Positive Christianity Ministries
Click below, on the GREEN DONATE BUTTON, to go to our secure donation page.
We send a thank you acknowledgment letter for each donation.
On the next page, enter the exact amount you would like to donate.
Would you like to be A Ministry Partner? Your donation/tithe can be automatically processed monthly in the exact amount. Simply check the Recurring option when you fill out your donation.
WE LOVE GIVING BACK. If you choose to go with us on the next spiritual retreat cruise, a $500 donation and above (one time, or yearly total) will reduce your cost, or even completely eliminate cruise cost. You will be automatically approved - when you reach a certain level.
Read how we give back, eliminating program donations for the cruise, and in some cases total cabin cost. Click on cruise donations for all the information, and come back to this main page for your donation.
(For Cruise donations, please click Here)
Donations by mail: Positive Christianity Ministries, P.O. Box 7993, The Woodlands, TX 77380