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Dear God, I pray that I am patient every moment of this day with myself and with everyone around me. I am patient in traffic. I am patient in the workplace and with my co-workers. I am patient with the world when I hear the news on radio or TV. I am patient at home with my spouse and loved ones. I am a patient person because I have a patient God. God is patient with me. Therefore, following in the Divine footsteps, I am patient with all those around me. In Jesus Christ's name ... Amen
Dear God, I pray that I fully realize You are at work in my life and affairs. Help me to see beyond the moment, to the perfect answers that You provide with Divine timing. As I remember this, I am patient. I am grateful that I am part of Your plan and that You are part of my life. I consent to Your infinite wisdom and agree to a perfect outworking in all things, at the perfect time and place. I believe in You, dear God. I am patient and at peace. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, Help me remember that there is a right season for every growing thing, and there is a right season for the fulfillment of the good my heart desires. Help me to know this so I exchange impatience for joyous expectation. I bless the outworking of things that concerns me and make the time of waiting a happy, faith-filled time. I remember that nothing can keep my good from me. God, I know You are with me. You are working in and through me, and I work with You by patiently knowing that every good desire of my heart bears fruit, in its perfect due season. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
I am not scared of waiting for I have full trust in God to develop and bring forth into manifestation greater good than I can even imagine. I place this in God's hands, and I patiently wait for God's miracles. In Jesus Christ's name ... Amen
I decree, in Jesus Christ's name, that I am a patient person today because I am filled with the light and wisdom of God. God reassures me today that my God-given good will come at the perfect time and in the perfect place. I do all that I need to do to continue to travel the path towards the good that has already been prepared for me. I enjoy the journey as I allow my good to be fully developed by God. I go to meet my good in joyous anticipation. In advance, I thank You, God! It is so ... Amen
"Never cut a tree down in the wintertime. Never make a negative decision in the low time. Never make your most important decisions when you are in your worst moods. Wait. Be patient. The storm will pass. The spring will come." Robert H. Schuller
Dear God, thank You for Your vigilant care within my life and within every other person's life. I let go of any sense that I must hurry, and I am filled with patience. I look above my feelings to new hope in You. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Thank You, God, for being the watch keeper of my life, keeping me on time, and the events of my life on time. Everything is in Divine order with divine timing thanks to You. In Jesus Christ name, Amen
Dear God, help me to be patient with myself and with others. I know each individual has, within him or her, Your God-created qualities. These wonderful qualities are still developing; therefore I am patient with those dear to me when they do not seem to be living up to their highest potential. I rejoice that as their awareness of You increases, so can their desire to incorporate more of Your good into their lives. For those dear ones who are going through a growth process, I hold thoughts of perfection. Their well-being is a reality coming into visibility. I see the best ahead of time in my prayers for them. In Jesus Christ's name ... Amen
Dear God, I am not afraid of waiting for I have fully trust in You to develop and bring forth into manifestation greater good than I can imagine. I place this in Your hands, God, and I patiently wait for Your miracles. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, Help me refuse to be discouraged by any seeming delay and to remember that nothing can keep Your good from me. Your perfect way has no obstacles. There is no failure in Your plan of good. With an awareness of Your presence with me, I am patient and at ease, for You are at work. If I come to a situation that is demanding or confusing, I will trust You, God, and harmonizing peace will cover me like a Divine blanket. Today, as I practice patience, I will allow thoughts of peace in my mind and feelings of peace in my heart. Living in Your patient power, I am able to demonstrate patience to those around me and help them to be peaceful and harmonious. Thank You, God, for planting within me this seed of faith in the good that is yet to be seen. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Dear God, Help me not to be impatience. The farmer who plants seeds in the ground does not dig them up, daily in an impatient effort to make it grow faster. Help me, like the farmer, try not to force things with human-will. I trust in You and leave the rest up to Your perfect timing. Help me be patient, God. I pray that with Your help I will become a patient person. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
I decree that you are faith-filled and patient as God's light leads you to your highest good. I ask you to hold these words in your thoughts and in your prayers continuously: I am faith-filled and patient as God's light Leads me to my highest good.
Dear God, I commit to being patient. I am patient with myself and with everyone around me. I am patient in traffic, in the workplace, and with my co-workers. I am patient with the world when I hear the news on radio or TV. I am patient at home with my spouse and loved ones. I am a patient person because I have a patient God. God is patient with me and, therefore, following in the Divine footsteps, I am patient with all those around me this moment, and all this week. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
I am patient because I know that God is leading me to my highest good. I am patient because I know that God is leading others to their highest good also. I am patient because I know that God is at work and God cannot fail. And so it is. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen
Today, I practice patience by not allowing myself to become discouraged if my progress is not as rapid as I had hoped for, or if expected results do not come. Today, I practice patience by not allowing myself to become impatient with others or irritated by what seems to be their shortcomings. Today, I practice patience by not allowing myself to become upset when there are delays or changes in plans. Today, I practice patience, for to do so is to put the Jesus Christ love into practice. Today, I am patient. I am calm and serene, confident and steadfast in my faith that because I live in God, God's good will prevail. Today, I am patient with those who are doing things that seem to me like huge mistakes on their own path of life. I realize that each soul is on his or her own path of growth and unfoldment. What seems painful to me may be exactly the path that soul needs to unfold and become a stronger and better person. I decree, in Jesus Christ's name, that I am a patient person today because I am filled with the light and wisdom of God. God reassures me, today, that my God-given good will come at the perfect time and in the perfect place. I do all that I need to do to continue to travel the path towards the good that has already been prepared for me. I enjoy the journey as I allow my good to be fully developed by God. I go to meet my good in joyous anticipation. In advance, I thank You, God! It is so, Amen
God's Perfect Time
Dear God, I need to know Your Presence. In faith, I leave the timing to You. My soul is yearning for spiritual experience. I ask for You to touch my soul and give me the peace that I so desire. I know You will help me, dear God, working on my behalf in times of seeming intermission and seeming stoppage of forward movement. I ask You to give me the strength to carry on. Today, I need strength for myself and also added strength to help others. When my own human efforts are not enough, Your love and peace will lift me above my own limitations to a place where I cannot fail. I believe in You, dear God, and I need Your help right now, so that I can believe in myself and in the endless possibilities for me that are being prepared during this time of intermission. Right here - enfolded in Your love, sustained by Your strength, soothed by Your peace - I am not impatient, for I believe in spiritually directed forward movement. In Jesus Christ's name. . . Amen
Prayer for Balance
Dear God, today I give my problems completely into Your care. I keep my life open to the perfect outworking of Your will. I recognize that God's will for me is more good than I can even begin to imagine. I rest in God and I am balanced and poised. I rely upon the justice of God. I know that God will balance all things for the equal good of all concerned. There is no limit to God's good. I am now open and receptive to a just balance for my life. With God's help, I train my thinking to understand that God wills only good for all of us. I know there is nothing to fear in the outworking of God's goodwill in my life. God is good and God's plan can only be good for all concerned. I make myself open and receptive to God's guidance. so that I can fulfill my part in the plan. I listen for God's reassurance and God's loving encouragement as I move forward, balanced in faith. I know that God's will for me includes balance. God's way is the right way for me, now and always. This day, all day long, I consciously and continually thank God for the fulfillment of God's plan for my life. As I do my part, I know that God will do the rest. In Jesus Christ's name... Amen
The Flexibility Prayer
Say aloud this prayer today- I am flexible. I can bend with the winds of change without breaking. I am movable. My mind is flexible and my body out-pictures this flexibility with perfect movement that is timely and right. I am fully alive and willing to reinvent myself as the times require. I am willing to be revised. I am willing to be made new. I do not stay staid in the past nor do I seek the constant for security. I rest in God and in God I move easily. I flow easily in God's stream of life that is ever-expanding in its ability to bring good to me and mine. I allow new things to happen in and around me. I allow new ideas to take growth in my life. I allow revised thinking to be inside of my human mind. I look for and I seek after new ways of doing things. I am not rigid. My concepts held in mind are not buried in the concrete of yesterday. The ideas in my human mind are movable and expandable. I release freely old outdated ideas that no longer work for my life. I am alive and fascinated by invention of my new life. My life is ever new and better. The best is yet to be. I am flexible to other people's ideas and I truly listen so I can weigh their truth. I do not reject something that I do not understand but rather I seek to understand through my human understanding and God's Mind. I am flexible to God's ideas so that I can produce the best life. I am flexible to new opportunity, new paths and avenues to opportunity both spiritually and in my own worldly success. I reserve the right to change my mind about everything. I pray that I view life from the perception of a higher vantage point. My spirituality is grounded in the ever-moving, ever-renewing life of God. God is the only unchangeable in my life. God constantly gives love that is reliable and consistent in its all-embracing quality. I am willing to learn new things and ways of doing things. I look to the future with positive anticipation and excitement. There is nothing to fear because God goes ahead of me preparing the way of good. I pray that when people see me they see true progress, creativity, and invention. I pray that my mind, and my body, and my life are always fresh, new and exciting to both, myself, and all those around me. I do not allow myself to get old no matter what the chronological age of my body is. I am flexible in opinion. I am flexible in forgiveness. I am flexible in my ability to give love even when my old human mind feels it is not deserved. I do not rest on my laurels or former concepts. I am willing to rethink everything. I will rethink everything including who I am and what I stand for. I will rethink where I am going and why. I connect myself with the only unchangeable thing in the world and that is God. I consent to take on the attributes of the Christ by following the example of Jesus Christ. I am willing to think original thoughts with the genius of the mind of Christ. I am willing to be called an original thinker. I dedicate this week to my new God-given flexibility. In Jesus Christ's name... Amen
Patience Prayer
Let the peace of Jesus Christ be poured out upon me and upon people and conditions everywhere. Let peace, sweet peace, reign supreme. I am poised, patient, and positive. I know that God provides for my every need. I know that God is leading me into my highest good. I know that God's healing work is being done in me. Through the perfect power of God's love, active now, within all persons, my world is blessed with love, order and peace. God's Spirit works through my mind as wisdom blessing me with the illumination of the Divine. I see my way clearly. I understand God's guidance. My human mind is infilled with Divine ideas. God blesses me abundantly. My supply is unlimited. The same God that gave me life gives me fresh life every day in my mind and body. I am regenerated by the creator under the Divine blueprint of perfection. I am whole and free. God is my help in every need every second of this day. God is accessible to me and I make myself accessible to God. I accept the promise of Jesus Christ as true about me, that I am one with God, a child of God, and heir of all that God is. Thank You God!
Dear God, I know that I'm Your child. I realize that You love me unconditionally. There is nothing in my life - no past action, no situation that will ever limit Your love for me. This is my Grace. There is nothing will keep You from acting on my behalf. Gently, lovingly, Your love lifts me to a higher level of living. Thank You, God, for Your generous gifts which are with me every day of my life. In Jesus Christ's... Amen AFFIRMATIONS
Only one prayer is shown per page.I put Jesus Christ love into practice by practicing patience. I am patient; I am positive. I am filled with patience, today. Patience keeps me peaceful in mind and heart. I am patient, for patience establishes within me the calm assurance that all is in God's perfect Divine order and Divine timing. Patience frees me from worry and tension. I am faith-filled and patient as God's light leads me to my highest good. Today, I make a commitment to be patient. I take a 24-hour break from impatience in my life. I need to have patience when I fail. All of us have failed. Knowing You are with me, God, I can let go of any sense of haste, rush, or hurry. My life is in Divine order in God's perfect timing. Everything is on time in my life, and I am in tune with the precision of the exact moment for the best outcome. I place everything in the loving care of God, knowing that God's timing is always perfect. God's grace and miracle-performing timing power are always with me. God's Divine timing works at all times and in all places. I live within the zone of God's perfect timing. Today, I am empowered by God to express patience and Christ-love toward all. I abide in the patient strength of God. Through God's help, I am a patient person. I abide in the patient strength of God. I am patient when confronted with delays or changes in plans. I am patient, calm and serene. I am patient with those who do things that seem to me like mistakes on their own path of life; I realize that each soul is on his or her own path of growth and unfoldment. With an awareness of the presence of God with me, I am patient and at ease, for God is at work. I am patient in the assurance that God does all things in the proper sequence under Divine timing. Click on the NEXT PRAYER button for another selection To Print - Right-click on your mouse, and select "Print.", press Ctrl-P. Or use your browser's Print function. Presented by the PositiveChristianity.org web site. |
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