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Only one prayer is shown per page.INTRO, 1
Love promotes harmony in relationships. Love bridges differences in opinion, makes a way for you to find points of agreement, and brings light and clarity of thought. Love calls forth the best in you and opens your eyes to the best in others. The best gift you can give- the gift that will last forever- is love! INTRO, 2
A realization of Divine order can make you a good companion and friend. Your attitude will promote harmony and accord. INTRO, 3
Whatever the problem is, the solution is more love. The expression of Divine love assures that you will have harmony and peace in your relationships. Divine love fills you and enriches your interactions with others.
Dear God, help me to examine my relationships honestly, savoring the ones I need to savor and severing the negative associations I need to sever, so that I will be lifted up. Help me to re-examine, with an honest look, the relationship I have with myself. I promise to treat myself better and be good to myself and those I love. God, I consent now to positive rules, relationships, and growth. I choose to be prayed up so my responses to others will be appropriate at all times and in all places. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, today I pray that You will give me the courage to approach people I do not know. Give me a smile to wear. It will show that my approach is harmless and meant for good. I pray, God, that You will bring new friendships into my life, and I pray that these friendships will be based on positive God-thought and communication. I pray that I will be like a rose that leaves its beautiful scent on all it comes in contact with. I pray, today, for more than just acquaintances. I pray that I have close friends and develop permanent, lasting relationships. I pray that I will find people with common interests and that we pursue these together in positive, loving ways. Today, dear God, I give myself to the activity of God-centered friendship. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, I pray to give greater expression of Your love in all of my relationships. Your love reveals the way for me to have harmonious relationships in my life. I choose to be an expression of Your love to everyone I meet and base all of my words and actions, beginning today, on the standard of Your love. Dear God, I accept the gift of Your love. May it come forth from You, through me, in an inexhaustible way. I bathe my human mind with Your love, and I pray that my life is changed and enriched with Your love. Through my willingness to allow it to occur, I give You my human mind, God, and I infuse my human mind with Your Divine Mind. Flood my human mind, dear God, and every thought within it, with Your pure love. I pray that people all around me begin to notice the changes taking place in me. No longer are they dealing with the old me, my outer face, or my old personality. They are attracted to me because I am God-love in manifestation. I pray that all people become my friends. Because I am one with You, God, I am enriched by Divine love. I am a spiritual, loving being, guided by Your light and love. And so it is. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, I let go of those who have hurt me along the way. I release all negative thoughts - all judgments, all unforgiveness, all - I wish it were different - thoughts -- into Your loving hands. I turn the other cheek in the direction of Your Presence. Help me release any past pain I have felt in dealing with other people, God. My time is too precious to dwell on the past. Help me not allow another person to take away my power to love. I want to follow in the Jesus Christ's way by expressing Your love. I am Your beloved child, created in the image and after the likeness of goodness, perfection, joy, and harmony. Although I have made many mistakes along the way of life, there is something within me that reaches out in love toward humanity. Help me, dear God, let go of the baggage of any sad or hurtful events from past relationships and remember only the good. Help me remember all that was lovely in each human relationship that I have been privileged to experience. Help me be thankful toward those who were involved in helping my positive soul growth. They are a part of who I am today and who I will be tomorrow. Help me transmute negative experiences which I have experienced into something positive. I am committed to allowing that to happen. As I turn negative experiences into positive lessons, I lift myself from under the weight of circumstances, and I do not become a victim of experiences or of reliving their memories. The people I have known and loved will forever be a part of me. They are a part of who I am today and who I will be tomorrow. I place myself and my relationships in Your loving care, knowing we are enfolded in Your love. Thank You, God. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen.
Dear God, I choose to walk a high path of life and follow You by loving ALL people, not some of the people some of the time, or most of the people most of the time, but ALL of the people ALL the time. May Your love come through me, God, helping me to be friendly in character and disposition, flexible and natural, poised and happy in the company of others. We are one, dear God, as we walk this loving journey together. I pray for You to come through me, with purity and intensity, and help me express Your love to those I care about. You are my friend, God. Therefore, I am a friend of ALL of humankind, and I hope I find friends wherever I go. I am positive, and I know: You send me friends from all directions. I look for friends at every turn of the road, and there are plenty of turns. I enjoy friends, and they enjoy me. Always there are new friends coming into my experience of life. Always there are new contacts, inspiring acquaintances and fruitful meetings with progressive, alert and successful people everywhere. The earth is filled with friends, and I am a friend to all people. Friendship with You, God, means friendship with all people. For we are all Your people. Thank You for Your great love that I feel expressing through me. Today we walk into another new dawn, alive with expectation of good, feeling blessed. Thank You, God, for friends. Thank You for the gift of being a friend to ALL others. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, I pray that I will have a new, God-given communication that will help me relate to the people in my life in a more positive way. I pray that I uplift others and that people feel good in my presence. I pray that I am a light of Your love. I pray that I am strong enough in You that I seek not to change others to my point of view but to bless them where they are. I pray that I am a positive influence in the lives of others. I pray for the gift of Divine understanding. I seek to understand and demonstrate that understanding in my day-to-day interactions with others. I pray that I have the power to forgive, to release seeming wrongs of the past, and to walk forward into a new day of positive, human relations in my life. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
You are a loving person because God loves through you. No past memory or human hurt has power over God's love. God's love fills you, and you give God's love to others through your spiritual presence. I pray that today there is a feeling of total love in you. I pray that you are becoming a radiant individual filled with Christ's love, realizing the presence of God as love expressing through you. As the lower human areas of you are flooded with God-love, all is forgiven. You do not hold on to any wrong in the past, in your human mind. You forgive the mental pictures that come to the surface floating through the pure love. You are a spiritual heir to God's love. This is a new moment in your life, a silent sacred moment. It is a time when there is a silent shift going on in you, and you simply say, - I accept. I accept this shift towards God's complete love. And so it is. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen.
Dear God, I pray for more love in my perception about myself and others. I pray that You will touch me with a profound sense of awareness, allowing me to see the good in others and in myself. I ask in prayer for an anointing of Your love. Love is harmonious. It breaks down barriers of the mind. Love is not overpowered by personality. It sees the best in others. It reveals the good in others. The love inside of me is able to see the Christ in others. Help me, dear God, bring more love to my relationships. I pray that I will meet all people in a loving spirit. I pray that with Your help people will respond to me in a new and beautiful way -- with warmth, friendliness and love. I pray that Your love will move through me to others. You are love, God, and I know that You love me. Today, dear God, I make a decision to face people with the knowledge of Your love, knowing that I have a loving God working through me, a God that loves me and all others. Nothing can separate me from Your love. Through the power of the spoken word, I decree in complete faith: I am a beloved child of God. I am enfolded in God's loving presence, and I am blessed with a new life of love. And it is so. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen.
Dear God, I ask You to go ahead of me and prepare my way for perfect restoration of all of my relationships. In relationships where severe damage has occurred, I ask for a Divine intervention. Whether I know about the damage or not, I ask for a healing that is complete and lasting. I ask that Your forgiveness and perfect love unfold through me and others without personal ego blockage. I ask for Divine help in letting go of past hurts. Dear God, prepare Your way of love in which all conflicts can be quickly resolved. Dear God, Help me look for things to agree upon. Help me promote new avenues of communication, at a higher level, between me and others. I agree to do my part in the establishment of harmony and love, and I realize that I have a spiritual responsibility to begin the process. I decree that I am endowed with Your loving qualities and will allow Your love to come through me to touch others. I am confident that the steps will be easy for me. I am filled with hope for new loving relationships, for I am a peacemaker. I am love expressed, establishing relationships made in Your love. Today, I am in harmony with family members, friends, and co-workers. And it is so. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, Help me act out of a center of calmness in my relations with others. Help me remain Christ-guided in my reactions to situations that arise daily in my life. I pray to have God-powered reactions that will contribute to the happiness and peace of all. Help me forgive myself and others. As I forgive, I will remove inner obstacles that prevent me from being whole and well. Forgiving will establishes me in Your peace. Seeming slights and hurts will fade away when I do not reinforce them by continually remembering them. Forgiveness is the quickest way to end trouble and have lasting peace and unity. Through forgiveness, healing on all levels is accomplished. Harmony results. I pray to have a forgiving spirit which will be a unifying force and remove barriers of separation. Help me live in an atmosphere of love. As Your love infill me, I am centered in order and harmony within myself. I pray to be anchored in Your love and to react to persons and circumstances in a positive, harmonious and joyous way. I decree with undoubting faith and acceptance: I will follow Jesus Christ by being loving at all times. I will give love as my gift. I will look for ways to be more loving, and I will act accordingly. I will give love first. I pray to be in harmony with every family member, friend, and co-worker. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, I pray to be a better friend. I realize that the best gift I can give another is to pray and stand ready to help and bless when he/she asks for and can accept the help offered. Help me remember that my friend is seeking to express his/her highest and best. Help me remember that You are with my friend always. Although I cannot see it with my human eyes, I know that You are at work beneath the surface. I will have a feeling of peace about myself and my friend when I remember that Your Divine order is being established in his/her life and affairs, just like it is being established in mine. I place my faith in You, God, and trust that You will bring what is best to pass in the perfect way and at the perfect time. Help me let my friend live without my criticism and judgment. Help me no longer be concerned with differences but to accept and embrace differences and love my friend unconditionally. If I am tempted to fall back into old habits of criticism, I will go quietly to You in prayer and receive the guidance I need. The less I criticize, the less I have to criticize, and the more things I find to praise. I pray that You will help me have a better understanding and be willing to allow him/her the freedom to follow his/her own individual path. As I do, I know I will feel a corresponding freedom within myself. I will look for good in others, and I will see the good. And so it is. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, Help me not judge others. Even if I am suspicious of their motives or if I dismiss another's efforts as unworthy, help me consider the words of Jesus: "Do not judge by appearances, but judge with the right judgment." I am in tune with Your life that indwells other people, and I pray that God-love flows through me to others. I pray that the people I live, work, and associate with are blessed by my awareness of our oneness and that my actions and dealings with others are carried out in friendship and mutual goodwill. We are all Your children, dear God, and this is Your world. Always, there is a common meeting ground, for we share in the experience of life and living on the same small planet. There is always a basis for agreement if we look for it instead of looking for the small points that separate us. I pray to be Your instrument for peace and harmony and to be nonresistant and nonjudgmental. I commit to promoting peace and harmony through my thoughts, words, actions, and attitudes. And so it is. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, I pray that You will help me understand the terrible price of conflict. I pray that when I have the desire to lash out at someone, when that rises up inside of me, I pray I can stop at the start, like a bell going off in me, telling me to return to the Christ center so it will not damage myself or others. I pray that I will be prepared ahead of time for future encounters. Then, should something upsetting happen, I will have a reserve of God-awareness and be ready with a calm response. I pray that I will react to persons and circumstances from the center of peace within me. With a reserve of Your love empowering my responses, I will respond with a soft answer. I pray, dear God, to have a loving, forgiving spirit and to be a unifying force. Help me, dear God, to love and forgive when a problem arises, no matter how large or how small. Thank You, God. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
(for a married couple) Dear God, Love has its source in You. I pray that I am wide open and receptive to Your full and perfect love. I want to lift my every action and reaction fully to Your love, and I consent, in my free-will, to do this always. I pray that Your love comes through without restraint. I pray to be more loving. I pray that this will bring a new magic- a new spark- to our relationship and add passion that will result in happiness, laughter, and joy. I pray that our relationship becomes exciting and adventurous. I pray to be a better communicator and for new lines of positive communication to open up on all levels. I commit my full effort to improving communication in our relationship. I pray that this will create a relationship that is closer and more loving than before. I pray that in all ways, everyday, there will be many reminders of how special my love is for this person whom I have chosen to spend the rest of my life with. I realize how special our bond is and how strong it is becoming. I pray that our bond will continue to grow stronger every day. I pray that I will understand the needs of my partner and will know how I can meet those needs, while always being fulfilled myself and meeting my own. I commit to the love that is represented in prayer today. This is a special spiritual time, a special spiritual moment. In this moment, I know what is important in life. Something wonderful is occurring in our relationship. God, You are in our relationship also. It is not just the two of us. With You, we are three! God, I pray that everything that I give to my partner has Your presence within it, and that it has a life of its own, a life that lives to grow love and represent the positive feelings that I have about my commitment to this lifelong relationship. In Jesus Christ name, Amen
As you look for the perfect soulmate, he/she is looking for you right now. You WILL find this person. I pray that God is working through you, that your inner-self and your outer-self are one, and that they are one with God in the pure beauty of Christ. You are shining forth the beauty of God's love, and others are beginning to look at you in a new way. You are emanating a new energy, broadcasting forth in an attracting power. You broadcast your perfection, not your blemishes; your confidence, not your fears. When you walk into a room people will turn around and look at you. You are equipped by God with a Christ charisma and an attracting power. A Divine adjustment is happening in your mind and in your body. Every cell is affected in a positive life- changing way. This power that is within you is delightful. You are filled with hopeful anticipation. You are not held back by past pain and disappointment. The new you flashes out into greater expression than ever before. Everyone who views you sees that you are magnificent, pure and positive. You are anointed with an added power of God that comes through you in the full expression of God's perfect love. Wherever you are, for the rest of your life, you consent to this occurring. You have a great joy of God that attracts the exact same to you. You have tremendous enthusiasm. It is your sparkling inner self. You fill a room with your wonderful presence. It becomes the radiant personality that you wear today and every day. You are never alone because people want to be with you when they see you. Every word of this prayer loosens you and gives you new strength to flow with life. You have a life-giving circulation for yourself and for others; it comes forth from the pure love from God. Everybody is attracted to purified love. It comes forth not changed or restricted in any way by your human personality. It comes forth through you in fullness. It is perfect life, perfect joy, perfect love. This love is the only personality you have. This loveliness of love gives you a whole new outlook on life. Your eyes see through the love of God. They see everything in love. They view all people with love. This openness radiates out from you. People feel your love and acceptance of them. They fall in love with the way they feel when you are with them. Love gives you a new image in your face and body that all see and perceive as stunning. And so it is. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Practicing Loving Meditation
Love: rhythmic, harmonious, the pulse of the universe. Love: the activity of God. Love: God's energy. Love: God's theme. God's plot running through all creation; healing, renewing, forgiving, resurrecting, and transforming. Love holds all things together and yet frees all to find their highest good. Love: warmth, understanding and caring is love educating the heart. Love: strength, and courage, touching the hem of His garment, it inspires us to new heights of being and doing. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . My only desire is to live consciously in God's loving presence. All other desires I surrender unto Thee. Nothing is greater than my love for Thee, and my realization of what the government of Thy love and wisdom means. Here I am inside myself, alone with Thee, living in the kingdom and looking only to this deep potential, this deep pool of contentment within myself. Here, I see, God has placed God's beloved Son. This Son is the reality of my loving actions and being. Deep down within Thy presence, and in Thy presence, is fullness of life. Thy presence is within me now as infinite love.
Love Prayer
This is a time of God's love. It's a time of beginning again. It is a time to realize that there is a real power and activity in my life. It's a time to follow the Great Teacher of love. Dear God, I am to a point where I am ready to have an infilling of Your love. I won't go through the many reasons why I have depleted myself of self-love and lack of love for others, but this morning as I sit here I ask for the power of God's Divine love to infill my mind. I surrender every thought in my mind to the activity of Divine love. I give my mind over to be a vessel of Your wondrous, loving activity. During this prayer, there is a spark that happens inside of my mind. It grows during the day and expands. I feel a loving consciousness all this day. I surrender my human eyes to You, God, so I can see good everywhere and perceive it in every corner of my life. I give You my voice so my words will become so gentle and loving that they will encircle everyone who comes within hearing range of me. I give You my ears so that I can decipher the love and the best out of every sound I hear. I give You my body and its language so I can broadcast to all others in my life a receptivity and an acceptance. I pray that when others come into my sight that they will feel accepted and loved by me. I pray first that I will be accepted by myself; that I can accept my humanness and who I am. I pray I can also accept the change I am becoming. I pray that through this I can accept all others and my world. I pray that to my world, and every day of my life, I become a living manifestation of Your love, God. I pray every person feels this who crosses my path. In Jesus Christ's name. . . Amen.
Blessing for a Marriage
James Dillet Freeman May your marriage bring you all the exquisite excitements a married should bring, and may life grant you also patience, tolerance, and understanding. May you always need one another - not so much to fill your emptiness as to help you to know your fullness. A mountain needs a valley to be complete; the valley does not make the mountain less but more; and the valley is more of valley because it has a mountain towering over it. So let it be with you and you. May you need one another, but not out of weakness. May you want one another, but not out of lack. May you entice one another, but not compel one another. May you embrace one another, but not encircle one another. May you succeed in all the important ways with one another, and not fail in the little graces. May you look for things to praise, often say, "I love you!" and take no notice of small faults. If you have quarrels that push you apart, May both of you hope to have the good sense enough to take the first step back. May you enter into the mystery which is the awareness of one another's presence - no more physical than spiritual, warm and near when you are side-by-side, and warm and near when you are in separate rooms or even distant cities. May you have happiness, and may you find it in making one another happy. May you have love, and may you find it in loving one another! Thank You, God, for Your presence here with us and Your blessing on this marriage. Amen.
This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Dear wonderful God, we ask that You bless and consecrate this place for this event of marriage is holy. Surround us all as our thoughts and prayers go forth to bless this couple. May this special couple always live in the awareness of the presence of God with a deep inner knowing that God is their help in every need. Thank You, dear God. Unto You we give all praise and thanks for the magic of this love and its continuing relationship in holy marriage. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen
Dear God, I pray for an understanding heart. I pray that I am healed from all my resentments. I pray that I am healed at depth of resentments that I have long consciously forgotten but are still below the surface waiting to get me. I pray for the full love of God to come through me healing my past so that I may have a clean slate for my future. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, I pray for more friendships. Send people to me that I can befriend. Help me to be a friend first, to all people I see. I pray that I do not isolate myself. Empower me so that I am not standoffish. Help me to get beyond shyness, by realizing others need me. Help me to eliminate secret loneliness in the people I encounter. Thank You God, Amen.
Dear God, I consent to living my life by the Golden rule. I consent to giving love to everyone in worship of You. I consent to treat others the way that I want to be treated. In Jesus Christ's name ... Amen
Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
Then Almira spoke again and said, "And what of Marriage, master?" And he answered saying: You are born together, and together you shall be forevermore. You shall be together when the white wings of death scatter your days. Ay, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God. And let there be spaces in your togetherness. And let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another, but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup. Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf. Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone. Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music. Give your hearts, but not into each others keeping. For only the hand of Life can retain your hearts, And stand together yet not too near together: For the pillars of the temple stand apart, And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.
It is my joy in life to find At every turning of the road The strong arm of a comrade kind To help me onward with my load. And since I have no gold to give, And love alone must make amends, My only prayer is, while I live - God make me worthy of my friends. Frank Kempster Sherman (found in The Treasure Chest) MY FRIENDS My friends are little lamps to me, Their radiance warms and cheers my ways, And all the pathway dark and lone Is brightened by their rays. I try to keep them bright by faith, And never let them dim with doubt; For every time I lose a friend A little lamp goes out. Elizabeth Whittemore (found in Harvest of Gold) He hadn't time to pen a note. He hadn't time to cast a vote. He hadn't time to sing a song. He hadn't time to right a wrong. He hadn't time to love or give He hadn't time to really live. From now on, he'll have time on end. He died today, my busy friend. Anonymous From newspaper clipping "Papa used to tell me, 'Felice, it costs nothing to be kind,' and after waiting for the wisdom of that to settle in my mind, he would always follow with, 'and you get so much in return.' " Leo Buscaglia (from his book Bus 9 To Paradise)
prayerAmerica Television Channel "Relationship Prayers"
Click on titles below for full video prayer. Prayer for More Loving Relationships Prayer for Personal Healing of a Relationship Breakup Prayer for Family Prayer to Become More Loving Prayer of New Friendship Prayer for Family Harmony and Love Prayer to Become Love Prayer to Become a Nicer Person Prayer for a Perfect Soulmate (Prayer for a Perfect Soulmate - We suggest that you order the full one hour powerful Prayer CD, or download, of the same name, available in The Spiritual Store on our homepage) Relationship Prayer
In the name of Jesus Christ I ask for the full love of God to come through my presence, my voice, my words that I speak, and my touch. I pray that all in my presence feel good because I manifest the pure love of God in my associations with each person. Thank You, God! Amen
Positive Christianity Interpretation of the Lord's Prayer honoring God as love.
Our God of love which art in the heaven of love, hallowed be Thy name of love. Thy kingdom of love come, Thy loving will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread of love and forgive us our debts of love as we also have forgiven those who feel they owe debts of love to us. And leave us not in the temptation of not loving, as You unconditionally love us, but deliver us from evils of conditional love. For Thine is the kingdom of love, the power of love, and the glory of love forever. Amen.
Positive Christianity paraphrased version 1 Corinthians 13
If I have the language perfectly and speak like a native, and have not God's love for them, I am nothing. If I have diplomas and degrees and know all the up-to-date methods, and have not God's touch of understanding love, I am nothing. If I am able to argue successfully, quote the Bible, argue against the religions of the people and make fools of them, and have not God's love, I am nothing. If I have all faith and great ideals and magnificent plans and have not God's love that serves, and gives, and desires to do more, and prays, I am nothing. If I give my clothes and money to the poor and have not God's love for them, I am nothing. If I surrender all prospects, leave home and friends, make the sacrifices of a ministry career, and turn sour and selfish amid the daily annoyances and slights of a ministry life, and have not the love that yields its rights, its leisures, its pet plans, I am nothing. Virtue has ceased to go out of me. If I can heal all manner of sickness and disease, but wound hearts and hurt feelings for want of God's love that is kind, I am nothing. If I can write articles or publish books that when applause, but fail to transcribe the Word into the language of God's all accepting love, I am nothing.
In my seminars, I ask people to do a nightly forgiveness exercise. I invite people for 30 days to practice forgiving for 30 minutes every evening before retiring to bed. Doing this powerful prayer work of release just before sleep creates the activity of God's gentle release all night long. "Do not let the sun go down on your anger. . . be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you." Ephesians 4:26-32 I invite you to do this discipline. Every night before sleep, for the next 30 days, spend a full 30 minutes listing the people (including self), groups, or organizations, past or present, whom you choose to forgive and say this prayer: "I fully and freely forgive. I loose you, and let you go to your good quickly, and in peace. All is cleared up between us now, and forever, in the love of God. Thank you God that I am cleansed of all sense of unforgiveness. I behold all persons, including myself in the light of Your love." Then list all people, groups or organizations, past or present, whom you desire to forgive you, and say this prayer: "In the full love of God, I ask that you fully and freely forgive me. You loose me and let me go to my good, quickly, and in peace. All is cleared up between us now and forever. Thank you God that my forgiveness is complete. I behold all persons, including myself ever-enfolded in the care and keeping of Your love. " In Jesus Christ's name. . . Amen
Forgiveness Today
Dear God, I pray that I will express Your Spirit of love and forgiveness to everyone today. It is not always easy for me to be loving and forgiving of other persons, or of myself, but through this prayer and Your help, I can come up higher. I give the expression to Your loving Spirit with me now. As I pray and commune with You, I feel Your cleansing presence with me, sweeping every corner of my mind clean of judgmental or critical thoughts, or of old outdated grudges and resentments. Your love beams in and through me, filling me with warmth and peace. I feel Your love and acceptance; I feel my own worth and capability. In the light of Your presence, dear God, it is easier for me to express Your Spirit of love and forgiveness to others. I know that we are all growing and unfolding, and that we are all on the pathway to higher good. When I establish myself fully in Your love, there is nothing to forgive; there is only love and understanding. In Jesus Christ's name. . . Amen
Divine Plan Prayer
I now gently release everyone and everything that are no longer part of the Divine plan of my life. Everyone and everything that are no longer part of the Divine plan of my life now gently release me. I now attract and love everyone and everything that are part of the Divine plan for my life and everything and everybody that are part of the Divine plan for my life are now attracted to me and love me! I now let go and let God unfold the Divine plan of my life. I am now attuned to the Divine plan of my life. I now cooperate with the Divine plan of my life. Christ in me now manifests the Divine plan of my life quickly and in peace. I now recognize, accept, and follow the Divine plan of my life as it is revealed to me, step-by-step. I rejoice in the Divine plan, which is the sublime plan, which includes health, wealth, happiness, and perfect self-expression for me now. Thank You, God!
A Prayer for Love
Thank You for healing my heart of past emotional pain, so that I can feel worthy of accepting true love in a healthy relationship. Amen
Anniversary Prayer Blessing
May God bless the continuing marriage of ____ and _____. We pray that a Divine umbrella of God's love covers both of you every moment. We pray your joy increases with your time spent together. We pray for new discovery of the bliss of being together. We pray that the pure love of God comes through _____ towards _____, And that the pure love of God comes through _____ towards ____. We pray that the pleasant memories of the years are held in heart and mind, And that God blesses every day for the rest of your lives. In Jesus Christ's name... Amen
The life of God fills my body. The light of God fills my mind. The love of God fills my heart. I experience perfection to the extent that I recognize God's life within me. I am assured of my birthright. The light of God fills my mind bringing wisdom and understanding. I am inspired and aluminum to the extent that I open my mind to the light of God within me, to the extent that I grasp and use the ideas that God so freely gives me. God's light is my light. I only need to open my mind to it, and to accept it. The love of God fills my heart. God's love assures me that I am love and gives me the ability to love others. God's love leads me to forgiveness of myself and of others. It erases feelings of guilt, criticism, and condemnation. God's love wipes the slate clean and allows me to express the goodness that is within me. In Jesus Christ's name... Amen
Special Interpretation of the Lord's Prayer Honoring God as love.
Our Father of love which art in the heaven of love, hallowed be Thy name of love. Thy kingdom of love come, Thy loving will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread of love and forgive us our debts of love as we also have forgiven those who feel they owe debts of love to us. And leave us not in the temptation of not loving, as You unconditionally love us, but deliver us from evils of conditional love. For Thine is the kingdom of love, the power of love, and the glory of love forever. Amen.
PRAYER of Love
Please join me in prayer. This moment is a time of powerful spiritual commitment. It is a time of God. It's a time of beginning again. It is a time to realize that there is a real power and activity in my life. It's a time to follow the Great Teacher of love. God, I am to a point where I am ready to have an infilling of Your love. I won't go through the many reasons why I have depleted myself of self-love and lack of love for others, but as I sit here this moment, I ask for the power of God's Divine love to infill my mind, and direct my words and actions. I surrender every thought in my mind to the activity of Divine love. I give my mind over to be a vessel of wondrous loving activity. During this prayer, there is a spark that happens inside of your mind. Consent to God's love now. God's love grows during the day and expands. You feel a loving consciousness all this day. You surrender your human eyes to God, so you can see good everywhere and perceive it in every corner of my life. You give God your voice so your words will become so gentle and loving that they will encircle everyone who comes within hearing range of you. You give God your ears so that you can decipher the love and hear only the best out of every sound. You give God your body and your body language so you can broadcast to all others in your life receptivity and an acceptance. You pray that when others come into your sight that they will feel accepted and loved by you. You pray first that you will be accepted by yourself; that you can accept your humanness and who you are. You pray you can also accept the change you are becoming. You pray that through this you can accept all others and your world. You pray that every day of your life, you become a living manifestation of God's love. You pray every person feels this from you. Follow Me, God asks, and we say YES. In Jesus Christ's name...Amen
Marriage Prayer
I pray that the touch of God is upon you and upon your spouse. I pray that the full love of God comes through you towards him and that the full love of God comes through him towards you. I pray that your marriage is forever under a Divine umbrella of God's harmony and contentment. I pray that you feel complete. I pray that your marriage and companionship are Divinely natural demonstrations. You both desire to give to this one the best qualities of your love, courage, and inspiration. May you both live in the perpetual oneness of God's life. What God has joined nothing can separate. You have been given the gift of God of a soul mate. Your marriage will be rich, beautiful, enduring, and permanent. Your union is holy, blessed, sincere, and honest. There is a trinity in your marriage: you - God - and your spouse. This trinity keeps this union strong and unbroken. Never go anywhere alone always include God in the middle of every discussion and every time of togetherness. God is love, love attracts love, life attracts life. This will be the time of fulfillment. And every day afterwards - heaven on earth. God governs it. Love inspires it, and love establishes it. You will each have someone witnessing your life firsthand, appreciating, cherishing, and understanding. Your marriage will stand for complete blending of qualities that make for a successful happy marriage. The bond of love between you dissolves any sense of fear, or delay. Your dwelling is a happy home filled with laughter, smiles, and joy. For this you are both deeply grateful. In Jesus Christ's name... Amen
To a memory of a past relationship that still haunts you:
I release you now to your highest good. I love you, and release you to complete freedom and complete health in whatever way is best. I am free, and you are free. I fully and freely release you. I loose you and let you go to your good. God is with you and takes care of you.
Your Image and Likeness
Dear God, let me see all people as You see them, made in Your image and likeness. Let me know that in all things, in every place, and each person, the divine spark of Your life is moving, living. Help me to set aside judgments of every kind, to look within the person to the true self. Help me to see that Your likeness is so all-encompassing as to create a unique expression in every living thing. Let me see through Your eyes of love. Help me to understand that each one is reaching toward You, just as I am. Help me to see without the blinders of human emotion, human conditioning. With the spirit of freedom, untainted by misconceptions and old attitudes, I can love my fellow human beings as clearly and completely as You do. This is my prayer for today. I enter into this day with an expectant attitude of brotherhood, sisterhood and love. I experience communion with You and Your other children. In Jesus Christ name... Amen
Notes On Relationships With Others, and Yourself...
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right One so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift. When the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one which has been opened for us. The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had. It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives. God always loves you unconditionally, but realize sometimes it's different with humans. Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they will love you back. Don't expect love in return; just wait for it to grow in their heart, but if it doesn't, be content it grew in yours. It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone. Don't go for looks; they can deceive. Don't go for wealth; even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. Find the one that makes your heart smile. There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real. Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life, seize the chance to do all the things you want to do. May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy. Always put yourself in others' shoes. The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way. The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches. When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you're the one who is smiling. POSITIVE DAILY PRAYER: Dear God, help me to be the person that I desire to have a relationship with. Help me to exhibit qualities that I seek in others. Help me to be the person that I admire in others. Help me to become that - that I seek. Amen. POSITIVE DAILY AFFIRMATION: The light of God's love shines through me!
Immersed In God's Love
Dear God, I pray that I know that mighty currents of God's love are flowing through me. I make it securely through this day because I immersed in God's love. I leave behind me all traces of chilling doubt, or bleak discouragement because I am newly awakened to the potential of God's perfect love coming through me. Dreams, once frozen in winter apathy, are now bursting into bloom as creative love activity and love achievement. I respond to life and the people in my life with the warmth of heart. Today is my day to love and today is a new beginning of accepting love. Dear God, help me to be the person that I desire to have a relationship with. Help me to exhibit qualities that I seek in others. Help me to be the person that I admire in others. Help me to become that - that I seek. In Jesus Christ's name... Amen AFFIRMATIONS
God's love expresses through me harmonizing all of my relationships. I am filled with God's pure, perfect love. Everyone that comes in contact with me comes in contact with God's love. The footprint that I leave behind is one of love and understanding for all. God's healing love surging through me, as God's beloved child, now makes me free, well, and whole. God's love includes every living creature, including me, I am blessed completeness and satisfaction. I commit to my relationships and give others the time and attention they deserve. I give others love and friendship, and love and friendship return to me. The harmony of God's love, expressing through me, harmonizes my relationships. God's goodness is ever-present, helping me give love where it is needed. I do not wait for others to love me. I give love first. Through the power of God's love, I am loving, considerate and compassionate. I say positive words to others and open myself to positive responses in return. I am enfolded in God's love, blessed with harmonious relationships. As God's child, I am a friend to ALL of God's people. I have good, loving relationships because I am loving first. Divine love fills me, enriching all of my relationships. God's love within me is mighty to fulfill every need of my heart, to harmonize and to prosper my relationships. Divine love makes plain my way and supplies all my needs. Divine love reigns supreme in my life and my world is a joyous contended one. The constructive, unifying power of Divine love is expressed in me, harmonizing and blessing my life and everyone in it. Peace fills my heart and mind. I know that God is present in all persons and situations, and I trust God to establish that which is right, good, and orderly in all my relationships. I am peaceful and relaxed in the knowledge that God's Spirit of harmony, order, and understanding is at work in all my relationships. I have faith that the loving, forgiving, understanding Spirit of Christ is dissolving all inharmony and establishing happiness, peace, and right conditions. Click on the NEXT PRAYER button for another selection To Print - Right-click on your mouse, and select "Print.", press Ctrl-P, or use your browser's Print function. Presented by the PositiveChristianity.org web site. |
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