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Dear God, I come to You in my hour of need. I ask You to touch my mind and uplift my thoughts, change my seeming realities that I'm thinking about my life, change my opinion of what is and what can be. God, I ask that You to give me a sense of well-being again. I pray that You help me find my smile, both on my face and in my soul. God I cannot do this by myself, so I turn to You, and I surrender. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, I pray that You will lift me up. Lift me up so I can get on with my life. I do not know where to turn, God, so I ask You to work through me and to attract to me a life that will be everything that I need for sustained happiness and fulfillment. I may not know what that is, God, but I trust that You do and that gives me hope. It also gives me hope that You can come through me, touch me, and uplift me. I give thanks, God, that this is now occurring in my life, and I decree that it is so. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen.
(Transcribed from prayerAmerica PRAYER TELEVISION CHANNEL) http://www.youtube.com/prayerAmerica Dear God, I ask for Your light to shine inside of my mind. Shine, uplift, brighten every area, every recess, every thought, old and new. I ask You to touch every individual thought in the nucleus of the thought. Any darkness that is inside of me, I consent to release. I ask for Your mind to become one with my mind. I pray for a fusion of God mind and human mind, and I pray for a transfusion of pure thought in and through me. I pray that I am uplifted in my soul permanently. I consent to a release of the pain of the past, of grief. I consent to new life infilling me in thought and in body, in every aspect of my being. May my soul be so filled with You, possibility, and hope that I can know nothing different in mind, that my mind no longer argues with You, that it simply relaxes and allows the good that You are willing to give me to come through. Eliminate all darkness, darkness that has been in me for a long time. Immediately stop its growth and then eliminate it. Take it out completely from my consciousness, from my soul, from my body, from my life. I pray that I no longer allow adversity or any day activity to affect me. I pray that Your power, God, is so strong in me that nothing can stand up to it. I pray that I become not my healed former self but a brand new creation in Christ. I am willing to have a total new sense of who I am, what I am, and what I am about to come through. I pray that I no longer see life through a dim view, that I see the best, that I find the good instead of being focused on what is wrong and what is bad. I pray that I am blind to what is wrong and what is bad. I do! I pray this so that I can focus on the true, and the real, and the lasting, and the eternal. I pray, inside of me, that Your touch happens, that I have a spiritual experience that changes me at depth. Oh God, I am willing. God, I am willing this moment, this moment in time, as I pray. I pray that You will touch, change, transform and eliminate the darker areas of me, and transmute and infill the void with light, bright thoughts, with hope, and even happiness and joy. I pray that I can sense and feel those things and that I do not cast it off or repel it, that I accept it, that I realize that this is real, this is the new me, or You and me together, working and living as one. In Jesus Christ's name I pray for this healing, Amen.
Dear God, through Your action, I ask for a whole new spirituality in and through me. I decree, in Jesus Christ's name, that in every level of my mind I am being cleansed. I pray that my memory bank is being cleansed by You, cleansed through and through with the true light that lighteth every human. It lights the darkness in me now. Your light does not allow any darkness to remain in me. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, with Your help I am no longer downcast. I wear my faith broadcasting cheerfulness to everyone around me. I become cheerful from center to circumference. I do not wait for circumstances to change to affect my mood. My mood is affected by You. God, I dedicate my emotions and moods to Your service. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, in this moment, I ask that I can be empowered with the kingdom of God inside of me. I let go of the sadness and sorrow I have held over any area of my life. I let go of the death-thought, and I start to live again. But more than just living or existing, I ask for an infilling and an overspilling to others in my life. The joy, bliss, and peace of God knows no end. Today is a turn-around time. I let go of sorrow and sadness. I stop clinging and I arise free and unencumbered. I do so through the power of God in and through me, and my willingness to say "Yes!" In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, I may not know the way to pray for this, but I know You know every need of mine. I know You feel my willingness. I am very willing to become a hopeful, God-centered, faith-filled person. I am willing to see the best and desire the best. I have a Divine prayer today that You will manifest in my life, and You will help cleanse my mind and heart of old patterns of thinking that have kept me from my good. I pray that you open my mind and help me feel anew Your hand taking my hand and pulling me through. I have hope because I have You, and You have hope because You have me. Together we are a team, dear God. Together we are victory, dear God. Together we are accomplishment, dear God. Together we are all that a good life is. Hope, be reborn in me this day. Thank You, dear God. In Jesus Christ's name . . . Amen.
I decree in Jesus Christ's name that, in every level of my mind, I am being cleansed. I pray my memory bank is being cleansed by God. It is being cleansed through and through with the true light that lighteth every human. It lights the darkness in me now. God's light that does not allow any darkness to remain in me. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, I pray that You will help me get beyond feeling weighed down by the burden of hurt feelings of the past. Help me to get beyond yesterday's upset thoughts. I pray for healing. I know that nothing can withstand the healing power of God's love. I open my heart to God's love, and I bask in the glow of Divine light and understanding. I pray for healing in God's love today. In Jesus Christ's name...Amen
Dear God, I pray that I feel good again. I ask your help in maintaining a positive attitude and outlook on my life. I pray that I feel good inside myself and that I reflect this to those around me. I pray that feeling good is infectious upon others and causes a flood of goodwill upon everyone I meet. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, I release all concerns and pray that, with Your help, all gloominess will be removed. I release feelings of sadness, feel Your powerful presence enfold me, and give thanks for Your good that is governing every situation in my life. I willingly let go and let God because I know that each time I do, I am opening the door to endless possibilities and complete joy. Help me lift my thoughts, dear God, and feel the assurance of Your presence. In Jesus' name, Amen
Dear God, when I am despondent You are there. When I am depressed, Your presence comes to me. When I flirt with giving up hope, Your hope revives me. When I have all but given up, You lift me up. When I see no way, You see all ways. You are my rock. You are my Redeemer. You find me success when there seemingly is none. Thank You, God! In Jesus Christ's name ... Amen
Dear God, I ask You to help me cast out feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and frustration and help me move forward. I know You are beside me. I feel Your surrounding comfort, understanding, and unconditional love, wrapping around me, like a blanket, calming my fears and lightening my heart. Thank You, dear God, for always being there for me and with me, each and every day. I pray that I am able to release the sadness I feel and enjoy the adventure of the journey. In Jesus Christ's name ... Amen
Dear God, I pray for Your freeing power to flow through me and now declare, "I am free!" I do not need to continue with depressed moods and old ways of thinking. They are not serving a good purpose. I feel You supporting and sustaining me. I let go of that which I do not want, that which is not positive and constructive, and I am lifted up. I am free to be and do that which I long to be and to do. I let go of old thought patterns and let Your life flow through me, God. This is the day that the Lord has given me to declare my freedom and to accept my good. I am not bound to old habits, old ways, and old moods. You do Your perfect work in me, God, and I am vitally, positively alive. And so it is. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, When I feel down or depressed about some particular situation in my life, this is my opportunity to allow Your help and happiness to flow through me. I allow this to happen now to bless the situation and all concerned. All needs are better met with spiritual joy in my heart. A joy-filled heart enables me to look past appearances and the places where challenges exist. As I allow whatever experience or situation to come forth in consciousness so You can heal it, change it, and bless it, I allow You to take control of it so I can experience true happiness that I seek. Thank You, God. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, I pray that I live my life in joy. Whatever is keeping me from the full expression of joy, I pray that it is spiritually removed, or that I can look beyond it, to discover the true beauty in my life. I want to live more; I want to expand my awareness; I want to live in joy. Help me dear God to realize this now. Thank You, God. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear Lord, I turn to You, and I ask You to bring more joy into my life. Help me to get beyond the clouds in my own mind, to think in the light of new thinking and feeling. Help me to recall joyful times so that I can start to rebuild my memory bank, and thus my daily foundation of life. I choose to no longer stand on the foundation of negativity, and belief in what's wrong. I build anew on what was right, what is right, and what will be right in God. Thank You, God. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, when I feel Your healing presence strong and sure within me. I feel Your loving Spirit calming me, bringing peace to my mind and heart, showing me the way to freedom and happiness. Thank You, God. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, today I cast out and eliminate inferior interior thinking inside of me, once and for all. I acknowledge that these inferior feelings are not true of me. I ask that You help me, at a soul level, realize the Truth. I ask for a better and more successful life. Help me, dear God, to cast out those old, unhealthy thoughts. I ask for an infilling of new, vital, dynamic, faith-filled thoughts. I pray for an inflow of new thoughts. Re-make me and my life in Your image, dear God. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, Beginning now, I no longer feel depressed. My depressed mood is cast out and replaced with Your peace. Tranquility permeates my being, soothing my emotions and filling my mind and heart with joyous serenity. I accept Your gift of peace. I come to You, dear God, and my mood is lifted. I fully accept Your peaceful presence, and I feel calm. This moment is holy, for in this moment, I enter into Your spirit of peace. Thank You, dear God, for helping me to elevate my mood. Thank You God for Your priceless gift of peace. I will cherish it, and I promise to share it with others. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, I empty myself of negativity and fill myself with the Divine ideas that are strong, capable, and ready to help me. I empty myself of defeatism and fill myself with thoughts that are ready to work, ready to try, and ready to succeed. I empty myself of cynicism and fill myself up with trust in You, dear God. I ask You to equip me and give me the needed abilities and understanding. I ask You, God, to guide me to the right place and provide the right channels for my highest good. I empty myself of unhappiness and give thanks for Your infinite love. It inspires me to be fully filled with happiness and creativity. Your perfect love fills my mind with rich ideas that become manifest in my life as abundance of every good thing, and I give thanks. I live a blessed life because I choose to be emptied and re-filled with Your blessings. And so it is. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, I let go of being unhappy. I let go and love take the place of these feelings. I let go of criticism and blame and let Your love and forgiveness fill my heart in the new spirit of praise and appreciation. I let go of the negative. I let go of negative stress and actively implement the positive. Today, if any unwanted thoughts or feelings try to take over, I quietly let go, and Inside of my soul I feel a spirit of peace. I calmly let go, and inside of my soul I feel a spirit of love. I let go and let God, and inside of my soul I feel a spirit of faith. I let go and let God, and inside of my soul I feel a spirit of good. I let go and let God, and I feel steadied in purpose, strengthened in spirit, and quieted and calmed in my emotions. I let go and let God, and I know without any doubt that You are in charge. Your power is with me right now. Your Spirit is working through me to bless and transform every circumstance and condition. I will come through victoriously, for You are with me. Today, I let go and place myself and all that concerns me lovingly in Your hands, dear God, knowing that You are in charge and all is well. And so it is. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, Your light is on the inside of my mind, eliminating all darkness, and it triggers the light in my heart. My mind is too brilliant to hold resentment, bitterness, or discord. Your mind of love washes me clean of all unforgiveness. Every thought is filled with You, God, and every thought is filled with love for my fellow human, for my life, and for myself. I am not a lonely island, I am connected to You, God, and You are connected to me. Realizing that I never think alone, I face any mental challenge in front of me and do what needs to be done by me with confidence. I no longer hold the concept of self-defeat in my human brain. There is a domino reaction that causes old thought processes and opinions that are not up to the Christ standard, to fall. There is a wind of God thought moving through me, cleaning out the debris. I am the landlord of my mind apartment house, and I have the power to evict tenants of thought that are taking up space and not paying their rent, to my peace of mind and well-being. No crystallized thought stands inside of my mind as a monument to a bad happening in my past. God melds and molds, purifying, transmuting, old thought to God thought. My reflections are clear and untainted by painful memories. I am aware with an awareness that is spiritual and Divine. The curtains are open in the room of every aspect of my mind and the Son rays - raises and filters in, eliminating all and any darkness, in every nook or cranny, and I experience true joy. My mind, open to the broad expanses of God, sees only hope on the horizon. God deposits Divine ideas, daily, and I can make withdrawals as I need. I have a reserve that cannot be depleted. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen AFFIRMATIONS
Only one prayer is shown per page.God is a God of second chances. God allows DO-OVERS. My Creator now working within me, gives me countless chances to re-create my life. The Best Is Yet To Be! The past is just prelude, my new start is beginning NOW. What is past - has passed from my life! I am uplifted, and inspired, with new hope directly from God. I envision beyond the trappings of my own human mind, realizing I cannot do it alone, I give my life to God to resurrect. I have an immediate Divine intervention of God's direct help. Depression has NO power over me. My darkness gives way to God's light! My soul is lifted up this day by my Creator. I release sadness and become the joy I seek. God's light lights the darkness in me. God gives me hope and uplifts my spirit. Click on the NEXT PRAYER button for another selection To Print - Right-click on your mouse, and select "Print.", press Ctrl-P, or use your browser's Print function. Presented by the PositiveChristianity.org web site. |
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