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My Success Prayer
Dear God, I know that You created me for success. I choose success. I no longer hold myself back due to known, or unknown fears. If You are with me, there is nothing to fear. You go ahead of me on the path of success. I ask You to use my life to make a positive difference. I pray that my success promotes the success of others. I see myself as a winner. I see myself as a person that ALWAYS succeeds. I fully realize You are the source of my success today, and all the days of my future. I thank You, dear God, for Your inspiration and guidance. In Jesus Christ's name... Amen
Dear God, I pray a simple but profound life-changing prayer for me. I ask for Your help for me to obtain lifelong success. Thank You God! In Jesus Christ name ... Amen
Dear God, Your presence with me makes me a winner right now. This feeling cannot be altered by ANY negative thoughts, feelings, or attitudes of others. I am a winner in my emotions. I am filled with peace and joy. Through the touch of God, I am filled with Spirit. I am filled with the life and health of God! Thank You, God, Amen
Through the Spirit of God you are more and more successful every day as you rely on God's wisdom to guide you to the greatest pinnacles of success. "There is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding." Is it so! Amen
In this prayer time, I ask you to join me in prayer. Allow our two minds to agree as I decree God's Truth about you and about the success in your life. I decree that God's law of success is the basic pattern of your being. Asleep or awake, God's law of success is the rhythm and right action of the divine plan and purpose of your life. I decree in Jesus Christ's name that success precedes you. It is your essence and follows you everywhere you go. You are in God's law of success in every detail of your life. You love God. You love success. You think success. You practice and bring success into every department of your life. Through the power of God in prayer you claim your success and press your claim. Your success claims you. It is impossible for you to escape the success on every hand which your God has ordained for you. Success is the constant, continuous nature of your being and all being. Knowing the power of success in you, you are always keen, poised, accurate, and alert. There is a level-headedness, a common sense, a spiritual value in you which keeps you success-oriented, safe-oriented, secure-oriented, and stable. God is your source. God is the substance and power of your success. You acknowledge God in all ways as the reason, cause, and effect of every bit of your success. In truth and love you are successful in everything you do. You attract, radiate, and express success on every occasion. The sunshine, sparkle, and vitality of success flow through everything you think, do, and say. More and more successful God ideas come to you and arrange themselves in right application to pass on into successful right action. You expect the best, love the best, know the best, and give your best always. You are specific, definite, and positive about your success. You have an inner indestructible conviction in every atom and fiber of your being that God's power of success is the absolute law of your being. Business beliefs come, business beliefs go, but your success in God shall never pass away. Rest in the silence of prayer and accept this God truth as the basic permanent pattern of your being. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
This week I seize God's success in my life. I ask for God's direction and guidance. I place God at the center of my life. I walk ahead with hope and conviction in a positive future. I do not limit myself by my past failures. I ask God's healing from the scars of bad times. I pray for God's motivation, and leading hand, to guide me in the direction of success. If I am on a road of failure, I consent in my free-will to new guidance and direction leading me to the permanent road of success. I begin today because I refuse to put my God-success off any longer. If I need to reinvent my life, I ask You, God, to reinvent my direction and reinvent me equipping me to travel the journey ahead of me so that I can seize my success NOW. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, today I pray for success. I pray that You will make me more and more successful. Give me understanding, God, on how to produce this in my life and how to attract it to me. I pray that I am aware that You are in my life actively working in and through me to produce good results. I pray that I am faith-filled, that I am life-filled, and that my life is success-filled. I pray that with You working through me, the best is brought out of me. I pray that my success is in Divine order and that there is harmony every step of my way. I pray for abundant prosperity, and I am willing and ready to accept that in whatever form it comes. I pray, God, that You will help me to overcome the challenges that I face. And I pray that You will help me to obtain my goals. I ask that my life means something to myself and to other people. I pray that my life is a life of triumphant living. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Imagine yourself as successful and become that -- and it will become you. Remember: #1. Stop using the word failure. #2 Don't take failure personally. #3. Use your defects. #4. Accept new ideas. #5. Accept the fact that God is with you, your help in every need. #6. Be brave; really brave. With God, take a new look at the old problem. #7. Do what you have a passion for doing. #8. Have a lasting power in doing it. #9. Market a brand-new you. #10. Be the success you seek. God bless you!
The grace of God is working in my life. The grace of God is alive. The grace of God is my assurance of all good things. The grace of God is my assurance of success. In Jesus Christ's name, I give thanks, Amen
Through the Spirit of God you are more and more successful every day as you rely on God's wisdom to guide you to the greatest pinnacles of success. "There is a Spirit in the human: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding." It is so! Amen
Thank You God For Unknown Blessings
Dear God I know that You are generous with me. I have felt Your generosity many times, and in faith I know there have been many more times You were generous with me that I am not aware of. I know the greatest blessings in my life may have been those that I have not been aware of. I know that there been times that I've been saved and protected, and I am unaware of many of those times because I was saved and protected from harm. God this is a thank You for the unknown blessings. In my prayer times I have had but a glimpse of Your profound love for me. Thank You God for blessings known, and unknown. Amen
Continuously Successful
With God's help I resolved to be successful. I ask You God to help me keep my momentum going. I have enough time, patience, and God-given strength. I have renewed determination and confidence through Your presence reminding me that I am able to do this. You empower me, I follow You, and therefore I can do great things. I nourish myself physically with food. I nourish my soul with positive prayer. I nourish my resolve to be successful with reminders that through God's help I will be continuously successful. Thank You God! In Jesus Christ's name... Amen
Nothing Blocks Me
I pray that the desires of my heart lead me to a happy and fulfilling life. I pray that I am free of tendencies and habits that do not contribute to my well-being. Dear God I ask You to give me the strength needed to put aside unwanted habits and tendencies. As I pray, I affirm the truth of the overcoming of God's Spirit within. I feel strong and stable. I become a master of my thoughts, feelings, and actions. I accept the heritage of complete freedom over my former self. Dear God with Your help I live in freedom and in accord with my best self. In Jesus Christ's name... Amen
Prayer to be Uncommon
We affirm together that this is an uncommon day for us to accept our good. This is the uncommon moment when God is blessing us with a receptive faith and a trusting heart, an illumined mind and a quickened understanding. This is the day of victory in Christ when we become uncommon. We are in prayer this day, as a new opening comes in our eternal treasure of the spiritual doorway of opportunity before us. We realize that we are existing in abundant good that is around us like air. This is the day when the healing power of the Great Physician is working mightily in us. Within the sacred precincts of our hearts, we hear the voice of God questioning, "Would thou be made whole?" The Great Physician knows that the faith in us is strong enough to ask, and is great enough to receive. God speaks with an authoritative power. As you enter into this uncommon time, God says to you, "Arise, take up thy bed and walk." This is our spiritual moment to be free and whole. We arise and we lift up all old thoughts of neglect or hopelessness or helplessness, on which any belief in weakness may have laid, and we walk with a new power, unbound, into the presence of the Christ. This is the uncommon era for us to accept the good that God has prepared for us. "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of humans the things which God hath prepared for them who love God." We open our eyes and we look to God for the fulfillment of every conceivable need or good desire. Eyes have not seen the abundance everywhere present that God has prepared and provided. We no longer fix our eyes on the need or the seeming lack. The glories and the riches of God's kingdom established here and now, in the midst of the earth, are ours. This is the spiritual moment for us to look to God as complete supply. We have found God, and we have found our all-sufficiency. All eternity is ours in which to prove God's all-providing love. The spiritual door way to becoming uncommon is ours to accept God as our complete supply, by faith, to bring into manifestation the good that we seek. This is the time to listen to the voice of love and wisdom within us, that directs us momently toward the good that God has prepared. Whether tangible or intangible, the good we seek awaits us now. We spiritually open our eyes that we may see, and spiritually listen with our ears that we may hear the glad tidings, and we spiritually open our hearts that we may understand what God has prepared for those who love God. We let our hearts be so filled to overflowing with the love and joy and riches of God that there is no room for any depressing, unhappy, untrue or unworthy feelings to remain in us. This is left behind and will not be recycled by us. This is the spiritual moment for us to accept the fullness of God's good, encompassed only by eternity. This is the good day, which has come to us, and it is filled with Divine treasures for us all. We believe this as we walk towards the path of becoming uncommon people, in oneness with God. In Jesus Christ's name we pray . . . Amen.
Prayer of Business Success
In this prayer time, I ask you to join me in prayer. Allow our minds to agree as I decree God's Truth about you and about the success in your life. I decree that God's law of success is the basic pattern of your being. Asleep or awake, God's law of success is the rhythm and right action of the Divine plan and purpose of your life. I decree in Jesus Christ's name that success precedes you. It is your essence and follows you everywhere you go. You are in God's law of success in every detail of your life. You love God. You love success. You think success. You practice and bring success into every department of your life. Through the power of God in prayer you claim your success and press your claim. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . Your success claims you. It is impossible for you to escape the success on every hand which your God has ordained for you. Success is the constant, continuous nature of your being and all being. Knowing the power of success in you, you are always keen, poised, accurate, and alert. There is a level-headedness, a common sense, a spiritual value in you which keeps you success oriented, safe oriented, secure oriented, and stable. God is your source. God is the substance and power of your success. You acknowledge God in all ways as the reason, cause, and effect of every bit of your success. In truth and love you are successful in everything you do. You attract, radiate, and express success on every occasion. The sunshine, sparkle, and vitality of success flow through everything you think, do, and say. More and more successful God ideas come to you and arrange themselves in right application to pass on into successful right action. Rest in the silence of prayer. . . You expect the best, love the best, know the best, and give your best always. You are specific, definite, and positive about your success. You have an inner indestructible conviction in every atom and fiber of your being that God's power of success is the absolute law of your being. Business beliefs come, business beliefs go, but your success in God shall never pass away. Rest in the silence of prayer and accept this God truth as the basic permanent pattern of your being. . . In Jesus Christ's name...Amen.
Success Prayer
This day I release the past and begin a new life in Christ. Christ is my strength and my power to overcome all adversity. Christ is my answer. Through the Christ spirit's help, I am free to begin a new life and to realize that each moment is a stepping-stone to joy. Dear God, build in me the understanding that I have a place and a purpose in Your universal plan. And You will work through me and make me shine right where I am planted. Dear Christ, bring me new life, new purpose, and meaning. I open my heart; I open my mind to Divine guidance. I know I am going to be directed on a right path. I decree in Jesus Christ's name that you are renewed and made whole through your awareness of God's presence in your life. In Jesus Christ's name it is affirmed... Amen.
Prayer of Vision
Luke 11:34 - "Your eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye is sound, your whole body is full of light." Dear God, I know with my physical eyes I see only what is apparent in the world around me. However, when I open my spiritual eyes, I don't limit my vision. Through faith, I know that the world is filled with the truth of Your presence, my dear God. Today, I pray that I him reminded to take a closer look any time I am tempted to call situation hopeless. I am aware that Your Spirit is within every person in every situation. I let my own indwelling spirit of God light the way to peace and harmony. I am richly blessed. In Jesus Christ's name... Amen
Take Over MY Life God
Dear God, today I let You takeover my life and all the situations of my life. I let You control my thinking. I let You control my feelings and emotions. I let You take control in my body as well as my mind adjusting all things into Divine order. I ask You to lead me in the activities of my day. I pray that You are my Divine scheduler. I pray that with You working through me, today will be a day where I can make a positive difference of good to the people in my life. In Jesus Christ's name. . . Amen
Expand to New Beginnings
In Jesus Christ's name, I pray that God blesses you, directly, with new ideas, continuously, leading you to growth in spirit, mind, body and all of your life. I pray that you feel "in sync" with life itself. I pray that you feel a oneness with God in your soul and in every thought of your mind. I pray that God's good takes over and brings Divine order to every aspect of this present moment. I pray that you have the innate knowledge that God is with you, every moment of the day and night. I pray that you have the courage to go forward in life with God leading you. I pray that you will have the desire to accept more in every aspect of your life and living. I pray that God surrounds you with Divine good. This is the time of the harvest and I pray that your harvest has come and that it's yours for the picking. I pray that you harvest Divine ideas. I pray that you harvest unexpected good. I pray that you harvest ever-expanding financial prosperity. You have planted your seed-gift to God and it is God's law that it has to return to you, shaken-down and OVERFLOWING with God's good. There is enough good to go around and it is given to those that give first. You have given first! You must now claim the harvest and go forth to pick it as it becomes visible in your life. I pray that God will show you the way, so that it will be impossible for you to miss the opportunities availed to you. It is so... immediately... Amen.
PRAYER of New Beginnings
Dear God, I know that you always give me the choice of turning endings into new beginnings. Help me to make the adjustments in my life that I need to make. Reward me with God-given strength for my new endeavor. With God is my guide, I make today a fresh start. God I ask you to bless this new beginning in my life and everyone who is a part of it. In Jesus Christ's name... Amen
Vision Prayer
Today, I lift my vision to God. I look to You, God, with the single eye. I trust You, God. I know, God, that You know the way and that You know how to help me do everything that I need to do today. I am thankful that I am connected to You, God. The weight of the world is off of my shoulders right now. The weight of my world is upon Your shoulders, God. I live this day to serve You. I am in this day to learn and I agree to be teachable. I agree to take a portion of my day to learn from You. Today, I will spend 30 minutes in quiet reflection with You, God. You are my problem solver, my answer to my every need. I keep my focus on You, and I do not waver back and forth between You and my problem. I will pray first, listen to Your guidance, and then act as You direct. I ask You to show me the way. I go to You to be refilled anew and to be cleansed from past hurts and disappointments. Dear God, cleanse me of the baggage of wreckage of past mistakes and failed experiences, so that I can go into this day as a new creation. I have lived my whole life for this moment in time, and I will not waste one second of it in the idle worry that occupied much of yesterday. I do thank You, God, for being with me, continuously. I also thank myself for giving myself a second chance to choose Your way, instead of solely my own. Today, I will be loving. Today, I will be caring. Today, I will seek to be unselfish. I will make a difference today in my own life and in the lives of those around me. I pray that many people are positively touched by my presence. God, this is so, because You have touched my presence first. In Jesus Christ's name . . . Amen
"...I will open the windows of heaven for you and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it." Malachi 3:10 I am open and ready to receive my good from God. I no longer put self-imposed limits on how much that good can be. I accept God's good into my life right now. I do not judge what I can have in the future by what I have had in the past. I believe in God's good and I ask for a Divine revelation illuminating my mind causing it to expand to believe in greater good. I ask for the windows of heaven to be opened up in all areas and for the good of God to be made completely manifest here and now. I know that avenues of wide supply are mine for the claiming. I claim God's good now. I believe in miracles and I believe in Divine intervention and therefore I fully accept God coming in this moment to bring good into my life. Jesus says that, "The fields are white to the harvest now." I claim my harvest and accept my good of God's wondrous supply. God's good rains on my life in a continuous sweet outpouring of love. I accept complete health in my physical body and human brain. I accept the fact that I will not remain the same and am open to change for the better. I accept the fact that I will not hold myself back. I willingly move forward to accept the good of God. I will live God's life realizing it is God's will for my life to be surrounded and infilled with good and love. I accept God's good now. I accept God's love now. I do not limit God. I do not limit myself as God's child. I do not limit my life because my life is continually filled with God's provision. God is the source of my supply and I accept it now. As I accept God's good, I realize that I do not take good from anyone else. God's supply is abundant and enough for everyone equally. With God's help, and true faith, I expand my mind to a greater realization of what it means to be an heir of God. God is the creator of my physical body, mind and life. God creates a wonderful life, in my life, and I accept that life now. In all areas of my mind, in my free-will, I say yes to God. I say yes to God's provision. I say yes to God's good. I say yes to God's love. I agree to walk the higher path of the spiritual life. I will enjoy the sweetness of the good that You provide dear God. I consent fully to God's guidance and direction. I am willing God to have Your Divine action in every aspect and area of my life. I consent to ever-expanding dynamic movement of perfection into my mind and daily living. I pray that I am a magnet charged with Divine energy to draw my good to me. I pray that I do not struggle within myself trying to hold on to old ways of human thinking and human doing. I willingly allow in my free-will a Divine supersedence of any lower human limitation that I have placed on my life by holding that limited thought in my mind. I agree to be lifted out of the self-imposed prisons of lack that I have claimed through worry and fear. I pray that I have an abundance of understanding in mind. Your guidance will continually lead me on to a better life. I promise to be a good steward of the provision that is provided for me. I swear to You dear God that I will not hoard or confine the good to myself. I will share and uplift others in the way that You have uplifted me. I also swear an oath that I will live my life as an example of being Your apostle. As You increase the velocity of my life, I also pray that You will equip me so that I will remain in peace no matter what changes are happening around me. I will no longer believe that my good that is coming to me today will end tomorrow. I believe in God's good ever-expanding, increasing and multiplying daily. I realize that I have many avenues for my good to come to me but only one source. God, You are the permanent source of my abundance. I will not limit myself in the workplace because You are with me and you are limitless. I accept any good that comes my way including promotions or job offers. I agree to come to You first in prayer with any offer that I receive so that we can discuss the proper direction of movement for our future. I will willingly go where You lead because I realize that wherever You lead I am going to meet with a better life than before. As wonderful as today is, the best is yet to be. The best of my life is ahead of me not behind me. I do not live my life by looking in the rear view mirror. I look forward with great expectation and anticipation. I believe, I have faith, and I have a knowing in Your power to bring greater good into my life. I live today filled with hope, expecting and accepting the good of God. I believe in positive outcomes and positive surprises. In Jesus Christ's name. . . Amen Positive affirmation for today: I begin right now to fully accept ALL my good from God. Positive quote for today: "Man is a god in ruins." Ralph Waldo Emerson (It's time to rebuild!)
I celebrate life today because the ever-present love of God enfolds me. Today, I think clearly and act wisely. I celebrate life today because the ever-present love of God sustains me. Today, I express health and well-being. I celebrate life, today, because the ever-present love of God surrounds me. Today, my needs are bountifully met. I celebrate life, today, because the ever-present love of God fulfills me. Today, my life is complete. I celebrate the ever-present love of God, today, because the peace of God flows from my heart to bless my world with harmony and love. In Jesus Christ's name...Amen
Prayer for New Success
"The word of God is living and active." Hebrews 4:12 I pray for confidence in our God-given life. I pray there will be a great movement, like a giant wave of prosperity covering all. Based in the security of God and out-picturing in the security of our savings. The best is yet to be. This will be a time of great employment and advancement. This will be a time of increasing home warmth and joy. This will be a time of growth spiritually and outwardly. The government of God governs and provides continuously for us all. I pray the prosperity of your future will be at floodtide. That is a wonderful biblical statement of how flood can come, and cover drought stricken areas, giving new life and growth. This will be a time of renewal, personal, and worldwide. I pray that the path that I go down is filled with glorious, splendid adventure that makes the investment of the year of my life worthwhile. I retain what is good, and add to my life what is needed, I will eliminate what is no longer serving our best purpose. I walk with God. God is unaffected by the past, unaffected by the setbacks, unaffected by ill health, God is perfection itself and our association with God wears off upon me giving me new power. I am open to unexplainable miracles. Everything works out even better than I can imagine. I now stockpile my spiritual faith, accumulating for future use as needed. I pray for a new excitement, anticipation, and positive energy that continually expect the best. I decree that this will be a year of great accomplishment. I decree that this will be a year of increased love, both given and received. The flow of my life moves in God's good. The logjams of the past are broken up. Blockages are removed with God's help. This is a year of personal forward movement. This will be a time of calm, and peace as I move forward in God's footprints. I now place all concerns in God's ever-abiding care. This is a year of loyalty to principles, for in so doing I will realize my long sought after manifest dreams. This will be a time where I will spiritually shop for new gifts, for God's counters are full. In my life, as never before, this is a time when I accept my good. I continue to do so without restraint. This will be a time where my soul will bloom. New expression will unfold through me from God. This will be beautiful for all to behold and wonderful to experience myself. The multifaceted gifts of God will bloom in an array of a banquet of new talent, possibility, and expression. God's path before me is wide and broad. I will not miss or overlook the new good coming to me. This will be a time of understanding, with a depth of wisdom that is continuously given from the Mind of God. I value my God-given abilities, and therefore I value myself for what God has invested in me. Others are willing to reward me for who I am becoming because they can easy perceive the gifts of God expressed. This will be a time where I make it happen, because God makes it happen through me. This is a year of non-stagnant career growth. I am more than the sum total of my past, because of my spiritual connections. I know that I can do anything because God can do anything through me. I am not limited; I am not held back by my past. I am not defined by yesterday. My worth is not in my resume; my worth is in my soul. Every lesson I have learned I now invest into myself for my future. I am constantly changing and evolving into a better human being out-picturing from the spirituality within my soul. This is the my time for I have God's continuous protection. The speed limit of my life has been lifted. The altitude is endless, because my attitude is complete in God. Only green lights and open doors are ahead of me. Nothing is rusted, nothing is decayed, everything is fresh, and new. This is truly a God-given fresh start. I have new confidence. Every day that I walk through, I will know that everything will be all right, and with God's help more than all right - better than ever before!
Seize God's Success
This week I seize God's success in my life. I ask for God's direction and guidance. I place God at the center of my life. I walk ahead with hope and conviction in a positive future. I do not limit myself by my past failures. I ask God's healing from the scars of bad times. I pray for God's motivation, and leading hand, to guide me in the direction of success. If I am on a road of failure, I consent in my free-will to new guidance and direction leading me to the permanent road of success. I begin today because I refuse to put my God-success off any longer. If I need to reinvent my life, I ask you God to reinvent my direction and reinvent me equipping me to travel the journey ahead of me so that I can seize my success NOW. Dear God, I ask for Your guidance and direction in my life leading me to more than temporal success. I am fatigued by the roller coaster of the ups and downs, I now follow You. I ask for the path to permanent success. In Jesus Christ's name... Amen
May I know the Power of God
May I know the power of God. God is going to shift things around for me today and let things work in my favor. God closes doors no human can open & God opens doors no human can close. With God's help - the task Ahead of me is never as great as the power behind me! Thank You God! Amen.
Freedom from Your Past
I believe with all my heart: The past has no power over me and I choose a new beginning, and let my past go. It has no hold over me, and I have no hold to it. I ask God's help for freedom from old limitations and outdated conditions of yesterday. God gives me strength to overcome my past. I know this prayer is beneficial, and I say another prayer that holds the real key to my freedom. This prayer is one of continuous acceptance and thankfulness for my birthright of new freedom given freely to me directly from God. I know without a doubt that I can begin again. I am a freeborn child of God, capable of magnificent confidence. Nothing can hinder my progress toward Christ perfection as I knowledge my true identity and innate God-given power. The strength of God reinforces my every thought, word, and action, and keeps my feet stayed on the path of victory. Freedom in my outer life begins with an inner acceptance of freedom, with the realization that there are no boundaries in God. God is with me to guide me through every circumstance. Because I trust God, I do not rely on knowing every detail in order to function, or to make a decision. I rely on God to show me the way. Through Divine freedom, I am free myself and I honor the freedom of people everywhere. In Jesus Christ's name... Amen
Building a Legacy Prayer
Dear God, I know no matter what field my work lies in, If I do something real, Something genuine in that field, It will live on after me - I pray that that part of me will be eternal. Amen
Blessed Success
When you know the truth of God it is easy to rise above former things that would have held you down. You are free from the lesser things of life. Like cream rising to the top you become destined for success. Freedom means that you can create your own world. It is not more burden, it is less. You are not creating, moving ahead and striving alone. God is going ahead of you, and you are choosing the easier way of God. POSITIVE DAILY PRAYER: This day, dear God, I think about, and believe in Your healing life. I concentrate on Divine strength in and through me. I know that God is the strength of my body and of my life. I have faith in the healing power of God with me and within me. In God, I am whole, vitally alive, and able to accomplish all that my heart desires. Today, I think about, and believe in God as my source of supply. I believe that good can flow to me constantly, and is directed to me by God. Believing in God, I give willingly, generously, and joyfully just as God constantly gives to me. Good fortune flows through my hands and my life, as God abundantly prospers me with good fortune. I am blessed, because I am a blessing. I think about, and believe in Divine love, everywhere present, ever active, ever fulfilling in my life. I am loved, because I am loving. Divine love through me, constantly creates new wonders, miracles and blessings. I think about, and believe in the truth of God, and my life is set free to be filled with health, love, prosperity, beauty, joy and harmony. Today, dear God, I think about Your peace even when my outer world is in turmoil and I am given the peace that sets me free, and passes understanding. Thank you dear God. In Jesus Christ's name..... Amen
Prayer to Manifest Your Dreams
"As a man thinketh in his heart, so he is."Proverbs 23:7 Through God, your dreams CAN come true! Let us pray: (Say this aloud in prayer) In Jesus Christ's name, I declare with my total being that I trust in You God. I trust You to take care of me. I trust You, dear God, to take from my life what is harming me, and keeping me from fully realizing my dreams. I trust You to take from my life that which does not belong, and to bring to me that which belongs in my life today, so that I can build my future upon Your success. "I must dream of the things I am seeking." - The Sound of Music I am dignified, sophisticated, and poised, because I am spiritually relaxed. I am not hyper, tense, or frantic. I am an elegant, serene person. I am capable. I have dreams and I ask You, dear God, to empower in me the power of seeing those dreams through. I do not join another's dream unless guided by You -- I keep my own. I am a leader because I am God empowered. Others may join me, or not, but I do not lose my vision of the dream. I am as I am. I like me as I am. I do not defend myself. I exist and I become love, peace, and high self-esteem. I am a child of God. It does not matter what is happening to me. I maintain my joy. It is not what happens that counts; only my reaction counts. I stay positive and happy. Great good always comes to me. I am an heir to God's good. I march through each day victorious. I am persistent. Each hour, I am aware of my thinking and my feelings. My keen mind and my sensitive feelings keep it close to You, dear God, and filled with Your love. I love myself because I love the Creator. I am my own best friend. I love the creation of my dreams. I believe in me because God believes in me. If God believes in me -- that is enough. I am consistent in my love and self-acceptance. I am free from judgment of myself, and of others. I am free from criticism under the guise of helping to fix. I love, inspire, and encourage. Mine is not to change anyone or anything except myself. I rise above my former self, I never point out mistakes in myself or others -- I use the power of life in me to encourage and uplift. I am free from judgment of myself, and of others. I am free from criticism under the guise of helping to fix. I love, inspire, and encourage. Mine is not to change anyone or anything except myself. I rise above my former self, I never point out mistakes in myself or others -- I use the power of life in me to encourage and uplift. I surrender totally to You, dear God. Change in me what needs changing; adjust in my life what needs adjusting, so that I may realize my dreams. There is a sameness about me, a core that never changes -- a beautiful disposition, happy, loving, and awake. Everyone loves to be with me because I radiate God's goodness of hopeful optimism. I live my life with a light touch, I take the drama out. I do not get serious about frivolous things. Dear God, I ask you to work through me with lightness, fun, serenity, and even joy. Thank You, dear God, for helping me manifest my dreams in every area of my life. May I have peace on my quest of the realization of all my dreams. In Jesus Christ’s name…Amen! POSITIVE DAILY AFFIRMATION: I dream – and then, God makes it happen through me. POSITIVE DAILY QUOTE: "The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitude." William James AFFIRMATIONS
Only one prayer is shown per page.I am God equipped for success, now, and always! I choose to be a winner. I walk with God on the sweet path of success. The Spirit of God urges me to succeed. All that I need is provided. I am unfettered and unbound in God - I am triumphant! The infinite love of God ever enfolds me, bringing harmony, order, and peace into my mind, body, and every situation of my life. Living a spiritually centered life, I am a winner. God gives me lifelong success. With God, I will succeed! God is with me. God is successful. Therefore, I am successful. God brings out the best in me. Through the spirit of God in me, I am successful. Success is my Divine heritage. Click on the NEXT PRAYER button for another selection To Print - Right-click on your mouse, and select "Print.", press Ctrl-P. Or use your browser's Print function. Presented by the PositiveChristianity.org web site. |
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