person to another, increasing and enhancing my life and the lives of others. I give my attention wholly to You and become more aware of Your blessings. My heart breathes a quiet "Thank You, God" as I express my love to You and to others. Immersed in the flow of Your good, I see how my life has been enriched. I am grateful and give thanks to You, God. In Jesus Christ's name ... Amen
Offering Blessing - To Pray Before Giving Your Tithe
I am the rich child of the richest parent in the universe. This money is crystallized energy or vitality and I release it now into right action, circulation, and it comes flowing back to me compounded over and over. This Divine circulation that I'm beginning now - never stops. It is in God's all-powerful rich ideas that I trust, not the mere symbol of money. God expresses God's love by means of God's good. The currency of Christ never fails to appear in my experience. God teaches me how to handle God's money wisely and well. Richly, the God of all riches and wealth endows me with perpetual affluence. Richly I inherit, richly it merit, richly I enjoy God's opulence. I am rich with the riches of God. I am wealthy with the wealth of God. Generously I share my abundance from the Source that never fails me. Gratefully I give to constructive works knowing that there will always be more. I am grateful to be a part of something bigger than myself. As I give to God so God always gives to me. Rivers of riches pour their golden streams of abundance into my ever receptive life. I accept it all with love and gratitude. God, I am profoundly grateful for this lavish abundance. I bless it all with the Law of increase and expansion, and as I now give I pass it on into joyous circulation. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Prosperity's 10 Commandments (Classic Positive Daily Inspiration)
"But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is God that giveth thee power to get wealth, that God may establish God's covenant which God swore unto thy fathers, as it is this day." Deuteronomy 8:18 A great minister of the 1920's had a fantastic story. She had cancer throughout her body. They said it was an impossible thing. Keep in mind, that was the 20's and they did not have the treatments they have today. They told her she would surely die. Her name was Rev. Georgiana Tree West. She started to say to herself, "Either this God is real, or the whole thing's a lie. Either I can prove my faith today, either I can communicate directly with God, or it's all false." Georgiana Tree West started to pray for her healing. And healing came. That's not to say there wasn't any pain in the meantime, and it's not to say there wasn't any struggle with the healing, but she was healed totally of her cancer. But she was still very poor. She received the idea that if this works on her healing, that God is a God of all her life, not just part of it, and she could use it in prosperity too. The idea said she could turn around her life. She started to affirm, to pray for prosperity in a positive way. As the healing came, prosperity came. I want to share with you her original techniques for doing this. If you are in need of this today, and I know some of you are, read this carefully. Here are Prosperity's 10 Commandments that she used as the foundation for her new life. 1. Thou shalt look to no other source but God for thy supply. 2. Thou shalt make no mental images of lack. Have we ever made a mental image of lack? We lose our job, and we think, "That's it." We are so connected in our identity with our employment that we think that's it. It's not. When this happens, turn it around in your mind, and make a mental image of God, a mental image of your possibilities in your life. 3. Thou shalt not speak the word of lack or limitation to others or to yourself. 4. Thou shalt let go and let God do it. 5. Thou shalt deal honorably with God and with all human instruments through whom God's good is manifested for you. 6. Thou shalt not take thy wealth out of circulation. 7. Thou shalt not abase thy wealth to idle or evil uses. 8. Thou shalt not seek something for nothing. I have done that many times, and so have you. We have all had a "deal" or some gimmick that was going to change the world and going to make us rich. Life doesn't work that way. 9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against the source of thy wealth. You shall not bear false witness. Your real source is God. Never, ever, ever think that it's anywhere else. All the good that has come into your life, your loves, your friendships, the specialness, all the good that has ever expanded and made you so happy in the past is from a source. It's from God. 10. Thou shalt not limit thyself by coveting that which is another's; thou shalt claim thine own. If we were to attempt to put the principle of prosperity in the form of a rule of thumb, it would read something like this. Think prosperity. Talk prosperity. Act prosperity. Have prosperity. Our thoughts and our words have creative power, and we can't meet our needs if we persistently think and talk about lack or insufficiency. The first step to take to spiritually meet our needs is to reverse the trend of our thoughts and our words, and to direct them toward ideas of God's all providing supply. As we begin to think and talk about God's abundance, we need to act in a prosperous way. If we are diligent in following this plan, we shall soon find that God's abundant supply becomes manifest for us, and the manifestation of God is swift and sure. God is the source of your supply. Do you really realize what that means? God is the source of your supply. If there are bills to pay, clothing to purchase, income tax payments to meet, do you realize that in all situations, God is the source of the needed money? If there is property to rent, do you realize that God is the source, that God's love will provide just the right tenants for the property? If there is property to sell, do you realize that God is the source, that God will be bringing just the right person to the place that will be blessed by it? If you are in need of a home, do you realize that God is the source of a perfect place to live? In what way is God the source? Where is the source? EVERYWHERE PRESENT. Through prayer, you and I make a connection with God, and we draw on God for inspiration, guidance, ideas which are then expressed through us in ways that take care of our needs. Thoughts of God's all-sufficiency are seeds from which our blessings grow. They are nourished and increased by God in the midst of us, and come to harvest in the form of supply for every need to us. Whatever we hold in our mind, we demonstrate in our lives. Some conditions we are now facing in our lives are here because we thought of them in the past. If we want to change the conditions of our lives, we must give our attention to what we want instead of what we do not want. Let your mind this moment be filled, in this day, and this week, with thoughts of God's all sufficiency instead of your problem. I realize that your problems can seem great. But whatever your needs are, a healing is within the power of God. Let's solve the money part of our lives as soon as possible. Then you won't believe how much more there is to life. Ask whatever you will in the name of the Christ, and your demands will be fulfilled. Both heaven and earth will hasten to do your bidding. But when you have asked for something, be on the alert to receive it. Some people do not have a big enough faith to receive. If you ask for an answer, the answer will come. Be ready. If you ask for healing, the healing will come. Be ready. If you're asking for healing, and your doctor calls and says he has a procedure that may just work, be ready. God works through the minds of all doctors and nurses. God works through the minds of all humans. Someone will be sent to you, or you will receive an idea, because you are in direct connection with God's help. Maybe others around you have received an idea because they are in direct connection with God. But don't just sit there. Get up and move toward your answer. God says that God will feed the birds, but God doesn't put it in the nest for them. We have to get up, to do the possible, and believe God for the impossible. POSITIVE PRAYER: Dear God, help me not to be closed on any level. Help me to open up to Your good flowing to me now, seen and unseen, manifest and not yet manifest. Help me to harvest what you have in store for me. I am a willing channel. I Thank You In Advance. In Jesus Christ name... Amen
Spiritual Abundance
Dear God, I pray for spiritual abundance. The picture that I keep in mind of myself is one of success following Your lead. I do not accept any past defeat as a permanent condition. In prayer, I focus on what I know is true: God created me to express God-given ideas. You created me to live in joy, and to know the wonder of living each day fully and completely. I follow You - without worry or fear. With faith in God, I am guided to being the whole and holy creation I was created to be. Thank You God! In Jesus Christ's name... Amen
"Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in
mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will
not open you the windows of heaven, until you say it is enough, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall NOT be room enough to receive it." Malachi 3:10
Dear God, I ask You to open the windows of heaven for me. I am ready to receive. I am ready to accept. I agree not to limit myself, because I do not limit You. I am ready to believe bigger about myself, and my abilities, as Your child. I also accept responsibility for the blessings you bestow, I will be a good steward of the gifts. I will not hoard. I will share. In Jesus Christ name... Amen
By Georgianna Tree West -
Here are Prosperity's Ten Commandments that she used as the foundation for
her new life.
1. Thou shalt look to no other source but God for thy supply. 2. Thou shalt make no mental images of lack. (Have we ever made a mental image of lack? We lose our job, and we think, "That's it." We are so connected in our identity with our employment that we think that's it. It's not. When this happens, turn it around in your mind, and make a mental image of God, a mental image of your possibilities in your life. 3. Thou shalt not speak the word of lack or limitation to others or to yourself. 4. Thou shalt let go and let God do it. 5. Thou shalt deal honorably with God and with all human instruments through whom God's good is manifested for you. 6. Thou shaft not take thy wealth out of circulation. 7. Thou shalt not abase thy wealth to idle or evil uses. 8. Thou shalt not seek something for nothing. (I have done that many times, and so have you. We have all had a "deal" or some gimmick that was going to change the world and going to make us rich. Life doesn't work that way.) 9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against the source of thy wealth. (You shall not bear false witness. Your real source is God. Never, ever, ever think that it's anywhere else. All the good that has come into your life, your loves, your friendships, the specialness, all the good that has ever expanded and made you so happy in the past is from a source. It's from God.) 10. Thou shalt not limit thyself by coveting that which is another's; thou shalt claim thine own.
Repeat daily, aloud - Dear God, teach me to be generous; teach me to serve You as You deserve; to give and not to count the cost. Help me to do more. Help me to make a difference. Help me to be a light to my world and the people in it. I pray for my lasting success and lasting ever-increasing prosperity so that I may do more for the betterment of my world. As I view this day, I think of it as a garden where I will plant gifts of good that will nurture the creative soil surrounding me. Richly I plant, and richly I harvest. I pray that I will have the power to weed out that which would produce worry, fear, or self-imposed limitation. Deeply, consciously, and feelingly, I pray for the personal God-given power to succeed. I pray that this day shall be the best day I've ever had. I pray that it is the day founded upon giving, and filled with receiving, prosperity and success; vital with health, holiness and happiness. Dear God, may I know that Your abundance is everywhere present. I give my time, talent, and treasure. With joy, I accept the harvest of my rich planting. If my life is been stuck, stayed, slow - through giving first I speed up my success. Even now I accept that each moment of my future is wonderful, filled with abundance and Your power to make a difference. My pray that I have complete unqualified faith in unlimited supply from You. Matthew 10:8 "Freely you have received, freely give." Unlimited supply is mine today and every day. I include all that the Father hath. God does not limit me, and I do not limit myself. I demonstrate the constant, and instant, overflowing of the fullness of God's good. Nothing or no one can plant the lie of lack or limitation in me. I practice prosperity through right action and continuous abundance. I know that I am the lasting beneficiary of an all wise, everlasting God. I pray that the good I do today is perpetual and blessed by God, and I affirm my good received from God is perpetual and blessed. Joyously, ardently, I see ways and means to give of the constant good that comes back to me. My faith and my fortune are forever established in God. I break the bonds of limitation for all time. My cup runneth over, and in turn I use my life to bring peace, prosperity, love and security to everyone I contact. Morning, noon and night, awake or asleep, at work or play, at home or abroad - always and always there is a steady unbroken stream of God's riches and abundance pouring in me, through me and round about me in perpetual streams of supply that never stop. I bless, praise, and thank God for all good for this ever-flowing, brimming tide of fulfillment. Dear God, I know that you hold me in the riches of Your boundless love and I am enriched forever more. I promise to be a good steward of Your gifts. Teach me how to give more and take less. Teach me how to love more and take less. USE ME for Your purpose and good. In Jesus Christ's name... Amen
Constant prosperity
Today, I trust that God will guide me to the ways and means through which my needs and desires will be realized. The time I spend in prayer is accumulative, it's spiritual interest constantly grows day and night. It can never be depleted. I praise God for the spiritual power that fills me, for through it, my every need is met. In Jesus Christ's name... Amen
PRAYER - 7 STEPS TO PROSPERITY (Pray daily, all year.)
1) I SURRENDER I surrender to the Christ. I know and realize that it is not I, but the Christ within me that does the works. Christ is omnipotent. I surrender my failures and weakness to the higher power of God, allowing God to make all things right. 2) I IMAGE I image God's highest good expressing and manifesting through my life now. Through God's gift of imagination, I see life as it will be, not as it appears to be. I image the truth of God's good. 3) I BELIEVE I believe in the creative process of the Creator, creating through me what is mine to express. God I ask you to lift my mind to Your Higher Mind, so that I may believe ALL things are possible. All things are possible, and I believe now! 4) I FORGIVE I forgive all condemnation that I misperceived to be mine. I give understanding for that condemnation. I am set free to love in the Christ Spirit by the quality of my forgiveness. 5) I GIVE I give of my time. I give of my talents. I give of my treasure. I give willingly, cheerfully, joyfully, lovingly. I give in love because I love to give! 6) I PRAY As I pray, and renew my mind, I am aware that God's Mind within my human mind renews and refreshes me and my life. In prayer I express my heart's desire for my soul's highest good. I am prosperous. My life becomes full. 7) I RECEIVE Through my daily partnership with God, I receive Divine ideas changing my consciousness to continually accept the highest and best for me. I am filled with gratitude. The Christ Spirit expresses through me as life, love, wisdom, and power. I am spiritually blessed as I receive. THANK YOU, GOD! Send us your prayer request, your desires, your goals. Let us be in prayer with you - just write positivechristianity@gmail.com.
"I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last." Revelations 22:13 Dear wonderful God, I affirm in my life: God reigns in my life. God always has and always will govern thoroughly, completely, and absolutely. I move and have my being in God, and this will be my personal truth from everlasting to everlasting. As in heaven, so on earth - where I stand. God is always omnipotent, supreme, without a single opposite in doubt, or opposition, in my life. My spiritual destiny can never be interfered with. God is my all in all. God runs my world and I know it. Nothing else can, does, or ever will. I refuse to be frightened by the future because God goes ahead of me, preparing my way. Thankfully, I realize that God governs me, wholly and solely, at all times. I face my future with zest and interest. I realize that new opportunity and good are being born all about me. I rest in the reassurance of God's eternal supremacy. I know that God fills and governs my future, just as much as God does today. Tomorrow grows out of what I think today, and the actions that I take today. God is the only time and God's Truth is the only condition in my life. It is foolish for me to fret about times and conditions. In God, I am advancing from glory to glory, from the known and familiar, to what God has prepared for those that love God - and I do love God! What do I have to meet in the future? I have to meet God everywhere I go! My future is very good, because it is already going on in the Mind of God. Dear God, I appreciate this. "Thou preparest a table before me," - before I get there; food, shelter, clothing, EVERYTHING I NEED, is already prepared and waiting. There is ample provision for me, mine, and all. My future is always good, for God is in my future. My religion is now FULLY Christianity, instead of partially fear. God and I are one: wonderfully and well, God has provided and prepared all things for me: generously, lovingly, thoroughly, thoughtfully, God has lavished God's rich fruitful provision of all supply for my every need. No matter what my past was, my future is spotless - blemish free. There is no such thing as an "unknown" future. God's mind is all knowing, all knowable, and omnipresent. I am forever freed from earth-bound concepts. "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows forth God's handiwork (IN MY LIFE NOW!)." Psalms 19:1 In Jesus Christ's name...Amen
Prayer for Better Finances
"My soul is satisfied as with a rich feast." Psalms 63:5 Dear God, I ask You to help me with an immediate Divine intervention aiding in the management of my day-to-day finances and paying my obligations. God, I ask that you will give me the God given gift of money management skills. I pray that I will obtain and retain this knowledge from above all the days of my life. Help me to see any small thing that I may have overlooked, help me to see a larger picture than I have been capable of seeing thus far, and give me the vision to see into the future for tomorrow's needs. My finances are Your finances, dear God, and every activity expresses new life, energy, circulation, and fluency. I bless my money and my money blesses me. There is always plenty of it. Nothing is wasted; everything is stretched and brilliantly, divinely managed. I am the center for its teeming circulation. Freely, bounteously, finances pour into my life from every direction, work, deal, contract, investment, and transaction. God does not limit my good, and neither do I. No past experience or belief hinders me. God's Divine ideas are given to me, establishing in me, an unerring instinct for financial success and lasting prosperity. Liberally I receive, liberally I share, liberally and wise I spend my money for the good of all. I shall always have plenty of cash or money to meet every need ahead of time. God has perfect credit, is trustworthy, and so am I in every detail large and small. No one ever hesitates to pay me, because I continually bless all. I am worthy. I am not afraid to give more than I am paid for. For I find I am an invaluable help to those I serve. Divine wisdom and intelligence shows me how to manage and handle every cent of my money. It never handles me. My finances are God's blessed finances. My finances make me calmer every day. My finances can never cause me fear, dread, worry, or anxiety. Money can never make me or break me - for I am spiritually more. God manages my checking account, my savings accounts, my investments and every detail with perfection. I know that God is always the source, substance, and reality of my supply. God is my employer, and source of work, and new open door opportunities to serve. My finances are not based on gambling, speculation, greed, or graft. My finances are not hindered by local confusion, or international controversies. My finances are governed by the clear flowing streams of God in my financial income and outgo. My collateral in God's bank account is always good! The bank of universal abundance is always overflowing with inexhaustible opulence and overflowing good for me, and mine, and all! I use the Divine dollars of God's giving for constructing good works and I always have plenty of money. With joy and gratitude I say: God blesses my finances, God blesses my money, and causes it to increase, multiply and expand richly, abundantly and profitably. God blesses the giver and the receiver and causes their good to be enriched, fruitfully, joyously, and endlessly. Thank You, God, for these useful ideas of my finances. Psalms 112:1, 3 "Blessed is the human that respects the Lord... and riches shall be in their house; and their righteousness endures forever." (Based on the one-hour prayer CD/download Prayer for Total Prosperity)
PRAYER - 7 STEPS TO PROSPERITY (Pray - daily, all next year.)
1) I SURRENDER I surrender to the Christ. I know and realize that it is not I, but the Christ within me that does the works. Christ is everywhere attracting good into my life. I surrender my failures and weakness to the higher power of God’s good, allowing God to make all things right. 2) I IMAGE I image God's highest good coming into my life now. Through God's gift of imagination my dreams come true, I have vision to see life as it will be, not as it appears to be. I image God's good in my life now in the form of _______________. 3) I BELIEVE I believe in the Creator, creating through me what is mine to have. God, I ask You to lift my mind to Your Higher Mind, so that I may believe ALL things are possible. All things ARE possible, and I believe now! 4) I FORGIVE I forgive all condemnation that I misperceived to be mine. I give understanding and love in the place of condemnation. I am set free to love in the Christ Spirit by the quality of my God-given powers of forgiveness. 5) I GIVE I give of my time. I give of my talents. I give of my treasure. I give willingly, cheerfully, joyfully, lovingly. I give in love because I love to give! 6) I PRAY As I pray, and renew my mind, I am aware that God's Mind within my human mind renews and refreshes and causes a transformation my entire life. In prayer, I express my heart's desire for my soul's highest good. I am prosperous because that is God’s will of good for me. My life becomes full. 7) I RECEIVE Through my daily partnership with God, I receive Divine ideas changing my thinking to continually accept the highest and best for me. I am filled with gratitude. The Christ Spirit expresses through me as life, love, wisdom, and power. I am spiritually blessed as I receive. THANK YOU, GOD! AFFIRMATIONS
I trust in God and God's unlimited supply of good, and I am prospered. God's good is now poured out upon my life, and abundant increase is made manifest. The inexhaustible resource of Spirit is equal to every demand. God's infinite love is the source of my abundance. I am prospered and enriched. God's unlimited blessings are not withheld. When I place my trust in God, I place my trust in God's unlimited supply of good. I am a child of God; I have the right to be prosperous. God is my inexhaustible and ready supply. There is always abundance in God. God's calming life-giving good is now poured out upon my life, and abundant increase is made manifest. I give from a sense of gratitude, and I receive in overflowing thankfulness giving all credit to God. With a grateful heart and an open mind, I give and receive freely. I am surrounded by God's abundance. I live, move and have my being in God's abundance. There is no restriction on my abundant supply; there is no end to my good. Every need is fulfilled, every good desire is realized; my life is filled to overflowing with God's bountiful blessings. I say yes to God and to God's good now prepared for me. The resurrecting power of Christ resurrects my life, enriching it with creative, God-prospering ideas. God's rich blessings fill my life with an abundance of every good thing. I have faith in God as my almighty resource. I trust God to preserve me in my prosperity. God's unlimited blessings are available to me now. God pours out abundant increase in every area of my life. The presence of God within me is a limitless reservoir of strength, faith, and power. I express more of God's faith each day and receive more of God's blessings. God is the one true source of my supply. I give of this supply, and it is multiplied back to me. I believe, and accept, the good that God has for me now. I expect many marvelous multiplied miracles from the seeds I have sown. The harmonizing, healing, adjusting power of God NOW blesses my life with permanent prosperity. God pours out God's good upon me, and I am blessed. God supplies my every need and prospers my ways. God fills me with prospering ideas that reveal abundance and lead me to success. The darkness of the limitations of my yesterdays cannot stand or exist any longer under the bright light of God's prospering ideas. I am truly prospered by God, and I accept my good this moment and forevermore. The love of God prospers me. New avenues of supply open before me. The Christ spirit inspires me with a new awareness of abundance, and I prosper. I draw my immediate and endless supply from the abundance of the spheres. My God is a God of plenty; I now receive all that I desire and more. I am fearless in letting money go, knowing that God is my immediate and endless supply. Abundance is poured out upon me, and Divine ideas are given to me in perfect ways. God's presence fills me with enriching thoughts. The harmonizing, healing, adjusting power of God NOW blesses my life with permanent prosperity. God supplies my every need and prospers my ways. I am truly prospered by God; I accept my good this moment and forevermore. The love of God prospers me. New avenues of supply open before me. My God is a God of plenty, and I receive all that I desire and more. Abundance is poured out upon me, and Divine ideas are given to me in perfect ways. God's prosperity manifests in my life as I remain open and receptive to God's bounty of good. The inexhaustible resource of Spirit is equal to every demand. There is no reality in life. Abundance is here and now manifest. I place all my affairs in the keeping of God, and God prospers me in all ways. As the rich child of a loving God, I am a magnet for prosperity. The light of God guides my way, and the love of God bountifully supplies my every need. God is creating ever-expanding possibilities, untapped, full, and ready for my use. I am inspired to successful living by the prospering power of God's good. Click on the NEXT PRAYER button for another selection To Print - Right-click on your mouse, and select "Print.", press Ctrl-P, or use your browser's Print function. Presented by the PositiveChristianity.org web site. |
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