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Dear God, I pray that my good comes to me. I pray that I do everything that I need to do to prepare the way for it to come. Help me not to block any of my good. Help me to realize that all that You have prepared for me is mine, and cannot be taken from me. I accept my good. In Jesus Christ's name ... Amen
Serene I fold my hands and wait, Nor care for wind, nor tide, nor sea. I rave no more 'gainst time or fate, For lo! my own shall come to me. I stay my haste, I make delays, For what avails this eager pace? I stand amid the eternal ways, And what is mine shall know my face. Asleep, awake, by night or day The friends I seek are seeking me; No wind can drive my bark astray, Nor change the tide of destiny. What matter if I stand alone? I wait with joy the coming years; My heart shall reap when it has sown, And gather up its fruit of tears. The stars come nightly to the sky; The tidal wave comes to the sea; Nor time, nor space, nor deep, nor high, Can keep my own away from me. The waters know their own and draw The brook that springs in yonder heights; So flows the good with equal law Unto the soul of pure delights.
Dear God, Let there be justice in my world, And let it begin with me. Amen
Dear God, I pray today for Divine justice, and the wisdom and maturity to know that it is now present, active, and at work in my life. In Jesus Christ's name ... Amen
Dear God, I pray that You will keep me under Your umbrella of safety and justice. I pray that You will influence all the situations, and people, so that the best can come for all concerned. I pray for Divine justice, for a higher working-out than can even be thought of in human mind. In Jesus Christ's name ... Amen
Dear God, help me to be a person who shows justice to all. Help me to be a person of fairness and compassion. Thank You, God, Amen
Dear God, I am trusting in Your law of justice to work on my behalf to adjust what appears unreasonable and unfair to me at this time. I place my total trust in You, God, and I ask You to reveal a better way to me so that I can do my part in making things better. I know that which is mine unfailingly does come to me. I am trusting You today to bring about perfect justice and equality for all. Dear God, I ask Your help in receiving a just compensation for my daily tasks. I trust in You, God, and I work with You continually. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, today I hold fast to the truth of Your love and justice in my life. Your love satisfies any longing. Your justice prevails bringing endless good and right outcomes for all concerned. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Prayer and Meditation for Divine Justice
Dear God, I thank You for being with me at all times, even when I am in the valley of the shadow of death. When I feel as if I am so alone, and I have no one standing with me. Dear God, I pray for Divine justice. I release others and in so doing, I release the leg irons and I release myself from the innermost cell. Dear God, I see the doors opening wide, right now. I see myself walking forth into a brand new day where the sun is shining on me and where I am feeling a sense of restored well-being. I am the most I can be, because I have the most of You in me at all times, instead of the most of my lower human thought about situations and people. I let go and I let God. I let God's Divine justice be the hallmark of my life. I seek to be on an even keel with my beloved God. God, Your sweet peace, Your complete infilling peace fills my mind and my heart. A sense of well-being grows within me as I become more aware of Your presence in every aspect of my life. I am safe in You, dear God. I totally give myself over to Your loving presence, now, as I rest gently; as I rest calmly in Your presence. In the silence of prayer, I am wholly at peace. . . . Thank You, God, for the light of wisdom. Every moment of every day, I am guided by Your gentle loving presence into new levels of understanding, new dimensions of insight and compassion, new ways of being. Each new awareness and each new insight seem like a new awakening in me. Through Your presence with me now, I feel the warm glow of spiritual light. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . . Thank You, God, for Your renewing life in the midst of the activities of my day; I am strengthened by Your presence. I live and move in the presence of Your life. Here in Your presence, I find true health - health of the Spirit. I breathe deeply and I feel Your presence as life. My spirit, my mind, and my body are healed through Your living presence within me. I entrust those I care about to Your sacred presence within them. I see them as strong and vitally healthy; as one with Your living presence. Rest in the silence of prayer for a full five minutes... Thank You, God, for being all I need and all I really want. Your presence feeds me, spiritually, and Your pure sweet love nourishes me, physically. My every need is met through your presence. You are what I need. You are what I want. Gently, now we begin to return with our attention to this moment and this time. Thank You God for Your active help and presence in my life. I pray, today, in the nature of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Dear God, I pray for a level playing field where everything is fair. I pray that I will always be honest and that others will be honest with me. I pray for integrity of action, but I also pray for integrity of the soul. I pray that I live under the code of right treatment coming from me and from others. I pray for justice, and I create the conditions for it to be long-lasting in my life. I pray for divine correction of past wrongs. I agree to live under the creed of doing no harm. May there be an umbrella of God's love covering my life of justness and evenness. The rule of my life will be righteousness, and I will attract the same to me. Recompence will return to me - what is mine. Divine restitution begins now with all parties involved. Divine order works for the good of all concerned. Forgiveness takes the place of anger. Peace takes the place of frustration. Thank you God for Divine justice. In Jesus Christ's name... Amen
Christ in You Your Hope of Glory
Spiritually I realize the invincible power within me. Nothing can defeat or overcome the power at my disposal. It is the power of the indwelling Christ. "Christ in you your hope of glory*" is true of my spiritual glory. The power of Christ is awaiting expression. The infinite resources of God are at hand. Difficulties dissolve as I let the power of the Christ light and love shine through me. I experience a wonderful sense of freedom and release, as a weight has been lifted from me. It is so... Amen *Colossians 1:27
Just for Today
Dear God, just for today, I will not judge anyone. I will follow Your loving example of acceptance. Just for today, I will not judge myself. I will follow Your loving example of acceptance. Just for today, I will look for things in common instead of focusing on differences. I seek to build a bridge instead of a wall. I pray that I can learn from today, and repeat my good thoughts tomorrow. In Jesus Christ's name... Amen
Divine Justice
Let us pray - Today, dear God, I ask for Your help. I know I am under Your law of Divine justice. Your law of Divine judgment always works to perfectly equalize, to harmonize, and to establish equality and order for all. I refuse any thought or belief that negates this truth. I hold firm to my faith in your power, God, and in Your justice. I have a deep and abiding feeling of peace and well being. God, I am under Your law of Divine justice and everything in my life proves the working of this law. Thank you. I place You first, God. I place love first in my life. Thank You, God. In Jesus Christ's name ... Amen.
New Freedom in Non-Judgement
This is the dawn of a new day in your spiritual life. Like birds that sing to celebrate the break of day, we sing a song of praise as we celebrate this new dawn in spiritual consciousness. Our song is one of peace, prosperity, and love. It is a song of harmony, as we unite our hearts in this time of prayer for non-judgement. Rest in the silence of prayer... In Your loving presence, God, every moment is a new beginning. I am filled with Your life and Your love. Before each new dawn, the earth is peaceful and calm. As I begin my prayer time, I, too, am peaceful and calm. I resolved not to go through my life rushing to snap judgments. I see the good. This is my quiet time. It is a time to regenerate and reflect. It is my time to relax and to peacefully and joyously experience the dawn of a new day in spirit, a new day in faith. I am freed from wrong judgments of the past, I unlock and release captive thoughts about people and situations. I see everything with the vision of God. I take a deep breath and I release. I relax, aware of God's sacred presence. I am peaceful, relaxed, and confident. I gently release the questions of my heart, trusting the answers I seek to be there. For God is there. God, You are the true light. I have faith in You, God, to gently guide me and those I care about. Fill my mind with true thoughts, release from my mind untrue opinions of the past, and the present. I forgive others, by praying to see the whole picture, not just in part. Rest in the silence of prayer... Right now, in prayer, I experience a new dawn, a greater understanding of my spirituality and myself. With this understanding comes a more attuned consciousness, a heightened spirituality, and a greater realization of Your direction in my life, dear God. I free myself of the tendency of lower human mind judging. There is a new awakening in my mind and my body to the powerful, healing light of God. I acknowledge God's healing presence and I look forward to the dawning of greater energy, strength, and vitality. The healing light of God is working in every area of my body temple, strengthening the tissues and the organs, and renewing and restoring each one. I am freed and released from negative opinions and false beliefs. I ask you to relax in this experience of the healing power of God. Rest in the silence of prayer... As we bring this sacred time to a close, I pray we are beginning to experience a new dawn and a new awareness in our spirituality. As the day dawns, once again in each of our hearts, we celebrate the light that fills us and fills our world. The light of God's truth eliminates darkness within me. God's complete and perfect illumination surrounds each of us; the umbrella of God's pure love covers us; God's power protects us and leads us from harm; the presence of God watches over us, every moment of the day and the night. We are in God, and God is in us - And ALL is well!
Justice of God
"He has made known ... a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him." Ephesians 1:9,10 What a joy it is to realize that the presence of God is with us every moment. It takes away our anxieties and cares because we realize that we have help. Our help is at hand in God. We believe that God is hand, bringing perfect good into our lives. We believe that God's good is being done. We trust God to reveal good in every situation to our human mind. We look out and realize that as we have a God of justice, we pass that along to others. We view our world with the eyes of God. This moment, we consent to thinking higher about other people and situations. Rest in the silence of prayer... We realize that as we transform our thinking, we also transform our personal concept of God. We realize that our God is not a God who is moody, vengeful, or angry, but a God who is the God of Jesus Christ: a God who is very much alive, a God who sees ALL GOOD, a God who is Love. God's justice works in the smallest detail of your life circumstances. The justice of God is working now. Be ye transformed... In the silence of prayer... Dear God, I give You the situations of my life that I just cannot untangle. I am sometimes at my wit's end. I give you these situations. Work through my thinking. Work through the situation to adjust the things that seem unfair and unreasonable. Rest in the silence of prayer... We take everything in our lives to the higher court of God, the Supreme Justice of the universe. We realize that God's counsel is always free. God's judgments are always sure and merciful. We realize that when we allow God to work through us, there is injury to none. God can adjust any problem or misunderstanding in perfect order. We are here in prayer this day to say that we believe in God. We believe in God's law of justice. We believe in God's Divine order. We trust the working of the law. We know that everything will work out perfectly and good will be brought to every person and everything. We desire God's good in our lives. God is what we desire. We desire God's good for ourselves and for others. We want it for our business and for the institutions we are working with. We know that God can untangle all the mess. We know that God's law is above human law. We are not disturbed or angry about any appearance of conflict. It is time, to turn to that Presence and Power ever with us. Rest in the silence of prayer... Rest in the love of God. Allow the love of God to cleanse your every thought and every cell in your body. Rest in the silence of prayer . . . Dear God, I consent to Your law overriding and superseding my human-made concepts. I consent to an establishment of peace and harmony within me. I elect to be governed by God's law. Dear God, I realize that I am one with You. I realize that I am governed by your rule of peace, harmony, and love. I give You every puzzling situation that faces me. I give it to You to harmonize and adjust. I pray that everyone is pleased and satisfied completely. I know that You are a God of justice, good, and love. I now give the situation I'm dealing with this day to You instead of having anger inside of me. In the silence, I give it over completely to You . . . I NOW BELIEVE THAT GOD'S GOOD IS BEING DONE. I TRUST GOD COMPLETELY WITH EVERYTHING IN MY LIFE. We trust God to reveal the good in every situation and God will do that now. In this moment, you are one with Good, and one with Love. You are dwelling in the peace and harmony of God. In the name of Jesus Christ, the living Presence here now, the situation I have prayed about is harmonized and adjusted so that everyone concerned is pleased and completely satisfied. Where in the human sense it was impossible, in God, good has come. And so it is, in the name and through the power of Jesus Christ ... Amen.
God IS Kind, and Gentle
Dear kind God, there is no one gentler with us than You, especially when we deserve the opposite. There is no one as welcoming of all people, as kind to the broken, or as understanding of the struggling as You. You are gentle, yet persistent; gentle, yet firm; gentle, yet so very powerful. And You are the only physician I want working on my inner heart. You never get nervous, flustered, agitated, or hurried. You have a steady hand because of Your steady heart. By the truth and power of the gospel, come and make of me a true gentle-human—someone whose gentleness is “evident to all,” and not just evident to the people who are so easy for me to be with. Gentle me when I’m behind slow drivers who stay in the fast lane. Gentle me when I face both fair and unfair criticism. Gentle me when I think things that are obvious to me ought to be obvious to everybody else. Gentle me when loud, boorish people invade “my” space—as though I have an inalienable right to an uninterrupted life. Gentle me when I’m too tired to engage but the other person really needs me to listen. Gentle me when I need a nap, but my children need to play. Gentle me when several things break in the same week. Gentle me when three stores “just ran out” of the one thing I need. Gentle me when I try to assume control over things which are your domain. In fact, gentle me when, dear God when I get tired of waiting for You. Gentle me when friends keep making the same mistakes and foolish choices. Gentle me when the restaurant sends me home with the wrong takeout order. Gentle me when I start debating theology rather than loving the people who see things differently. Gentle me when I cannot fix the very people You never gave me to fix. Gentle me quick, whenever I begin to get defensive, irritated, anxious, impatient… and when I “cop” other attitudes that contradict Your grace and love. Jesus, as this Scripture says, You are so near us in the gospel; in fact, You live in our hearts. May every expression of Your nearness generate a much quicker change on my part.BR /> Make me a gentle kind human living by the gospel, and for Your glory. In Jesus Christ's name… Amen AFFIRMATIONS
Only one prayer is shown per page.My life and my affairs are protected with God's perfect justice. The Spirit of Divine justice governs my life and affairs and blesses me with that which is my own in Spirit and in Truth. My God-given good cannot be kept from me. Divine justice is on my side. My own, comes to me now, without obstruction or delay. God's Divine Law of justice is above and beyond human-made law; it assures the right outworking of ALL things. God's law of justice is ALWAYS at work; it ALWAYS prevails. My good comes to me under Divine law. Despite any affront, I choose to go higher and to follow Jesus Christ in the way of God. God's law of love and justice is already at work and always wins in the end. Let there be justice in the world, and let it begin with me. God's wisdom reveals the way of justice. I look beyond appearances to the truth of God. I have faith that injustice cannot stand; God's law of good will prevail. Click on the NEXT PRAYER button for another selection To Print - Right-click on your mouse, and select "Print.", press Ctrl-P. Or use your browser's Print function. Presented by the PositiveChristianity.org web site. |
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