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Today, dear God I place my burdens in Your hands. I look to You for help. I admit I cannot do it alone. I am ready to receive Divine assistance. I am very appreciative of the miracles that I am about to receive. Thank You God! In Jesus Christ's name ... Amen
Dear God, I pray for a strong resilient spirit. I pray that I am the type of person that rises to the occasion. I pray that I feel a surge of faith and trust. I pray that I have the ability to cope and to know with You there is nothing to fear. May I feel Your assurance. God, be with me, fortifying me, reassuring me so that I know You are my help in every need. In Jesus Christ name ... Amen
Dear God, I know that You are always with me. In Your presence I discover new courage and new joy. I know that You love me, and You are ready to help me through the ups and downs of life. Work within my mind to bring me peace of mind, helping me to let go of worry and embrace the comfort I need. I call out to You, God. You answer. You soothe me to the depths of my soul and fill me with peace. Gently, lovingly, You assure me that I will be okay, that all will be okay. I feel embraced by You. I feel comforted by You. I feel at peace. With Your help, I am ready for a new day. Thank You, God! Amen
Home and Business Blessing
A blessing for a home, or a business, is in reality a prayer that enriches the people who reside there and who visit there. While I cannot share my entire 30 minute business or home blessing, I do by appointment when visiting cities, I am sharing a small piece of it with you so that you may use it yourself to bless your environment. Today I ask you to bless your home, or your business with prayer, affirming that it is more than a house or an apartment, or a structure. It is a haven of peace and goodwill. As you welcome people into your home or business that has been blessed in prayer, you also welcome their full expression of their God-given talents and abilities. You envision your home or business as a place of genuine hospitality of God's presence. The warm atmosphere of your home, or business, is a blend of goodwill that has been contributed by all who enter its doors. You include in your prayers all those who are searching for homes, or for more harmony in their present homes. You include in your prayers all other businesses including seeming competitors. Let us pray: God blesses this home with harmony and hospitality. God blesses this business with harmony and hospitality. God bless this place with love. Fill the heart of every member with Your Spirit of gentleness and joy, with Your Spirit of forgiveness and compassion, with Your Spirit of understanding and peace. God bless this place with love so steady and strong that harmony is the order of everyday. God bless this household with life. Renew and restore every member. Strengthen and perfect us all. Heal and bind up every wound. Let the presence of life be felt by all who enter here. Let the idea of life so permeate this place that health and wholeness are the order of everyday. God bless this home/business with rich substance. Fill us now with the richness of spirit and purpose. Fill us now with faith in Your never-failing supply and support. God bless this household with abundance so that success and prosperity are the order of everyday. God bless this household with happiness. Let the walls echo with heavenly music of happy hearts. Let happiness be the order of everyday. We are thankful to Thee, dear God, that this home/business is filled with your presence. We are thankful that we live in Thy life, Thy truth, Thy health, Thy prosperity, Thy peace, Thy wisdom, Thy Joy, and Thy love. We are thankful that we, and all that are here will be conscious of Thy holy presence from this day forth. We give thanks, in the honor of Jesus Christ's name and nature. Amen
You Hear My Call
Dear God, You have heard my call, and I feel the assurance of Your answer. In the silence of my soul, I listen to the still, small voice that speaks volumes to me and leads me to a realm of endless possibilities in this world of great potential. Dear God, Your reassurance lifts my heart and mind above any challenge and gently, tenderly releases me into a realm of peace and security. Hear my prayer, dear God, for healing, prosperity, and serenity. I rest in the assurance that You will always answer. Through Your comforting presence, my faith grows and all that concerns me fades in the light of that faith. Dear God, I called and You answered, for You are the answer - to my every question, and to my every prayer. In Jesus Christ name... Amen
Prayer for Greater Awareness of God's Blessings
Dear God, I pray for greater awareness of Your pure life, health, and wholeness. I pray for greater awareness of peace. I pray that your life energy enlivens the cells of my body and establishes harmony within my whole being. I pray that my life created by You, God, helps me to celebrate physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. I pray that I realize the love of God dwells in me and fills every fiber my being. I pray that my heart sings with gladness. I willingly open my mind and heart to receive new ideas from You. I pray that I have the energy, and that I am eager to do my part in bringing those ideas into full manifestation of life. I pray for guidance on my decisions, for the wisdom of God and the strength of God as my support. In Jesus Christ's name... Amen
A Nine-Hour Novena
"But I trust in Your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in Your salvation." Psalm 13:5 St. Theresa Novena - REMEMBER to make a personal individual prayer before you read the prayer. That's all you have to do This is a powerful spiritual novena. Every hour, on the hour, for nine hours, even if that means setting an alarm, and waking from sleep - say this prayer aloud. This prayer refreshes your soul, and heals human worry. It tells the human mind that you're working on it, and God is working on it. No challenge can stand up to God. Divine order will take over, and comfort will be restored in your soul. Put your personal need in God's hands. Peace of mind is one of the best free gifts we can receive from God. There is no cost, but a lot of reward. The St Theresa Novena: (Personal prayer need _____________________stated aloud.) May this moment there be peace within me. May I trust my highest power that I am exactly where I am meant to be. May I not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May I use those gifts that I have received, and pass on the love that has been given to me. May I be content knowing I am a child of God. Let this presence settle into my bones, and allow my soul the freedom to sing, dance, and to bask in the sun. When the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often times in the past I looked so long at the closed door that I didn't see the one which has been opened for me by God. In Jesus Christ's name......Amen
Dear God, I pray that I fully realize You are at work in my life and affairs. Help me to see beyond the moment, to the perfect answers that You provide with Divine timing. I am grateful that I am part of Your plan and that You are part of my life. I consent to your infinite wisdom and perfect timing. I agree to a perfect outworking in all things, at the perfect time and place. I do not believe in failure; I believe in You, dear God. As I release my momentary concerns; you provide permanent answers and solutions that will ever increase to bless my life. I am patience. I am at peace In Jesus Christ's name... Amen
Faithful Shepherd, feed me In the pastures green; Faithful Shepherd, lead me Where Thy steps are seen. Hold me fast and guide me In the narrow way; So, with Thee beside me, I shall never stray. Daily bring me nearer To the heavenly shore; May my faith grow clearer. May I love Thee more! Hallow every pleasure, Every gift and pain; Be Thyself my Treasure. Though none else I gain. Amen. Words by Thomas Benson Pollock (1836-1896)
Dear God, help me to quit worrying. Help me to make a God list. Help me to trust more. Help me to leave it alone, and leave it up to You. I place myself in Your care and keeping. I have faith in You. I share the best of myself with others. Help me to be patient. Help me to be kind. Help me to love myself, others, and my life. In Jesus Christ name, Amen
God says to you: Beloved child, you do not need to cry out for help, for I am always with you. I have always been here, and I will always remain with you. I will comfort you when you need reassurance, and I will strengthen you when you feel weak. During difficult times, if you feel you cannot go forward, I will carry you. I will comfort you through any challenge. During joyous times, I will be with you to celebrate and rejoice. Listen and know that all I have - unquenchable joy, absolute love, unconditional acceptance - are available to you wherever you may be, whenever you are ready to accept them. I am your strength and your comfort. I am love that surrounds and enfolds you. I am peace, and I will show you the way. I am God's Spirit always with you, and I am with you now and always. It IS SO!
Dear God, help me to follow Jesus teachings. Help me to become nonresistant. Teach me the higher ways of spirituality. Guide me, on the path of peace. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, I focus on the very best that can happen for my life through Your help. Show me what I need to do this day. Give me the strength physically, mentally, and emotionally. Help me to meet every aspect of my life successfully. I ask, dear God, that You will inspire me with creating and dynamic ideas. I ask that You will help me permanently cast out doubt and fear. I place my trust in You. Be my guide so that I can meet my life with joy and confidence. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
The incomplete is made complete in God. Failure is made into success in God. Weakness is made into strength in God. Sickness is made into health in God. Hate is made into love in God. Thank You, God! Amen
Rx: Say aloud-Pray 3 times a day, God is my present help for my every need. God is my present help for my every need. God is my present help for my every need.
GENERAL HELP (Bible verses)
In Isaiah 41:13 our Bible states, "For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, 'Fear not, I will help you.'" "God is my helper." Psalms 54:4 "The rough ways shall be made smooth." Luke 3:5 Jesus said, "With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26
Allow God to speak to you:
Lean on Me, for I care about you. Let My strength support you, My love carry you. I am here for you. Lean on Me, and I will help you through any pain. I will be your eyes when you feel you have to turn away. I will be your ears when you can't bear to hear what has to be said. I will be your heart, always filled with courage and hope. Lean on Me and trust in Me. You know I will be there for you, through thick and thin, in the best of times, and in the most challenging of times. I am your rock, your fortress, your everything. Lean on Me and discover complete serenity. You are My child, and I will never forsake you. Lean on Me, for I am always with you - even this moment!
Error's Beatitudes
Blessed are those who are too tired, too busy, too distracted to spend an hour once a week with their fellow Christians in Church ~ they are my best workers. Blessed are those who wait to be asked and expect to be thanked ~ I can use them in my business. Blessed are those who are touchy. Soon they will stop going to church ~ verily, they shall be my missionaries. Blessed are those who sow gossip and trouble ~ they are my beloved children. Blessed are those who have no time to pray ~ for they MY prey. Blessed are those who gossip ~ for they are my secret agents. Blessed are you when you read this and think it has everything to do with other people, and nothing to do with you. ~ I've got room for YOU at The Error Inn.
Beloved of God
As I turn to God in prayer, I am blessed with a greater realization that I am beloved of God. I am endowed with God's Spirit, and, therefore, I am vitally alive. My body is charged with an ever renewing current of Divine life. My mind is quickened with a new concept of prosperity, a fresh realization that God is the source of all blessings and supply. My heart is filled with peace, compassion, and understanding. I am bountifully blessed. My life is full of promise. As I celebrate life with joy and thanksgiving, I am awakened to a new awareness of the wonderful, triumphant spirit God has given me. I am now and forever one with God and goodness of God. Knowing that God's presence is ever with me, ever within me, leads me an understanding that I am God's beloved. In Jesus Christ's name... Amen
God-Empowered PRAYER to Quit Smoking
"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 2 Corinthians 3:17 "If anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 This is my God ordained time, when I once and for all I quit smoking. I have sustained motivation that is God-given and daily help that is God guided and God strengthened. I do not do this alone; I do this with my Creator's constant help, both day and night. With God's help I set a quit date. I know that with the strengthening power of God Almighty I have the power to have my last cigarette without grief and live nicotine free my whole life long. I ask God to heal me of addictions and cravings of my addiction. I am touched by God to give up smoking, as they say, "cold turkey" for I know by experience that slowly reducing the number of cigarettes does not work. I have the God-given power to throw out all used cigarettes, matches, and lighters. I do so without feeling loss. I throw away ashtrays creating a smoke-free environment. I feel rich and blessed. This is a new year and the new time in my life I am not held back by the mistakes of the actions of the past. I have the faith to share my goal. I tell my family and friends that I have quit and I ask for their support. For a while, I avoid triggers that would cause my addiction to flare up. I make a list of the people, situations and other triggers that I have for my own personal smoking habits of the past. I even avoid food triggers for smoking, such as alcohol or coffee, if these create the environment where I will most want a cigarette. If I find myself in a triggering environment, I pray that I am surrounded with God's protection, and filled with a presence and the power that is greater than my human self. I am giving up smoking as a life-long present to myself. I set a no smoking policy in my life with God's help. I do not allow anyone to smoke in my home or car, and I avoid other people when they are smoking. I take advantage of every God-given stop smoking aid. Just as God is the inventor of personal willpower, God is also the inspirer and inventor of the scientist. God gives many avenues and channels of help. Whatever it takes this is my year of success. I am open to God directed human given aid. I ask God to guide me to nicotine replacements, gums, skin patches, lozenges over-the-counter drug therapy, Zyban or Chantix, nasal sprays and inhalers, from my doctor, and professional counseling, for I know that less than one and 10 quit without some help BUT-this time I have God's help, and the latest human medical help and that places me in the majority over my problem, and in the successful quitter's column for life. God I ask You to help control my moods and energy. With Your help, God, I do not feel loss - I feel reward. I reward myself for my daily success. Taking back my control-I save the ALL the money that I would have spent, wasted on former addictions for personal rewards of things that I choose to do. I no longer spend money on habits that control me. I choose not to do it anymore. God gives me back personal control to make decisions for myself and keep the commitments that I commit to. I ask You, dear God, to infill my mind with a clear awareness of my success every day. Help me to clearly see the power that I had to change my life permanently and help me to feel fully the success of my new freedom. I am absolutely thrilled with each passing day that is passed, that I have passed up smoking cigarettes. I feel new life and a youthening coming to my physical body, and mind. I feel with Your help, dear God, as if I can do anything. I feel like a victor instead of a victim. Because Your power IS within me, no cigarette has power over me. "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God?" 1 Corinthians 6:19 Dear God give me a willpower strength that is a thousand times greater than my own. I no longer seek or feel comfort from smoking-it now leaves my physical body - for my body is being rebuilt in the image and perfection of God. I feel such joy, excitement, and freedom. I join a support group; I support others and they support me. There is NOTHING that I cannot do with God's help. I join an exercise group, or a health club. My weight is not affected by my decision to stop smoking; instead I have a new healthful glow, sustained energy, and the power of strength realize through catching my breath with full-lung capacity. It does not matter how long I have smoked, all that matters is that I stay connected with God. Through the regeneration and constant re-creation of every cell in my physical body, my body Temple is re-created into complete total health not affected by the damages of smoke. I have strong cells, strong lungs, strong heart, strong bones, strong new youthful vitality created by the Creator - all working together for a long quality life span. The ultimate gift is I no longer fear the health effects of every puff; rather I feel the health effects and rewards of a body that is becoming like a child again in vitality, and longevity. In Jesus Christ's name...Amen For help from the National Cancer Institute: 1-877-44U-QUIT (1-877-448-7848)The National Cancer Institute's trained counselors are available to provide information and help with quitting in English or Spanish, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time.
"Give ear, and hear MY voice." Isaiah 28:23 You have known people whose problems stemmed mainly from their lack of good judgment. In 1st Corinthians 2:16, our Bible states, "We have the Mind of Christ." Because all of us have the Mind of Christ in us, we have the capacity for wisdom and good judgment. But this capacity needs to be invoked and expressed. Pray, today, aloud, "I express the positive power of the Christ Mind in wisdom, love, and good judgment." Today stay in tune with the Christ Mind. If you are in doubt about some matter, if you are undecided as to whether some course of action is the right one, open yourself to the Christ direction. Christ will inspire you to use good judgment. Christ will give you the wisdom to refrain from needless or unthinking action or reaction. As you express the positive power of the Christ Mind, you'll find it easy to follow a course of action that leads to happy results, and contributes to your good and to the good of those around you. In any set of circumstances, in any situation, there is always a way which is the easiest, most direct way to take. By turning to God for inspiration and guidance, you will discover the correct course of action. When you have a decision to make, you quiet your mind and heart and seek God. You listen within yourself for the still, small voice of inspiration, knowing that God's way will be perfect and right. No ignorance, doubt, or misunderstanding can withstand the clear shining light of God's Truth. You let go of fear, anxiety, and concern that would block God's clear voice of guidance in you. You let God inspire you to greater achievement, and higher ideals. God gives you clear understanding and right decision-making power. You are guided by God to follow the course that is right and wise, rather than the course which may merely seem expedient. You are always led aright through Divine inspiration. You have judgments to make daily. Prayer helps you to find the exact solutions to problems and to take the steps needed to bring forth perfect solutions. Prayer helps you to have an open mind so that you can see all sides of a situation in wisdom. Prayer inspires words and actions that enable you to take an active, creative part in helping to establish good judgment in your daily life. You are one with God and in that oneness you are guided, directed, sustained, and given wisdom. "The steps of the human are from the Lord." Psalms 37:23 In the silence of prayer, you gain the inspiration of the Almighty. You listen and you hear and your way is clear.
To God I Go
In this time we turn our thoughts to how we can touch and be touched, love and be loved, forgive and be forgiven, heal and be healed, so that the goodness of our lives becomes a shared blessing. In Jesus Christ name... Amen
I am a child of the living God. I have within me the all creating power of the Christ. It radiates from me and blesses all whom I contact. It is my life, my strength, my courage, My patience, my peace, my poise, My power, my wisdom, my understanding, My joy, my inspiration, and my abundant supply. Unto this great power I entrust all my problems, Knowing they will be solved in love and justice. O Lord Christ! I have laid all my desires upon Thine altar, and I rest in Thy graciousness.
Home Prayer Blessing
I bless my home with God's love and appreciation. I know that God's presence is here with me in my home, blessing each person. The roof of my home shelters us. I am grateful for an environment of comfort and warmth that is my home. The windows of my home let in God's light and afford me access to the world around me. Rain or shine, view of God's world is fascinating to me and beautiful. Through the doors of my home pass God's children, and I welcome each one. The walls of my home bear witness to the loving atmosphere within. Love is in my home, for God is here. Peace is in my home, for God is here. Life is in my home, for God is here. Thank You God for Your presence in my home. Amen.
God's Loving Care
So many times I come to You, God, to tell You all of my problems and to ask You to do something about them, and You have never failed me. I thank You for Your response to me in times of need. With every answer, my faith is quickened. My awareness of Your constant presence with me is heightened. I thank You, dear God, for Your loving care of me. Today with new joy in my heart, I come to You to say, thank You, God, for all the things that are ALREADY right with me. I thank You for the light and love and life out of which You created me. I thank You for Your faith in me, and for giving me the freedom to express myself in creative and worthwhile living. I thank You for the joy of knowing that, together with all humankind, I am a member of Your royal family, forever. I thank You for the rhythm of rest and activity that gives me perfect balance within and without. I thank You for letting me know that my journey in Your light is ever-onward and upward. In Jesus Christ's name...Amen
This is God's Good Day
I pray that God blesses my day. This day is God's day. As an idea in the Mind of God, it is filled with joy, and right amount of serendipity for me. Nothing can be missed, I am guided by God to opportunities for joy. This day is already ruled, governed, and established by God's law. Divine love itself is in my day, and is overflowing with everything good for me, and mine, and all. This day is not something that is going on in time, but something that is already beautiful and great in the Mind and Heart of God's infinite wisdom and Divine intelligence. When confronted by piles of details, I instantly know that God's hands move everything in order, and right action. There is no rush, no worry, and no pressure. Neither is there any laziness, or inertia. Today, in my life, there is only God's perfect plan unfolding with all God's power, continuous, and effortless flow. I bless my day, and my day blesses me. It is the most wonderful day that God ever made. It is filled with happiness, abundance, harmony and health. God has arranged all my appointments. I meet the right people at the right time. Unexpected good comes from unknown channels. I see that Creation is always creating perfection in my world. I expect miracles. God has dominion over this day. This day does not dominate me; neither does any person, place or circumstance. I walk with God, in God, and by means of God, for God is the glory of this endless day. I bless this day and this day blesses me - for it is a gift to me from God! Days like this are accumulative, leading to a God blessed lifetime.
"Let it be so NOW; for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness." Matthew 3:15 Let us pray: I live in the present moment, my awareness is enfolded in God's love. I live in the present moment and I am in God's peace. I live life now, in the present moment, and I am free from fear of what could happen in the future. I live in the present moment, and this moment I choose to be happy so I can experience God's bliss and light. I live in the present moment, in the expectation of good, expecting miracles from God. I live in the present moment, in the pure joy of God. I know that my joy is of the Spirit as well as mind and emotions. I live in the present moment, in the quiet joy of prayer. I live in the present moment, in complete spiritual well-being. I recall what Jesus said in John 15, "these things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full." I live in the present moment, by continually refreshing my mind and heart with the positive teachings of Jesus Christ to find that my joy is full. In the present moment, I rest in the knowledge that God is the source of all good. This moment God is my protector and guide. I rest in the shelter of God's love and the peace that passes understanding fills me through and through right now. NOW is the present moment, a time of great creativity. My mind is filled with thoughts of a life that reflects God's love for all and in all. In the present moment I believe what Jesus said, I am a child of God, and my life is filled with an abundance of all good. In gratitude and with a trusting heart, I accept my life as it unfolds and accept all the gifts God gives to me. NOW is the present moment, and I live life victoriously NOW. I know the joy of living in the presence of God NOW! In Jesus Christ's name.... Amen
Dear God, I pray that I understand what is going on now in my life. May I have Your higher Mind come through my human mind to give me insight. My human mind, dear God, is confused and does not understand. I do not comprehend the reasons for the happenings and, God, I need to ask you, why? I know that You have the answer, God, and I pray that I am given that answer. I pray that I can see from a higher vantage point. I know that at any given point in my life I only see a small portion of the overall tapestry that makes up my life. I know that You have an overall plan of good for me life, and I ask You to help me to comprehend it. Help me to see and reason why this will turn to good, because to the appearances of my eyes, I am blind to that good at this present moment. I know that You have the last word in my life, God, and that last word will always be good. I pray that You will take away my pain as I wait for my higher answer. I know that You will turn the situation into good, and I am willing to cooperate to do everything within my human power to bring about Your Divine good in my life. I pray that I will understand the people in my life and why they do the things they do and the reasons behind their actions. I pray that I will understand with more than my past experience. I pray that I will understand people with the wisdom of Your Mind that knows all people and all situations that people find themselves in. I pray that I will understand, with deep insight, people’s actions and reactions. I pray that I will understand why these people in my life decided to act in this way. I pray that I will have insight, insight that is higher than just a small, individual, limited, isolated event. May I see the overall plan of good for my life and know that this one event is not the end all. It is just a blip in the road on the pathway to the endless good that You have prepared for me. Dear God, I pray that You will turn the situation, both in my mind and in my environment, to a demonstrable, livable good. I pray that I begin experiencing good from this situation, in my thoughts about it and in my outer life immediately. Help me to realize that for everything there is a season and that the green will bloom again, and the flowers will spring forth in my life to decorate my days with joy. I pray that I am not locked into a painful past or to this event by reliving it over and over in my mind. I pray that I can realize that I am not a victim. This event is now past. It has no power over me. It no longer exists in my life. Only You hold power over my life, and I know you love me. I realize, God, that through my free will I am the one that has to make the decision to walk towards a brighter tomorrow. Therefore, I shake the dust off my feet of this unwanted experience and I willingly walk forward. Dear God, I ask for You to empower me as I move in positive directions in mind and body. I pray for the insight to know when, and how, to make my journey towards Your good. I pray that You will give me understanding so that I can utilize the best traits in myself from the knowledge of studying the good and bad in those who have been in my life in this experience. I know that I can learn from the bad as well as the good. I pray that you will also give me insight and understanding about myself, show me things that I have been blind to, both good and bad held in my soul, so that I can develop and follow You down the road of Your perfection. I pray that my mind is fertile soil for Your Divine understanding. I know that the clouds over my present life are just temporarily there until the winds of the Holy Spirit move. Dear God, please give me a glimpse in mind of the good that will be in my life tomorrow so that I may be empowered in my hope. I pray that I will know, in my human mind, the things that are spiritual. I pray that I will be given understanding and insight beyond my schooling, training, Bible studies, and what I have learned through a lifetime of going to church. May I have the truth of spirituality directly from You so that I may forgive and love like You do. I pray for understanding and insight that is broad and expansive. May it be a growing thing inside of me and never limited by my own human reasoning. I pray that my understanding and insight is from Your continuous wellspring flowing within me. I do not live in a world that is just black and white. May my opinions never just be black and white. May I see Your rainbow of God possibilities. God, I pray for eyes that can see. I know there are roads in my life that will lead me to new people and experiences that I need. I pray also that I find them. I pray that from now on I am gifted with understanding and insight ahead of time so that I may be fully prepared for any and all events that will come my way, and I will know how to enter my future with success and victory. In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen AFFIRMATIONS
Only one prayer is shown per page.There is a way. With God there is always a way. With God's ever-present help, I am not anxious, for I know that God guides and protects me. Empowered by God, I move forward with great confidence and a fearless attitude. God sustains and fulfills me - now and always. The loving, comforting presence of God works within me to uplift, sustain, and strengthen myself and others. God's love sets me free from all regret and self condemnation. God provides wisdom, all the love I call for, and all the peaceful feelings I desire. Wherever I am, day or night, God is with me, my help in every need. With God ALL things are possible. I am one with God's help, and God's help is one with me. God comforts me through every challenge. I let go and let God take over. The solution to my every challenge is accessible through God. With God's help I am equipped to be greater than any challenge or obstacle I face. I have Divine help and order in every difficulty. God's good always wins, and I know in this situation that God's good will prevail. God transforms the experiences of my past into understanding, soul growth, and peace of mind. I am not on my own power, I have a Divine power with me. Click on the NEXT PRAYER button for another selection To Print - Right-click on your mouse, and select "Print.", press Ctrl-P. Or use your browser's Print function. Presented by the PositiveChristianity.org web site. |
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