May 12, 2021 presents Positive Daily Inspiration


May 12, 2021 for 22 years presents Positive Daily Inspiration

God Has An Open-Door Policy Towards You

"I am the vine, you are the branches." John 15:5

Groucho Marx once said, "I wouldn't want to belong to any organization that allowed me to be a member."

While this is humorous it speaks to our great need in humanity and also our sense of inferiority about that need. One of the basic needs of humanity is to have a sense of belonging. We often feel that we don't deserve membership in something we sense is better than ourselves.

Each of us belongs to God. Each of us is part of God's loving kingdom. Faith in God is not an exclusive club, limited to one sect or another but is available TO ALL. Religion should positively bind together—never separate.

In every religion there are points that you can accept, the accepted points that bind you to every individual who believes the religion in its entirety. With the eyes of God, we must always seek to see the good in another's path. Every soul is different and therefore requires a unique path to grow. This is God's Divine and perfect way for individual soul need. God loves you and accepts you the way you are. But this is one of the most misunderstood of the Christian teachings since the biblical days of Jesus.

Like the story of the prodigal son, we are often shocked, when the bad brother is treated as well as the good brother. We cannot understand in human mind this height of love, and acceptance, and yet in God it is the way.

You are a child of God. God has an open-door policy towards you.

What theology calls a lost soul is just a soul that has temporarily lost sight of God's omnipresence. Focus on God often just needs amplification in us. Your life becomes a blossom of your faith in God. A growing tree is rooted in the ground from which it extracts nourishment. Your life has its roots in the invisible. Your life is a perpetual flower, fed by the vital essence of your faith in God. It is in perpetual fruit, the ripened forms of manifested faith that you will see before your eyes are proof of God's daily existence in your life.

Even when you feel all alone—you are not.

Even when you think you're at the end of your rope—you are not.

You belong to something that is a royal gift, often unopened, but always attainable, from the beginning of your existence—because you belong—because you're a member.

Your belonging to, and identity with God, does not take away your individuality – it enhances your individuality and gives you character. Belonging to God does not take away your personality – it purifies and beautifies your personality. Belonging to God does not take away your joy in life – it refines your joy and increases it.

The Mind of God pushes on your mind for expression. Your mind is not alone. The genius of God, through the gift of Divine ideas is waiting to come through you, as you.

You belong to as much wisdom as anyone that has ever been on this planet or that ever will be. Often, people become like a mental parrot, imitating in tone and in gesture the words, the phrases, and the declarations of others only.

As a child of God, your mind is the recipient and the dispenser of God's ideas. Your mind distributes this power that it receives from the Mind of God. You have intelligence. You are intelligent because God's intelligent Mind operates through your mind. You have courage because you know what is backing you.

May this sense of belonging to God urge you forward without fear.

In the real world your aim is not to win at the expense of others, but to win at the expense of that part of you which may still cling to old negative beliefs of you.

Your race is with yourself. You are to outstrip yourself because of what you are connected to.

You are no longer a victim of amnesia wandering lost in the realm of the negative beliefs of being alone.



I am a child of God – I belong to God.
That is all I need to know!

POSITIVE DAILY AFFIRMATION: I am a child of God – I belong to God.

POSITIVE DAILY QUOTE: “Success is not a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.” Anonymous


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GOD BLESS YOU, Make It a Great Day !_______Christopher Ian Chenoweth