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A New Me Is Coming
Dear God, I desire to be a new person in Christ. I desire to live my life in a new way. I desire to go on new adventures. I desire to have new hope. I desire to reinvent my life. I desire to have new thoughts about tomorrow that are filled with excitement and anticipation. I desire to have the excitement of a child. I desire to play more. I desire to enjoy more. I desire to have wonderful friends that can share my new path with me. I no longer hold back, I am ready to become the new me. THANK YOU GOD for Your help!
I see myself as a spiritual being. I am spiritually endowed with everything that I will ever need for my eternal ongoing. I lack nothing. I rejoice in the possessions of my life, but I am not possessed by them. I rejoice in the people in my life, but I do not bind or hold them to me possessively. I rejoice in the experiences of my life, but I do not look back and long for the past. I live today enriched by the experiences of the past but free in the eternal now! I hold no grudges. I do not use the word blame. I am a spiritual being, capable and strong in accepting the responsibility of my own person. In the realization of my spiritual self, I find my oneness with my Christ within. I am inwardly guided, outwardly protected. I walk the way of this earth doing that which is mine to do. I am not possessed by anyone or anything. I am free in the warm, healing, loving realization that I am a child of God. Dorothy Pierson
Dear God, I release all thoughts and words and mind-images that do not describe me as a loved, cherished child of God, and I am filled with the knowledge that You, God, reside within me in every cell and in every atom of my being. As I release all feelings that do not support my highest and best good, I find that I am filled with Your absolute peace and abundant joy. Thank You, God, for Your Divine presence in my life. In Jesus Christ's name ... Amen
PRAYER of Self Kindness
Today is a day to be kind to yourself, for you are still "under construction." Seeming mistakes can play a positive and important part in your process of learning and growing. You can begin, right now, to release any burden from the past and go forth with enthusiasm. With God's help, you can turn what seemed like failure into success. You can earn from the mistakes of the past and then bring only the good lessons learned into the present. Feelings of guilt can be left in the past where they belong, and you can give others the right to learn and to grow. Today, with God's power you have the strength to forget what lies behind and the physical and mental power to strain forward in life to the good that lies ahead. You will have a God-given strength to press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God.
Dear God, right now in this moment, I realize You are here with me. I know the truth about myself: I am Your creation, Your child. Any feelings of unworthiness, or faultfinding, are washed away by the joy I experience in Your presence. I love You, dear God; I live my life in celebration of Your presence with me all the time. I feel worthy, and out of this awareness of a new, more confident me arises. I dedicate myself to doing more and being more of a blessing in my world and to my world. In Jesus Christ's name ... Amen
Dear God, help me to fully realize that I am Your child and heir to the kingdom. I am ready to accept your vision of me and my potential. I am ready to believe bigger and stretch myself beyond self-imposed limits. In Jesus Christ name ... Amen
SELF-IMAGE (quote)
If God were to whisper in your ear God would say, "Be the self that you were created to be. Express all that you were created to express." Christopher Ian Chenoweth
I pray, in Jesus Christ's name, that my body is blessed with ever-renewing health. The top of my head is crowned with gloriously, healthy, shining hair. My brain is bathed in God's peace. My eyes focus and see correctly. They are not fatigued or overstressed. My ears hear sounds perfectly, and I am able to discern the truth in-between the noise. My nose is able to sense and smell the delightful senses of the beauty around me. My sinuses are clear. My mouth is able to taste the delights of life. What comes out of my mouth, in the words I say, delights others. My neck and shoulders are relaxed. My arms have new strength to lift, but also to hug. My hands have strong grip, but also a gentle touch. My lungs breathe in the breath of God, and exhale all stress. My heart is strong, beating with a beat that is regulated by God. My blood is a fluid mixture of God's perfection. My blood sugar is maintained and regulated by the Divine creator. My stomach has perfect digestion taking from the foods the healthy nutrients that my body needs to maintain its energy. I have perfect digestion because my stomach is health personified, and my stomach lining and intestines are clear. I am able to easily eliminate what I no longer need. My skeletal system is strong, filled with God's strength - it is getting stronger daily. My bones, hips, muscles, and tendons work together with perfect synchronicity of movement and vitality. My legs are strong, I easily get up from a chair; I easily walk or run. I move with perfect mobility and steadiness. There is nothing shaky or feeble in me. I live a pain-free life. I am not sore, but instead, ever renewed with God's fresh, youthful, regeneration. My feet are strong, giving a perfect stance and a sure feeling with every step. My body is the temple of the living God. God empowers me, rebuilds me, perfects me, constantly and continually. God's health is complete, from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. I am complete in God's health. I feel good inside and out. I am a manifestation of wellness. Thank You, God ... Amen!
Dear God, I pray that I realize that I am special and unique and needed by all creation. God, I ask You today to help me uncover my specialness and show it forth to myself and to all others. Help me to realize that I do not have to covet anything that someone else has. God, You have given me everything that I need and more. I pray that I realize how special I am and that I never forget. I ask You to fill me with courage and confidence that will assure me of my success. I know, dear God, that You have a special-purpose for me. God I know that You like me, and therefore how can I do anything else but to like myself. In Jesus Christ name, Amen
"Lord, show me who I really am. Regardless of how magnificent that may be." Anonymous
Dear God, I ask that You remove my self doubts, the nagging feelings of insecurity, and the false belief that I'm not good enough. I pray that You will remove the messages that I have received in the past from others that have fortified those feelings. I pray that You will infill me with abilities and talents beyond my human self and that You will work with me, as me, and become my partner in everything. I ask You to think in my human mind, to live in my body, to move as me, to direct me and guide me in the ways that we need to go to achieve the greatest success. I pray that everyday I can make this world a better place. I give You my mind and I give You my body to work through. I give You my voice and my touch. I give You everything that I am today and everything that I will be tomorrow. Mold me and make me as You desire. Create, through me, the things that will make manifest Your kingdom on earth. In Jesus Christ's Name, Amen
BIBLE VERSES (self-image)
"God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good." Genesis 1:31 "Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's spirit dwells within you?" 1 Corinthians 3:16 "Thus says the Lord, who created you . . . 'I have called you by name, you are mine . . . you are precious in my eyes, and honored, and I love you.'" Isaiah 43:1-4
I look in the mirror, I take a long second look. With Your Help, dear God I pray that I can comprehend the gift of life given to me and my potential when I follow You. In Jesus' name, Amen
Self Worth
Please join me in prayer, Dear God, I pray today, beginning the next 24 hours, I will spend my life going on a journey of an inward spiritual adventure. I pray that You will empower me to praise every aspect of my life. God, I ask that with Your help I cast out all self-criticism and all self condemnation, replacing those with self love. I would not talk to a friend the way that I have talked to myself and I agree, during the next 24 hours, to allow myself to be my best friend. God, I know You care and I know that You love me. I know that You love me just the way I am. I ask for Your help, insight and understanding so that I may do the same towards myself. I realize that it is an error to berate what You have created. I realize, God, that I have diffused the power that You have given me by constantly weakening myself through criticism. God, I will live my life as an experiment in spirituality for the next 24 hours by believing in myself 100 percent. I talk to myself in affirming ways and believe in Your power to help me turn around my negative thoughts about myself, my body, my mind, and my life. I begin the praise Right Now and I do not stop for the next 24 hours. I follow Jesus Christ in this way, realizing the tremendous gift of life that I have been given and giving thanks for it and every aspect of it. It is so.... Amen
"Treatment for a New Self-Image" By Dorothy Pierson
I see myself as a spiritual being. I am spiritually endowed with everything that I will ever need for my eternal ongoing. I lack nothing. I rejoice in the possessions of my life, but I am not possessed by them. I rejoice in the people in my life, but I do not bind or hold them to me possessively. I rejoice in the experiences of my life, but I do not look back and long for the past. I live today enriched by the experiences of the past but free in the eternal now! I hold no grudges. I do not use the word blame. I am a spiritual being, capable and strong in accepting the responsibility of my own person. In the realization of my spiritual self, I find my oneness with my Christ within. I am inwardly guided, outwardly protected. I walk the way of this earth doing that which is mine to do. I am not possessed by anyone or anything. I am free in the warm, healing, loving realization that I am a child of God.
An Expression of Your Creation
Dear God, I behold our world and affirm the wonder of Your creation. Through God's love within me, I know and I share love. Through God's wisdom within, I am creating. I am a unique expression of God's ability to create. Through God's Spirit within me, I have the power to choose, think, reason, and explore new ideas. I have a full range of capabilities - some yet to be explored. I rejoice in my unfoldment as an expression of Your creation. Thank You God!
I Celebrate Me
I celebrate me. I am worth celebrating. I am worth everything. I am unique. In this whole world there is only one me. There is no person with my talents, experiences, or God-given gifts. No one can take my place. God created only one me, precious in God's sight. I have a God empowered potential to love, care, create, and grow. If I believe in myself. It doesn't matter what I have been, the things I've done, Mistakes I've made. Today is new-I am forgiven. I am accepted. I am okay. I am loved in spite of everything. So I love myself and nourish the God creative seeds within me. I celebrate me. I begin now. I start anew. I give myself new birth today. I am me, and that's all I need to be. Today is a new beginning. A new life, given freely. So I celebrate the miracle, and I celebrate me. In Jesus Christ's name. . . Amen
My Oneness with God
Allow Jesus to talk to you personally: Beloved of God, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life." I will heal your mind and body, for I AM, I am the truths of perfect health and eternal peace of mind. Through Me, you live and move and have your being. I am the sun and the moon. I am the ground that you walk on and the very air that you breathe. I am the light that guides you. I am all that you are and all that you can be. I am more than you can possibly imagine and all that you aspire to be. We can never be apart, for I am in you and you are in Me. Walk with Me, I will walk in you - and together we will transcend all your doubts and fears. Through Me, you can achieve all that you ever hoped for or dreamed. I am your friend and comforter, one with you now and forever. I am the Christ. Amen Let us pray. This day, dear God, I know and I feel my oneness with You. Intellectually, I may know my oneness with You; however, knowing this Truth intellectually is no longer good enough for me. I must feel my oneness with You through my personal actions. I pray marvelous things begin to happen, in and through me, as I know and feel my oneness with You. May I be freed from all self-imposed limitations, from negative influences of the past. May my soul take wings, unbound and unencumbered by outer restrictions. May my words and my thoughts be imbued with power from on high and go forth to accomplish great good. I seek first You, God, to know and feel my oneness with the Divine. I pray I am so firmly grounded in this realization that I can become the image of you, walking in your light. I am peaceful and I am secure as I walk, for I know I am one with You, and You are one with me. Thank you, God. In Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
Self-Worth - Self-Esteem - Self-Image PRAYER
I pray that you can lock that into our consciousness new self-worth, self-esteem, self image through prayer. I pray that we each have a permanent positive change in the way we view ourselves, think about ourselves, and project an image of ourselves to others. You do your part, and allow God to do the rest. (One-hour bestselling download or CD available by the same name available on our website)
New Self-Image
Dear God, I realize this day with Your help that I am not bound by anything. No past thoughts inside of me hold me down. My soul rejoices in this realization. Gone are the limitations of yesterday. Every trace has vanished like a veil before the morning sun. Gone are the vain regrets. All the possibilities of this new day stretch before me inviting me onward and upward. Gone are the shortcomings and disappointments, transformed and transmuted into a new purpose and the will to live my life fully, freely, and happily. I am one with the overcoming triumphant spirit of the Christ. All power is given to me in heaven and in earth. This same power is with me. It is lifting me to ever-increasing heights of self-mastery and self-control. There is a new awareness of my God-given potential and ability. Capability is born in me this moment because I consent to it being born. I claim now, and express now, complete and perfect freedom from old self-images and old environments. In Jesus Christ's name we pray and we believe . . . Amen.
Our Father who art in Heaven
Our Father who art in heaven. As Jesus said, we are immersed in heaven. "And when He was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of heaven should come, He answered them and said, The kingdom of heaven cometh not with observation: neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of heaven is within you. Luke 17:20,21 May you be infilled in this moment with a spiritual experience of God. Hallowed be Thy name. Wholeness be the nature of God. May the completeness of God infill you. Thy kingdom come, NOW. Jesus says when you pray believe that you have already received. Thy will be done, NOW. God's will of absolute perfection and good be done. Dear God, today we pray that we can create an environment in our world (both inside of ourselves and outside of ourselves) that is an environment of heaven. We pray that God's ideas, manifest in our lives, through our lives, and in every area of our lives, on earth, as it is in heaven. On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. May God provide every need of ours (both inside and outside of ourselves) on a daily basis, today, and far into the future. Dear God, this day we ask for what we need in the moment. We know that You are ever-helpful and responsive. No matter what we face in our day, not matter what challenge we face, we can overcome it with Your help. And if we have low self-esteem, we simply turn to that God-given greatness within ourselves to be renewed. Forgive us our debts as we have forgiven our debtors. We pray that we will forgive ourselves as well as forgive others and make our life an environment of heaven, an environment of forgiveness and release. We hold nothing negative in our minds, or in our world. We release all to the glory of God's good. Leave us not in temptation. Deliver us from that which we are tempted to think about that is false and untrue. Deliver us from habits of our lower human self that would harm our potential. Deliver us from evil. Deliver us from the error thought of our lower human mind; keep us from missing the mark of the perfection of God's Divine ideas which let our lives be in Divine order. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. You are made in the image and likeness of God. You were created by God, and through regeneration your body, mind, soul, and life are continually being re-created by God. You are established in health and perfection. You see yourself brand new, a person of potential. You ask for perception of yourself in prayer as God sees you. A new concept of yourself arises within you. Jesus prays for you, knowing that you hold a special place in the heart of God. Jesus prays for you with an unshakable faith in you. God is present in each of God's children as pure life health, strength and perfection. Jesus taught that your loving heart and your mind filled with faith can call forth this indwelling spirit of life. God's greatness is in you, and it cannot be changed. During this prayer, I ask you to keep your thoughts about yourself calm and your faith strong. See yourself as God sees you-with a steady stream of life flowing unhindered through every cell, looking away from the old negative and false concepts of yourself. See yourself blessed, upheld, enfolded and surrounded by God's love, strengthened by God's life. See all the functions of your mind and body working in the environment of healthy-creating harmony. You are made in the image and likeness of God. You are established in health and perfection. Accept this idea now in the silence of prayer. . . Your faith in yourself emerges. Your innate eagerness to express life responds readily to positive thought about yourself. Just as surely as a plant responds to the warmth of sunshine, you hold yourself in the light and warmth of God and you are responding to love, and your thoughts about yourself become a faith-filled prayer. Nothing is too much to ask of God. Nothing is too slight for God's harmonizing, healing, adjusting power. As you pray, you are a channel for God's healing power to harmonize, heal, adjust your self-image. You are calling God's spirit of perfect life into activity in all of your life. In the silence of prayer. . . Through the power of the spoken word, we decree: I am made in the image and the likeness of God. I am established in health and perfection. In Jesus Christ's name we accept this truth about ourselves. . . Amen.
Today is My Important Day
Today is a very important day, dear God. I realize that You are absolute good and You are everywhere present. I realize that I am not a worm of the dust, I am not a sinner and I am not bad. I am Your child and I am good. I know, today, that Your Divine Almighty help of loving good is with me. That gives me tremendous hope and strength. I know that no matter what I face in life, I do not face it alone. I know that I create my experiences through my thinking. Today, that gives me a tremendous new hope. I am a co-creator with You and I will co-create anew and blaze new trails of excitement in front of my eyes. I will co-create with You following Your Divine ideas. I will think in new creative ways. Through my thinking I will pray constantly. I will uphold the best in thought. I will uphold the best in others. I will uphold the best in myself. My life will become a living prayer. I will be a person of God-action. I will move toward my destiny because I make my destiny. I have made a decision this morning to step out on faith, to move a little, to know God is with me, empowering me every step I take. Whether I am going toward a new idea, a healing in my mind or body, or new prosperity I will move a little in the direction of the good. In Jesus Christ's name I give thanks for this belief system now incorporated as mine. Amen.
Self Worth Prayer
Dear God, I realize this day with Your help that I am not bound by anything. No past thoughts inside of me hold me down. My soul rejoices in this realization. Gone are the limitations of yesterday. Every trace has vanished like a veil before the morning sun. Gone are the vain regrets. All the possibilities of this new day stretch before me, inviting me onward and upward. Gone are the shortcomings and disappointments, transformed and transmuted into a new purpose and the will to live my life fully, freely, and happily. I am one with the overcoming triumphant spirit of the Christ. All power is given to me in heaven and in earth. This same power is now within me. It is lifting me to ever-increasing heights of self-mastery and self-control. There is a new awareness of my God-given potential and ability. Capability is born in me this moment because I consent to it being born. I claim now, and express now, complete and perfect freedom from old self-images and old environments. In Jesus Christ's name we pray and we believe . . . Amen.
Worship is "worth-ship." You are a child of God, created in the image and likeness of God. You are loved by God. You must accept the value that God has placed upon you, and not throw it away. God created you, and is re-creating you new daily. Rest in the presence of God, and accept your God-given worth. - Christopher Ian Chenoweth
"Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead." Philippians 3:13 Dear God, I come to You, today, willing and ready to surrender my old self. In surrendering my old self to You, I surrender my old ways that have ceased working in my life. I ask Your help, wonderful God, to help me reinvent myself. I choose, in my free will, to become a new person. I pray that all ties to destructive habits are severed, so that I may walk freely towards a new life. I make a conscious decision in this prayer to form an active, moment-to-moment partnership with You, dear God. I look to You for my insight and my inspiration. I look to You for renewed strength. Dear God, refill the storehouses of my energy. I ask to be restored to full vim and vigor. I pray that I am surrendering mental habits to You, also. I freely give up worry, critical thinking, fear, and all negative thoughts. I ask that my thought processes can be transmuted by Christ mind. I pray that every thought in my mind is now saturated with God’s pure love. I surrender my limited interests so that they may be broadened by You, and I pray that I form habits of real concern and interest for others. I surrender my focus and its former selfish ways, so that I may see a larger view of humanity. I am less concerned with myself than others. Through the power of God, this is my year to truly learn how to love and how to receive love. I give myself, and my talents to this noble task. I agree to be ten times more interested in others than in self. I ask God, in return, that I will discover true happiness and joy. I choose to make a difference with my life by making a difference in the lives of those around me. No longer do others have to conform to my wishes; I realize that my purpose, the reason that I am here, is to love and to learn the ways of God. Day by day, together with God, we build a new life. A new body and mind follow the sincere spiritual commitment that I make this historic day in my life. I am ready and willing to forgive and release old hurts, so that they no longer hurt me, as I walk forward across the threshold of my new chosen life. I realize that I have a choice and I make the choice for change and a new higher spiritual lifestyle. With God, one day at a time, I will build this new life with Divine help. I will not let God down because I know that God will not let me down; and together, we can accomplish anything. Together, we accomplish great things. I am not just this old frame covered with skin, I am what is contained within; and what is contained within is now God-empowered and God-energized. I follow Jesus Christ in making this commitment in full faith in what God can do in and through me. Amen.
"I See Myself As A Spiritual Being"
I see myself as a spiritual being. I am spiritually endowed with everything that I will ever need for my eternal ongoing. I lack nothing. I rejoice in the possessions of my life, but I am not possessed by them. I rejoice in the people in my life, but I do not bind or hold them to me possessively. I rejoice in the experiences of my life, but I do not look back and long for the past. I live today enriched by the experiences of the past but free in the eternal now! I hold no grudges. I do not use the word blame. I am a spiritual being, capable and strong in accepting the responsibility of my own person. In the realization of my spiritual self, I find my oneness with my Christ within. I am inwardly guided, outwardly protected. I walk the way of this earth doing that which is mine to do. I am not possessed by anyone or anything. I am free in the warm, healing, loving realization that I am a child of God. (Dorothy Pierson) AFFIRMATIONS
Only one prayer is shown per page.I am made in the image of God, I hold that vision of myself that God holds of me. I am a living, breathing miracle! I cast out all self-criticism and self-condemnation and replace them with self-love. I am my own best friend. God has equipped me with all that I need. I am a very special and unique individual. I am priceless in God's eyes. I have what it takes to be successful, happy, and fulfilled. I have not yet reached my boundaries. I have a destiny of purpose of Spirit planted within me, the possibility, of something greater. I am filled with God's love, God's peace, and God's happiness. I am a beloved child of God, created in God's image. I am a child of God, heir to all of God's goodness. I am a work of art, created and re-created by the Master Creator. I give myself the gift of realizing my potential. Infinite possibilities lie within me. I am a spiritual being capable of great accomplishments. I have a changeless core within me that is connected to the changeless good of God. I am needed. I am special. I am important. I am made in the image and likeness of God. My body expresses God's perfection in every detail. I believe in the miracle that I am. I am wonderful because God created me to be. How marvelous is the power of God that is with me now; how joyous is the song of life in me. How soul satisfying is my confidence in my oneness with God. I am much greater than I now know, and through God's help, I will release the hidden splendor within me for all to see. Click on the NEXT PRAYER button for another selection To Print - Right-click on your mouse, and select "Print.", press Ctrl-P. Or use your browser's Print function. Presented by the PositiveChristianity.org web site. |
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