June 29, 2020 www.PositiveChristianity.org presents Positive Daily Inspiration


June 29, 2020 www.PositiveChristianity.org now in our 21st year presents Positive Daily Inspiration

How to Get Rid of Discomfort

“God did not give us a spirit of timidity but a spirit of power and love
and self-control.” 2 Timothy 1:7

Have you ever looked at a string of pearls? If you really looked at them
you would be impressed with the exquisite beauty. You might look at the
beauty without realizing what produced the pearls. A pearl is formed with
an irritating particle that causes the oyster to cover it with a
protective excretion which in time hardens. The oyster takes that
irritating substance and changes it into a thing of beauty.

There are many things in our human experience that seem foreign to what we
feel we should be experiencing. Sometimes there are not only irritating
situations regarding our body and our financial affairs but there are
unpleasant circumstances in our human relations. Many of these irritations
have resulted from misunderstanding, criticism, bias, quarrels, envy or

The oyster knows to get rid of the discomfort. The oyster does not go here
and there trying to find a solution. The oyster covers the offending
obstacle with a God-created comfort, so smooth, that foreign matter is no
longer irritating.

What about the irritating, confusing, unhappy situations that cause you

Unlike the oyster you have three choices in your free will.

1) You can complain about it.
2) You can remain in the unpleasant situation.
3) Or, you can turn to God's presence and do something positive about the
undesirable problem.

Charles Swindall said, "Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it."

I agree.

You can let God guide you to coat and transform the irritating situation
into a thing of beauty. God will cover you with Divine protection. We do
not create the substance that can bring about the transformation; this is
a creation of God. We do not create the power and intelligence that
enables us to bring about the change. God is the author of perfection, not
the human being. It is only God intelligence, God-power and God-love that
enables you to make positive changes in your life in order that
unpleasant, irritating, and confusing experiences may become as a string
of pearls.

Apparently, the oyster never bothered to look around and blame some other
oyster, or the oyster bed, or some outside circumstance. In went about its
work producing comfort instead of living in discomfort. It produced ease
instead of irritation and harmony instead of disharmony.

If you have an understanding that God is with you, you can bring beauty,
comfort and harmony in place of that which is causing you distress. We can
only add to the distress by bemoaning, blaming, and criticizing. Once
convinced that you can do something, you turn through prayer to God that
has the know-how. In you, it goes far beyond the instinct of the animal
kingdom into spiritual understanding, available to you in all areas and at
all periods of your life.

Perhaps each of us needs to ask ourselves: "Am I making a string of pearls
out of the events of my daily living? Am I allowing rough obstacles to
come between enjoyment in life for myself as well as those close to me?

Surely the greatest of all pearls is our consciousness of the "pearl of
great price" which has resulted from a revelation of truth about God,
about yourself, about your fellow human beings, and about the world in
which you live. Where previously you may have had a limited and even
fearful approach to life, a whole new concept comes when you let God's
intelligence unveil the truth that sets us free from limitation of any

Do not allow temporary irritations, to become permanent mistakes.

Let us come together, even in our differences, through the power of God's
all-comforting love.


With God's help, minor irritations no longer control me.
I know that I am not bound, and I'm free to do, and be, and become, that which
I am capable of doing, and being, and becoming.
I am free with the freedom of Spirit.
God sets me free from the belief that I am in bondage to minor irritations.
I affirm my freedom in Spirit so that God's comfort will find expression in me,
more radiantly than ever before.
Truly, I am not bound or limited, I am free with the freedom of Spirit.
Truly I am one with God.

In Jesus Christ's name… Amen

POSITIVE DAILY AFFIRMATION: I live in heaven here and now. I experience
the blessings of God's kingdom in mind, body, and affairs.

POSITIVE DAILY QUOTE: “Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” Francis of Assisi

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Christopher Ian Chenoweth

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GOD BLESS YOU, Make It a Great Day !_______Christopher Ian Chenoweth