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Dear God, Help me get past my fears so that I can feel totally alive again. With Your help, I now place in the furnace of consciousness all thoughts of fear and doubt. May I have new belief in what I do not see, and may I have the reward of faith which is to see what I believe. I make faith my master and reason its maidservant. Thank You, God! In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, I affirm, with great consciousness, that there is nothing to fear for I trust You in all that concerns me. God, You are my strength, my only strength. Thank You for taking away all fear. I do give thanks! In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
God, You are powerful to dissolve all fear. I release undue concern about my health and hold to faith in You for perfect health in mind and body. I release anxiety about lack and hold faith in Your omnipresent supply that is always available. I release feelings of upset concerning my relationships with others and hold to faith in Your love and harmony flowing in and through me and those I will deal with today. I release thoughts of failure and hold to faith in You to lead me toward greater goals and achievements than I can even dream of. My faith in You, God, releases me from fear. With You, I go forward in faith. With You, I am inspired with new confidence. With You, I am strengthened with new courage. My faith in You, God, overcomes all fear. Thank You, God. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
I do not fear. I believe! I never want to overlook a solution because I am caught up in the problem itself. So I make it a point to allow my belief in the power and the presence of God to be my focus. I do not fear. I believe! There is a light in the world that outshines any light made by human hands and radiates with an energy far greater than the sun. This tremendous light is the presence of God. I do not fear. I believe! The spark of faith that is with me and in me now draws my attention to the source of being - the Spirit of life and wisdom given as a gift of God to God's children. In much the same way as oxygen is necessary to keep a fire burning, my awareness is essential to keep me always turned toward the light of God, instead of the darkness of my problem. I do not fear. I believe! When faced with the problem, I ask yourself: I wonder what God will do with this? Through the years, I rely more and more on God's solutions - for they are always perfect! I do not fear. I believe! The light of God fills my being, burning brighter and brighter until I can never be separated from it. I find that I no longer have dark and hopeless thoughts. You am one with the eternal light of God. I do not fear. I believe! The darkness of doubt is gone forever, for a spark of faith has filled me with the light of God. And so it is. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen.
Overcome Fear
Dear God, In this moment of tense conditions, I affirm with great consciousness that there is nothing to fear. I trust You in all that concerns me. God, You are my strength, my only strength. I know, right now, the dynamic power of God is surrounding me, and protecting me. I live in God's safety wherever I am. Dear God, I ask you to touch my mind transmuting fear into complete faith, belief, and trust. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen.
Dear God, I have tried fear, and I don't like it. It has not worked for me. It has even held me back from seeking opportunities that I could've had. Help me to eliminate fear, to such a degree that it has no power to lift its ugly head within my mind. I ask You to fill me with new courage. I ask You to help me maintain strength in faith. With You by my side - I will have no fear. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, I pray that Your love inside of me casts out fear of failure. I am in love with the opportunities that are present in my life. I love the challenges that stir me to deeper thought in You; to greater effort in You. I love the spirit of faith and courage that rises up in me. From this day forward, I refuse to let fear dominate. I love the feeling of spiritual power that is mine when I act in a courageous way; when I dare to step out on faith. I love the feeling of spiritual reassurance that I receive from You. Now, in this moment, Your perfect love casts out fear of failure. It is so. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear." Mark Twain "Courage is fear that has said its prayers." Dorothy Bernard "Fear has no power. Shallow men believe in luck, believe in circumstances: It was somebody's name, or he happened to be there at the time, or it was so then, and another day it would have been otherwise. Strong men believe in cause-and-effect." Ralph Waldo Emerson "The hero is no braver than the ordinary man, but he is brave five minutes longer." Ralph Waldo Emerson
Prayer of No Fear
The unconquerable courage of God is the invincible faith of my spirit. With undeviating certainty, I abide in God-given fearless faith because God has set powerful Divine faith in me. I am heir to fearless faith, I abide in it and it abides in me. I am established in absolute unbreakable union with God. God and I are one in supreme, unalterable courage, confidence, boundless trust, forever and ever. I exercise this dominion in the face of danger, fear, trouble, emergencies. God is with me now. God's help with me is fixed, stabilized, and steadfast. Together with God, we pierce the darkness, the unknown, as one all-knowing Christ power. Every argument and antagonism of error is rendered null and void by God who knows no variableness, nor shadow of turning. The invincible courage and faith of God is the essence and substance of my spirit. God the Creator of the ends of the earth, has established in me the power that never faints, or becomes weary. God says in the midst of me, "Fear thou not; for I am with thee; be not dismayed for I am thy God; I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." Isaiah 41:10 With understanding and conviction I know that no weapon that is formed against me shall succeed. Jealousy cannot withstand the love of God. Hate cannot withstand, love prevails. Whatever is true about God, is true about me! If it isn't from God - it cannot do a thing! I am fortified with the enduring faith and courage of God. I rise and the strength of God and go forth to meet every error with the unconquerable courage of God. God, I thank You, that this is so! (Taken in part from a new Positive Christianity prayer CD (coming soon) of the same name)
Dear God, I realize You love me with the love that transcends any other love I have ever experienced or ever dreamed I could experience. I feel Your love emanating from deep within me as strength and hope, peace and wisdom. I recognize that I can never be separated from Your love. So if I ever feel fearful, it's because I have left You out of my thoughts, not because You have left me. I now open my mind and heart to Your perfect love which casts out fear. I am guided in a gentle, loving way. I feel a reassurance of joy and energy. I am strengthened and renewed, for I know that You love me unconditionally. In Jesus Christ's name ... Amen
Dear God, I pray that I am re-created into a fearless daring person. I pray that I'm not afraid of my own shadow, or any other shadow. I walk in the light of God. I see with the vision of God. I think with the realization of God. I pray that I never confined to the jail of my fears. I break loose, becoming free in the peace that knows no bounds or limitation. God, I ask that You will take my hand and guide me. You and I are one. In Jesus Christ's name ... Amen
God's Spirit is within me.
God's power is at work in all that is of concern to me. Assured of this, I have faith that every need will be met in a perfect way. I know without a doubt, dear God, that there is a right answer to my every problem. I rely on You, trusting that I can meet whatever comes with courage and strength. All things are possible with You, dear God. Knowing that God's Spirit is at work in and through my life, I know nothing can limit me. Nothing can stand in the way of my good. Through the power of God's Spirit within me, I am guided and blessed. I release my prayers to You, dear God knowing my need will be met, right answers will be revealed. In Jesus Christ's name... Amen
God, I know You are my rock and my salvation and my fortress. I shall not be shaken. With Your help I remain calm in all situations because I know that You are constantly with me. I accept and remember Your presence in my life, now, and always. I react accordingly throughout this day. I am fearless and I do not let my emotions control me. Through my faith in Your protecting presence, I face this day with confidence and I am free from concern. Thank You, God, for Your protection and love. I choose to live fearlessly and to take control of my life. I am no longer a prisoner of fear; rather, I am powerful in my faith. In Jesus Christ's name... Amen
"Fear not, for I am with you." Genesis 26:24 A new day is before us; we have a spiritual opportunity to practice the presence of God. For the next 24 hours, I invite you and all of our friends at Positive Christianity to eliminate worry from your lives. To act out the principle of turning prayers over to God, one family took a paper bag, wrote "God" on it, and taped it up high on the back of their kitchen door. As they prayed about matters such as their careers, their role as a father, or mother, their abilities to be a good husband, or wife, they would write down each concern on a piece of paper. There all those pieces of paper would go in the bag. The rule was that if you start worrying about a matter of prayer that you have turned over to God, you have to climb up on a chair and fish it out of the bag. The family said that they did not want to admit how much time they spent sifting through those scraps of paper! But it taught them an important lesson of how useless and unnecessary worry is. A problem not worth praying about - is not worth worrying about. Worry is like a rocking chair: It gives you something to do, but it does not get you anywhere. A Swedish proverb says, "Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow." Dr. Paul Brandwein, at the George Washington high school in New York City, used a simple yet dramatic demonstration to point out to his students how unproductive worry is. When the students came into class, he had a bottle of milk perched on a laboratory desk. After they were seated and wondering what experiment the milk was for, the doctor would startle the students by smashing the bottle of milk into the sink and exclaiming, "Don't cry over spilt milk!" He then invited his students to gather around the sink. "Take a good look," he said, "because I want you to remember this lesson for the rest of your lives. That milk is gone - you can see it is down the drain; and all the fussing, and hair-pulling in the world will not bring back a single drop of it. All we can do is write it off, forget it, and go on to the next thing." A famous anonymous quote says, "The neurotic is a person who worries about something that did not happen in the past. He is not like us normal people who worry about things that will not happen in the future." A man once said, "When I do not have anything to worry about, I begin to worry about that." That sounds funny, and yet that is precisely what many people do. Live this day as a spiritual experiment to eliminate worry in your life. POSITIVE DAILY PRAYER: Dear God, today, I choose not to worry. With Your help I will live the next 24 hours without doubting in God's ever-present help. I will think on the best and blest outcomes. Through a touch of God, I am uplifted right now in mind. Every thought within my human mind has at its center a belief in oneness with God, and because of that, the best possible results follow. Better than my human mind can dream of, the genius ability of God opens up ways when there seems to be no way. With my human mind alone it is impossible; but with God, all things are possible. This day, I rely solely and completely on God. I place God first in every thought and feeling, every action, and reaction. I am not alone, I am connected to God - my help in every need. No matter how difficult the challenge or problem, faith will bring me the right answer! In Jesus Christ's Name... Amen
Quiet My Fear
I am quiet spiritually within and without. I let go of any disturbing thought or feeling, with God's help. I feel a new ease in my body and a new poise flooding through my whole being. I rest in God and all is well. I know that with God's presence with me - nothing in the world around me can disturb me, and nothing that any person says or does can rob me of my peace and poise. I am one with the all-wise, all-knowing Mind of God. Wisdom flows through me. I am filled with understanding and I am receptive and opened to Divine ideas. I think clearly, I learn, I understand, I comprehend, because I have a God-given, infinite capacity for learning. Like my dear Jesus, I have the Mind of God coming through my mind, giving me the power and ability to be a clear-thinking individual. In Jesus Christ's name...Amen
Release Your Anxiety, Doubts, and Confusion
RIGHT NOW, this moment, dear God, I release my problems to You in one complete gesture, without holding back anything. I release my anxiety, doubts, and confusion. I ask that You will give me the ideas to quickly solve my problems with God-speed, perfection, and ease. God, I ask that You will show me the way. Divine wisdom provides me with the right answers. Dear God, I have not always known that Your will for me is ever-present, everlasting good. I have not always known that You are with me as an abiding presence, the instant answer to every problem, the abundant supply for my every need. I have not always been ready to accept the good that You offer in every situation, because I have not always known that Your presence and help is ever at hand. Today, I am ready, with all my heart, to accept Your help, advice, and guidance. I am ready to accept the good that You have prepared for me. All doubts and fears have left me. With Your empowerment, I feel free and unlimited. I ask that You give me the vision to see the solution to my problem and the focus to see new opportunity that is at hand. I thank You, God, that, at the right time and in the right way, Your solutions are manifest. Your good comes to me and all concerned in Divine order; and in regular sequence, there is a steady stream of God's good pouring into my life and into all lives from every direction. In Jesus Christ's name...Amen
There is NOTHING to Fear
I remind myself again and again, there is nothing to fear. You, dear God, are with me. Greater is the power of God that is in me than anything that is in the world. I have spiritual dominion as a child of God. Nothing can erase that truth of my being. Nothing can hold me back from overcoming. I am one with the overcomer. This glory indwells me at this very moment. I turn to God and recognize God is the source of all victory, overcoming, and mastery. In Jesus Christ's name... Amen
Spiritual Trip of a Lifetime
Dear God, may the trip of a lifetime begin THIS moment in my own personal life. With God is my guide, I follow to the highest pinnacles of life, love, and wisdom. I am willing to become more than I am, because of my active connection to God. I am willing to experience joy, and to laugh more – even in the face of adversity. God is greater than any of my own difficulties, and I am connected to God, and God is connected to me. I am willing to go beyond past difficulties, realizing that today is a new day. This is a day to be celebrated for I am connected to God, and God'shelp is working within me to resolve, in perfection, every difficulty facing me. I am more than I was, because of my current connection; God is my help in every need. God is my help right now, all the help that I will ever need will be given to me by God. The presence of Jesus Christ guides me, and directs me to the highest pinnacles of life, love, and realization. Through God I have an ability to smile more. Through God's active help, active in every aspect of my life, I have the power with me now to overcome, and succeed. God’s success becomes my success because my success is founded upon God. Nothing stops the forward movement of my life, because nothing stops God. God provides, and I accept the constant provision. God blesses my work, and God blesses my play. Every moment of everyday I am aware of God and God's action of good at work constantly in my life. In faith, I give myself the freedom to smile, and to laugh – even in the face of adversity because I am not alone. God is with me, my rock and my salvation from fear. I pray for the ability to live in TOTAL joy, to smile more, and to laugh from my soul because I know that I am in God, surrounded in God, empowered by God and protected by God. I am the captain my own ship of faith I make an active, living decision to be on a retreat from difficulty, on the vacation from fear, to live above my problems in full realization that God's help at hand. In Jesus Christ's name… Amen AFFIRMATIONS
Only one prayer is shown per page.God is not given me a spirit of fear, but of love, and joy, and contentment. My soul thrills to the glad knowledge that all is well, and I am at peace in mind and body. God is not given me a spirit of fear, but of love, and joy, and contentment. My mind does not know fear; my mind only knows God. God Is my all; I know no fear! There is nothing to fear for God is with me. The fearless courageous power of God is my deliverance. I do not fear; I trust in God. With God's ever-present help I am not afraid of anything. Faith in God releases me from fear. I am not anxious. I am immersed in the wonder of God. I am not afraid. I walk hand-in-hand with God, in love. There is no fear in love. Fear cannot stand in the face of love. I release fear and move forward in faith. Click on the NEXT PRAYER button for another selection To Print - Right-click on your mouse, and select "Print.", press Ctrl-P, or use your browser's Print function. Presented by the PositiveChristianity.org web site. |
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